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AusGAF 2.0 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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but ever so delicious
Is the second sotc even though you never have a gun? :p

Portal, sotc?, that long ass name with 9s in it, hitman, bayonetta, vampire bloodrayne, minecraft, pyschonauts, mirrors edge, tf2.

for some reason the second one screams megaman just by design. But i can't think of a megaman game where there's a giant fucker chasing you.
Gazunta said:
Guys, I need a small favour done if anyone has five minutes and a Facebook account.
Done. Always happy to help someone use the talents that I've let go to waste. I should draw more :(

codswallop said:
Just received an email from thehut.com advertising Mortal Kombat for £35 with free International delivery and the subject 'feeling left out?'.

This ought to be interesting.
Cheeky fuckers. Feeling left out? Feel like the centre of attention with a court case and a $100000 fine.


codswallop said:
Just received an email from thehut.com advertising Mortal Kombat for £35 with free International delivery and the subject 'feeling left out?'.

This ought to be interesting.

Nice. I got L4D2 uncut from them and got past customs!


Holy fuck. The Idle Thumbs I'm listening to talks about The Last Express. I'm reading the wiki on it AND IT WAS RELEASED ON GOG IN JANUARY. They're gonna be getting so much of my money :(


Why For? said:
Anyone else worried LA Noir may get banned here?

Got a bad feeling...
What for? As long as they don't end up showing you any rape scenes or drug use, there's nothing that screams R rating. Depictions of dead, even mutilated, naked bodies shouldn't be a problem unless you see how the crime was committed after the fact (do you?). Unless you get to witness the crimes somehow, the level of violence is fairly normal sounding.


Hmm... The L.A. Noire post just made me decide to check the recent Classifications Board releases and I noticed OoT 3D has been rated. Got a G. A tad surprising given ST was a PG and TP was an M. PH was a G and the other games were all released on the old system (getting G 8+ generally), but I would have thought the 'fantasy violence' level would be higher than G, especially with how dark OoT gets in places. Way to be consistent, Classification Board ;).


Jintor said:
Quick competition, maggits
Should be pretty easy. I should have gone for more symbolism/unknown parts of games
Portal, Doom?, 9 Rooms / 9 Doors / 9 Convoluted Plot Points, Hitman, Bayonetta, Silent Hill (2?), Minecraft, Psychonauts, Mirror's Edge, TF2

Edit: FUUUUUUCK I am so behind on this thread it ain't funny
Clipper said:
Hmm... The L.A. Noire post just made me decide to check the recent Classifications Board releases and I noticed OoT 3D has been rated. Got a G. A tad surprising given ST was a PG and TP was an M. PH was a G and the other games were all released on the old system (getting G 8+ generally), but I would have thought the 'fantasy violence' level would be higher than G, especially with how dark OoT gets in places. Way to be consistent, Classification Board ;).
I think it's more of a case that the board is meant to reflect the populous and their views towards certain material. Even though we've gone backwards in many regards (nudity, for example) I can totally understand that a game that was given a PG over 10 years ago may now be considered a G.

I could be wrong, though.
So Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes is pretty good. I don't think it was ported very well to XBLA and if I didn't know it was originally a DS game I would've been turned off pretty quickly.

I played it for a couple of hours last night and started to really enjoy the battle mechanic. Not sure if it'll be enough to stay fresh for an entire game, but it's a fun diversion. I got up to the section on the large tree where you have to
fight the battle while not hitting that guy who says he's fragile
and gave it up for the night when I lost..


viciouskillersquirrel said:
Got my very first Streetpass hit last night. Was disappointed when I learned that he was just as weaksauce as the hired heroes :(
I'm on about 26 Streetpass hits. Get about 2-3 a day. Heroes 'level up' if you streetpass the same person multiple times. I get this same girl every day at the same time on my evening commute home who has helped me smash shit up on the Find Mii quest. Never seen anyone with a 3DS in hand ANYWHERE since picking mine up, with the exception of Mandiller's.
Bernbaum said:
I'm on about 26 Streetpass hits. Get about 2-3 a day. Heroes 'level up' if you streetpass the same person multiple times. I get this same girl every day at the same time on my evening commute home who has helped me smash shit up on the Find Mii quest. Never seen anyone with a 3DS in hand ANYWHERE since picking mine up, with the exception of Mandiller's.

You should spend lunch at my building's foodcourt......There are at least....10 people that go there and have a 3DS.

Planet_JASE said:
Gamers embarrassed to be seen holding a 3DS confirmed!

I want to buy one just so i can streetpass randoms =P
Jintor said:
Quick competition, maggits
Portal, Doom 3, 999, Hitman, Bayonetta (almost looks like Jet Set Future), Vampire Bloodlines, Minecraft, Psychonauts (looks a bit like Dark Cloud 2 as well), Mirrors Edge, TF2

Shaneus said:
Holy fuck. The Idle Thumbs I'm listening to talks about The Last Express. I'm reading the wiki on it AND IT WAS RELEASED ON GOG IN JANUARY. They're gonna be getting so much of my money :(
IT IS A FANTASTIC GAME. A bit janky for a first time playthrough today but stick with it.

Teething sucks balls. Hasn't been a good couple of days. Now I'm off to the library to read a textbook and do an assignment. On 20 minutes sleep. Yay!


UK online retail store The Hut give us a demonstration of subtlety-



Was that only sent to Australians? I'm pretty sure I'm on The Hut mailing list but don't remember receiving that...

Edit: Oh, spam folder. Wonder if anyone from anywhere else got that same email?
codswallop said:
Yeah, I mentioned that last night. Directly trying to sell a banned game to Australians does not seem like the smartest thing one could do.
Maybe if you order from them and you get in trouble you can be like, "They sent me an email selling the game! How was I meant to know it was banned? They literally asked me if I wanted a copy!".
codswallop said:
Yeah, I mentioned that last night. Directly trying to sell a banned game to Australians does not seem like the smartest thing one could do.
Yeah, you have to actually wonder about the legality of doing that. I'm sure they must have checked with a lawyer first. Right?

It's the internet, so probably not.


Interesting... the link in that email is now broken. 404 errors all up in this bitch.

Edit: The entire site is down now. Weird.
reptilescorpio said:
Maybe if you order from them and you get in trouble you can be like, "They sent me an email selling the game! How was I meant to know it was banned? They literally asked me if I wanted a copy!".
Which brings up an interesting question: Does this argument hold some weight. Firstly, I know that the government will always say that ignorance is not an excuse, so I understand that this will ultimately be the decision and you'll be paying a big fine.

But, if the ban hadn't been mentioned in this thread, I would have never known that the game had been refused classification. Traditionally, this would have meant that the game wasn't on the shelves and I never would have been able to buy it. These days, I buy 99% of my games online and would never think to check the classification board before making a purchase. Add this to what seems like a targeted email marketing ploy and I can see a few people making a purchase without knowing what they're doing.

I don't think that it would sway any decision handed down by customs but I wonder if there would be ramification for The Hut...

Shaneus said:
Interesting... the link in that email is now broken. 404 errors all up in this bitch.

Edit: The entire site is down now. Weird.
Zavvi is down, too. However, the fact that it follows my "I wonder if they will be ramification for them" is slightly eerie.


Loving all the tee vee talk, Ausgaf. I really enjoy Community every week (the last 2 weeks have been difficult, with a break, but it's back this Friday). It's a great 20 minute comedy that makes me laugh every time. Parks and Rec is good value too. Watching it has made me think about watching The Office US again.

I also love Fringe and currently burning through Boardwalk Empire. Oh, and I'm super LTTP on Dr Who.


Oh, it turns out that with the Borderlands sale that's on today, turns out we don't get the AU tax on the GOTY of Borderlands, just the standard edition. So the GOTY is $7.50US, the regular is... $7.49. Brilliant.

Still not going to buy it though... I traded the 360 version in for a reason.


but ever so delicious
Stackboy said:
Loving all the tee vee talk, Ausgaf. I really enjoy Community every week (the last 2 weeks have been difficult, with a break, but it's back this Friday). It's a great 20 minute comedy that makes me laugh every time. Parks and Rec is good value too. Watching it has made me think about watching The Office US again.

I also love Fringe and currently burning through Boardwalk Empire. Oh, and I'm super LTTP on Dr Who.

Fringe is easily my favourite show on tv and one of the best i've watched in years. Castle is my guilty nathan fillion mancrush cheesy enjoyable show. Those two are what i look forward to each week over anything else i watch.

Boardwalk is interesting but slow as you would expect. I enjoyed the first season and i'm looking forward to checking out season 2. I wish i knew more about the time period though, It might make it more interesting.


Planet_JASE said:
Which brings up an interesting question: Does this argument hold some weight. Firstly, I know that the government will always say that ignorance is not an excuse, so I understand that this will ultimately be the decision and you'll be paying a big fine.

But, if the ban hadn't been mentioned in this thread, I would have never known that the game had been refused classification. Traditionally, this would have meant that the game wasn't on the shelves and I never would have been able to buy it. These days, I buy 99% of my games online and would never think to check the classification board before making a purchase. Add this to what seems like a targeted email marketing ploy and I can see a few people making a purchase without knowing what they're doing.

I don't think that it would sway any decision handed down by customs but I wonder if there would be ramification for The Hut...

Zavvi is down, too. However, the fact that it follows my "I wonder if they will be ramification for them" is slightly eerie.

When I imported Homecoming, I was sent a harsh letter highlighting why I couldn't be prosecuted (ignorance is not a prosecutable offense) so I was just told not to do it again and if I did I would get fined.

Take that as you will.
Stackboy said:
Loving all the tee vee talk, Ausgaf. I really enjoy Community every week (the last 2 weeks have been difficult, with a break, but it's back this Friday). It's a great 20 minute comedy that makes me laugh every time. Parks and Rec is good value too. Watching it has made me think about watching The Office US again.

I also love Fringe and currently burning through Boardwalk Empire. Oh, and I'm super LTTP on Dr Who.
When Eccleston started in 2005 I watched the first episode and was so turned off I didn't watch it until Matt Smith started last year and was getting good reviews. In fact, I didn't even realise that Tennant had been in it at all (actually I think I'd forgotten Eccleston had ever been in it and it'd always been Tennant).

From the first 90 seconds of the first episode (The Eleventh Hour) I knew I was going to like Doctor Who. After watching that season, we went back to the first season in 2005 and watched all of it. A lot of the Russell T Davies stuff is over the top rubbish, but Steven Moffat (the guy running the show since Smith came on board) really knows his stuff and does a top notch job. He had some of the best episode in the Davies-run era as well.

And now I've gone back to the start and am watching Doctor Who from the very very start (B&W FTW?). Clearly a cheap program back then.

All this talk of Community means I think I'll give it another look-in. If I download the "best" episodes of the first season, will I miss anything story-wise, or are they mostly standalone episodes?

Shaneus said:
Still not going to buy it [Borderlands] though... I traded the 360 version in for a reason.
Didn't like it? I've been playing it co-op with mates (and haven't played a moment of it single player) and really enjoy for what it is. I consider it basically an MMOFPS.
giri said:
Does anyone have links handy for the consequences of a fired employee, deleting all their data before leaving?
Depends on what side of that question you're asking. My lawyer says that I should refrain from asking if you're inquiring as the fired employee.

In all seriousness, it depends on what policies your company has regarding Intellectual IP rights (i.e. do you make employees sign something stating that all work created for the business becomes the property of the corporation). However, if the act can be seen as one of intending to cause damage or interruption to business there would be consequences.

Nemesis556 said:
When I imported Homecoming, I was sent a harsh letter highlighting why I couldn't be prosecuted (ignorance is not a prosecutable offense) so I was just told not to do it again and if I did I would get fined.

Take that as you will.
Really? Ignorance isn't an excuse in this case? I understand that Customs probably has the right to change its mind and prosecute on a case-by-case basis but that seems to go against other legal matters.

The case could be different for MK as there have been warnings issued about importing this particular game.

By the way, what is Homecoming and why was it banned here?


giri said:
Does anyone have links handy for the consequences of a fired employee, deleting all their data before leaving?

AFAIK, those data belong to the company you work for. So I imagine by deleting those information you would be in breach of your contractual obligations or misconduct charges.
Danoss said:
Hey Marshmellow, I couldn't bear to see your avatar without transparency and such, so I fixed it for you.


Haha, omg. Thanks mate!

I was going to get around to it, but ive been very busy past few days.
Mini-mellow looks so much sexier now!


but ever so delicious
Is panel 2 fallout 3?

I don't know why but the face of your character looks so fucking familiar, it's driving me insane.


I can't believe I was still wrong ><

Edit: Oh that's good. It would be a total waste of an epiphany to have gotten that wrong. Comon rest of Ausgaf, where's your PC heritage?


I guess it's a little redundant to say it, but UFO Defence is one of my favourite games of all time. I really wish the dude would pick it up and remake it for 3DS or something. He just did Shadow Wars, he's still got the gameplay chops!


Yeah, as I was playing through Shadow wars I found myself yearning for the consequences of Xcom, Fire Emblem or FFT. I really think that fear of losing people forever is what makes SRPGs work.


codswallop said:
All this talk of Community means I think I'll give it another look-in. If I download the "best" episodes of the first season, will I miss anything story-wise, or are they mostly standalone episodes?

A lot of the jokes do relate to previous episodes at times, so you are better off watching from the start. You could get a kick out of individual episodes, but I love the show so much I would recommend going from S01E01.


You've never heard of X-com?
Game's like the Baldur's Gate of the DOS era in terms of importance. It's getting that reboot by 2K Marin/Australia that's a first person thing set in idealised 50s with slime aliens disintegrating people.
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