AusGAF 5/5 - Everything's Amazing and Nobody's Happy, a rental at best


200 is a high enough score to rattle India. Haddin lasted 4 more balls than expected. Good for him. Wade needs to come in.

great now guess what im singing to the rest of the day.

Do you remember
when making games was still fun?
Before the pessimism
and the cynicism
Before the fear
How I wish those days were still here
were still here

Do you remember
when games weren't just packaged goods?
When a packaged good meant a cloth map
Before the annual franchise traps
Before the greed
Those times are just what we need
what we need

Do you remember
when budgets weren't quite so large?
When indie and casual and core
were on the same shelf at the store?
They were one and the same
Oh how those times have changed
How they've changed

Do you remember
when making games was still fun?
Before the pessimism
and the cynicism
Before the fear
How I wish those days were still here
were still here


200 is a high enough score to rattle India. Haddin lasted 4 more balls than expected. Good for him. Wade needs to come in.

Do you remember
when making games was still fun?
Before the pessimism
and the cynicism
Before the fear
How I wish those days were still here
were still here

Do you remember
when games weren't just packaged goods?
When a packaged good meant a cloth map
Before the annual franchise traps
Before the greed
Those times are just what we need
what we need

Do you remember
when budgets weren't quite so large?
When indie and casual and core
were on the same shelf at the store?
They were one and the same
Oh how those times have changed
How they've changed

Do you remember
when making games was still fun?
Before the pessimism
and the cynicism
Before the fear
How I wish those days were still here
were still here

*single tear
Indeed, this whole Ocean Marketting fiasco has buried legitimate information about it. The main company is called N-Control which is either run by Kotkin Enterprises, LLC or iControl Enterprises, LLC. In any case, the controller itself was invented by a fella named David Kotkin, who initially created the device for one of his students who had a skin condition preventing him from holding the controller properly. Interestingly, Kotkin and Christoforo run a business together called Afternoon Artists Inc. in Florida, though I have no idea what it is.

/edit Sorry, Christoforo is not a part-owner of the business, just employed as a secretary apparently.

That's interesting they're involved in another business as well. I wonder what their connection is.

I'm assuming that Paul runs the marketing division. I'm not really doing any digging on this, not my story. Fun to watch though.

Pretty sure he was employed as an independent PR contractor.

The whole thing is ridiculous. How could you possibly land a contract of that size with that lack of basic people skills and complete lack of understanding of PR?

Also, I am still completely shocked at how much I'm loving Dragon Age. Its been a long time since I found myself losing track of hours playing it and continually putting off turning the game off. Maybe New Vegas was the last time? Maybe.
Dragon Age Origins was a fantastic start. They needed to clean up the story progression and tweak a few of the magic related abilities but as a whole it was great. The Dwarven sections really dragged on longer than they should and some of the dungeon level design was recycled way too much. DA2 shit the bed big time.

The whole thing is ridiculous. How could you possibly land a contract of that size with that lack of basic people skills and complete lack of understanding of PR?
Cross posting

"We apologize for our poor representation from Ocean Marketing," David Kotkin, the owner and inventor of Avenger Controller told Kotaku. "We wanted to give Paul a chance. He was rough around the edges, but he had drive and enthusiasm. However his behavior was unprovoked, unnecessary, and unforgivable. We are no longer represented by Ocean Marketing."

Brandon Leidel, CEO and Director of Operations for The HAND Media, Inc., wasn't as kind about Christoforo and his outburst.

Leidel said that his company was initially hired to market the new controller, something they did up until earlier this year. He said that The Hand Media found themselves increasingly having to deal with customer flak over delayed shipping, and that it was becoming overwhelming.

"Then Paul came in and said 'I know this guy at Gamestop. I know this guy at Best Buy," Leidel said. "They saw dollar signs and decided to start working with him. We decided to walk away from this because it was a nightmare dealing with their problems and this guy Paul."
Well this doesn't paint Kotkin in the best light.

Hopefully they go back to the original focus of the product and promote it as something to help less abled gamers feel more comfortable with their hobby.


Ha. My sisters birthday is 11 days before mine. One year she got a Game Boy Colour that I had been fiending for all year. Was absolutely gutted especially when she kept waving it in my face and saying, "hahahahha!". This was all within seconds of opening it of course. Didn't let her see how upset I was.

11 days later I open my present to find the PIKACHU EDITION GAME BOY COLOUR! IN YOUR FACE YOU BITCH! Didn't even need to say anything. As soon as the wrapping came off she burst into tears and screamed at my parents.

Felt like a boss. Best feeling in the world.
Ahahaha. What's the age diff b/w you and your sister? I'm 8 years younger than mine and 5 years behind my brother, so there was never really a conflict in gifts. That, and out birthdays are at least a month apart.

FWIW, one of the best gifts I ever got from my folks was the Megadrive. Had to send away for Columns and Alex Kidd, so only had the Sonic pack-in to keep me company. That was enough. Just needed that and Dad's headphones to plug into the front of the console. Of course, because I had to sit so close to the console for the headphones to reach, it meant I had to sit close to the TV as well. Dang.

I haven't been following the cricket much at all recently, fair to say that he lacks some kind of Aussie boozing, bogan, "she'll be roight"-type quality that's pretty much always been ingrained in our captains? Because it appears to me that way, and wouldn't surprise me if that was the problem. Guy just comes off as a complete pussy (from what I've seen... that is, media appearances, highlights on the occasional news reel I catch).

Edit: Fuck, now Space Asshole is stuck in my head. Thanks Remo, Jintor.
230 lead going into the next (most likely final) day is pretty good. If we can hold out to 250 I can't see India making the runs unless our bowlers fold like Superman on laundry day.
Ashwin was unlucky to not have 3 or 4 at the end of the day, bowled fantastic.

Ahahaha. What's the age diff b/w you and your sister? I'm 8 years younger than mine and 5 years behind my brother, so there was never really a conflict in gifts. That, and out birthdays are at least a month apart.

Guy just comes off as a complete pussy (from what I've seen... that is, media appearances, highlights on the occasional news reel I catch).

My sis is 5 years younger and just wanted nothing more than to show me up in life. Done well so far aside from the Pikachu GMC! Maybe that was what drove her to excellence. I'm sure my parents would take that credit.

Clarke? He was in strife because of his fiancee Lara Bingle remember? Plus the underwear ads etc. Plus his form has been shitfull since taking the captaincy. Hasn't stood up when his team has needed and made good runs when the pressure was off. Cricket Australia firmly destroyed the olde stereotype of the Australian cricketer when they banished Symonds for not coping with his demons properly. Beer and professional cricketers in the same photo seems like a long time ago now, in a positive manner at least.


230 lead going into the next (most likely final) day is pretty good. If we can hold out to 250 I can't see India making the runs unless our bowlers fold like Superman on laundry day.
Ashwin was unlucky to not have 3 or 4 at the end of the day, bowled fantastic.

My sis is 5 years younger and just wanted nothing more than to show me up in life. Done well so far aside from the Pikachu GMC! Maybe that was what drove her to excellence. I'm sure my parents would take that credit.

Clarke? He was in strife because of his fiancee Lara Bingle remember? Plus the underwear ads etc. Plus his form has been shitfull since taking the captaincy. Hasn't stood up when his team has needed and made good runs when the pressure was off. Cricket Australia firmly destroyed the olde stereotype of the Australian cricketer when they banished Symonds for not coping with his demons properly. Beer and professional cricketers in the same photo seems like a long time ago now, in a positive manner at least.

Literally none of this is true.
Literally none of this is true.

That was probably overly harsh.

He made a solid hundred against the Kiwis alongside a decent score by Punter and Haddin.
He also made a hundred in the first innings against South Africa and then we were all out for 47 in the second.

He hasn't made any middle ground scores to support those around him though, which is the most annoying thing since he is in the middle order and needs to hang around long enough so the pressure doesn't fall on our tail to post a decent total.


I mean just since becoming captain:

Socred 60 (out of 210) in the second innings of the first Test against Sri Lanka:

Came in when we were effectively 3/31 after trailing Sri Lanka in the third test, scored 112:

151 against South Africa on a massive green top (can't believe how quickly people forget this. Was being talked up as one of the great innings by an Australian captain) after coming in at 3/40:

Came in at 3/91 with the match on a knife's edge against New Zealand in the first test. Scored 139:

I don't think he's in amazing form. His problem at the minute is that it's sort of been all or nothing. But he's barely alone in our batting lineup. And he's nowhere near the worst.


Also they sacked Symonds because he was an idiot who showed up to a match drunk and went fishing instead of attending a team meeting.
I don't think he's in amazing form. His problem at the minute is that it's sort of been all or nothing. But he's barely alone in our batting lineup. And he's nowhere near the worst.
At least we can agree on that. Haddin needs the selectors to have no option to replace him with otherwise he is gone. Thankfully Hussey and Ponting have made some runs today and will hopefully continue on with it. Sucks that Marsh has bombed out and if Watson was fit he would swap straight in next week.

Also they sacked Symonds because he was an idiot who showed up to a match drunk and went fishing instead of attending a team meeting.
He needed a lot more support away from the pitch in battling his demons. Once he went fishing that time he was pretty much a lost cause, should have been handled when the problem first started. No different to the problems that have come up in the AFL, need to be handled better.


I remember a Cricket Show segment a few years back when Skull talked about how he'd been severely depressed and how the ABC giving him a shot lifted him out of a place he wasn't sure he'd be able to get out of. It was pretty eye-opening.

Edit: Huh, I didn't know Glenn Mitchell's departure was reportedly after "a confrontation with a colleague". And a build-up of trying to cope with depression, apparently.


Anyone else order that Radiohead King of Limbs Live from the Basement dvd/bluray? Mine came today, but I got a dvd when I payed for the bluray:/ Guess I need to email them.

Also, the quality of the packaging and special photo book is kinda shoddy...but it was expected since they're all save the environment and everything.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Anyone else order that Radiohead King of Limbs Live from the Basement dvd/bluray? Mine came today, but I got a dvd when I payed for the bluray:/ Guess I need to email them.

Also, the quality of the packaging and special photo book is kinda shoddy...but it was expected since they're all save the environment and everything.

I thought the actual product was fantastic. Really nice and different from the same boring ass plastic cases. They sent an email about the blu-ray already, they had a manufacturing fault and are sending them out separately soon.


I thought the actual product was fantastic. Really nice and different from the same boring ass plastic cases. They sent an email about the blu-ray already, they had a manufacturing fault and are sending them out separately soon.
Oh so that's what that email was about. I thought it just meant that bluray editions were delayed rather than getting shipped separately. I guess that's why there's an extra disc knob thing at the front of the book!

I do agree that the concept of the product is great, but I guess I'm just slightly disappointed with the quality of the finishing.


Clarke? He was in strife because of his fiancee Lara Bingle remember? Plus the underwear ads etc. Plus his form has been shitfull since taking the captaincy. Hasn't stood up when his team has needed and made good runs when the pressure was off. Cricket Australia firmly destroyed the olde stereotype of the Australian cricketer when they banished Symonds for not coping with his demons properly. Beer and professional cricketers in the same photo seems like a long time ago now, in a positive manner at least.
Yeah, perhaps I was more referring to not the actual beer swilling and such, but the masculinity or, at least, perception that there's an affirmative, strong, masculine presence with a good family background. Clarke doesn't seem to be any of those things.

So. Everyone should watch a show called The Green Room with Paul Provenza. It's basically a bunch of comedians talking about old stories and discussing whatever topics come up. There are also random comedians and celebs in the "audience", like Rain Pryor, George Carlin's daughter and Ron Jeremy (amongst others). Amazing when these people are in a room together and there's absolutely no agenda, nothing to push other than just being themselves. Has also put me onto Jim Jeffries, an Australian comedian who I'd never heard of before but seems to have a solid reputation overseas.

Also, Kumail Nanjiani is funny.
Dragons Forever I've vaguely heard of, but it has JC, Hung AND Yuen Biao? Fucking SOLD.
If you liked Winners and Sinners or Wheels on Meals then you'll like Dragons Forever. Hung/Chan/Biao together doing awesomely awesome things in an awesome fashion.

Did you ever see Thunder... something? Something Thunder? It was a movie where JC played a race car driver. I'd never heard of it before I saw it years and years ago on a pirated VCD at a swap meet in Geelong. Corny as hell but I loved it. Fucking hard to find *anywhere* though. Kick-arse scene in a pachinko parlour I remember quite well.
Consider this a small return to your gift. It's one of the few Old skool (early 90s and before) JC films I haven't seen yet. Always mean to add it when I place an Amazon order but keep on forgetting. The same goes for this one which I seem to have missed my opportunity to get.

Just had a look, and yeah, they're Hong Kong Legends releases. The box set is by Star Ltd. but they credit HKL. Kudos for releasing a set that has far more than really needed, with superbit releases and bonus discs that they're not obligated to include. BTW If you're looking, I went through a lot of turmoil and heartbreak to track down a 9gb ISO of Winners and Sinners that has full Canto dub if you're interested. It's on the shady side of being legal to discuss that (I guess) but as it's literally impossible to find a good copy of it, it should be okay.
I have the HKLegends version of Winners and Sinners... Recently I made MKV versions (including all the audio streams and subtitles) of all my HKLegends films and now have them all residing on my computer. If only you could enjoy them all, too. Anyway, we should continue this discussion elsewhere to avoid everyone else getting bored.
You HK movie guys may want to check out Been a few years now since I've ordered from them so can't vouch for their delivery or customer service, but when I used to use them, I was able to get heaps of stuff I couldn't find elsewhere, and cheap!
Holy fuck, it still uses 1996 internet technology!


Holy shit, they have a lot. Resisting the urge to fall down Asian DVD Rabbit Hole of spending :)

Thanks, cods!

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I just noticed there are bigger icons for the "12 days of xbox: THIS IS WHAt YOU MISSED" deals than there is for the game you have in the disc drive.

What odd priorities.

Why would you give the disc drive icon, the one the cursor defaults to and the one everyone will find no matter what! more exposure than stuff that you want to promote? More people using their consoles online is probably a net gain for the industry, Microsoft shitty policy inclusive or not.


Spending an unprecedented time offline since the holidays began, besides uploading some '90s movies to the internet. Haven't missed it much, OH GOD WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME.

Um. Don't even have that much to contribute here. How about them Knicks.


Yeah, perhaps I was more referring to not the actual beer swilling and such, but the masculinity or, at least, perception that there's an affirmative, strong, masculine presence with a good family background. Clarke doesn't seem to be any of those things.

As far as I can tell, most national sports teams tend to be socially dysfunctional. High-functioning dysfunctional, if that makes even an atom of sense.


Why would you give the disc drive icon, the one the cursor defaults to and the one everyone will find no matter what! more exposure than stuff that you want to promote? More people using their consoles online is probably a net gain for the industry, Microsoft shitty policy inclusive or not.

What purpose does rubbing your nose in it serve?


Posting awkwardly from my phone at a Neil Gaiman talk/concert! Just heard the doctor who theme performed by a strings quartet. Ooob, starting again!
What purpose does rubbing your nose in it serve?
Microsoft wants to make money?

How can my life continue now that all I thought to be true is crumbling around me?

Don't get me wrong, I prefer Sony's No Advertising approach to UI but it's definitely the exception. I wouldn't be surprised if Windows 8 and beyond just becomes a big funnel for them to shove advertisements down your throat.

Look at youtube; once a bastion of funny, time wasting video, I now seem to sit through an ad before I can view most of them. You can guarantee that Sony will be making changes to the next interface they design.

I don't like any of these outcomes but I certainly don't scratch my head wondering why.


Microsoft wants to make money?

How can my life continue now that all I thought to be true is crumbling around me?

Don't get me wrong, I prefer Sony's No Advertising approach to UI but it's definitely the exception. I wouldn't be surprised if Windows 8 and beyond just becomes a big funnel for them to shove advertisements down your throat.

Look at youtube; once a bastion of funny, time wasting video, I now seem to sit through an ad before I can view most of them. You can guarantee that Sony will be making changes to the next interface they design.

I don't like any of these outcomes but I certainly don't scratch my head wondering why.

Probably the most redundant set of predictions ever (meaning of course they will come true).

Time to practice with linux again.


Vince, lock in some predictions for tomorrow's play.

1. Australia will get a lead of ~260 runs.
2. There will be at least 3 bad decisions that would have been overturned with DRS.
3. You will post no less than 12 bollywood gifs at appropriate times
4. I'll have the last laugh
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