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AusGAF 2.0 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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codswallop said:
No spoilers, but I enjoyed the most recent Chuck a lot more than probably the last 6-10 episodes. Not sure if it was actually better or I just enjoyed it more. Found it's been treading water a lot this season, particularly in the second half of the season where they got in trouble due to the extra episodes being ordered.

I agree with your thoughts on this season in general.

I really enjoyed the first 13 episode arc (especially Timothy Dalton), but since then I honestly haven't enjoyed it as much. I'm hoping they can pull something interesting off with the remaining few episodes of this season.

I think this was why I enjoyed Friday Night Lights so much. The first couple of seasons were 20 plus eps but when it really got awesome was seasons 3-5, when they had 13 or so episodes to work with (like most cable network shows.)

I honestly can't think of many shows that have pulled off 20 something episode seasons and remained interesting all the way through. Some early seasons of the West Wing maybe, but there were always a few filler eps in those as well.

Gazunta said:
Thanks guys, took a bit of a thumping on some other forums today, so nice to hear kind words about the comics :p (They were totally correct in pretty much all their comments, but were looking at 2 year old comics >< )

I'll do another Gazatar after work finishes. Huzzah.

Fuck 'em.

This is why I would be shit scared of sharing anything creative on the interwebs, though. I don't take criticism well.


but ever so delicious
Bioshock 2 is only $5US on steam? Fuck, although it's safe to say I will never play it and I did say I wouldn't buy another game from steam. Maybe that never buying from steam should be limited to day 1 purchases for rrp.

I didn't enjoy bioshock all that much although I should give it another shot.
Shaneus said:
Pretty impressive lineup they have, despite me not being REALLY interested in any of them. I'm curious to see what The Hives would be like live. I'd imagine "pretty good".
They are indeed. High energy, remind me of The Vines live.

Shaneus said:
So, how's everyone getting their copies of Mortal Kombat? I assume that kind of talk isn't illegal here.
Gonna wait 2 months after launch and risk it. Worse comes to worse maybe some enterprising soul will get it working on PC, I'll buy a few copies of MK Vs. DC Universe in that event. Best case scenario the R18 is introduced tomorrow and we can all buy MK at launch.
Or I will make good on my threat to move to NZ

Shaneus said:
If you don't have a Kinect after this, you really are a bit of a fool.

I'm tempted to get a second one for some bizarre reason.
Nah just buy ten of these instead, much more fun. I'm the fooliest fool who ever fooled. Also that Wacko game looks like poop, barely improved version of Just Dance. A Jacko pack for Dance Central would be much more tempting.

Omi said:
Backlog post: Between feeds/changing nappies/cleaning/cooking/etc, The Witcher is a rather fun game and a bit annoyed I ignored it for so long. Edit: Did anyone work out what is going on with Witcher 2 on steam? Edit2: No avatar.. :(
Re-do your avatar in the User CP (Gaz has been handing out the glorious ones you see on this page). I'm play TW too for a save file and Chapter 1 is better than I remember. Things pick up quickly and the only part I got tired of was running back and forth in the swamp later on. Last chapter is fantastic and leads into TW2 really well.
No comment on what happened on Steam but it is still up at GOG and ebgames haven't pulled it either. I have the CE $150 version through them so I will be pissed if it gets cancelled for us.

Danoss said:
I see BioShock 2 is on special for $12.49 and I'm wondering if I should buy it. I don't know why, I haven't even finished the first one.
The Rapture edition at Zavvi? Yes. Buy it. Gameplay is more fun, story is dialled back a bit. You can use Plasmids and guns together. RPGlite elements stripped away for an atmospheric shooter.

Shaneus said:
Not being able to play the first K&L properly has thrown me a little bit as I knew it was a short game, but I'll find something else that's equally as short (like an indie game, perhaps) so I can knock it over quickly.
Play K&L2!! It has minimal story, just a boatload of dead bodies and only lasts 3 hours. Art is fantastic and it moves along really fast, almost like on rails.
The amount of my posts that are replies to you are getting a bit creepy.

Got 2 days off work to get a 3500 word Global Strategy assignment done. Poo. Would much rather be frothing at the mouth over TW2 screens. I really need to finish my 3rd Mass Effect run so I can do my 2 Mass Effect 2 runs before Mass Effect 3 comes out in November. Not going to start another new game until TW2 and Deus Ex, otherwise I'll never make any progress. I also think after having my 3rd Man Burger from KFC I will give the fast food a miss. Was up all night with a massive stomach ache
and a child who refused to stop screaming but the stomach ache was the icing on the poop cake.
. Came across this post in a DLC discussion thread that I thought was impressive in it's ridiculousness. Professional mouthpiece Brad Wardell also made an idiot of himself again, Impulse are well on their way to a beautiful trainwreck.


Wait, since when did 10 news get a half hour extension (that's repeating news from 5pm...)? And they now have another news broadcast at 6:30pm to assumable challenge Today Tonight and A Current Affair? Followed the 7pm Project.

150 minutes of news. Glorious :|

Bring back Simpsons


I want a tag give me a tag
Ydahs said:
Wait, since when did 10 news get a half hour extension (that's repeating news from 5pm...)? And they now have another news broadcast at 6:30pm to assumable challenge Today Tonight and A Current Affair? Followed the 7pm Project.

150 minutes of news. Glorious :|

Bring back Simpsons

smpsons are on 11 i think


I ended up drawing it myself :<


Still needs work. I might actually colour it.
Clipper said:
I'm not tempted in the slightest to buy Kinect at that price.

That's probably because I don't own and don't plan to ever own an XBox 360, though.

oh right yeah, that too might need one of those to even begin to start to use a project natal.
Planet_JASE said:
You're such an anti-operation backlog fiend. WHO DO YOU WORK FOR?!?!
The bigger the backlog and the bigger the guilt the more likely you are to power through some games. Well, until it becomes too big that you give up and move to Bornio to escape the puppy dog eyes your 360 keeps giving you.

Ydahs said:
Wait, since when did 10 news get a half hour extension (that's repeating news from 5pm...)? And they now have another news broadcast at 6:30pm to assumable challenge Today Tonight and A Current Affair? Followed the 7pm Project. 150 minutes of news. Glorious :| Bring back Simpsons
The whole News block idea failed miserably so Ten fired the guy who put it into action and now have no idea what to do. They are changing One to an all purpose channel along with sport and they still haven't made a 24 hour Simpson channel. They are clowns. Clown shoes.

Dead Man

Ydahs said:
Wait, since when did 10 news get a half hour extension (that's repeating news from 5pm...)? And they now have another news broadcast at 6:30pm to assumable challenge Today Tonight and A Current Affair? Followed the 7pm Project.

150 minutes of news. Glorious :|

Bring back Simpsons
150 minutes of news would be glorious. Instead its 150 minutes of tripe.

reptilescorpio said:
The bigger the backlog and the bigger the guilt the more likely you are to power through some games. Well, until it becomes too big that you give up and move to Bornio to escape the puppy dog eyes your 360 keeps giving you.

The whole News block idea failed miserably so Ten fired the guy who put it into action and now have no idea what to do. They are changing One to an all purpose channel along with sport and they still haven't made a 24 hour Simpson channel. They are clowns. Clown shoes.
24 hours simpsons. Best idea ever. As long as they don't keep showing the same season over and over. I think Fox8 did that during the Olympics a few years ago, it was pretty good. Haven't had pay tv since forever though, so maybe I am mistaken.
Dead Man said:
150 minutes of news would be glorious. Instead its 150 minutes of tripe.
ABC 24. Only news we need (at least on Australian free-to-air). Also who doesn't check the news on the net anyway? I mean newspapers, more like toiletpapers. Am I right?

Dead Man

reptilescorpio said:
ABC 24. Only news we need (at least on Australian free-to-air). Also who doesn't check the news on the net anyway? I mean newspapers, more like toiletpapers. Am I right?
True enough. Still, I wish more people were exposed to quality news reporting.


but ever so delicious
Well portal 2 didn't download from 3fl for free traffic, which is a shame. Maybe i didn't apply the batch file correctly, more testing required.


evlcookie said:
Well portal 2 didn't download from 3fl for free traffic, which is a shame. Maybe i didn't apply the batch file correctly, more testing required.

It did for me under Internode, with no filter applied.

BanShunsaku said:
This week has been fucked (work-wise) :(

Tonight will be spent drinking Laphroaig and watching the latest Chuck and then possibly some episodes of The Wire.

I don't have the energy for video games! :lol

Where are you up to in The Wire? What a great show.

codswallop said:
No spoilers, but I enjoyed the most recent Chuck a lot more than probably the last 6-10 episodes. Not sure if it was actually better or I just enjoyed it more. Found it's been treading water a lot this season, particularly in the second half of the season where they got in trouble due to the extra episodes being ordered.

I'm starting to hate American network TV. They take lovable shows like Chuck which seem like you could never get sick of them, but then they make 20+ episodes each season and with all the filler, red herrings and story lines that don't mean jack, you almost start to dislike shows you like.


Fredescu said:
From 5 until 6? Since always.
Ten news was on from 5 to 6:30 today in Melbourne. 6 o'clock onwards just seemed to repeat some of the news headlines earlier at 5.

And it sucks that Simpsons is on C11, since I don't think that channel is on Foxtel yet.
Ydahs said:
Ten news was on from 5 to 6:30 today in Melbourne. 6 o'clock onwards just seemed to repeat some of the news headlines earlier at 5.

And it sucks that Simpsons is on C11, since I don't think that channel is on Foxtel yet.
Doesn't Fox run boatloads of Simpsons?
Don't get me started on the state of US TV (and movies). There's so much going against getting a production going it's a miracle any time something good actually makes it all the way through to being aired.

Too many episodes, too many seasons, too few risks, too bland, too easy to get taken off the air (see: Firefly), too much intervention from suits. The list goes on and on.

BanShunsaku said:
I agree with your thoughts on this season in general.

I really enjoyed the first 13 episode arc (especially Timothy Dalton), but since then I honestly haven't enjoyed it as much. I'm hoping they can pull something interesting off with the remaining few episodes of this season.
The same thing happened with the Brandon Roth arc. It was a fantastic arc but then the season was extended so they just treaded water for the remainder of the season.

I find Chuck in particular starts to show promise with a few good episodes and then ruins it by getting bogged down with too many episodes that are just dull dull dull. It's not season 3 of Heroes by any stretch of the imagination, but if it gets canceled (and it's been damned close the last couple of years), I won't shed a single tear at this point.


Have you watched Community at all, codswallop? It's the most unique thing I've seen to come out of US television for ages without seeming like it's deliberately quirky (like Parks and Rec, which I couldn't really get into).


Danoss said:
YES! You're the best Gaz, I love it.

Apologies if I offend you by un-GAFfing it, as I would love to use it in multiple places.
Ta :) Note to everyone using these: go right ahead and muck with it, do whatever you want with it, it's why I supplied the original file too :)
Shaneus said:
Have you watched Community at all, codswallop? It's the most unique thing I've seen to come out of US television for ages without seeming like it's deliberately quirky (like Parks and Rec, which I couldn't really get into).
I watched the first episode of Community in the US when it aired there and it felt like something I should like but didn't really get into it. That's the only one I've ever seen.

Could be a good choice for the "everything else is on hiatus and I need something new to watch" period that's almost upon us.
Shaneus said:
Have you watched Community at all, codswallop? It's the most unique thing I've seen to come out of US television for ages without seeming like it's deliberately quirky (like Parks and Rec, which I couldn't really get into).
Couldn't get into Community. Some kind of strange almost pretentious atmosphere coming from it. I liked it but at the same time hated it. I think I just hate Joel McHale. I hate him almost as much as Dane Cook but at least Cook has been enjoyable in the few movies I have seen with him in them.


First thing we disagree on? *gasp*

I just like it because it is slightly pretentious without trying to hide it. I mean, that's one of the reasons. The throwbacks to 80s pop culture, slightly childish yet clever humour... it just seems to resonate with me. Guess you very much have to be a child of the 80s (I mean in essence, not literally) to enjoy it and I fucking love the 80s :D


codswallop said:
I watched the first episode of Community in the US when it aired there and it felt like something I should like but didn't really get into it. That's the only one I've ever seen.

Could be a good choice for the "everything else is on hiatus and I need something new to watch" period that's almost upon us.
First few episodes are fairly standard. Starts getting good after that, and the episode 20s are great when they try some different things. Season 2 continues to be awesome.
codswallop said:
I find Chuck in particular starts to show promise with a few good episodes and then ruins it by getting bogged down with too many episodes that are just dull dull dull. It's not season 3 of Heroes by any stretch of the imagination, but if it gets canceled (and it's been damned close the last couple of years), I won't shed a single tear at this point.

Just watched the latest ep of Chuck... I see what you mean, was a return to form

So many good/funny bits, my favourites:

- the return of
Timothy Dalton
- the
Game of Thrones

Also, I just saw an ad on channel 7 for Detroit 187 (some new cop show with Christopher from the Sopranos)

Some interesting review quotes splashed across the screen during the ad went something like this:

"The best new cop show on TV" - peter82, Metacritic

"A must watch" - david1966, Metacritic

"Don't miss it! - tv_lover999, Metacritic

Must be a good show :|
Rahk said:
First few episodes are fairly standard. Starts getting good after that, and the episode 20s are great when they try some different things. Season 2 continues to be awesome.

I just don't get the praise it gets. I watched the first four episodes of it and hated it. It just seemed like a bunch of b-grade tv actors playing characters that are all unlikable. I don't want to have to put multiple hours into something before it picks up.

Shaneus said:
Have you watched Community at all, codswallop? It's the most unique thing I've seen to come out of US television for ages without seeming like it's deliberately quirky (like Parks and Rec, which I couldn't really get into).

In direct contrast to what I said above. If you don't like the office style sitcom then Parks isn't for you. However the second season really picks up and is full of laughs, the cast really found their groove. Plus Rashida Jones is very hot so that's a draw.
Shaneus said:
First thing we disagree on? *gasp*

I just like it because it is slightly pretentious without trying to hide it. I mean, that's one of the reasons. The throwbacks to 80s pop culture, slightly childish yet clever humour... it just seems to resonate with me. Guess you very much have to be a child of the 80s (I mean in essence, not literally) to enjoy it and I fucking love the 80s :D
Thinking back it is probably because I was introduced to it by a Friend of a Friend who is a douchebag so I instantly didn't like it. The asian guy was really funny and Chevy was good from the little bit I saw of the first season. I used to love Sunny In Philadelphia but it got to a point where I just didn't like it anymore, since I started watching it with my mates the euphoria eventually wore off in season three and I don't even bother watching it now. Same with Family Guy, loved the first few seasons and the first one back from cancellation but the season after that killed it for me. Loved How I Met Your Mother in the beginning, hasn't been enjoyable for about 2 seasons. Big Bang Theory is still barely hanging in there, they really don't know how to get out the relationship dynamics they have created, losing a lot of the comedy. Might have to give Community another try once the boy quiets down.

Also I am very much a child of the 90's aside from my love of TMNT and Transformers. San Andreas was a wet dream for me, especially after the already awesome Vice City. You probably found Vice City to be the pinnacle.

/start rant
I hate Lara so much, I have nothing nice to say about it. Nothing to do, scummy neighbours, inept doctors and the supermarket is the worst I have ever seen. You want a red capsicum? Too bad! Only green this week. The employees are braindead and have no idea how to answer a query or what their job is. Went to buy some kids panadol as my Son is teething and we didn't notice we had run out of Nurofen. They have kids bandaids and 5 kinds of kids multi-vitamins. No pain relief. Clownshoes. At least Corio has a decent supermarket. Plus an Aldi and a Chemist Warehouse. Lara is like the country bumpkin version of Corio. Gotta move back to Waurn Ponds asap.
/end rant


BanShunsaku said:
Fuck 'em.

This is why I would be shit scared of sharing anything creative on the interwebs, though. I don't take criticism well.
Heh, I take criticism really well. You've got to in the videogame biz. :)

Their comments were all 100% correct by the way - just bugged me coz they were looking at horrid old stuff, which definitely does suck
a tiny bit more than my current stuff sucks
. Always nice to have nice comments in a forum I actually hang out in tho :)

...am I actually at the end of the Gazatar madness? I'm trying to catch up on this thread...

Oh, Codswallop, no Action Biker comic until I actually get around to playing Action Biker :)


reptilescorpio said:
/end rant
Shit, so many points!
* Yuppers on Vice City.
* Agreed on the TV series thing. Always Sunny was great but yeah, did get a bit tired and overplayed. Community seems to change shit around *just* enough to keep it from getting stale without coming off as gimmicky (at least, to me). The quirky shit that's around now can only be quirky for so long before it gets tiresome. Sort of the same reason I'm glad that both Arrested Development (that I never got into as much as some people) and Better Off Ted only got relatively short runs. It's also why most comedies/series I like are from the UK as they've perfected the art of not overstaying their welcome.
* I quite like Waurn Ponds. Never lived there but it doesn't seem as offensive as many of the other 'burbs around here. Not many areas I can think of in Geelong that I'd mind living in, but that's definitely one of them. In the meantime, I'm perfectly happy in Hamlyn Heights :)
you're a sick fuck, Gaz.
But then after seeing Sonic and Mario at the Olympics, it's no worse that what Sega has done.

Community takes a long while to get good in season one. We started watching season 1 on DVD and were a bit "meh" until we got about halfway, and then it clicks. If you like absurd humour you'll like it. If you think something like Arrested Development or Anchorman aren't funny, you won't like Community).




Guys, I need a small favour done if anyone has five minutes and a Facebook account. Hope it isn't against the TOS (crosses fingers). No big deal.

I have a Facebook group for Funny Webcomic - but I need ONE more person to join it before I can give it a unique username so it doesn't have a stupidly long URL. Can someone please join the group, at least for long enough that I can set the username up? You can unlike it afterwards of course.

It's a really petty thing to spend my time worrying about, but it's going to look better on flyers and stuff if I have a compact Facebook URL.


thanks lads :)
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