I would love to wear a uniform with a bowtie/tie though. That would be awesome.
Bowties are cool
I would love to wear a uniform with a bowtie/tie though. That would be awesome.
aww come on guys. How are you supposed to know all that stuff on a first shift?
I think part of the problem is that small developers are using the "let's fly against convention" as a way of getting noticed. It doesn't work unless the game itself is strong enough to rise above that.
Fuck booking tickets over the internet.
1 hour of acute frustration with a shitty website.
10 minutes pleasant conversation over the phone.
Haven't played Another World yet. I guess my hate is so strong because I'm just so shocked why this approach is so critically acclaimed, and because in my current programming job we take UI design very seriously thus I've learned a lot of design principles from the UI team. Now that I have, I've noticed a surprising number of games (not just indie) breaking design principles like having intuitive controls or always having a goal in mind.
Very relevant: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FpigqfcvlM
Get on that shit. Good vid.
Awesome work, cheers!![]()
Tonight's bounty!
Yeah, watched a YouTube video of it a while back and it looks awesome. I won't bother with the demo because I know I'll buy it anyway.Also someone said something about OwlBoy the other day. I brought it up in here back in August after reading this RPS post, everybody give it a shot! Very fun game.
How many people do dermatologists hate???
^^^ I wonder which "prominent conservatives" Gerard has in mind. Scumsucking retards out of the Murdoch barrel who have spent their excuses for careers taking pissant shots at the ABC don't count.
Has Gerard Henderson ever contributed anything worthwhile to society?
Yeah, he couldn't be too bad, his scripted stuff seems pretty off the cuff at times. And Another World is still one of the finest games I never beat.I do wish EgoRapter would run a podcast with some of his mates as I could see it being hilarious and spot on correct a lot of the time. No idea how well he would cope outside of scripted videos though of course. The Tester stuff was a bit confusing.
Also Another World was pretty mind blowing at the time and I would argue does the 'against the grain' stuff incredibly well. It is a testament to how well it was made that people still to this day play it and love it. It is pretty cool that he worked on Future Wars before it with Paul Cuisset of Fade to Black fame. His new title Amy looks very, very interesting.
Also someone said something about OwlBoy the other day. I brought it up in here back in August after reading this RPS post, everybody give it a shot! Very fun game.
^^^ I wonder which "prominent conservatives" Gerard has in mind. Scumsucking retards out of the Murdoch barrel who have spent their excuses for careers taking pissant shots at the ABC don't count.
David and Margaret are the bees knees so fuck anyone who don't agrees.
By the way, Tas-Gaf, MONA gallery is so awesome.
^^^ I wonder which "prominent conservatives" Gerard has in mind. Scumsucking retards out of the Murdoch barrel who have spent their excuses for careers taking pissant shots at the ABC don't count.
DamnJust the one. He lost the other one in a fight with another tomcat before we got him. Turns out catfights aren't necessarily always sexy.
How many people do dermatologists hate???
too bad i missed it. how did things end up wrapping up then. what did you do with the pointy stone after we promised not to kill the dragon. did you get sweet loots.DnD night seemed to be gud. I think Aon is going to be out of country for the next three weeks or so. I will try and make a two session campaign to do for next week and the one after. The week after that, I will be in Melbourne and probably as unable as Aon to do anything.
So hopefully I can make a short campaign for the people turning up.
great work. whos next on the list. i assume im last if ever at all.
no one replied to this. if this is a bad joke i am desperate to hear the answer.
whaaaa???Think it was to do with an ad on gaf my mom puts glad-wrap on her face or some such
Eh, the story is fantastic at least.whaaaa???
oh yeah btw kritz
they made winry's boobs bigger and changed the song.
i dont like that.
Edit: they continue to get bigger from episode to episode. I dont like what they [the creators/artists] are doing here.
I hate, but when he is in form, he can bat. Shame he is still a tosser![]()
Swords and Sworcery on iOS. I gave it a bit of a break after making it to the third screen and still had no idea what the fuck I was doing. So I press... here... with my finger... and hold? Or drag? And I double-tap to... do something? Even if gameplay is simple, if it's not obvious then it can be shit.If you are including Another World in that description you need to GTFO. Otherwise... yes. Hate might be a bit strong, but I do find them tedious most of the time.
swtor maintanence tonight
7pm-3am sydney
Is that right? My head is exploding trying to work it out. I think it's 8pm to 4am.
Man I'm rubbish at working out times...
Liquid Nitrogen fuelled cars? Oh yes, this will end splendidly for us all.
Poop. I have to buy this don't I? Well at least I finished Brohood yesterday.Driver: San Fran is $13 on GMG atm. Just when I think I'm out, they pull me back in...
when you watch the EPL you know GMT sydney conversion very well
also serrels pm
Driver: San Fran is $13 on GMG atm. Just when I think I'm out, they pull me back in...
prime minister serrels? I'm in support