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AusGAF (2016)

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It's "an excretion", apparently, some say vomit, some say poop. Either way, it tastes "of the sea" (that seawater/salty way that a lot of seafood does) and a combination of perfume.

In this beer it was overpowering, so for me too much to finish.

I did also drank the "belly button beer" you may or may not have seen around recently. The yeast didn't add much TBH. Also a few with crazy chillies (Scorpion, Ghost, etc).


Speaking of chillis, I had some Carolina Reaper sauce on Thursday and wowee is that stuff spicy. I could still feel it after dessert and I only had a small squirt of it.
Speaking of chillis, I had some Carolina Reaper sauce on Thursday and wowee is that stuff spicy. I could still feel it after dessert and I only had a small squirt of it.
I bought a few of the Dave's Insanity sauces way back when. I like hot sauce (have probably more than a dozen in the cupboard), but I also like to be able to taste the sauce itself, as well as the food. The Dave's were far too hot - there was a salsa where if I added more than a speck my mouth went numb. No thanks.

And I've eaten some of a ghost chilli straight (but not a whole one, I'm not insane). Not the hottest, sure, but hot enough.


Then I thought my neighbour was going to come over so I had to get dressed. Ugh and then she didn't even come over. Worst day ever.

I'm sucking less at Stellaris though.


I bought a few of the Dave's Insanity sauces way back when. I like hot sauce (have probably more than a dozen in the cupboard), but I also like to be able to taste the sauce itself, as well as the food. The Dave's were far too hot - there was a salsa where if I added more than a speck my mouth went numb. No thanks.

And I've eaten some of a ghost chilli straight (but not a whole one, I'm not insane). Not the hottest, sure, but hot enough.

I definitely prefer flavour over pure burning spice these days myself, but that's why I appreciated that this was a sauce. It was sort of like a chutney with other things in it so it didn't detract from the burger. But hoooly crap, it made sriracha look tame.
Game Talk:

Doom on sub min spec runs at 30ish at 720p so my lunchtimes at work involve cutting up enemies with a chainsaw and shooting them. And the after work, I boot up Doom.

Mad Max. I bought this cheapish a few weeks back and have played for the last week or so. Its a bit frustrating and I don't know whether it improves all that much with more upgrades but it's not fun enough to keep going (I mat come back to it later)

SRIV- Got this with GwG and its fucking terrible. The sort of game we used to lap up in PS2 days when we had finished GTA and wanted more ofthe same and so we'd buy True Crime, or later on, Saint's Row. I have actually tried 4 SR games and they never seem to grab me fore more than an hour or so before I move onto something else. SRIV- or Dubstep: The Game, is not a crackdown substitute in any way, shape or form.

Black Ops was added to X1 BC. I only played it on PC at release (it was the first CoD I hadn't double dip console and PC- mainly due to lack of work reasons_ so I picked it up and played a bit last night. It holds up really, really well as a game. Will be playing it all weekend, i think.

Next week is travelling so 3DS only but after that i will have my PS4 (Ejecty McEjectface) back again. yay!


Neck deep in Rose #3 deadline (hassle your local comic shop today) but I have been playing a bit of Pocket Card Jockey for 3DS. It's a horse racing simulation where you have to play Solitaire well in order to make your horse race better. It's bonkers and I love it.

Back to the last six pages.


Neck deep in Rose #3 deadline (hassle your local comic shop today) but I have been playing a bit of Pocket Card Jockey for 3DS. It's a horse racing simulation where you have to play Solitaire well in order to make your horse race better. It's bonkers and I love it.

Back to the last six pages.

Pocket Card Jockey is legit. My girlfriend plays it constantly, I play it occasionally, it's soo good.
That little ego boost you get when you catch a complete stranger checking you out...

Followed by the realisation that they must have thought you were a full decade younger than you are. At least.

Two nights in a row at Grill'd. I know a guy from uni who works there, pretty sure he thinks we're slobs now :C Oh well

Uncharted 4 continues to be incredible, my friends with NBN continue to have no access, my neighbor has been chainsawing a tree day for three days in a row now, and end of semester is so close I can taste the freedom.

How was your weekend AusGAF?


Two nights in a row at Grill'd. I know a guy from uni who works there, pretty sure he thinks we're slobs now :C Oh well

Uncharted 4 continues to be incredible, my friends with NBN continue to have no access, my neighbor has been chainsawing a tree day for three days in a row now, and end of semester is so close I can taste the freedom.

How was your weekend AusGAF?

Shit. Along with health issues I continue to have (the most recent being the past week I've been suffereng from intermittent chest pains which a raft of hospital tests failed to find anything and my GP seems to think its just bad indigestion - which I doubt), my cat has been having short vomiting episodes for the past week at night. Is fine during the day with no appetite issues but I wake every night (betweeen 3-6 am) to him having a short vomit.
Though this mornng seems to have passed without incident. So now that my planned vet visit this morning is up in the air.
Two nights in a row at Grill'd. I know a guy from uni who works there, pretty sure he thinks we're slobs now :C Oh well

Uncharted 4 continues to be incredible, my friends with NBN continue to have no access, my neighbor has been chainsawing a tree day for three days in a row now, and end of semester is so close I can taste the freedom.

How was your weekend AusGAF?
Well after nine years I had my first ever NeoGAF ban, for this post (only a 3 day ban), and I got food poisoning. It was a top weekend.


Game Talk:

Doom on sub min spec runs at 30ish at 720p so my lunchtimes at work involve cutting up enemies with a chainsaw and shooting them. And the after work, I boot up Doom.

SRIV- Got this with GwG and its fucking terrible. The sort of game we used to lap up in PS2 days when we had finished GTA and wanted more ofthe same and so we'd buy True Crime, or later on, Saint's Row. I have actually tried 4 SR games and they never seem to grab me fore more than an hour or so before I move onto something else. SRIV- or Dubstep: The Game, is not a crackdown substitute in any way, shape or form.

Black Ops was added to X1 BC. I only played it on PC at release (it was the first CoD I hadn't double dip console and PC- mainly due to lack of work reasons_ so I picked it up and played a bit last night. It holds up really, really well as a game. Will be playing it all weekend, i think.

I'm loving Doom! It's a great oldschool shooter and it's nice that people aren't complaining about an old series reboot for a shame.

I really liked SR4, it was batshit insane in all the right ways, but each to their own.

I booted up BLOPS on the Xbone too, the graphics haven't aged well but it's still good fun.

Played plenty of Battleborn over the weekend too, but now that Overwatch is out tomorrow that will probably become my main.
Oh SR4 on 360? Ran pretty bad, framerate really chugged. PC version was pretty well optimised though. Once you unlock all the Crackdown powers it's fun. It's not a good game outside aping Crackdown though. Really wish they did a deep, fleshed out open world action game like SR2 again. Enjoyed that way more than GTA4.

Two nights in a row at Grill'd. I know a guy from uni who works there, pretty sure he thinks we're slobs now :C Oh well

Uncharted 4 continues to be incredible, my friends with NBN continue to have no access, my neighbor has been chainsawing a tree day for three days in a row now, and end of semester is so close I can taste the freedom.

How was your weekend AusGAF?
Wasted weekend really. Lost Sat night to a thing with the in-laws, other than that just kicking round the house with the kids. #2 keeps vomiting up his milk but with no other issues which is weird. #1 still not sleeping properly lol.
Played a ton of Mad Max over remote play. Totally in love with it. Insane amount of detail in it, their best game by a mile. After the first 2-3 hours everything clicks into place and you become a conflicted vigilante bad ass. Only thing that's slightly off is the distinct lack of score/music, works in some areas but due to being a yugeeeeeeeeeeeeee open world game it needs some more effective stings now and then. The roar of your beast is bad ass but loses it's impact after the millionth time.
Uncharted 4 met expectations. Looking forward to giving it some time after letting it rest.

Shit. Along with health issues I continue to have (the most recent being the past week I've been suffereng from intermittent chest pains which a raft of hospital tests failed to find anything and my GP seems to think its just bad indigestion - which I doubt), my cat has been having short vomiting episodes for the past week at night. Is fine during the day with no appetite issues but I wake every night (betweeen 3-6 am) to him having a short vomit.
Though this mornng seems to have passed without incident. So now that my planned vet visit this morning is up in the air.
Damn, hope things clear up soon :(

Did your GP talk about the chest pains possibly being due to stress?

Well after nine years I had my first ever NeoGAF ban, for this post (only a 3 day ban), and I got food poisoning. It was a top weekend.

Yeah that word is in the instaban book. You can threaten and belittle other members but don't use that word!
I assume the mod explained in the ban message why that word shouldn't be used these days, hopefully.


Damn, hope things clear up soon :(

Did your GP talk about the chest pains possibly being due to stress?

No, she didnt.

Just that the pains being not on the left side thats its not a heart issue, which the hospital chest xrays and blood tests being clear (as well as a recent stress test) seem to backup. Just that I've got other issues (hypertension and a high pulse rate when active) that make me question it all. Not sure where to go now exactly. I will take this anti-indegestion medication for a bit and see if that does anything.


No, she didnt.

Just that the pains being not on the left side thats its not a heart issue, which the hospital chest xrays and blood tests being clear (as well as a recent stress test) seem to backup. Just that I've got other issues (hypertension and a high pulse rate when active) that make me question it all. Not sure where to go now exactly. I will take this anti-indegestion medication for a bit and see if that does anything.
Good luck.

I've suffered from similar things (random stress-induced chest pains that feel a lot like cramping, and are definitely not heart-related). I've also had permanent indigestion for the last ten years, to the point of having a damaged oesophagus (I can show you the quite ugly picture they took, if you like) and am on 20mg esomeprazole for the rest of my life. AFAICT it's hereditary 'cos my mum is also on the same dose (she's also on precisely the same 5mg dose of rosuvastatin as me to treat our hereditary cholesterol issue). So looking into family history might be a thing?
I really liked SR3. I hated 2 and enjoyed 4 at PAX when I got to play it for 5 minutes. Then I bought it and holy shit it's so boring. Yes it's batshit insane but too much of the same.


Speaking of jobs, we have a position open here for a digital designer, so if you know about Photoshop and web site development, hit us up!

This might sound silly but as much as SR4 tries to ape Crackdown's abilities and structure, at the end of the day you're playing as a murderous sociopath and ehhh I'm not really into games where you play as bad guys. In Crackdown you're a genetically enhanced supercop and I like that. It's probably also why i never got on with GTA games or even playing TIE Fighter.


Did you ever play Lego City Gaz? Absolutely nothing like Crackdown etc in terms of fluidity of movement, but it's a cool funny open worlder where you play as a good guy.
Shit. Along with health issues I continue to have (the most recent being the past week I've been suffereng from intermittent chest pains which a raft of hospital tests failed to find anything and my GP seems to think its just bad indigestion - which I doubt), my cat has been having short vomiting episodes for the past week at night. Is fine during the day with no appetite issues but I wake every night (betweeen 3-6 am) to him having a short vomit.
Though this mornng seems to have passed without incident. So now that my planned vet visit this morning is up in the air.

Strange, hope it passes and is nothing to get worried about. Same with your cat :p

Well after nine years I had my first ever NeoGAF ban, for this post (only a 3 day ban), and I got food poisoning. It was a top weekend.

Was it over the use of 'retarded'? I know it's politically incorrect to use it in any context these days but wasn't overly offensive imo. I've never had food poisoning, doesn't sound like a whole lot of fun.

Wasted weekend really. Lost Sat night to a thing with the in-laws, other than that just kicking round the house with the kids. #2 keeps vomiting up his milk but with no other issues which is weird. #1 still not sleeping properly lol.
Played a ton of Mad Max over remote play. Totally in love with it. Insane amount of detail in it, their best game by a mile. After the first 2-3 hours everything clicks into place and you become a conflicted vigilante bad ass. Only thing that's slightly off is the distinct lack of score/music, works in some areas but due to being a yugeeeeeeeeeeeeee open world game it needs some more effective stings now and then. The roar of your beast is bad ass but loses it's impact after the millionth time.
Uncharted 4 met expectations. Looking forward to giving it some time after letting it rest.

Man, a weekend of health problems for everyone. Love Mad Max, but still haven't finished the main story because I've been trawling about the wasteland grabbing all the collectibles and bringing every zone to 0 threat level which has been a lot of fun. What were your expectations for U4? I'm currently 2/3 through and adoring it.

Fine, I got done playing Uncharted 4 so now I can move on to things I actually want to play.

Did you find it a chore? Why not just ditch it if you weren't enjoying it?
Did you find it a chore? Why not just ditch it if you weren't enjoying it?

The combat loop was mostly good but at the end they start throwing waves of super armored troopers immune to headshots who take more than 2 grenades to kill. Which IMO sapped a lot of the fun out of the encounters.

The climbing is not fun at all, never has been. And they ramp up the amount of time you walk around listening to character dialogue. Complaints about killing too many people as Drake aside, there wasn't enough good gameplay compared to down time imo.
Yeah that word is in the instaban book. You can threaten and belittle other members but don't use that word!
It is indeed (as I found out), and fair enough too.

No, she didnt.

Just that the pains being not on the left side thats its not a heart issue, which the hospital chest xrays and blood tests being clear (as well as a recent stress test) seem to backup. Just that I've got other issues (hypertension and a high pulse rate when active) that make me question it all. Not sure where to go now exactly. I will take this anti-indegestion medication for a bit and see if that does anything.
I had similar pains for quite some time, and it just turned out to be an oesophagus injury in my case. Scared the hell out of me.

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
I had the biggest weekend. Still not home yet and I left Friday morning. And Mr tone can be happy now. I've slept on his couch.


I really liked SR3. I hated 2 and enjoyed 4 at PAX when I got to play it for 5 minutes. Then I bought it and holy shit it's so boring. Yes it's batshit insane but too much of the same.

If Saints Row keeps doing more of the same thing then I am happy. It feels like a good partner for GTA but doesn't take itself too seriously, which I really appreciate.
Well after nine years I had my first ever NeoGAF ban, for this post (only a 3 day ban), and I got food poisoning. It was a top weekend.

Yeah that word is in the instaban book. You can threaten and belittle other members but don't use that word!

I assume the mod explained in the ban message why that word shouldn't be used these days, hopefully.

Was it over the use of 'retarded'? I know it's politically incorrect to use it in any context these days but wasn't overly offensive imo. I've never had food poisoning, doesn't sound like a whole lot of fun.

It is indeed (as I found out), and fair enough too.

The definition of the word being discussed is to slow progression or development. The context it was used in is actually the proper, original use for the word.
Gah! The Canberra job interview is on my birthday. Maybe that bodes well?

Also, does anyone know where I can find Xenoblade Chronicles X for a reasonable price? It seems as though neither Big W or Target stock it anymore and both JB and EB have it at $90.


Gah! The Canberra job interview is on my birthday. Maybe that bodes well?

Also, does anyone know where I can find Xenoblade Chronicles X for a reasonable price? It seems as though neither Big W or Target stock it anymore and both JB and EB have it at $90.

Ozgameshop has it for $61 if you don't mind waiting a week or two.


Did you ever play Lego City Gaz? Absolutely nothing like Crackdown etc in terms of fluidity of movement, but it's a cool funny open worlder where you play as a good guy.
Still haven't yet, because I haven't bought a Wii U
And at this rate probably never will
- a shame, coz I love LEGO and I love the open world parts of LEGO Marvel!
Just that the pains being not on the left side thats its not a heart issue, which the hospital chest xrays and blood tests being clear (as well as a recent stress test) seem to backup. Just that I've got other issues (hypertension and a high pulse rate when active) that make me question it all. Not sure where to go now exactly. I will take this anti-indegestion medication for a bit and see if that does anything.
I've suffered from similar things (random stress-induced chest pains that feel a lot like cramping, and are definitely not heart-related). I've also had permanent indigestion for the last ten years, to the point of having a damaged oesophagus (I can show you the quite ugly picture they took, if you like) and am on 20mg esomeprazole for the rest of my life. AFAICT it's hereditary 'cos my mum is also on the same dose (she's also on precisely the same 5mg dose of rosuvastatin as me to treat our hereditary cholesterol issue). So looking into family history might be a thing?
Interesting, I had a really similar sounding thing last year around this time of year that I put down to stress in the end. I had quite a few times that the pain so was intense I thought I was having a heart attack, I might have to look into this oesophagus stuff.

I really liked SR3. I hated 2 and enjoyed 4 at PAX when I got to play it for 5 minutes. Then I bought it and holy shit it's so boring. Yes it's batshit insane but too much of the same.
Yeah all I remember is jumping and flying round like a madman pumping a custom soundtrack lol

Did you find it a chore? Why not just ditch it if you weren't enjoying it?
Not at all, loved every minute. Top 3 game of all time for me! Giving it some time to settle before I jump back in to make sure I'm not going crazy. I played it fairly direct and still spent 13 hours of gameplay time in there and got like a quarter of the treasures lol.

Anyone else jumping on Overwatch tomorrow? I'm getting it on PC.
Thinking of grabbing it on PS4 to be part of the zeitgeist but I haven't even looked at what kind of game it is! Depends on how our new living arrangement works out in the new house, hard to find time to game with #2.
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