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AusGAF 5/5 - Everything's Amazing and Nobody's Happy, a rental at best

Dead Man

Yup. All PAL PS3 stuff is fine. You can play it from any other region, but DLC will be sketchy at best.
Actually, a few games have country locked DLC. The last big one I can think of is COD...4 I think, but there have been a few. I don't buy much DLC so I can't remember which ones exactly.


Point taken but Sniper is a completely different playstyle and is not even comparable to play a hunter in the slightest.

I'm sure, I was just having a go. :)

MMO's and video games in general are no longer my thing.

Yamaha SR400. Still on my Ps.

Nice bike man, I love that styling.

The bike I learned on was a Yamaha Virago XV250. It was quite a forgiving bike, very easy to get around on. The lack of power and torque (boy, do I love torque) does get old after a while.


Yup. All PAL PS3 stuff is fine. You can play it from any other region, but DLC will be sketchy at best.

Thx. =]

Actually, a few games have country locked DLC. The last big one I can think of is COD...4 I think, but there have been a few. I don't buy much DLC so I can't remember which ones exactly.

Hm if it's usually ok I'll just chance it and see what happens...


I'm sure, I was just having a go. :)

MMO's and video games in general are no longer my thing.

Nice bike man, I love that styling.

The bike I learned on was a Yamaha Virago XV250. It was quite a forgiving bike, very easy to get around on. The lack of power and torque (boy, do I love torque) does get old after a while.

Yup, even ignoring climate change there are still a bunch of other reasons to lessen our impact on the environment. Namely pollution.


Actually, a few games have country locked DLC. The last big one I can think of is COD...4 I think, but there have been a few. I don't buy much DLC so I can't remember which ones exactly.
Country locked? Damn. I thought there were basically only the three regions of discs for PS3 and that was it... at least, nothing as granular as country-specific discs. Apologies for the bum steer, CPS2!

Dead Man

Country locked? Damn. I thought there were basically only the three regions of discs for PS3 and that was it... at least, nothing as granular as country-specific discs. Apologies for the bum steer, CPS2!

Yeah, it is a problem with some games in Europe especially, where a country may receive stock with a few different BLES codes but the local PSN store only has DLC for one of the BLES codes. Stupid system really.
Almost all the retweets of my article on kotakuAU are from spambots lol

I don't know how or why they're doing it, but it's pretty funny

Just read it. Good stuff man. It makes me sad to think you, like all Law/Journo people, will realize the money is shit in journalism and good in law and take the legal option. Because its really well written.


Yup. All PAL PS3 stuff is fine. You can play it from any other region, but DLC will be sketchy at best.

Gaz: As discussed, the spinner on that Arkanoid machine was the same as this one. I can't remember if it was the same cab (I suspect it was, it may not have even been DoH) but the thing just felt like it was lathed and constructed from solid steel. And it had that finely-graduated stepper-motor feel to it, where it kinda feels you're turning a motor more than a potentiometer. Uuuugh. Edit: Actually, here's a better shot of the spinner itself. The little grooves would grip onto your fingers and feel awesome.

I'll put it this way: If I had a MAME cab, I'd be hunting one of those fuckers down. Arkanoid and Tempest (and possibly others) with that would be heavenly.

Oh man yeah, I remember that cabinet now!

The tricky thing about MAME cabinets is that once you've set up the controllers, it's a pain in the ass to change anything :) I got my nice two 8-way sticks and two sets of six buttons all set up just fine, complete with different colored buttons to indicate which buttons are for light / medium / heavy :)

...wait, you mean there's other games to play besides Street Fighter Alpha 2?


I want a tag give me a tag
This is a complete myth. There is no 'balance' that things will revert back to. Animals will kill each other off constantly. Thus survival of the fittest. Animals fight for territory all the time. Hell, dolphins are known to rape.

They don't, and can't, do things as efficiently and maliciously as humans do, but the idea that things would become awesome without humans simply isn't true.

I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species and I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You're a plague and we are the cure.
I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species and I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You're a plague and we are the cure.

As much as I love that movie, I've always had an issue with that quote. Rabbits. That is exactly what rabbits do.


Album of the year has leaked! Can't wait to watch the DVD next week. Enjoying the album much more than I thought I would. Also topical lyrics for the rabble rabble talk tonight.

Nonsense, reptileScorpio. Everyone could benefit from stylish shoes :p
My house is full of them! I can't take any more!

Finished Ocarina of Time for the first time ever the other day. (I got stuck in the Water Temple when I was a kid and never went back to it till now!)
Played LttP? My favourite and a game I can boot up in zSNES any time of the day and get lost in that quest again.

We suck and should honestly be a lot better.
You just had a shit day at work dude. It ain't all bad.

That's pretty much how I feel cookie, I never understood why humans are put on a pedestal.
One of two ways to take that:
History is written by the winners
Humans are top of the food chain

Who is talking about this pedestal? Who called it a pedestal? Humans. Why would we rate a species higher than ourselves when we run the show on Earth. Sure, shit is on a knife edge with nuclear war possible at any moment, but we have come a fucking long way as a species. Were people protesting the whaling a thousand years ago? 200 years ago? Every day we become more concious of our impact on the world we need to co-exist in, every day we take another step towards finding that elusive far off balance where peace will cover the Earth for all existence, every day a generation of humans are born into a culture of being disgusted by the actions of your parents and wanting to be better. It is not something that happens over night. This is something that can be reflected in every fucking facet of our lives. Look how far gay right, racism, women's rights, protected habitat laws, have come over the years! Change the culture, change the people, change the intent of how we live. This is the most effective long term prospect to improving the Earth as a whole.

I cannot sit here and say, "Yeah man, it's all fucked, we are all fucked, we don't deserve to exist as a species." A lot of people are trying to make a difference, to do the right thing. But life is hard, really hard sometimes. We cannot expect everyone to bend to our will when our defining trait in being concious entities IS that concious choice, that ability to be selfish, to be emotional hurt, to want to see how an action has a reaction.

We are just like other species, just a little higher up the organisational chart than anyone else can touch at the moment. Thankfully those shifty dolphins haven't learnt to live out of water yet.

Correct me if I'm wrong here, but the christian worldview seems to assert that the world and all beasts were put here for our benefit.
Some rational Christians believe that God gave us the tools to push science as far as it has gone and he created us in his image so why wouldn't we be able to do cool shit? I like those people.


orange thing is inflatable. EB Exclusive ME3

I can't tell the difference. I have never played an MMO though.

global warming does not just mean the earth warming up
What? Yes it does! The warming from all our emissions means it gets hotter! Certainly feels like it over the last few years. More humid at the least. Also the heat is melting the ice caps so we will be all living in Kevin Costners dreamworld soon. He will have to be king though since his first choice has sadly past on now.

I don't believe things would revert but they would at least take their natural and evolutional course. Instead of an external force stepping in, killing it for food causing it to go extinct.
Haven't species been going extinct since the big bang? We aren't the only predators in this world. We are nothing more than another species.

Almost all the retweets of my article on kotakuAU are from spambots lol
I don't know how or why they're doing it, but it's pretty funny
Even robots feel love Jintor.

Serena Williams says she'd be open to dating a bloke from Melbourne.
Would any bloke in Melbourne be open to dating her?

Addiction is a hard road, hope plenty of people get around him and help him out of the relapse.


You have pretty much missed the point entirely. It was in the context of us having done more damage than good to this planet since we made our mark and by continually putting ourselves before everything else is not always a good thing. The start of this conversation/debate/argument was in regards to the whaling, and how I put the lives of the whales ahead of those doing the whaling.

But, I am pretty much done with this conversation, feel free to continue it offline but I have said my peace and in the end I have resolved to agree to disagree with other people's opinions on the matter.


So I was washing my motorcycle this evening and thought it was an opportune time to take a couple of photos of it, since I hadn't yet done that. I thought I would share these photos with you and maybe we could do an "AusGAF: Share Your Ride!" thing.

Motorcycles, cars, bicycles, scooters, boats, you name it, what if we post pics of what we have? It doesn't have to be special, mine certainly aren't. I'll kick it off since I was going to do it anyway, see what happens.

So here's a couple of my main ride, freshly washed. 2001 Honda Shadow 750 ACE



And here's my bicycle that I recently purchased to help me lose some weight. 2012 Trek 7.4FX





I want a tag give me a tag
Hipster Ausgaf can you help me

I'm trying to get the album Super Mom by The Very Best.

Their website is down atm and I can't find anywhere else that doesnt link to their website to download it.

Any links plz, torrents or mega upload would be fine


edit: My ride



You have pretty much missed the point entirely. It was in the context of us having done more damage than good to this planet since we made our mark and by continually putting ourselves before everything else is not always a good thing. The start of this conversation/debate/argument was in regards to the whaling, and how I put the lives of the whales ahead of those doing the whaling.

But, I am pretty much done with this conversation, feel free to continue it offline but I have said my peace and in the end I have resolved to agree to disagree with other people's opinions on the matter.

I think youve made a good argument, although overall I have to admit to maybe having missed a few points due to only reading the debate on and off over the day.

I think what it comes down to is that whilst humans are not the only intelligent species on this planet, we are the only technologically and industrially minded one. And, so far as we know, we are also the only one that has essentially developed a conscience about what we do beyond our own immediate frame of reference. In that sense, we are 'better' than any other species. But we also deliberately do things that we know are seriously detrimental to other species. In that sense, we are far, far worse.

Some rational Christians believe that God gave us the tools to push science as far as it has gone and he created us in his image so why wouldn't we be able to do cool shit? I like those people.

Unfortunately, there is a subset of (irrational) christians who believe the world is 6000 years old (c.f genesis + begats) also hold to the lines about beasts being made for our benefit. I dislike those people.

I also watched (re-watched) the lecture from Krauss (A Universe from Nothing) where he said something along the lines that Sagan and De Grasse Tyson have spoken about: the series of great demotions. Not only is Earth not the centre of the universe, nor is the sun, nor is our galaxy, nor are we a uniquely created species, nor are we uniquely intelligent - but also in terms of the time we exist in which to observe the universe: there are things we might never be able to know simply because the universe appears different now to what it did in the past. Just as in the future, we know that future inhabitants of this galaxy will never be able to conceive of anything more than this galaxy. Yet we know of countless millions of them.

I also finally twigged onto what he meant about the 'great triangle' used to measure the curvature of the universe. Such a phenomenally elegant argument.


Bill Bryson for me sums it up well at the end of "A Short History of Nearly Everything."

"It's an unnerving thought that we may be the living universe's supreme achievement and its worst nightmare simultaneously."


Bill Bryson for me sums it up well at the end of "A Short History of Nearly Everything."

"It's an unnerving thought that we may be the living universe's supreme achievement and its worst nightmare simultaneously."

In much better news today, sky surveys have suggested that there are probably something like a billion planets in this galaxy - and 60% of them would be rocky ones rather than gas giants.

Playing the odds, nature seems to have a contingency plan or two.
I think what it comes down to is that whilst humans are not the only intelligent species on this planet, we are the only technologically and industrially minded one. And, so far as we know, we are also the only one that has essentially developed a conscience about what we do beyond our own immediate frame of reference. In that sense, we are 'better' than any other species. But we also deliberately do things that we know are seriously detrimental to other species. In that sense, we are far, far worse.

I also watched (re-watched) the lecture from Krauss (A Universe from Nothing) where he said something along the lines that Sagan and De Grasse Tyson have spoken about: the series of great demotions.
Not just other species, we will most likely be the cause of our own end.

Also the demotions line of thinking is fantastic. Best thing about waking up in the morning is wondering how our minds will be blown again. Would love to know what the world is like and what we have accepted as fact in 100 years time. I know a few people who just take radio waves and wifi as magic because they have lived for so long without having to contemplate it.


i'm with mancini, this is a red card every day of the week


two footed, studs up, off the ground, zero control

mandatory red card, FIFA directive says so. Referee will get slammed for letting it go without even a booking


i'm with mancini, this is a red card every day of the week

two footed, studs up, off the ground, zero control

mandatory red card, FIFA directive says so. Referee will get slammed for letting it go without even a booking

Chocstrodamus said before the start of last season that the new red card rule would be enforced and people would cry foul over correct decisions. Chocstrodamus vindicated.
deleting it obviously

I did it first! I win!!!

Hipster Ausgaf can you help me

I'm trying to get the album Super Mom by The Very Best.

Their website is down atm and I can't find anywhere else that doesnt link to their website to download it.

Any links plz, torrents or mega upload would be fine


Played LttP? My favourite and a game I can boot up in zSNES any time of the day and get lost in that quest again.

Nope. Although my mum got my lil bro the GB copy for Christmas
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