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AusGAF 2.0 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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Dangerous ground Gaz - you sure you don't have work to do?

I'm not saying you HAVE to create a nifty hand-drawn version of my beloved Bowler hat, but if you DID happen to have the time to do so, then PERHAPS I might giggle like a schoolgirl with delight at my fancy new fashion accessory.


Man, the avatar thing sucks. I had fun using my spare time to make complicated animated GIFs get under the old restrictions in the avatar request threads.

At least there's no set date for the full change to internal-only avatars. Rimmer Munchkin will remain until that day!

Dead Man

Board is getting more and more minimalist. I liked where it was, it will be a bit severe if they continue. Oh well.

My avatar is 1.73kb. Damn bandwidth hogs with ugly shite


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
I think we should all browse GAF with CSS disabled.

Pff, modern browser technology! Who needs it!


I thought GAF was minimalist enough when I joined, but the recent changes don't irk me at all. Not sure how they could minimise it any more - remove avatars altogether or desaturate the logo so it's all monochrome.


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
Gazunta said:

Gazatars™ for all who wants one after I finish work today!

Gazatars™ of afro reggie would be hilarious.

Hmm we need a new logo for our Podcast.. might have to commission someone for one...
Gazunta said:

Gazatars™ for all who wants one after I finish work today!
I want...

... a pony!
... ... riding a unicorn!
... ... ... riding a unicycle!
... ... ... ... on an aircraft carrier!
... ... ... ... ... which has a tutu!


Hey smart people:

Say I've got two html pages. On one html I've got a list of contacts. On the other page, I want to be able to display the contact that is relevant to that page, taken from the contacts page.

Is it possible to do this with javascript? And even if the person visiting the second page never opens the first page?


Gazunta said:

Gazatars™ for all who wants one after I finish work today!

We're approaching 20,000 posts, and the other big, fast-moving threads in Community have been routinely locked after that number.

That means we need a new name for when the Phoenix of AusGAF 3.0 rises from the tear-stained ashes of 2.0.


Incidentally, if anyone dislikes the odd mismatch of 90-width vs 100-width avatars that this change has created for the time being, go into your User CP and turn off the option for "Show Avatars". This will show you the old external avatars, regardless if the user has changed it to the new internal system or not. It will also allow you to see the original avatars of those who got modded as a side effect (I've been using this option for ages now as it really helped in the 'fix your avatar' threads).

Edit: Perhaps I should get on the Gazunta bandwagon while I have the chance, though...

I'd be interested in seeing your take on the Rimmer Munchkin, Gaz. If you're willing, here's the Rimmer Munchkin Song which is where he originates from, so you don't have to work off the Scribbletar one. Be warned, the song is perhaps worse than Friday, but it is one of my favourite Dwarf moments of all.
As Mortal Kombat approaches release date, my internal levels of pissed-off-ness steadily increases as well. I'm really after the US Kollectors Edition (the one with the bookends)... Could customs still intercept it if I have it sent via courier? Or if I send to to a relative in NZ who is coming over, will it still be confiscated due to it being a 'prohibited item'? I'm not too good with lawyerly stuff so maybe someone could enlighten me :/


OneMoreQuestion said:
As Mortal Kombat approaches release date, my internal levels of pissed-off-ness steadily increases as well. I'm really after the US Kollectors Edition (the one with the bookends)... Could customs still intercept it if I have it sent via courier? Or if I send to to a relative in NZ who is coming over, will it still be confiscated due to it being a 'prohibited item'? I'm not too good with lawyerly stuff so maybe someone could enlighten me :/

if they declare they have nothing prohibited in their luggage on the incoming passenger card and then they find that, a nice big fine will be given to your relative.


I'd love a Gazatar. Be interested to see what you can do with this:

Choc said:
if they declare they have nothing prohibited in their luggage on the incoming passenger card and then they find that, a nice big fine will be given to your relative.

What if the DO declare it? It's still not going through, is it? :/

So basically, if I fly off to the US to get one, it's still going to get ganked at customs when i come back. I'm... speechless.


OneMoreQuestion said:
What if the DO declare it? It's still not going through, is it? :/

So basically, if I fly off to the US to get one, it's still going to get ganked at customs when i come back. I'm... speechless.

thats the whole point. its banned, they dont want it here so customs keeps it out


Next time I go overseas I'm going to bring back 10kg of ecstasy, declare it and then they'll let me have it, right?


BanShunsaku said:
I've often wondered who your avatar is, am I herpa derp for not recognising who it is?

Neil from The Young Ones, and you lose points for not watching that show.
jambo said:
Next time I go overseas I'm going to bring back 10kg of ecstasy, declare it and then they'll let me have it, right?


Neil from The Young Ones, and you lose points for not watching that show.

Shit, I watched that show when I was in primary school. My friend was obsessed. My parents wouldn't let me watch it so I only could at his place, hence the vague memory.

Forgiveness please.


giri said:
My apple logies, i didn't make it to supanova, i instead sat around and swore off alcohol for the rest of my life.

How'd it go? sell enough comics etc?
(Sorry I'm going through old backlog)
Show went REALLY well - I only spent an hour total over the course of three days doing nothing at my table. The rest of the time was spent drawing commissioned sketches, selling books, or talking to readers old and new. Had a BLAST! Can't wait to do it again in November
and not make the same silly mistakes that ended up preventing me from making a real profit


Bernbaum said:
Dangerous ground Gaz - you sure you don't have work to do?

I'm not saying you HAVE to create a nifty hand-drawn version of my beloved Bowler hat, but if you DID happen to have the time to do so, then PERHAPS I might giggle like a schoolgirl with delight at my fancy new fashion accessory.
I think your hat should have a plant on it.
Bernbaum said:

We're approaching 20,000 posts, and the other big, fast-moving threads in Community have been routinely locked after that number.

That means we need a new name for when the Phoenix of AusGAF 3.0 rises from the tear-stained ashes of 2.0.
Animated banner!


Mar said:
As much as our gaming tastes align, it seems we couldn't be more opposed in other areas. You're very motivated toward your creative efforts, whereas I'm more likely to just go out and drink a beer.

To be honest, I don't think either option is better or worse. Yay us?
Yay us *fistbump*

Each one has a sacrifice to be made and a definite advantage to gain from it. I got a ton of comics made while you have life experience and a large social circle to explore and interact with.
I think you got the better end of the deal

I think my urge to do this comes more from not knowing how much longer I can be doing it.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I haven't been posting much recently, uni has been fairly full-on.

I've made the decision to move from my Bachelor of IT and Systems degree into Software Engineering next semester. The first semester is all but identical so no time will be lost.

It's a four year course (honours is expected to be undertaken if you get the the marks, if not an alternate fourth year takes place) versus the three year one I'm in at the moment, but I think it will be far more attractive to possible employers. I've really fallen in love with the concepts behind Computer Architecture, Organization and Data Structures in general, so it makes the most sense to me.

I will take some game design electives (which equate to a minor in game design), which will basically cover C++ for games, Engine Programming, AI for gaming and Computer Graphics, which seems like the best option as far as Game Design related fields are concerned. I still want to get into the field, but I've recently discovered just how much I enjoy the larger concepts in general, so I want to keep my options open. I can also choose to do the second year unit "Algorithms and Data Structures in C++" as opposed to the default "Algorithms and DS", which is usually taught in Java, but I think they let you program in any language you choose, so I might just do the general version and read up on C++ in my own time, I'd rather not have to travel cross-campus.

Doing Web Authoring this semester has been really worthwhile, too. I enjoy using HTML, CSS and JavaScript (and eventually Coldfusion, PHP isn't covered because it's a little bit too low-level to fit in the unit). I get a real rush from finally understanding the underpinnings of concepts I've only flirted with before on a surface level.

I'm also about to startup piano lessons again, ultimately leading toward my Associate Degree in Piano Performance, which is kind of nice.

This is a bit live journaly, but I don't have time to post around here as much as I used to, so I thought I might as well just give an update. Stay well, guys. :)


Gazunta said:
(Sorry I'm going through old backlog)
Show went REALLY well - I only spent an hour total over the course of three days doing nothing at my table. The rest of the time was spent drawing commissioned sketches, selling books, or talking to readers old and new. Had a BLAST! Can't wait to do it again in November
and not make the same silly mistakes that ended up preventing me from making a real profit
Thats awesome to hear.


Gazunta said:
(Sorry I'm going through old backlog)
Show went REALLY well - I only spent an hour total over the course of three days doing nothing at my table. The rest of the time was spent drawing commissioned sketches, selling books, or talking to readers old and new. Had a BLAST! Can't wait to do it again in November
and not make the same silly mistakes that ended up preventing me from making a real profit

Sounds like a worthwhile experience man. I used to love going to Supernova, an old mate from Uni started a label called Phosphorescent Comics so I'd always use it as an opportunity to catch up with him, but it seems his website is dead now so they might have gone under.


On a lighter note than Pauline Hanson winning a seat, I'm thoroughly enjoying playing AssBro on my dust-riddled 360 after digging out a 32cm TV from my parents' shed.


but ever so delicious
I Shopped at Harrolds, It's a fancy looking place and i strolled in with my jeans and shitty hoodie on. Talk about a place that over does things, fancy little box with my purchase, wrapped nicely and i had to fill out some form so i'm not on a mailing list i guess but whatever.

They didn't have my body wash but they did have my art of shaving aftershave so i'm happy about that and the price wasn't all that insane compared to online + shipping.

I doubt my slob of a self would be buying anything else there though.

Danoss said:
One with transparency if you prefer.


Ta! It's tempting. I was thinking i could put some blood in the background, like he has killed someone and while still angry has felt the need to eat a cookie. My photoshop skills aren't all that crash hot though, so transparency may just work.
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