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AusGAF (2016)

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I like Jeff a lot, he was the only person at Giant Bomb
and the rest of the internet
to really go to bat for Game Room and he does know his C64 stuff. But sheesh after a while 'healthy jaded cynicism' just feels like 'everything is kinda shit' and eh I don't really need that in my ears for 18 hours a week or however long the Giant Bombcast is these days.

Might as well write about it here - went out for a walk to our local outer suburban park last night with the wife. This park is usually dead after 7pm or so once all the families go home and the local fitness clubs pack it in for the night. It was packed full of people walking around the pathways catching Pokemon. Highlight of the night was a group of four or five people that were doing their best to take over a Gym that was populated by a Kakuna with a whopping CP of 12. But thanks to the buggy gym system they just could not stay connected long enough to take it over.

On the next lap we did the people were gone, but the gym was still there. I had a look and it looked like one of them had successfully managed to take over the gym and left a fairly powerful Pokemon to guard it. I figured what the hell, and sent my guys in to take it down. Surprisingly enough, I did it! It felt great!

Then out of nowhere I hear an anguished moan - the people from before had retreated to their nearby car but where still playing, and their Gym had just been lost to me. Someone in the car shouted at me HEY, DID YOU JUST TAKE OUR GYM? and we yelled some friendly trash talk back and forth and I gave him the thumbs up and laughed before going back on our walk.

By the time we completed another lap the gym was reclaimed by them and they left some heavy Pokemon in there to keep it secure.

I'll be back tonight to reclaim my neighbourhood.
Might as well write about it here - went out for a walk to our local outer suburban park last night with the wife. This park is usually dead after 7pm or so once all the families go home and the local fitness clubs pack it in for the night. It was packed full of people walking around the pathways catching Pokemon. Highlight of the night was a group of four or five people that were doing their best to take over a Gym that was populated by a Kakuna with a whopping CP of 12. But thanks to the buggy gym system they just could not stay connected long enough to take it over.

On the next lap we did the people were gone, but the gym was still there. I had a look and it looked like one of them had successfully managed to take over the gym and left a fairly powerful Pokemon to guard it. I figured what the hell, and sent my guys in to take it down. Surprisingly enough, I did it! It felt great!

Then out of nowhere I hear an anguished moan - the people from before had retreated to their nearby car but where still playing, and their Gym had just been lost to me. Someone in the car shouted at me HEY, DID YOU JUST TAKE OUR GYM? and we yelled some friendly trash talk back and forth and I gave him the thumbs up and laughed before going back on our walk.

By the time we completed another lap the gym was reclaimed by them and they left some heavy Pokemon in there to keep it secure.

I'll be back tonight to reclaim my neighbourhood.

Like some nerdy, quasi gang-style turf war.
I like Jeff a lot, he was the only person at Giant Bomb
and the rest of the internet
to really go to bat for Game Room and he does know his C64 stuff. But sheesh after a while 'healthy jaded cynicism' just feels like 'everything is kinda shit' and eh I don't really need that in my ears for 18 hours a week or however long the Giant Bombcast is these days.

Might as well write about it here - went out for a walk to our local outer suburban park last night with the wife. This park is usually dead after 7pm or so once all the families go home and the local fitness clubs pack it in for the night. It was packed full of people walking around the pathways catching Pokemon. Highlight of the night was a group of four or five people that were doing their best to take over a Gym that was populated by a Kakuna with a whopping CP of 12. But thanks to the buggy gym system they just could not stay connected long enough to take it over.

On the next lap we did the people were gone, but the gym was still there. I had a look and it looked like one of them had successfully managed to take over the gym and left a fairly powerful Pokemon to guard it. I figured what the hell, and sent my guys in to take it down. Surprisingly enough, I did it! It felt great!

Then out of nowhere I hear an anguished moan - the people from before had retreated to their nearby car but where still playing, and their Gym had just been lost to me. Someone in the car shouted at me HEY, DID YOU JUST TAKE OUR GYM? and we yelled some friendly trash talk back and forth and I gave him the thumbs up and laughed before going back on our walk.

By the time we completed another lap the gym was reclaimed by them and they left some heavy Pokemon in there to keep it secure.

I'll be back tonight to reclaim my neighbourhood.

What you described is just so beautiful to me. What a time to be alive.


I actually dug out my old Nexus 4 and put it to charge because I'm going to be canceling my phone plan next week and getting a temp SIM and I'll probably put GO on it...


Taking a day off an going down to London to Star Wars Celebration on Friday.

I am so insanely jealous! You will have to report back with your highlights.

Lansmash was awesome over the weekend, nothing but Overwatch for 2 days. I started playing Evolve again now that it's gone f2p and it's still really good fun, hope it has legs again.

Bought a new 27" monitor this weekend because my wifes old monitor died and she's inherited my 24".

Doing a full new PC build in early September, going to swap out my 980, replace it with maybe a cheap 960 (they are only $240 atm) and give my old PC to my wife, she wants to play Age of Empires, Skyrim and Just Cause 3. And I get a new PC!!


I actually dug out my old Nexus 4 and put it to charge because I'm going to be canceling my phone plan next week and getting a temp SIM and I'll probably put GO on it...

I had a Nexus 4 at one point, but the camera was so borked. I think it also stopped officially receiving updates or something as well?


I can't look away.



OK Go talk has reached saturation point.

Both my local 6pm evening news and A Current Affair had Go stories.

Of course the ACA story brought up how much of a target rich environment for pedophiles it can be and how parents should be out there catching pokemon with their kids.


I actually dug out my old Nexus 4 and put it to charge because I'm going to be canceling my phone plan next week and getting a temp SIM and I'll probably put GO on it...

Maybe I'll do that too, as I'm too lazy to downgrade my 5x to a version of Android that Go works with.


Pretty over all the pokemon talk TBH. It's just insane, everyone I know is talking about it. It'd be alright if I saw/heard talk of other things but it's more or less the only thing that's been around the last couple days. I can't even concentrate on my work without hearing dudes talking about it out on the street.


realised that the nexus 4 gps works with a wifi signal so I can just hook it into my tethered internet if i'm out and about... but i'm cancelling my phone contract anyway next week, so might as well just get a temp sim and jam that into the nexus instead


Wow, and he's usually so enthusiastic about everything else ��
He liked doom! :D

Pretty over all the pokemon talk TBH. It's just insane, everyone I know is talking about it. It'd be alright if I saw/heard talk of other things but it's more or less the only thing that's been around the last couple days. I can't even concentrate on my work without hearing dudes talking about it out on the street.
I reckon my non-gaming twitter feed has more Go mentions than my gaming feed lol

I dunno, when stuff like this blows up the way it has it really irks me:/


I like the game, the fact that it's getting people out and about, I've got myself a fancy team and participated in some pretty hefty gym takeovers. heck I walked 50km's+ over the weekend for it.

Just the everywhere-ness of it makes me want to go into seclusion for the next month or so. Makes me feel like I'm in some neverending nightmare.
I dunno, when stuff like this blows up the way it has it really irks me:/

bandwagon jumping?
because its big and writing about it brings clicks?
because Pokemon sux ballz since it went colour?
you had a bad day and don't see why anyone else should have a good time?
digimon 4 lyfe?
They stole your idea for a similar game in the world of cabbage patch kids?
Gamefreak parked outside your house even though there's no car outside their house?
fuck the zeitgeist?
All of the above
I liked it before it was cool, excuse me while I put my scarf on.


bandwagon jumping?
because its big and writing about it brings clicks?
because Pokemon sux ballz since it went colour?
you had a bad day and don't see why anyone else should have a good time?
digimon 4 lyfe?
They stole your idea for a similar game in the world of cabbage patch kids?
Gamefreak parked outside your house even though there's no car outside their house?
fuck the zeitgeist?
All of the above
I liked it before it was cool, excuse me while I put my scarf on.
all the above!

except digimon


Lol, I feel like the general consensus on Digimon is that it was a legit good show. I never woke up early enough to catch it on cheeztv...
It just blows my mind seeing people in the streets all on the same wavelength, congregating and interacting. This is one of those times when you really get to experience a big cultural event, and regardless of how long it lasts this will be remembered as a big deal.

Anyway, I agree it's getting tiring talking about basically nothing else. In other news, I've been reading Berserk and god damn is it good!



like I reckon ingress probably did the same thing, but on such a smaller scale, and the types of people who were really into ingress were prroooooooobaaaaablyyyyyy a specific type of person as opposed to pokemon which apparently hit near universal appeal status at some point


The timing is pretty crazy too. Like, Pokemon kinda has most age groups covered now. There's kids, older folk who have kids, and then the mid 20s-30s crew who have nostalgia for pokemon.


The timing is pretty crazy too. Like, Pokemon kinda has most age groups covered now. There's kids, older folk who have kids, and then the mid 20s-30s crew who have nostalgia for pokemon.

Plus its at a time where smart phones are widely available, not just wealthier adults.

And here at least hit during school holidays is just about perfect.



like I reckon ingress probably did the same thing, but on such a smaller scale, and the types of people who were really into ingress were prroooooooobaaaaablyyyyyy a specific type of person as opposed to pokemon which apparently hit near universal appeal status at some point

Well it was both an original IP, plus Android only for a good while too. That probably did limit its chatter, though it was quite popular for a good while amongst folks I knew. I probably would have continued to play if it wasn't for how much it chewed battery life. That was a big pain point for me, and thats what will limit any pokemon playing I do.

I imagine if this was a Star Wars Rebellion v Empire game it would be pretty equally as big.


It's not active here yet but I think the main big game design things that have really helped it take off are probably

a) the main draw is about collecting, not battling (yet), and since the pokemon don't 'exhaust' there's a communal aspect instead of a competitive one

b) there's three factions; ingress only had two, right? I think most stuff is red/blue right now but I expect the balance might flip around a bit, hard to tell without live servers here

c) even where there is battle the way it seems to operate with multi-player attacking and whatnot seems to encourage teamwork and whatnot as well
Drinking a coffee, checking some news and this technology section on news.com.au is laughable.


*If you think the fads article is anything but a thinly veiled Pokémon Go article you'd be wrong. That's 4 of 5 homepage tech articles about Pokémon Go. Why do I scroll down on that news site still?


Resurrected my old Nexus 4. And now its of course blowing a antarctic gale so I have no interest roaming the streets to catch some pokemons.
Drinking a coffee, checking some news and this technology section on news.com.au is laughable.


*If you think the fads article is anything but a thinly veiled Pokémon Go article you'd be wrong. That's 4 of 5 homepage tech articles about Pokémon Go. Why do I scroll down on that news site still?[/QUOTE]

That will teach you for visiting news.com.au
Calling his company News Ltd really was the smartest move Murdoch ever made. Even just registering the name as a URL automatically gives legitimacy to whatever nonsense he and his editors want to put on there. You're an Australian on the Internet and want to read the news? Head to news.com.au

He's like Lex Luthor.
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