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AusGAF 2.0 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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Rahk said:
No one playing RB3 on 360? JOIN MY BAND, BITCHES!

I'll be playing it on PS3 in a couple of days, hopefully.

Really need to get some drums soon though. But after ordering a new guitar and keyboard, I think it's going to have to wait.


I've been wanting to post more here but I haven't been getting much gaming or, anything, done lately.

I've had such a shit week so far, I'm still down with a nasty flu and my dog had a stroke (but survived thank God). Top it off with the random-encounters-hate-thread in Gaming which is the system I'm using in my indie RPG due to how easy it is for a one-man-team to implement. (I originally didn't want it that way but, you know, schedule...) :lol



Hey Adelaide-AUSGAF, where, if anywhere, are you getting 360 RB3 from? I checked everywhere in Tea Tree Plaza today (plus the JB nearby), and the only place that had it was EB. And I refuse to pay EB premiums for a game that if its anything like the other Rock Bands here (which it will be), will have a significant price drop very soon.

I'd like to drive down somewhere nearby and get it tonight, but I refuse to drive too far, because I'm lazy.


Rahk said:
I'm from Sydney, but I couldn't find RB3 at my local JB or GAME so I just got it from EB...

Really? Is that where everyone else is getting it from?

Fuck, what a terrible game launch. Not just here, but everywhere. The export fuck ups, the lack of PS3 keyboards, etc, etc. Just a giant balls up all round.


They said they had 10 PS3 copies at the Narre Warren JB, they just wouldn't sell it to me yesterday so EB it was.

Rock Band deserves better than it gets, and we deserve better from EA Australia.


hamchan said:
Shaun Micallef just pointed out a plot hole in Back to the Future 2.

When Old Biff went back to the past to give Young Biff the almanac he changed the future so that Biff would be super rich. However Old Biff managed to bring the Delorean back to his own future so Marty and Doc could ride in it again. Really he should have been stuck in the new stream he created.

Not that BttF doesn't have plot holes, but I consider this to be explained via the bit about leaving Jennifer on the doorstep in the "bad" 1985.

Mar said:
Also, the direct feed doesn't seem to work well with Google Talk so I hear. Does Google have their own podcast tags? Because I just created one full of <itunes> tags...

Google Listen does use the iTunes tags. I'll try compare it with another feed to see what happens.

Also that iTunes page doesn't let you download without iTunes. Need to link people to the xml feed.


fappenmeister said:
Yeah, remind me tomorrow evening at some stage. What's the magic word though mister?


Thank you, also. Just to confirm - this will import my RB2 tracks into RB3, correct?


I want a tag give me a tag
Megadrive said:
so there's hope for me to get mine back? yay! what did you have to do before they eventually caved and gave you the account back?

I just rang up (was on hold for like 1 hour, but I called at 9am which was like 4pm there time) and said hey my accounts locked, and the email says I have to send a copy of my drivers licence, and I really dont care enough to do that and will just make a 2nd account if theres no way around it, so i thought id call to see if i can get my account unlocked

then basically said if they cant i probly wont bother playing as i was just gonna join a group of friends who were re rolling on cataclysm, and he's like nah! we want you to play! then read thru all the notes attatched and unlocked it, was pretty simple once i got through to them.


So I found a copy of RB3 at Gametraders for $90. Score! Now I effectively get the RB2 export for free, since it looked like I was going to have to pay $100 for the game. Well thats how I choose to look at it anyways.

EDIT: Well not free. Shit, exports are expensiiiive.


I've played the RB2 songs like 100 times so I don't think I'll bother with the export.

Choc is going to play Keyboard. Anyone want to play guitar or sing on 360?


My JB Hifi at Parramatta had the Keyboard and copies of the game in stock. But I ordered from amazon yesterday (want to export my 400 song library including RB 1 and 2). Was so tempted to just bugger it and have two copies. But stayed strong.

Drowned my sorrows in Back to the Future and Spaghetti Western trilogy on Blu-ray.


Neo Member
MrSerrels said:
My JB Hifi at Parramatta had the Keyboard and copies of the game in stock. But I ordered from amazon yesterday (want to export my 400 song library including RB 1 and 2). Was so tempted to just bugger it and have two copies. But stayed strong.

Drowned my sorrows in Back to the Future and Spaghetti Western trilogy on Blu-ray.

Were the keyboards the official ones and how much were they? Having a bit of trouble finding them. Can't believe the rubbish we have to go through whenever a Rock Band game comes out in Aus.


Nedjoe said:
Were the keyboards the official ones and how much were they? Having a bit of trouble finding them. Can't believe the rubbish we have to go through whenever a Rock Band game comes out in Aus.

I only had a quick gander, but I think it was the official one.

There was only one in the pile though – but there might have been more in the back.


Now I'm curious whether the things I saw today were the first-party ones. They had a lime-green coloured box.

What the hell am I talking about? I don't play Rock Band!


Bernbaum said:
Now I'm curious whether the things I saw today were the first-party ones. They had a lime-green coloured box.

What the hell am I talking about? I don't play Rock Band!

That was what I saw – the lime-green ones.


Castlevania Lords of Shadow is a terrific game. I've been playing it for most of today and tonight, and I'm still not out of the second area yet. It's also possibly the most beautiful game I've ever seen. The environments are incredible.

Confirms once more, that I should never listen to any impressions from the Giant Bomb guys. Love their podcast and quicklooks, but their preference for video games couldn't be more opposite to me.


BSS said:
Also that iTunes page doesn't let you download without iTunes. Need to link people to the xml feed.

Yeah I'll link the XML when you let me know it works or why it doesn't. A bit useless linking them to something with no info in it.


I've stopped listening to game discussions on podcasts. By the time the game is out on shelves (and certainly by the time I'm in a position to buy it, since I don't really do the day one thing) the game has been discussed to death and most of the discussion deals with what's "wrong" with the game, souring me completely on the purchase.

I've been turned off so many games that could well have been great in the past year.

Oh and to add to the RB3 discussion - apparently (according to the guy working there) only the top 22 JB stores in QLD got the game. What exactly "top" means nobody knows. Meh.


Mar said:
Castlevania Lords of Shadow is a terrific game. I've been playing it for most of today and tonight, and I'm still not out of the second area yet. It's also possibly the most beautiful game I've ever seen. The environments are incredible.

Confirms once more, that I should never listen to any impressions from the Giant Bomb guys. Love their podcast and quicklooks, but their preference for video games couldn't be more opposite to me.
I don't think they said it was a bad game. They just said it's not a "Castlevania" game which, from the videos I've watched, seems pretty accurate.


Bernbnews- I bought Mass Effect 2 today. The Collector's Editions. From EB. For $99.

First CE I've bought since the cat helmet. If I'm gonna read novels and trawl the wiki, I might as gobble up everything else that universe can offer me.

Mar said:
Castlevania Lords of Shadow is a terrific game. I've been playing it for most of today and tonight, and I'm still not out of the second area yet. It's also possibly the most beautiful game I've ever seen. The environments are incredible.

Confirms once more, that I should never listen to any impressions from the Giant Bomb guys. Love their podcast and quicklooks, but their preference for video games couldn't be more opposite to me.
Apart from Brad Shoemaker - I don't really gel with the GB writers, and even then Brad plays a bunch of stuff I don't care for. I still listen to the Bombcast - it has some great moments, but the actual game discussion never sticks with me. That's what made the Idle Thumbs appeal so much - they would discuss gaming concepts and then use game titles as examples where appropriate.

Gazunta said:
Oh and to add to the RB3 discussion - apparently (according to the guy working there) only the top 22 JB stores in QLD got the game. What exactly "top" means nobody knows. Meh.
They're ranked in order of gross metallic content embedded in the faces of their adolescent counter staff.


Bernbaum said:
Bernbnews- I bought Mass Effect 2 today. The Collector's Editions. From EB. For $99.

First CE I've bought since the cat helmet. If I'm gonna read novels and trawl the wiki, I might as gobble up everything else that universe can offer me.

Apart from Brad Shoemaker - I don't really gel with the GB writers, and even then Brad plays a bunch of stuff I don't care for. I still listen to the Bombcast - it has some great moments, but the actual game discussion never sticks with me. That's what made the Idle Thumbs appeal so much - they would discuss gaming concepts and then use game titles as examples where appropriate.

They're ranked in order of gross metallic content embedded in the faces of their adolescent counter staff.

The novels are actually really good stuff, and they're only around $8 each. But I would recommend reading the first two, and then leaving the third one till after Mass Effect 2.


The Mass Effect games are still my games of the gen, never can find any copies of the novels around though.
I need to get the comics too....man, I'm such a Mass Effect whore.

If I had any skills I'd recreate Shep's quarters or make a Quarian outfit to display.

I was bummed there was no Mass Effect stuff at Armageddon, but there was a chick dressed as Mad Moxxi, so it evened out.

I do hope they never Wing Commander this series.
Mar said:
Confirms once more, that I should never listen to any impressions from the Giant Bomb guys. Love their podcast and quicklooks, but their preference for video games couldn't be more opposite to me.

As much as I enjoy listening to the Bombcast every week, I try not to pay any attention to their opinions on what they are playing.

I was listening to Brad discuss Fable III yesterday and although he did say that the UI stuff was what he didn't like, I just got an overall "meh" feeling from his impressions. I went home last night and played a bit of it and there was nothing meh about it in my opinion, the game seems great.

And their discussion of Fallout New Vegas was so fucking negative! At the end of talking about how the only way to play it was on PC with console commands Ryan is like "SO what you're basically saying is that the game is hell broken". I'm like WTF, I know it has bugs but I've spent 30 hours in the last few days playing the thing. Seems pretty damn good to me!


but ever so delicious
Looks like WoW Cataclsym is available for pre-sale on battle.net. It ends up pretty much just under $41, Which is cheaper than retailers here. Game.com.au has it for $49 and i think in store is $59. Considering the standard box only comes with the disc and fuck all else these days, it might be worth grabbing it online.

Unless you want the CE then it's retail only.


commanderdeek said:
I don't think they said it was a bad game. They just said it's not a "Castlevania" game which, from the videos I've watched, seems pretty accurate.

They've been very negative on it, Castlevania or non. Which is fine, I don't expect them to like it (they shat all over Mirror's Edge too), but I listen to these guys a lot and sometimes I need to remind myself that their opinions are in stark contrast to my own.

Also, it 'not being Castlevania' is neither here nor there in my opinion. In fact, I'd say LoS is more Castlevania than any of the metroidvania titles. There's no doubt it's more fantasy rather than classic horror from what I've played so far (goblins and werewolves instead of zombies and vampires), but the series needed a really big kick in the pants anyway so I don't see it as a problem. To me, classic Castlevania is a fantasy horror game dripping with atmosphere and brooding emotions. Castlevania LoS has that in spades. It's completely ripped out the cartoony almost comedic style of the Iga anime titles and firmly, almost shockingly, pulled it back into the mature serious themes. I'm only past the first 2 chapters and already there's been a major development amongst the characters that I found kind of confronting.

Also, I never expected full frontal nudity in my Castlevania.

BanShunsaku said:
I was listening to Brad discuss Fable III yesterday and although he did say that the UI stuff was what he didn't like, I just got an overall "meh" feeling from his impressions. I went home last night and played a bit of it and there was nothing meh about it in my opinion, the game seems great.

Yeah, he really gripped that issue by the horns and just wouldn't let it go. During the quicklook he was constantly trying to point to the map and inventory thing as a big deal but I thought it was incredibly exaggerated. You press the start button and boom, the map is there in front of you. As accessible as it would have been being on a button on the controller anyway. I really don't see what his problem with all of that was.


This internet plan thing is driving me up the wall.

I called up iiNet and they said they can't have me as a customer since I'm with Optus.

Who should I go with? I'm currently on Optus' $99 cable fusion plan. Does that mean I can't get ADSL? What's DSL naked? I don't get any of this stupid shit I just want internet and to get away from Optus because fuck them and their stupid filter. Meh so over it.

Actually let me be clearer about what I want. I basically want what I have now - broadband, home phone, and a monthly paper bill sent to me. But not with Optus. What are my options?


Gazunta said:
This internet plan thing is driving me up the wall.

I called up iiNet and they said they can't have me as a customer since I'm with Optus.

Who should I go with? I'm currently on Optus' $99 cable fusion plan. Does that mean I can't get ADSL? What's DSL naked? I don't get any of this stupid shit I just want internet and to get away from Optus because fuck them and their stupid filter. Meh so over it.

Actually let me be clearer about what I want. I basically want what I have now - broadband, home phone, and a monthly paper bill sent to me. But not with Optus. What are my options?

What do they mean they can't have you as a customer as you're with Optus? Are they referencing the cable plan you're on now, as you can't "churn" from cable to ADSL2. You should just call again and ignore your existing plan, give them your phone number and see if they can start the process to enable ADSL2+ on your line. Then if they can, cancel your Optus plan.

Your options (with iiNet) are either to bundle a home phone line and ADSL2+ connection, or get naked DSL. In order for normal ADSL to work, it needs an active phone line (aka a phone line with dial tone). Naked DSL works around this, so it costs slightly more than the equivelant ADSL plan but you save money as you pay no line rental fee. You can then add a VOIP phone plan to get your home phone.


They said they couldn't have me since I'm using Optus infrastructure and they use Telstra infrastructure. Then they said goodbye and hung up.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
yeah, TPG was the same in that they couldn't use Optus either.
Gazunta said:
They said they couldn't have me since I'm using Optus infrastructure and they use Telstra infrastructure. Then they said goodbye and hung up.

That's weird, never heard of that before..

Mar said:
Also, I never expected full frontal nudity in my Castlevania.

Are we talking minge or wang?

When that guy in Gay Tony got his junk out it really took me by surprise. With so much nudity on TV these days, it's funny how surprising it is when its in a video game.


Choc said:
in celebration mar i sent you a spare ea mma as i know u wanted it.

Oh, that would be awesome. I was hoping the PO Box would finally get used. I'll let you know if it turns up.


BanShunsaku said:
Are we talking minge or wang?

When that guy in Gay Tony got his junk out it really took me by surprise. With so much nudity on TV these days, it's funny how surprising it is when its in a video game.

The former. Though, there was a bright light down there obscuring the extremities. I'm pretty sure on a HD TV you could probably see that though.

The nudity in the game is done very tastefully and maturely. It doesn't draw attention to itself at all and fits contextually. It's more 'here's some boobs' rather than 'FUCK YEAH TITS IN YOUR FACE' *electric guitar strum.


Gazunta said:
They said they couldn't have me since I'm using Optus infrastructure and they use Telstra infrastructure. Then they said goodbye and hung up.

You should at least be able to get Naked DSL and I can't understand why they couldn't switch your phone line at their hardware. Should post on Whirlpool, usually someone there who can give you a straight answer.

Edit: Ok so apparently Optus use cable to provide the home phone line when you have cable internet, but you should still have a deactivated copper phone line running to your house.

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