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AusGAF 5/5 - Everything's Amazing and Nobody's Happy, a rental at best


the argument is usually that if the government doesn't subsidise private schools.... they'll all rush back to the public system and the world will end....

but I doubt so..... for a percentage maybe.... but if you're already paying over 10k, I think there are other reasons valued over costs that come under parents' consideration...

eg: a religious education......or preventing the transmission of fleas from grotty public schoolers.


yes you haev more attention from a teacher at high school and its more in their best interests for you to do well, but the way that the higher private schools teach is crazy. You are basically coached purely for the HSC instead of actually taught properly. That is not the way education should be.

State school students have an easier time adjusting for uni than private school students.

I've spent years in private and public schools of differing demographics and in different states, and I can say that my experience in more affluent private schools (though certainly not $30k p.a., haha) was not of being spoon fed. The school, out of all I've been in, was best at teaching a fairly broad, academically oriented curriculum to its entire student base. The assessment and homework structures were surprisingly similar to those I've seen in the last years of high school. The school, to its credit, was not afraid to demand academic outcomes from its students.

I spent the last couple of years in a public senior secondary college. The quality of teaching was generally excellent and the school placed heavy emphasis on individual responsibility, making for comprehensive preparation for uni. It should be completely clear from the HSC lists that, public or private, what produces educational advantage is selectivity. Selective schools select for academic ability and so perform well in the league tables; likewise private schools select for socioeconomic advantage which correlates strongly with academic performance, so they too perform well in the league tables. The abysmal Tasmanian retention rate has a lot to do with why the senior secondary colleges here provide such a great, tertiary-like educational environment. Less academically inclined students either leave school and do VET subjects or leave education altogether.

Though it is likely to the detriment of society at large, better resourced education in a somewhat selective environment can and does boost academic outcomes for many individuals. Saying that private schools don't teach their students to learn betrays ignorance, because clearly many do it very well. Saying that private schools create perceived deficiencies of character seems similarly short sighted, as this brand of cultural class warfare has existed for far, far longer than our particular model of school funding.


I just remembered what I hated about my private school, and probably private schools in general.

Uniforms are ridiculously expensive! I don't remember the exact prices, but I would say a blazer, shirt and pants combo was probably 400 bucks plus. Then you had to buy PE uniforms for your house, then winter sport and summer sport uniforms, it was crazy.

My parents also decided to cheap out on my school pants in the first year of highschool (year 7) and bought some elsewhere that were a slightly different shade, so I got laughed at for a year as the wrong pants kid:(

Music instruments too, school tried to make my parents buy a xylophone because I was good at it. Xylophones are expensive! They ended up giving me one and a drum kit for a while which was alright lol
Also for Marsh and anyone else who is going to be playing SWTOR I'm on the server Daragon Trail scratch that, moved over to Swiftsure which is the unofficial oceanic server.


Yoshiya you're TasGAF as well? :O

I went to a high school with a pretty bad reputation, but then once I hit College I really started to learn. Had a few hiccups on the way mind you, but pretty happy where I ended up overall, with two degrees under my belt and likely to be a third.

Also self-taught guitar over here, haven't played in a few years, can't read music :(
Craig Thomson - the gift that keeps on giving :/
This makes me pretty fucking angry. Why not spend 2/3 of the equivalent of my yearly wage on a report taken from Wikipedia and a 6 week holiday. Fucking clowns.

So I'm a twat.
Any other twats in AusGAF?
Pffft! Private school twats/pricks! Public school for life!

Spoon feeding is in every high school.
Most of the public schools out our area (North West Victoria) we just happy if people turned up. Most of the teachers were cruising to retirement and didn't give too shits as long as we didn't throw too many erasers at them. In contrast when my sister went to a private school for VCE the pressure got to her so much she tried to kill herself one night, it was a range of reasons of course but the intense importance that was put on getting 99.25 was a large contributor. She got a 99 in any case so all good, future lawyer in the family!

Vista's UAC was shit
That is the major complaint I heard from everyone who went from XP->Vista.

Win7 is a pretty big upgrade on Vista however. Certainly from my personal perspective/opinion.
Indeed plus it has been $50 for students/pc builders for a long time now.



Maybe try your local PC builder too. I ended up getting a second Win7 key for $30 from some random deal that came up on OzBargain one day so I have that installed for my parents.

Speaking of OzBargain look upon the squabble of religious discussion! Hilarious.

Also FE3R for $15? Not bad. Not great but hey.

I bet something Silent Hill related and something Konami related will probably pop up at E3 this year WOO SPECIFICITY it's no Platinum making MGS but I work with what I've got.

Team Siren or bust in my opinion.


Speaking of instruments I'm thinking of getting piano lessons starting next year. I've tried on and off teaching myself but it's just no good.


Mine is now off the top 10 for hsc according to smh. Woo!

I'm a twat as well, double win!


Umm, it's per year not term lol. Per term would mean like 120k a year:/

Aschem and the boys version of aschem charge that

kids that go there are celebrity and bank ceo kids
All schools produce pricks, private schools possibly more so due to the spoilt brat factor. Still, I'm sure lots of nice people come out of private school too.

But yes, what other country in the world has private schools being funded by the government? What the fuck is that shit? There are some really ghetto and grimy public schools out there that need some serious work, but nope, gotta give them private schools more millions.

Pretty much this. I am tired and broken.


I am happy to watch musicians.

That's my problem when I go to see an orchestra. I get so distracted admiring the immense physical dexterity in play that the music washes over me.


Aschem and the boys version of aschem charge that

kids that go there are celebrity and bank ceo kids
Wait a sec, so you're telling me that Ascham Girls charge 120k a year? I'm pretty sure that's wrong so prove me wrong choc! And what is boy Ascham lol?
shanshan310 said:
Any room for a castanet player? :p
the way that the higher private schools teach is crazy. You are basically coached purely for the HSC instead of actually taught properly.

I shall now provide a link to a pretty awesome looking building design: http://www.mangaloretoday.com/mt/index.php?action=today&type=816
'unbelievably reminiscent of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Centre'
Seriously? I didn't even see it until it was pointed out. Looks like two tall square buildings with a bit in the middle. Should we not build any buildings that are square and tall in the future?

Umm, it's per year not term lol. Per term would mean like 120k a year:/
Some places do charge these sorts of fees.

Link me to where, Scorps! I keep finding it for like $149 or whatever
Ten bucks staff and students edition, yeah!


Some places do charge these sorts of fees.
What are these crazy schools you speak of? These massive fees would only make sort of sense if it's boarding and the kid is an international student. Otherwise it makes no sense! International uni students probably don't pay even half of that.


My Google-fu has allowed me to discover that Ascham Girls charged $24,600 in tuition fees for year 12 students in 2009, so unless they have since increased their fees fivefold, I'd say it's not $120,000 =P


I can't remember what it was for mine. Something like probably slightly more than 1k for a year of High School education?


I've just been reading a book that would drive you
bananas, Choc. The Public School Phenomenon, by Jonathan Gathorne-Hardy. Referring to Winchester, Eton, Repton, Westminster, Harrow, Rugby and such. Back to the days of having a new boy toast your bread for you over open flames with his bare hands.
What are these crazy schools you speak of? These massive fees would only make sort of sense if it's boarding and the kid is an international student. Otherwise it makes no sense! International uni students probably don't pay even half of that.
My bad, Kilmore International comes to about $55k for international students. I know someone who used to work there and I'm sure he told me it was more.

Some others in Vic:
Xavier College - would cost $44k
I can't find a link but Geelong Grammar is about $29k annually just for tuition.

But these don't include all the other oncosts mentioned above, like the mandatory (expensive!) uniforms, sport (summer, winter) uniforms, instruments, excursions and the like. I'm sure these would add at least $5-10k a year.

I went to a public school and did pretty well without needing to pay all those private school fees :p I'd say it really depends on the person. Some people need an extra push to get things done, and public schools can't provide that.


Pffft! Private school twats/pricks! Public school for life!
Fuck yeah! brofist.tif (no compression for ultimate brofist)
Also, I bought Win7 last w/e with my PC parts, set me back $139 for the one down from Ultimate. Pro? Still, money well spent.
Any room for a castanet player? :p
I bags 1st Recorder. I owned that shit in primary school.

Also, have a shitload of Christmas presents now sorted... so long as ThinkGeek maintains their awesome record of me receiving stuff within a week. Would be SOL if my folks hadn't just bought an LCD TV though. Bluray players that play MKVs for $79 are awesome... and provide endless opportunities for moar presents in the future by way of moar blurays.

I still have no idea what I want, though. On behalf of my parents, I bought the Futurama Benderhead box set (no BR, just DVD :( ) for $100 but other than that, no idea what I'd even like or what anyone else is getting me (though I did mention the idea of the Senna SE BR).

Gah. I hate being so busy that I can't check GAF at work. My work ethic has picked up tremendously since getting this ADHD shit sorted.


I went to a public school and did pretty well without needing to pay all those private school fees :p I'd say it really depends on the person. Some people need an extra push to get things done, and public schools can't provide that.

If you're paying quite a bit to go to a school though, you should be able to opt out of swimming carnivals. No questions asked, no pressure exerted. Just tick a box on enrolment.

And at least the Australian independent school system, contemptible though it may be, is free of this kind of compounding dysfunction:

It is possible for an English boy at the age of eight to go to a residential preparatory school, then to a public school, afterwards to a university; and on graduation to join the staff of another (or the same public school); to live to a ripe old age, having taught thousands of boys, yet never having been in the outside world except for holidays. Even those will probably have been spent among people of his own class

Written in 1955. Probably didn't cease to be quite substantially true until the late 70s.


ugh swimming carnival :/

in those days I couldn't even swim 10 metres without sinking....

now I do 2km...wheres that delorian


+1 for swimming carnival hate. Had to get rescued from the middle of the pool once because I kinda died after half a lap:/

Athletics sucked too because all the lazy kids like me would choose the 100m since it was compulsory to do one event. But then the sports master somehow filters out all the lazy kids from the fast athletic kids and puts us all in the 800m...:(
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