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AusGAF 5/5 - Everything's Amazing and Nobody's Happy, a rental at best


PC's up and running, motherfuckers. No OCing as yet, but thankfully Windows 7, after some post-boot driver updating, loaded everything up exactly as it was on the old mobo/cpu other than the GPU drivers. New CPU fan/heatsink is as quiet as a two churchmice fucking.



I want animated avatars.

Ranch sauce on Grill'd chips is amazing. Amazing.
Just watched The Sting. Great movie, Paul Newman great as always. Also drinking The Macallan neat.

I just said great twice! Thanks Brendan Brewer for the awesome vocabulary!
Friday night check-in:
Community? Fucking awesome. Such a shame it's going on hiatus. For so damn long, too :(
The League? Also fucking awesome. Pleased to report that Eliza Dushku is still looking fucking fantastic. Lastly, great to see a cameo by Conan writer Deon Cole.

Agreed, agreed and agreed!


I don't even remember what animated avatars look like anymore:/ Seems like it's been forever since they stopped it.

Anyway, had my mini birthday bash at Rockpool Bar & Grill restaurant. Always heard people rave about it but I never got around to going. I think I like it better than Rockpool itself - last time I went there I wasn't very impressed. Overall, really really nice place and great food, will definitely go again!

Also, when's the next MK7 session?


I don't even remember what animated avatars look like anymore:/ Seems like it's been forever since they stopped it.

Anyway, had my mini birthday bash at Rockpool Bar & Grill restaurant. Always heard people rave about it but I never got around to going. I think I like it better than Rockpool itself - last time I went there I wasn't very impressed. Overall, really really nice place and great food, will definitely go again!

Also, when's the next MK7 session?

Going there soon! What did you have, what did you like?


My far cheaper hotel has no wifi access in my room and it's COLD AS BALLS and also right next to some air condition units which are probably going to run through the night. No all-night gym either. It's also in a slightly seedier part of town, but not that much seedier, since this is Canada.


It is about 4 times cheaper than the other hotel.


Jintor, when you have your new character prepared, let me know. I decided to follow my Lawful Good Paladin ideals, bought the D&D Insider subscription and have been doing up new character sheets for everybody. The character generator prints as images, so the files end up large, but they do look pretty awesome.

Those aren't the final versions for everyone, though. A few more minor changes to make and stuff. That link should stay permanently valid, though.


I have no idea either lol. Last of Us trailer looks cool though.
Boken said:
Going there soon! What did you have, what did you like?
I had:

Baby Cos, Reserva Anchovies and Slow Cooked Egg
with Green Goddess Dressing - really simple but tasted amazing. It's basically a Caesar salad but more awesome.

Cape Grim Rib eye on the Bone - I'm not a steak connoisseur but it was pretty damn good with the red wine we had. We ordered a couple of sides, highlight for me was the potatoes in wagyu fat and errr mac n cheese lol

And for desert I had the black forest trifle which was delightful!

I really liked everything! The building itself is beautiful, service was great and it was pretty casual, which is something I really appreciated - not a fan of excess doucheyness at restaurants. Hope you will enjoy it as much as I did!


Just saw the trailer for The Last of Us. Visually incredible, but it looks like another Zombieland starring Ellen Page and Sam Fisher.

I don't think I can stand another zombie game unless it does something really special. Thematically it looks boring like Enslaved, and after Uncharted 3 I might just rent it.

And Metal Gear Rising.

Looks fucking ridiculous. Only reason I'm considering it is Platinum, otherwise it looks bad.

If thats what we have to look forward to for next year/next gen, I'll be sticking with 3DS.


Yeah, Rising looks kinda...dumb. But then again, Bayonetta looked pretty dumb in the early trailers except with better music!


Bishock infinite trailer looks shit.

What is it with games and overwrought high school levels of "LOOK JUXTAPOSITION OF MUSIC THEME AND VISUAL THEMES1111!!!!11!!" these days?

So fucking amateur.

edit: 4 in a row. Mass effect 3 looks poo.


I like how everyone always complains about the VGAs every year yet still end up watching it and wasting 2 hours of their life. I think there's a large group on GAF that just likes bitching for the sake of bitching.

Meanwhile I've spent this time reading Mistborn: The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson, which is a fantastic series btw that everyone who likes fantasy should read. I've now read 3 Brandon Sanderson novels over the past 3 weeks and he is such a fantastic writer. I'm tempted to continue my slog through the Wheel of Time just to get to the Sanderson novels.
VGAs are good to have on in the background while doing dishes, wrapping presents, other housework. Pop in, watch a trailer, and then get back to chores.


I went out and got some kickass udon and sashimi and ale and then bumbled around Vancouver pleasantly drunk for a while instead of watching the awards. Catching up now. (In the hotel lounge. No wifi reception in my room, wtf.)

They have arcades here that are open late at night! I was playing Marvel 2 with randoms!

I probably won't make the monday dnd session i suspect.


Dont bother, it sounds like a complete farce on all counts.

edit: the vgas that is. Undeserving winners, juvenile presenters and puerile trailers.

The gaming industry is collectively retarded


At what point did spike become a 'video reveals for games' event >_<?

People actually watch a gaming awards? It seems like even the logies have more cred!


At what point did spike become a 'video reveals for games' event >_<?

At what point was it even approved for broadcast? Seems like they have a terminal case of the dumb-dumbs.

If the videogame industry ever wants to move beyond the stereotype that it's "just for kids" then it might do well to have people in the industry not act like immature and obnoxious 15yo kids.

Teabagging? REALLY?!


Another thing that I dont get is the insistence on declaring games as "GOTY". We know it's a meaningless term when you get several average games all declare themselves as GOTY with a re-release edition in the same calendar year. We also know it's meaningless when it's asserted most loudly by publications that have already been shown to be completely and deliberately oblivious to the faults of most highly rated games. Usually it takes a week before glaring flaws are noticed in a game and nary a mention of it in any review can be found.

Gaming is only entertainment, sure, so use of this word may be overblowing it - but it smells of corruption. Or nepotism at least.


Nothing wrong with the games, the problem is with the mouthpieces and "industry" types who are basically pathological liars and sycophants. "The Industry" is not gaming, but it is the most part of what is wrong with it.

The problem with the games industry is offensive levels of stupidity. There is no genuine criticism. The publishers and media seem to hold customers in contempt and as if they are inconvenient considerations to their parasite-host relationship. Remember when customers used to be advised about problems with games or hardware? I sure don't. Games press should consider themselves as a buyer's guide. Instead, it all seems to be a relationship where they try not to upset the boat with bad news so they don't hurt their chances of becoming community managers or working their way into a decent developer (a fair ambition).

Then there is the case of the industry-approved narrative, where certain trends are ignored in favour of others. Certain elements/genres/series/companies are doomed/in decline, and the other companies with diametrically opposed business models (ie making shit games that sell moderately well) are lauded and praised with awards given by their own marketing departments.

Shady anti-consumer practices are ignored en masse by the media, lest they lose coverage of next week's AAA unveil. Non-money hatting publishers are criticised for relatively minor transgressions that are in comparison less than 1% of the magnitude of the biggest offenders who are rarely named or "investigated". And if they are, a token "what problem?" response is left unquestioned.

No - the problem is not with me. I enjoy playing good games. The problem is the structure of the industry, the relationship between the industry and media, the contempt with which customers are held in, and the insistence that anyone who doesn't agree with the bullshit in the gaming industry just "hates games".
I like how everyone always complains about the VGAs every year yet still end up watching it and wasting 2 hours of their life. I think there's a large group on GAF that just likes bitching for the sake of bitching.

Meanwhile I've spent this time reading Mistborn: The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson, which is a fantastic series btw that everyone who likes fantasy should read. I've now read 3 Brandon Sanderson novels over the past 3 weeks and he is such a fantastic writer. I'm tempted to continue my slog through the Wheel of Time just to get to the Sanderson novels.

Have you read The Way of Kings yet? If not you definitely should, it is probably my favourite Sanderson novel.

People are saying the Blackwell games in the next IndieRoyale bundle
Oh hell yes! Will be all over this bundle. Will wait for it to pop before I drop my cash though.

Thematically it looks boring like Enslaved, and after Uncharted 3 I might just rent it.

And Metal Gear Rising. Looks fucking ridiculous. Only reason I'm considering it is Platinum, otherwise it looks bad.

If thats what we have to look forward to for next year/next gen, I'll be sticking with 3DS.
AusGAF 5/5 - Everything's Amazing and Nobody's Happy, a rental at best Reply to Thread

I like how everyone always complains about the VGAs every year yet still end up watching it and wasting 2 hours of their life. I think there's a large group on GAF that just likes bitching for the sake of bitching..
I started out on the drive home trying to keep up to date by reading the GAF thread but between every decent nugget of information was 50 posts saying the exact damn thing. Ended up deciding to wait until I got home and just download the damn thing to watch in the background while I do some cleaning/gaming.

I think Vince needs a new hobby. I hear there's less negativity in the model train community. As long as you pick the right gauge.
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