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AusGAF 5/5 - Everything's Amazing and Nobody's Happy, a rental at best


Really? Which other animals have developed the technology to debate their world view instantly with other people all around the world? Humans are a very unique animal. I'm sympathetic to the idea that we should strive to maintain biodiversity as much as possible, but damn, humans are pretty amazing.

100 billion stars in our galaxy alone.....as tyson (non-puglistic variety) once quipped that we're probably like monkeys to any alien civilisation slightly more advanced than us.


i don't want to belittle the guys work at all so please dont take it tha tway

but ultimately is it an R18+ love plus?
Nah, it's more along the lines of a choose your own adventure book with erotic themes. I don't know, I'm sure jintor can explain it better. Eroge certainly does not have the same level of interaction seen in love plus. But I would say that they're both popular among the same group of people.


Seeing as the thread is moving so fast today... we have:


as people interested in SydGAF Board Gaming. Please let us know the below information if there was anybody else. Does anybody else remember posts from any other interested parties as well, or do we have the complete list from earlier (I don't have time to scan the thread).

So, SydGAF Board Gamers, what are we going to do for the board games thing? I think we can agree it has to be a weekend, right? We really need to work out stuff like starting time, duration, if you can host, transport arrangements (some people might need a lift for certain hosts) and anything else relevant. After we figure that out, we can get to picking a weekend.

Here's my information:

Availability: Weekends
Starting time: Anything reasonable
Preferred Duration: Anything up to 6 hrs really (or longer if we do movies and stuff)
Location if able to host: I could host with a table that seats 4-8 but only have 4 chairs. Randwick, and very close to bus stop.
Transport: I would need transport if chosen host isn't accessible by PT.
Not really. Humans are probably the worst disease this planet has ever seen. If we were to vanish I'm sure earth would turn into an amazing leafy animal filled planet instead of the industrial smoke filled shit it is today.

Animals are more innocent than humans are which is probably why myself and others would put animals above humans. They are doing there own thing, following how they have lived before we rocked up and fucked that all up. Whales are just chilling in the ocean minding their own business and we from the land come along and throw a giant spear through them.

What did any animal do to us? When have they ever turned up and killed tens, hundreds of humans in a single shot? They don't. When they do attack, which is rare, it's usually because you are in their habitat pissing them off.

It would be like you walking down the street and some guy pops out of nowhere and shoves a sword through you then decides to drag you off while everyone around looks on and can't do anything about it. I'm sure that feels awesome right? Dying, not in a quick and painless way but in pure agony as some guy drags you along the ground as you bleed out. Sounds like a fun night out.

Humans are assholes, that's about all there is too it. They are in it for their own greed and beliefs, thinking they are better than anyone and anything else.

We suck and should honestly be a lot better.

This is a complete myth. There is no 'balance' that things will revert back to. Animals will kill each other off constantly. Thus survival of the fittest. Animals fight for territory all the time. Hell, dolphins are known to rape.

They don't, and can't, do things as efficiently and maliciously as humans do, but the idea that things would become awesome without humans simply isn't true.




global warming does not just mean the earth warming up

The last ice age was begun by an ocean current in europe getting to cold.........

derp, journalists need to go the fuck back to school. The quality of journalism in mainstream media in this country is ATROCIOUS

and finding storys on twitter IS NOT FUCKING JOURNALISM



Board Game AusGAF, I found this today: http://dominion.technowall.net/index.html

.net4 implementation of Dominion. Its pretty awful in its visual design, but playable, I am now learning this game. :p

Nice find man! I'll check that out.

In similar fashion, I have found some things that can be played online that may be worth checking out (a couple involve money, however)

Does anybody else remember posts from any other interested parties as well, or do we have the complete list from earlier (I don't have time to scan the thread).

I think that's the lot unless we can entice any other remaining Sydney people to come and join the fun. Fredescu or legend166?


Nice find man! I'll check that out.

In similar fashion, I have found some things that can be played online that may be worth checking out (a couple involve money, however)

The best online source for board games online is this client: http://brettspielwelt.com/

It is a bit shit, and a lot of German players etc, but there is just about every game you would want to play on there, once you know how to play of course.

I tend to play Puerto Rico and 7 Wonders. :)
WTF is Mars Vanilla...

The next Kooka's/Cadbury Mousse/schnitzel/low carb/flavour-of-the-month AusGAF food obsession.

It's a Mars bar, but with vanilla nougat and choc-caramel I believe.

I've bought 8 of them over the last three days, although I've only eaten two whole bars myself in this time.

They are amazing.


Damn man now I want to play SC2. I always hoped that Mass Effect would in a way be like Star Control 2. First one was a tiny bit, then the second....:(
Apparently SPAZ is a bit like it. At least, it *looks* a bit like SC2. Haven't fired it up yet.


The next Kooka's/Cadbury Mousse/schnitzel/low carb/flavour-of-the-month AusGAF food obsession.

It's a Mars bar, but with vanilla nougat and choc-caramel I believe.

I've bought 8 of them over the last three days, although I've only eaten two whole bars myself in this time.

They are amazing.

Is it exclusive to 7-11? We don't have them down here :(


The next Kooka's/Cadbury Mousse/schnitzel/low carb/flavour-of-the-month AusGAF food obsession.

It's a Mars bar, but with vanilla nougat and choc-caramel I believe.

I've bought 8 of them over the last three days, although I've only eaten two whole bars myself in this time.

They are amazing.
You can't say that when you're the only person that's posted about them.


but ever so delicious
This is a complete myth. There is no 'balance' that things will revert back to. Animals will kill each other off constantly. Thus survival of the fittest. Animals fight for territory all the time. Hell, dolphins are known to rape.

They don't, and can't, do things as efficiently and maliciously as humans do, but the idea that things would become awesome without humans simply isn't true.

I don't believe things would revert but they would at least take their natural and evolutional course. Instead of an external force stepping in, killing it for food causing it to go extinct.


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
Star Wars The Old Republic is just a Star Wars skin for WoW. EA basically made it single handily to steal marketshare from World of Warcraft but without having to do anything original.


What the fuck is with all this serious, depressive talk around AusGAF? Jesus fuck. It's Summer, it's effectively Friday, there are no major natural disasters to cause price hikes in PC components, yet here you all are bitching like your lives couldn't get any worse. Cheer the fuck up, have a beer or a cider or a shot of tequila (or cocksucking cowboy if you're that way inclined) or a hot chocolate (if you're in Melbourne) or a joint or something, rub one out and chill.

OT is for depressing shit. Last I saw, we're in Community. Which is for happy people.


I think that's the lot unless we can entice any other remaining Sydney people to come and join the fun. Fredescu or legend166?
I see. Well, it looks like I'm the only one that can host, but unless somebody else wants to join in, I don't have enough chairs and nobody has a car. I guess I could get some cheap stools from the local rejects shop, or I could just book out a room at UNSW for us to play in.

So, what days are out for people?


Star Wars The Old Republic is just a Star Wars skin for WoW. EA basically made it single handily to steal marketshare from World of Warcraft but without having to do anything original.
WoW was just a reskin of Everquest which was just a reskin of Meridian 59 which was just a reskin of MUDs which was just a reskin of table top DnD. OH NO, NO ONE DOES ANYTHING ORIGINAL!

What a boring argument.


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
WoW was just a reskin of Everquest which was just a reskin of Meridian 59 which was just a reskin of MUDs which was just a reskin of table top DnD. OH NO, NO ONE DOES ANYTHING ORIGINAL!

What a boring argument.

What class in SWTOR are you then?


What the fuck is with all this serious, depressive talk around AusGAF? Jesus fuck. It's Summer, it's effectively Friday, there are no major natural disasters to cause price hikes in PC components, yet here you all are bitching like your lives couldn't get any worse. Cheer the fuck up, have a beer or a cider or a shot of tequila (or cocksucking cowboy if you're that way inclined) or a hot chocolate (if you're in Melbourne) or a joint or something, rub one out and chill.

OT is for depressing shit. Last I saw, we're in Community. Which is for happy people.

I just had a hot mug of milo. It was delicious.

Oh I also had some Teddy Bear biscuits.

WoW was just a reskin of Everquest which was just a reskin of Meridian 59 which was just a reskin of MUDs which was just a reskin of table top DnD. OH NO, NO ONE DOES ANYTHING ORIGINAL!

What a boring argument.

Shhh, don't tell Vook about Nintendo have been copying themselves for as long as I can remember.


God damn it my post was the last post on the previous page

Screw that I'm excited so I'm reposting and there's NOTHING you can do about it unless you're EatChildren


Gold Coast Entertainment Centre
April 20-22
I'll be selling comics and teaching everyone how to do man hugs


Almost all the retweets of my article on kotakuAU are from spambots lol

I don't know how or why they're doing it, but it's pretty funny
What class in SWTOR are you then?

I agree that there is a lot of WoW in SWTOR, but I don't think you can complain that new products act as an evolution of the old. Am I as impressed by TOR as some people are, no, but there are some things that it has done really well. The Imperial Agent storyline so far (finishing off act 2 now) is something that I never expected to see in an mmo; I'm invested in it and I genuinely like doing the class quests - they aren't just a source of xp.

Also, I feel that the Energy/Heat/Ammo mechanics drastically change the way that the classes play, so that while ability-wise TOR borrows heavily from WoW the way that you use those abilities is very different, particularly as a healer. Given that when my energy gets down to the sub-40 level its regen rate is crippled, it forces me to heal proactively. That being said, the Jedi Knight/Sith Warrior and their respective advance classes very clearly mirror the warrior class in WoW.

At the end of the day despite how much EA obviously wanted TOR to be a "WoW-killer" (tm), I don't think it will be. I reckon I fall into a fairly large subset of players who have gotten fairly burnt out on MMOs and will stop subscribing after they hit the level cap in TOR having seen what their class story has to offer.


If I import a game from the UK for PS3, can I use an aussie PSN account for DLC?
Yup. All PAL PS3 stuff is fine. You can play it from any other region, but DLC will be sketchy at best.

Gaz: As discussed, the spinner on that Arkanoid machine was the same as this one. I can't remember if it was the same cab (I suspect it was, it may not have even been DoH) but the thing just felt like it was lathed and constructed from solid steel. And it had that finely-graduated stepper-motor feel to it, where it kinda feels you're turning a motor more than a potentiometer. Uuuugh. Edit: Actually, here's a better shot of the spinner itself. The little grooves would grip onto your fingers and feel awesome.

I'll put it this way: If I had a MAME cab, I'd be hunting one of those fuckers down. Arkanoid and Tempest (and possibly others) with that would be heavenly.
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