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AusGAF 5/5 - Everything's Amazing and Nobody's Happy, a rental at best


I stay as far away from Boxing Day sales as possible. Having formerly worked retail, I've seen more than enough. Dead Rising gives me flashbacks.


god foot locker was crazy.... about 3 tables of shoes in the middle..... packed full of ppl so you can barely move....attendants chucking shoes like gridiron.

and then only one checkout :/

What sort of sales did they have and which store? Was after a pair of runners for the gym and jogging had a look on their website there was no indication of any sales


Not too many modifications. Turned out a bit Dragon Agey because of the colour scheme though. Actually, I think I might have just drawn Alistair, though I don't really remember what he looks like.

Going to avoid the easy racial/socioeconomical rants about why India are horrible people.

Just going to say that it is easy to see why they continue to not want the DRS when decisions like that go their way. One less chance for Hussey to save his career as well. Hopefully it doesn't break his spirit.

So 2-0 in favour of DRS now today?


What sort of sales did they have and which store? Was after a pair of runners for the gym and jogging had a look on their website there was no indication of any sales

I think it was swanston st?

they had their running shoes (air max shox etc) for a hundred bucks

fucking Indians.... didn't know that their board used their fat arse to kill off the video review.
Did the BCCI kill the DRS or do teams have to agree on its use beforehand? (Which the Indians obviously won't because of the BCCI dislike of it)

Both teams have to agree, so India never have to use it. Ever.

ICC don't have the balls (i.e. the money) to tell everyone it is regulation. No law change will ever pass for the rest of the existence of Cricket unless the Indian board are the ones who are pushing it.


what is their reasoning against it?

I don't know why anyone would be against video review (except if it favours them somehow by not having it.... )



My dislike of the bcci grows ever greater.
What the hell are these acronyms?
ICC - International Cricket Council
Decision Review System. Using video of the incident to see if it actually was out or not. Uses several systems including hot spot and slow motion replay as well as computer prediction which is the contentious issue.

The Indian board are offended that someone other than them could possibly improve the game so they have no interest and think everyone outside of India are morons are the technology is like something developed in the 80's.
I would hazard a guess that the Indian players are encouraged to convince the umpires at every opportunity to decide in their favour, and the review system means the questionable decisions made in their favour are reduced.

They are pretty happy to stick their heads in the sand and pretend their version of events are true even when science now allows us to see the situation more accurately.

Irritating that the 2 best players in the Indian team are for DRS yet the official stance is that it is witchcraft. Give it a few years and they will come around though.


Agreed with Clarke - the ICC needs to grow a pair and make the call. Either make it mandatory in all Tests or none at all. No exceptions.



1904 letter to the Times Literary Supplement from a Mr. K. Suyematsu.

"Sir,—May I be allowed, not as a contributor to Mr. Alfred Stead's 'Japan by the Japanese', but merely as a Japanese who is very anxious to encourage in this country a greater knowledge of my own country, to say a few words with reference to the review you published last week of Mr. Stead's book ? Your reviewer is evidently an expert . . ."

A Gaffer has time-travelled.

Oh my.


Finally. Bought the 5-port HDMI switch and FINALLY got off my arse and cabled my home entertainment shit up properly so there's no cables hanging out the front. The back is a different story, however. Spaghetti.

But now I have a HDMI switch, switching between everything means I don't have to wait for the universal remote to cycle through the inputs. It's almost instantaneous. So good.
Crafted another 7 coal today.

25% off Square Enix.

Fuck this coal shit. All the other coupons I have gotten today through cheevo gifts were 50% off. At least this craft has killed off my enthusiasm to buy $5 games to do cheevos. Nice work Gaben!


Since I have free time for the first time in a long long time I thought I'd catch up on some movies that, it seems, everyone else has seen.

Original Star Wars trilogy - Terrible
at making me bored. It was great. I loved how everyone was characterised, especially the two droids.
Haven't seen Ep 1-3 though.
Citizen Kane - Very deep. Sometimes it provides brilliant shots, other times the dialogue is so dull it could've been on radio. Not bad but wouldn't call it "best movie ever" as some seem to.
Ghostbusters - This movie felt shorter and faster paced than I thought it would be. The story was very good, though.
Jurassic Park - I laughed at the "hacker crap" scene, because yes, I know that's the kind of shit that hackers would do. However, in 1993 UNIX did not have 3D support let alone slow-ass Google Earth interfaces for activating security doors. That aside, I felt it tried to get the whole "dinosaurs chase you" thing to carry the whole movie so it felt too long.

So far, nothing has yet displaced It's A Wonderful Life for my #1 favourite film.

Tonight: The Nightmare before Christmas

Later: Forrest Gump, Titanic, The Godfather, and maybe Anchorman, The Naked Gun, Watchmen and Inglorious Basterds.


I'm currently watching The New Girl. It's nowhere near as bad as I thought it was going to be. Glad it doesn't completely focus on Zooey. Too much of her could be a bad thing.


Mum's somehow gotten addicted to the Big Bang Theory. I know Neil Degrasse Tyson likes it or whatever but I can't bring myself to even finish an episode of it. It feels entirely mean-spirited in nature, or at the least exploitative. They have pretty good writers who know science and pop culture and how people would talk, and the set-up is alright, but everything about it makes me feel dirty for knowing what they're talking about, which is really not the ideal reaction to have to a show.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Everyone should just watch Children of Men and bask in one of the greatest films of the last decade.
New Skrillex EP is disappointing. 2 good tracks but the rest are derivative or just bad. New Paul Mac release is surprisingly good though which makes up for it. Got my LP Underground 11.0 today too, continuing the string of fanclub releases that shits on anything they have released to retail since Meteora. Sad when the demos sound leagues ahead of the actual overproduced, oversimplified tracks on the album.

Mum's somehow gotten addicted to the Big Bang Theory. I know Neil Degrasse Tyson likes it or whatever but I can't bring myself to even finish an episode of it. It feels entirely mean-spirited in nature, or at the least exploitative. They have pretty good writers who know science and pop culture and how people would talk, and the set-up is alright, but everything about it makes me feel dirty for knowing what they're talking about, which is really not the ideal reaction to have to a show.

The gf and I really like it. Isn't as good as the first few seasons but hasn't gotten too far off track that it isn't funny. Just harmless fun like Modern Family that we can chill out and watch together.
EDIT: For some reason I was sure that Vince was the one who said that, damn avatars mucking up my brain!

Everyone should just watch Children of Men and bask in one of the greatest films of the last decade.
Also good. I will also throw in Stalker since I re-watched it again last night.

I remember other people not liking it but I loved Shutter Island. Hype rising for J. Edgar!
Add anything from Kubrick to that list if there's any you haven't seen yet. Hard to make other suggestions... Serpico, The Sting, Midnight Cowboy, Godfather, Scarface, Taxi Driver, Infernal Affairs...


but ever so delicious
Mum's somehow gotten addicted to the Big Bang Theory. I know Neil Degrasse Tyson likes it or whatever but I can't bring myself to even finish an episode of it. It feels entirely mean-spirited in nature, or at the least exploitative. They have pretty good writers who know science and pop culture and how people would talk, and the set-up is alright, but everything about it makes me feel dirty for knowing what they're talking about, which is really not the ideal reaction to have to a show.

I can understand not liking the show but the way people crap on about how it's the worst thing in all of human history is the strangest thing ever.

I actually don't mind the show. As reptile said, It isn't intelligent, brilliant or thought provoking, it's just something to watch while you chill the fuck out. Some people dig silly comedies such at BBT while others might want to just read for 30 minutes. I dig just turning my brain off, watching idiots be idiots and a hot chick be hot. My brain runs at a million miles an hour most of the time so switching it off is oh so lovely.
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