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AusGAF 2.0 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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Mar said:
Limiting this view to Apple devices is ridiculous. People buy 'awesome' stuff they don't inherently need across all segments of retail. TVs, cars, houses, clothes, all the way down to food.

Do you need those extra couple of inches on your TV? No, but it looks cool right?

You aren't being logical at all. If you're looking at it logically there are clear reasons someone might want to own both of these devices. Looking at them more generally you could say there's no need.

From my experience most Apple haters are people who see no advantages or use in design and build quality. Apple make those points a priority and people who are happy to throw a bunch of ugly components together to get the job done see it as a useless exercise. Strangely, they can never see the other sides perspective even if Apple fans acknowledge that wanting something functional and cheap is a valid approach.

Having said that I do know Apple enthusiasts that scoff at anything non-Apple and do buy hardware refreshes yearly and on day 1.

Takes two to tango.

Other than the reason statement above by Rez, I quite honestly can't see a need for having multiple iPod/Phone devices, it really makes little sense. You can't be listening to your music, while talking on the phone, while playing an app, unless you are some miracle multitasker.

I see no advantage in design or build quality? That is awfully judgemental and also stating that Apple products somehow stand head and shoulders above all others. It may be in your opinion, but I don't believe that is always necessarily the case.

Do I appreciate their designs? Sure do, but that doesn't mean they are a product I want to purchase. I like my systems far more open and dislike the fact they are this anomalous black box you can't open to even replace the battery etc. It is anti-consumer. Something that other companies very quickly get slammed for. But Apple seems immune to this point in time.

I will agree though that the rabid consumerism is certainly not limited to people buying Apple products. I think a lot of what people do is buying with no real reason other than to just have. Consumer electronic goods are particularly bad for this. But I am not one that prescribes to it in the slightest. I tend to be someone that gets the best I can afford to match my needs to limit yearly upgrades.

PS> Quite happy with my ~5 year old 32" TV thanks. :)


Omi said:
Other than the reason statement above by Rez, I quite honestly can't see a need for having multiple iPod/Phone devices, it really makes little sense. You can't be listening to your music, while talking on the phone, while playing an app, unless you are some miracle multitasker.

I see no advantage in design or build quality? That is awfully judgemental and also stating that Apple products somehow stand head and shoulders above all others. It may be in your opinion, but I don't believe that is always necessarily the case.

Do I appreciate their designs? Sure do, but that doesn't mean they are a product I want to purchase. I like my systems far more open and dislike the fact they are this anomalous black box you can't open to even replace the battery etc. It is anti-consumer. Something that other companies very quickly get slammed for. But Apple seems immune to this point in time.

I will agree though that the rabid consumerism is certainly not limited to people buying Apple products. I think a lot of what people do is buying with no real reason other than to just have. Consumer electronic goods are particularly bad for this. But I am not one that prescribes to it in the slightest. I tend to be someone that gets the best I can afford to match my needs to limit yearly upgrades.

PS> Quite happy with my ~5 year old 32" TV thanks. :)

I wasn't referring to you directly, I apologise if my points came across that way. I was more referring to the general Apple hating populace.

And there are good reasons to have an iPhone and an iPod, as I have both and use both every day. My iPod is used for music and primarily for FM radio. The iPhone doesn't have an FM radio so I have to use the two devices.

Though, I fully contend that wouldn't be required if the iPhone had a radio. I planned to switch to an Android phone to get both the functions I require but then someone gave me an iPhone 4...

Edit: Forgot to mention. Another reason why I prefer listening to my music on an iPod instead of using my phone is because I got sick of iTunes wiping out my entire music library when I was doing some other unrelated thing (like trying to get a voice memo off the phone). The iPod is a simple device and it's hard for iTunes to get confused and shit me off.


Omi said:
Other than the reason statement above by Rez, I quite honestly can't see a need for having multiple iPod/Phone devices, it really makes little sense. You can't be listening to your music, while talking on the phone, while playing an app, unless you are some miracle multitasker.
It's good to have a music player separate from your phone for battery life reasons. It's nice to have a phone that can do it all, but I don't want to have to stop listening to music because I'm worried I won't have my phone available to make or receive a call in an emergency. An iPhone and an iPod touch might be unnecessarily doubling up on functions, but having both an iPhone and an iPod classic or nano or something makes sense.


Fredescu said:
It's good to have a music player separate from your phone for battery life reasons. It's nice to have a phone that can do it all, but I don't want to have to stop listening to music because I'm worried I won't have my phone available to make or receive a call in an emergency. An iPhone and an iPod touch might be unnecessarily doubling up on functions, but having both an iPhone and an iPod classic or nano or something makes sense.

Battery life on the iPhone 4 is fantastic for music. I often use it in the car for 20-30 minutes and it will only use a percent or two of battery.

I charge my iPhone 4 every 2-3 days, amazing battery!


Mar said:

From my experience most Apple haters are people who see no advantages or use in design and build quality
. Apple make those points a priority and people who are happy to throw a bunch of ugly components together to get the job done see it as a useless exercise. Strangely, they can never see the other sides perspective even if Apple fans acknowledge that wanting something functional and cheap is a valid approach.
Woah woah woah. Design is in the eye of the beholder (tho i'm no apple design fan[nor of their proprietry shitty software and closed standards]). But build quality ? ipods regularly show up smack bang in the middle of the pack for sound replication, and iphones aren't exactly known as the ultimately reliable phone. Not saying they're bad, just middle of the pack.

The sound replication thing always amazed me, i would've thought for the price, and rep, they'd be near the top. But they never are.

Omi said:
Not at all, it is an argument that people will blindly buy whatever is deemed 'awesome', rather than purchase due to some inherent need.

Why would anyone need an iPod + iPhone? Surely doubling up on the majority of functionality is completely stupid.

Or am I being far too logical and should be more impulsive? :p

I have both a smart phone (android) and an MP3 player. I would never want to take my phone to a session at the gym, and have it in my pocket the whole time whilst i sweat all over it, then have to rub my face all over it as i talk. Not to mention how easy it is to void a phones waranty for water damage, by building up condensation under the cover.

I wouldn't how ever, take my mp3 player to work, i'd just use my phone for that.


Agyar said:
I would go to Supanova but it's 99% animu weird stuff.

I went to Supanova in Melbourne last year and it was great. It was mostly sci-fi people, with a few anime people wandering around. I spent a lot of time in the comic book area and saw a few panels, was a great couple of days.


Supanova's are fine and fun but they're very cult sort of events. Good if you want to go through the shops, and the panels can be interesting. And they certainly are great places to pick up figurines or DVD's you've been hunting for if you collect those things.

Though i usually find it hard to spend an entire day there, usually 4 or so hours and i'm done.


There's got to be a Star Wars t-shirt floating around my stuff that I could wear to Supanova. I've never been to the event before but feel I have to check it out whilst I still hold onto the last few threads of nerd culture.

Just said goodbye to a very good friend who I won't see for at least a year. It's been like that for the last three years - work, travel, meet new people, disappear into the bush for several months, meet new people, get to know them super quick, BAM goodbye forever. Wash, rinse, repeat. I'm getting sick of it.
Mar said:
The iPhone doesn't have an FM radio so I have to use the two devices.

Would it be delving too much into the tinfoil hat brigade to start thinking that this is their intention?

I'm not being a smartarse, I'm genuinely asking. I only own an iPod, so my knowledge of the iSeries of products is very limited. But from what I hear, there is always an important application or function missing from each of their products, making non of their products totally redundant.

Obviously, if you're running a business this makes sense. If you could make calls from your iPad, why would you need an iPhone. If your iPhone had an FM Radio, why would you buy and iPod. Makes sense.


jambo said:
I went to Supanova in Melbourne last year and it was great. It was mostly sci-fi people, with a few anime people wandering around. I spent a lot of time in the comic book area and saw a few panels, was a great couple of days.

There's some good stuff there but too much of it is just centered around the stalls. Since I don't really want to buy anything from there, there's not much else of interest beyond maybe some of the video games.

Maybe if board games featured but I think that arena is all about the CCGs and table-top wargames.


Planet_JASE said:
Would it be delving too much into the tinfoil hat brigade to start thinking that this is their intention?

I'm not being a smartarse, I'm genuinely asking. I only own an iPod, so my knowledge of the iSeries of products is very limited. But from what I hear, there is always an important application or function missing from each of their products, making non of their products totally redundant.

Obviously, if you're running a business this makes sense. If you could make calls from your iPad, why would you need an iPhone. If your iPhone had an FM Radio, why would you buy and iPod. Makes sense.

Certainly. I also fully believe they hold back some basic functionality only to include it in the next revision of the hardware and are then proclaimed as a revolution.

Make no mistake, I'm no Apple fan. I actively hate my iPhone (though the 4 is much better than my old one), I hate iTunes, and I goddamn hate my Macbook Air.


Mar said:
Make no mistake, I'm no Apple fan. I actively hate my iPhone (though the 4 is much better than my old one), I hate iTunes, and I goddamn hate my Macbook Air.

Something something something Dark Side. Something something something complete.


Mar said:
Certainly. I also fully believe they hold back some basic functionality only to include it in the next revision of the hardware and are then proclaimed as a revolution.

Make no mistake, I'm no Apple fan. I actively hate my iPhone (though the 4 is much better than my old one), I hate iTunes, and I goddamn hate my Macbook Air.

Do you have the new Macbook air? Kinda thinking about getting one.
Mar said:
Certainly. I also fully believe they hold back some basic functionality only to include it in the next revision of the hardware and are then proclaimed as a revolution.

Make no mistake, I'm no Apple fan. I actively hate my iPhone (though the 4 is much better than my old one), I hate iTunes, and I goddamn hate my Macbook Air.

Hmmmmm... do you dislike most of the stuff you buy or just Apple stuff? :)

PS-iTunes cannot get enough hate. I hate hate hate hate that I had to install it because of my iPod... that I wasn't pleased that I needed to buy.

And before anyone asks, I kind of felt that I needed to buy it because I needed teh huge gigbytes. 4gig isn't enough. Put away your 32. I scoff at your 64gigs of storage. 160 isn't enough but it's the most anyone has to offer. I still miss my Creative Zen Jukebox :(


Mar said:
Certainly. I also fully believe they hold back some basic functionality only to include it in the next revision of the hardware and are then proclaimed as a revolution.

Make no mistake, I'm no Apple fan. I actively hate my iPhone (though the 4 is much better than my old one), I hate iTunes, and I goddamn hate my Macbook Air.
I agree and am in the same boat. I did buy Apple products for the functions they currently offered, but no longer. I agree with your feelings towards the products themselves. I didn't until recently.

I had to forcibly change computers recently, losing the one that my iPad and iPhone was tied to. This is a big problem and a glaring hole in Apple's setup and locking down to iTunes.

I had GB's of stuff stored on my iPad that I didn't get to backup to anything else. When I plugged my iPad in to the new machine, nothing was mentioned about wiping it completely clean including pdf files and the like associated with other apps, stored on it, but it happened. (It asked if I wanted to sync apps on it to the new PC. I said yes, so it deleted everything, go figure).

I now can't put music or sync podcasts on my iPhone at all or pull my contacts off it, because the moment I try to, I suspect that it too will be wiped clean. All this because I have changed computers.

The whole Apple ecosystem is nice if you're completely immersed in it and nothing goes wrong or breaks. The moment you try to step out of it or something goes slightly awry is when things start to go horribly wrong. I'm done with Apple because of it and will be saying hello to Android and other non-Apple things very shortly.

Planet_JASE said:
PS-iTunes cannot get enough hate.
Agreed. It is slow, cumbersome and just terrible in general.

I didn't mind it when I was running it on a Mac. I thought it performed quite well and just attributed it to poor programming on PC. Then I discovered how much iTunes OSX loves beach-balling, I think that's listed on its Facebook page as its favourite pastime or something. Heaven forbid you actually want to play music or copy a file. How they make the most basic things slow and crappy, I'll never know.

When Steve Jobs said that someone told him "iTunes is the best software on PC" or similar, it was either an outright lie (most likely), an employee of Apple who wrote the program or they were severely mentally handicapped.

I'm so glad to be back on PC using Foobar. It's wonderful.


Fredescu said:
It's good to have a music player separate from your phone for battery life reasons. It's nice to have a phone that can do it all, but I don't want to have to stop listening to music because I'm worried I won't have my phone available to make or receive a call in an emergency. An iPhone and an iPod touch might be unnecessarily doubling up on functions, but having both an iPhone and an iPod classic or nano or something makes sense.
Like jambo said, listening to music on the iPhone 4 uses very little battery. Browsing the web and playing games drains it much quicker.

I listen to music for a few hours each day with some light browsing and the battery still lasts for about 3 days with no charging.


Danoss said:
I agree and am in the same boat. I did buy Apple products for the functions they currently offered, but no longer. I agree with your feelings towards the products themselves. I didn't until recently.

I had to forcibly change computers recently, losing the one that my iPad and iPhone was tied to. This is a big problem and a glaring hole in Apple's setup and locking down to iTunes.

I had GB's of stuff stored on my iPad that I didn't get to backup to anything else. When I plugged my iPad in to the new machine, nothing was mentioned about wiping it completely clean including pdf files and the like associated with other apps, stored on it, but it happened. (It asked if I wanted to sync apps on it to the new PC. I said yes, so it deleted everything, go figure).

I now can't put music or sync podcasts on my iPhone at all or pull my contacts off it, because the moment I try to, I suspect that it too will be wiped clean. All this because I have changed computers.

The whole Apple ecosystem is nice if you're completely immersed in it and nothing goes wrong or breaks. The moment you try to step out of it or something goes slightly awry is when things start to go horribly wrong. I'm done with Apple because of it and will be saying hello to Android and other non-Apple things very shortly.
That's weird. I was pretty sure that it warns you beforehand that existing information will be cleared if you attempt to sync to another PC.

Transferring is easy, though, as long as you know you are going to do it. My old laptop's screen broke and I bought a new one. The Windows Easy Transfer Utility actually found all my iTunes stuff and transferred it, so all I had to do on the new machine was install iTunes and activate the new PC on my iTunes accounts and my iPhone 4 syncs to the new PC without any issue. I didn't even have to manually transfer any of my Digital Copy movies I had stored (which was a chore when I tried moving it from an external drive on old PC to my previous laptop). I guess I should go and delete them from the old laptop due to Australian copyright law forbidding me from having multiple copies in the same format, though...


I detest iTunes. It gets so incredibly slow with a large library on Windows and I have a lot of mp3s. I only have it installed so I can put music on my iPhone. I have an empty library, and click-and-drag folders from an explorer window when I want to put new music on.

I use Foobar2000 for my day-to-day library.


Mar said:
Certainly. I also fully believe they hold back some basic functionality only to include it in the next revision of the hardware and are then proclaimed as a revolution.

Every company in the world does this. Not everything makes a final product

Apple probably does it more than others (MS does it too)


Clipper said:
That's weird. I was pretty sure that it warns you beforehand that existing information will be cleared if you attempt to sync to another PC.
That's why I thought I was safe and clicked OK. Nothing of the sort was mentioned in the message.

I've learned my lesson quickly. I liked Apple products, but my experience with them is like a swift kick to the nuts. I won't be buying again.


Danoss said:
I had GB's of stuff stored on my iPad that I didn't get to backup to anything else. When I plugged my iPad in to the new machine, nothing was mentioned about wiping it completely clean including pdf files and the like associated with other apps, stored on it, but it happened. (It asked if I wanted to sync apps on it to the new PC. I said yes, so it deleted everything, go figure).

I've had this happen to me so many times on my iPhone that I actually stopped putting anything on it or customising anything. My phone was default everything (ringtones) and with no music on it for a long time until I was given an iPhone 4.

There needs to be a simple lock on the device (in the settings for instance) that just says "device can't be wiped". Wouldn't that be handy? Maybe that'll be in a future ios update and Apple will be praised as the worlds savior once more.


Everyone recommended Sword and Sworcery, so I bought it sight unseen this morning, and I'm already sick of it without even playing it.

Am i the only person in the world who doesn't hate iTunes? (And it's even wiped an iDevice or three in the past few years). *shrug*


Gazunta said:
Everyone recommended Sword and Sworcery, so I bought it sight unseen this morning, and I'm already sick of it without even playing it.

Am i the only person in the world who doesn't hate iTunes? (And it's even wiped an iDevice or three in the past few years). *shrug*


Fair enough :) I'm not gonna spend my time defending annoying pieces of software everyone has had bad times with.

Viva Pinata: Party Animals is actually AWESOME


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
You remind me, I really need to finish up some achievements in VP: Party Animals.

Something to do this weekend.


giri said:
Supanova's are fine and fun but they're very cult sort of events.

I shall be at Supernova signing things! You will find me when you identify the nerd walking around accompanied by a short Asian lady nerd. If identified correctly as Aon from among a sea of similar nerds, I shall reward you with a signiature you'll never forget!

Here's hoping Frost and Pegg are as interesting to hear speak as they are good actors.


Aon said:
I shall be at Supernova signing things! You will find me when you identify the nerd walking around accompanied by a short Asian lady nerd. If identified correctly as Aon from among a sea of similar nerds, I shall reward you with a signiature you'll never forget!

Here's hoping Frost and Pegg are as interesting to hear speak as they are good actors.
white guys with asian gf? thats like, a huge slice of their target market!


Also, currently on hold with the ATO trying to tell them to not give me money. I got a letter saying I was eligible for a $550 deduction for study expenses because I studied full time and received youth allowance in 2010. The problem is neither of those things happened!

So I'm trying to find out if it's financial year 2010 or calendar year 2010.
BanShunsaku said:
Probably old news, but for those wanting to buy the fancy pants steelbook version of Yakuza 4, if you get it from JB they will give a a free copy of Yakuza 3.

Yakuza 4 is great BTW (also old news I know) the problem is I never finished Y3 and now I'm torn on whether or not to finish it before I really get stuck into 4. I know the normal answer would be hell yes I should finish 3 first, but knowing how I play Yakuza games I will probably get distracted and never get to 4!
I only picked up Yak 3 a few weeks ago and although I loved it I have only played about 4 hours. Thankfully I got over the desire to buy games on impulse so I can wait until I finish Yak 3 in 6 months time and grab 4 when it is cheap.

A few years ago I was spending all my non-rent money on videogames and ramen. On new years eve a mate of mine drunkenly sat me down and issued a challenge. "Don't pay more than $30 for a videogame for the next 12 months and I will buy you a keg of whatever beer you want." It was a struggle but even I could see how paying $90 on day one for a game I don't play for months (or even ever) was a stupid way to use my cash. The only falter was when I bought the Crisis Core edition PSP but that was justified because I was paying for a PSP that came with a free game (lol). Aside from a period of abstinence, cutting drugs out of my diet and proposing to my gf it was the best decision of my life. And the keg of Coopers Pale Ale never tasted sweeter than on that New Years Night.

Shane said:
Oh, FWIW everyone... I *still* haven't bought a new game since I said I would stop buying them, including iPhone stuff. Pretty fucking proud! Just don't ask me how much money I've spent on hardware :/
How awesome is all the free time you used to spend worrying about having too many games! As long as you haven't just filled that time with reading about games on NeoGAF like I have. :(

CLivePwnd said:
I need recommendations for a new printer. Help me Ausgaf before I drop a wad at officeworks or JB tonight.
Just grab whatever printer is currently $50 at Officeworks. Printer cartridges are stupid, unless you are doing high grade printing I would just pick up a decent $50 printer every few years since it is only documents. Printer drivers are the bane of my computers' existence, would love to have a driver-less/install-less printer one day.

comanderdeek said:
Keep holding off and you'll never buy one.
If you keep holding off it shows you don't REALLY want/need it. Also save a lot of money that way too. With someting like the iPad though it will get to a point where the iPad 5 has a whole heap of features that are worth more than the asking price in your mind, or you find a really cheap old iPad that still covers most of your needs. I'm looking forward to picking up a $300 iPad in the near future.

Stackboy said:
If MS pulled something like this, there would be so much outrage.
People got pissed off in the leadup to stuff like DS revisions but once it hits everyone is too busy playing their new DS's or playing their old ones. It is the hype and marketing that causes people to have these reactions, once the product hits and the hype machine moves on the product has a chance to stand on its own.

Gaz said:
I own an iPad and I don't think I'm cool. I just wanted one because it is very useful for me. *shrug*
Being a hipster is cool
Gaz said:
For example, I can't fucking stand listening to U2 because I've had so many bad interactions with pretentious fuckwits that are also (coincidentally, I'm sure) U2 fans.
Yarp, I ignored so many great bands because assholes talked about them. To namedrop, Trent Reznor said in a recent interview that he didn't like people who liked The Beatles so he didn't listen to them until 1994. Also the new Lady Gaga single is boss, that ladyman has talent.

Jambo said:
I really like the look of Windows Phone 7, so hopefully when my contract comes up in mid 2012 there'll be some nice WP7 phones and deals around.
Are we expecting Win 8 by then? I keep hearing stuff about it but I'm not sure if it would apply to Mobile as well. The best thing about phones these days is that you always have a great selection of phones to choose from when your contract is up. I'm eagerly awaiting my new phone in May.

Rez said:
But then I'm a fan of really, really effective marketing, whereas some people, justifiably, just hate marketing in general.
We should hang out sometime and watch old episodes of The Gruen Transfer

Choc said:
and in more ridiculous news channel 9 is not showing the cricket live tonight instead putting on the AFL/NRL footy show and cutting to the second innings of the match
The guys at work were complaining about this, who the hell wants to watch TV at 11pm on a work night? I would have tuned in for the first innings while doing my assignment then gone to bed around midnight. Your loss Channel 9, Cricinfo it is for me.

Gazunta said:
A 24 hour Simpsons channel would really hit the spot.
When Packer bought all that low grade Channel 10 stock I was hoping this would come true. How the hell can't they see it would bring in a boatload of ratings? I miss turning on the TV and having The Simpsons pop up, I always left it on. It was like Neighbours/Home & Away but not just for 10-16 year old girls, I weep for future generations that may not have Simpsons beemed into their household/cerebral cortex 7+ times a week. Also it was still decent up to Season 13-14, golden years were 2-7.

Mar said:
design and build quality
Agree with the first but 3 deads ipods and all the shitty earbuds have dented my opinion of their build quality. Laptops are supposed to be good though apparently. Design is king and Apple have it is spades thankfully. There products have had a MASSIVE affect on the competitions products, even Apple haters have to agree that without them we wouldn't have such a competitive phone market. They perfected mp3 players to the point that no-one really bothers against them, even the Zune was sent to it's death. Samsung have acknowledged that they have to do better in the tablet market BECAUSE of Apple, not because they want to be nice to us.

Jambo said:
I detest iTunes. It gets so incredibly slow with a large library on Windows and I have a lot of mp3s. I only have it installed so I can put music on my iPhone. I have an empty library, and click-and-drag folders from an explorer window when I want to put new music on.
I always use Winamp. I've got around 150 Gig of music organised perfectly and about another 100 Gig that I am slowly working through. Needless to say I love music as much as gaming but iTunes is a goddamned hassle. I usually make mp3 discs of recent music for the car and just jump to a folder and 'Play in Winamp' for quick play when I'm on the PC. iTunes gets used for Podcasts and re-filling my iPod every month or two. The iStore has great prices but I hate the idea of having it locked down, also prefer to have everything in mp3 format for neatness sake.

legend said:
Also, currently on hold with the ATO trying to tell them to not give me money. I got a letter saying I was eligible for a $550 deduction for study expenses because I studied full time and received youth allowance in 2010. The problem is neither of those things happened!
I get the impression everyone who has ever been in the Centrelink system got that letter. I claimed every year while the case was going on and still got the letter. I'm pretty sure they will check to see if you left any tax on the table or if you even qualify in the first place, Centrelink are the last people to give you money you don't actually deserve.


reptilescorpio said:
How awesome is all the free time you used to spend worrying about having too many games! As long as you haven't just filled that time with reading about games on NeoGAF like I have. :(
Thing is, there haven't really been any sales on anything I've been even remotely interested in... I've been spending more time on setting up the PC for Comfy Couch with an external soundcard, long HDMI cables, wireless headphones, NAS etc. so the money's just been channeled elsewhere, not saved :/

Struggle will be when the next Steam sale hits or a game goes for a stupid price on Play-Asia. I'll probably splurge on MK and may rent Shift 2... but that's it.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I try to keep my music collection relatively small. I guess I don't really see the purpose of keeping GBs of music anymore, if there's anything I need it's literally <5 minutes away at all times anyway.

Generally my iPhone only carries about ten-ish artists worth of album-sets at any one time.
Shaneus said:
Thing is, there haven't really been any sales on anything I've been even remotely interested in... I've been spending more time on setting up the PC for Comfy Couch with an external soundcard, long HDMI cables, wireless headphones, NAS etc. so the money's just been channeled elsewhere, not saved :/

Struggle will be when the next Steam sale hits or a game goes for a stupid price on Play-Asia. I'll probably splurge on MK and may rent Shift 2... but that's it.
Seen the prices for Reach on Play Asia? $30 for the Limited Edition!
Standard was like $15?
When GAME had their big sale to try and compete with eb last year I stocked up on $5 games. Quantum of Solace was actually pretty good. Thanksgiving Steam sale was too much fun too. Whatever you do don't checkout OzGameShop. Unless you want Shogun 2 for $36. Actually you should pick up Last Window, Ghost Trick and 999 on DS for $37 each!!!!
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