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AusGAF 5/5 - Everything's Amazing and Nobody's Happy, a rental at best

Would bris gaf be interested in doing a meet up as well, maybe in feb? We could do the tiny tiny mana bar, or lunch/ dinner somewhere.

Yea i would be keen for another Brisbane meetup. Preferably not the mana bar.

As a suggestion i hear good things about THIS place for food and drink. (not sure if it is too far for people though).
Yea i would be keen for another Brisbane meetup. Preferably not the mana bar.

As a suggestion i hear good things about THIS place for food and drink. (not sure if it is too far for people though).

Sassafras is better and it's literally just across the road. Although it is insanely popular and hard to get a table at times
Eh, I'm running a Q6600 with 4GB RAM and an 8800GS and games run well enough for me. Usually at 1680x1050 instead of 1920x1200 but whatever.
Chill out Jintor, plenty of shitty articles are posted every day on the US site. I'm sure everyone will love your article.

Anything in particular sold you on that motherboard? I've gone this one and it appears to have better specs across the board. I can personally vouch for reliability etc., but have no idea about the other board.

Mainly went with the ASUS LX because I had read it had great onboard sound, which it does thankfully. Other than that I don't know, had no problems installing or using so far. First time building a PC and everything worked first shot. Maybe should have gone for one with more USB ports at the back, only minor concern.

Eh, I'm running a Q6600 with 4GB RAM and an 8800GS and games run well enough for me. Usually at 1680x1050 instead of 1920x1200 but whatever.
Upgraded from my trusty Q6600, 4Gb RAM and 9800GTX+. Such a good setup for a long time. I think the SSD and the IPS monitor are the biggest improvements for me so far.


Jintor's article is balls to the wall awesome and I can't keep up with these kids anymore.

Seriously man -- great work. Really great work.


A simple hierarchy would be to place value at the species level. We should be doing what we can to avoid species going extinct via our own species actions or deliberate inaction. At the same time, we shouldn't be causing needless suffering when killing for meat, for example.

Animals don't exist for our benefit, and its heinous to see them hunted to extinction for any reason, be it attacking sheep, or for decorating walls, making pianos or increasing libido in elaborate placebo potions.

I don't disagree with any of that.

My point is that animals are not, and should not, be placed on the level of humans. I'd say 99% of people agree with that statement (except x3n, apparently). Because the logical extension of animal = human means that you'd put people in prison for killing ants or spiders, which is obviously insane. So most people have a hierarchy based on the number of animals, social norms, appearance, intelligence etc.

All I'm saying is that killing people for killing animals is nuts. If they are breaking the law by killing animals, they need to be charged and convicted under the laws society has created. But vigilante justice for killing animals? That's crazy talk.


You've misunderstood me if you think I've just limited my argument to humans = animals therefore vigilante action.

What I am arguing against is wilfully, deliberately hunting endangered animals towards extinction. Daddy long legs are not critically endangered, and they are not slow to reproduce like megafauna. Without human interference, rhinos for example would not be in danger of functional extinction. Poachers have pushed them there, so there needs to be a push back.


Mainly went with the ASUS LX because I had read it had great onboard sound, which it does thankfully. Other than that I don't know, had no problems installing or using so far. First time building a PC and everything worked first shot. Maybe should have gone for one with more USB ports at the back, only minor concern.
I really only got onto mine as a recommendation on another forum. Looking up the combo, it was ridiculous just how many people went for the AsRock Extreme3 Z68/2500K combo (as well as a good percentage with the same G.Skill Ripjaw RAM). There are a lot of people with my exact-same setup. Doesn't do well for my fragile, individualistic ego... but it DOES comfort me ;)

Upgraded from my trusty Q6600, 4Gb RAM and 9800GTX+. Such a good setup for a long time. I think the SSD and the IPS monitor are the biggest improvements for me so far.
Almost the same. Q9550, 4Gb RAM and dual 5850s. TBH I could've stuck with the 5850s had one of them not died (still chasing up warranty repair/replacement) and my brother not been selling his 5970 (which are apparently hard to come by for a decent price now, especially reference models).

Fredescu said:
Pretty sure I get 60fps in Blur and F1. There aren't all that many poor console ports these days.
I really struggled, even after disabling Crossfire for both, unless I cranked the graphics way, way down. Also found that my GPU was only getting around 40-50% usage (from what I can remember). First thing I did was fire up both (F1 was the main catalyst behind this) and was pleasantly surprised with the results.
Finished Ocarina of Time for the first time ever the other day. (I got stuck in the Water Temple when I was a kid and never went back to it till now!)

My mate brought over Majora's Mask for me this morning and I've got a little into it.
Pretty cool.

Also bought Red Dead Redemption GOTY edition off Zavvi for 23 bucks last month.
Started playing it yesterday and it's good so far.


but ever so delicious
Not really. Humans are probably the worst disease this planet has ever seen. If we were to vanish I'm sure earth would turn into an amazing leafy animal filled planet instead of the industrial smoke filled shit it is today.

Animals are more innocent than humans are which is probably why myself and others would put animals above humans. They are doing there own thing, following how they have lived before we rocked up and fucked that all up. Whales are just chilling in the ocean minding their own business and we from the land come along and throw a giant spear through them.

What did any animal do to us? When have they ever turned up and killed tens, hundreds of humans in a single shot? They don't. When they do attack, which is rare, it's usually because you are in their habitat pissing them off.

It would be like you walking down the street and some guy pops out of nowhere and shoves a sword through you then decides to drag you off while everyone around looks on and can't do anything about it. I'm sure that feels awesome right? Dying, not in a quick and painless way but in pure agony as some guy drags you along the ground as you bleed out. Sounds like a fun night out.

Humans are assholes, that's about all there is too it. They are in it for their own greed and beliefs, thinking they are better than anyone and anything else.

We suck and should honestly be a lot better.


Guys, I'm a Christian. I guarantee I have a lower opinion of humanity than pretty much all of you, hahaha.

I'm just saying I don't support the death penalty for killing animals (on top of not supporting the death penalty for anything else).

I don't know if I'm missing something here, but you guys sound like you'd have no problem with a judge sentencing a man to death for killing a whale.

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.


I never understood why humans are put on a pedestal.
Really? Which other animals have developed the technology to debate their world view instantly with other people all around the world? Humans are a very unique animal. I'm sympathetic to the idea that we should strive to maintain biodiversity as much as possible, but damn, humans are pretty amazing.


Yesssss. The Kzer-Za theme is still crazy scary.

I guess my favourite would still be Super Metroid. I still remember every tune and where it kicks in.

And Killer Cuts was awesome!
The Hyperspace theme was always my favourite. In fact, I'd actually heard a rip of that .MOD (amongst other tracks for the game, amongst truckloads of other .MOD files I had) before I had the game itself. Around '95 or so, I think? I was such a tracker nerd when I was a kid.


Really? Which other animals have developed the technology to debate their world view instantly with people around the world? Humans are a very unique animal. I'm sympathetic to the idea that we should strive to maintain biodiversity as much as possible, but damn, humans are pretty amazing.

So we have made a few toys, constantly destroying the planet in doing so. How does that give us the right to choose what lives and what dies.

edit: just in case we are talking about two different things. I am talking about "humans on a pedestal" in regards to each and everyone of us being put above an animal when it comes to life or death.


The Hyperspace theme was always my favourite. In fact, I'd actually heard a rip of that .MOD (amongst other tracks for the game, amongst truckloads of other .MOD files I had) before I had the game itself. Around '95 or so, I think? I was such a tracker nerd when I was a kid.

Damn man now I want to play SC2. I always hoped that Mass Effect would in a way be like Star Control 2. First one was a tiny bit, then the second....:(


What can animals pay you? Nothing! What satisfaction do you get from helping them? None! Who wants to help animals anyway? Nobody!


Guys, I'm a Christian. I guarantee I have a lower opinion of humanity than pretty much all of you, hahaha.
Actually the Christian creation story is about as human centered a story as you're likely to hear when you consider that humans have only been around for about 200k years out of the Earths 4.5 billion year existence. A supreme being came to a tiny planet revolving around one of hundred billion stars in one out of a hundred billion galaxies. As Feynmann put it, "it's too local, too provincial, when you look at what's out there it's not in proportion."

So we have made a few toys, constantly destroying the planet in doing so. How does that give us the right to choose what lives and what dies.
Beasts of prey make similar decisions all the time. Are you trying to say on one hand that we're not different, but on another hand that we're actually very different?


Guys, I'm a Christian. I guarantee I have a lower opinion of humanity than pretty much all of you, hahaha.

I'm just saying I don't support the death penalty for killing animals (on top of not supporting the death penalty for anything else).

I don't know if I'm missing something here, but you guys sound like you'd have no problem with a judge sentencing a man to death for killing a whale.

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.

It think I need to elaborate a little.


Whalers go out and kill 1000's of whales when it's not a necessity (in the majority of cases), and nothing comes of it (well except for accidents and some crazy activists).

Swimmer gets eaten by a shark. Fisherman in large numbers go out and kill a bunch of random sharks as if it's going to do a damn thing and think of themselves as heroes.

So when these crazy people go after the whalers and happen to kill a few, well, I really don't care. That may sound cold, but humans in a lot of cases really do suck. Sure we innovate, we are (seemingly, but that really isn't known for sure) the most intelligent species on this planet but sometimes I think our brains are also our biggest weakness.

As George Orwell said, all pigs are equal, but some are more equal than others. (I am using this quote in a slightly different context [nearly a mirror of it] than he did but there are some humans I couldn't care less if they just vanished.

edit: I think I really fucked up that quote, has been a while since I read animal farm (substitute pig and animal, but I am sure you get the idea)


Beasts of prey make similar decisions all the time. Are you trying to say on one hand that we're not different, but on another hand that we're actually very different?

Beasts of prey generally eat when hungry. I think, given our intelligence, we really make a lot of stupid decisions.


Christian theology also says that humanity as a whole is inherently sinful. Even our good works are described as filthy rags. That's kinda what I was getting at.

Anyway, I wasn't trying to bring religion into this, I was just making a joke.

x3n, that does sound very cold. Not much more to say.


Back from a five day beach trip to Lakes Entrance.


During those five days, we only went to the beach once. The other days it rained, was windy and cold and too dangerous to swim in the beaches.



orange thing is inflatable. EB Exclusive ME3


Yeah nice article Jint. Only things I knew about the game were eroge, 2ch whinging about how inappropriate the game was (which is hilarious) and you occasionally mentioning it here.

Still won't play it though because I don't like eroge, but interesting read nonetheless.


i don't want to belittle the guys work at all so please dont take it tha tway

but ultimately is it an R18+ love plus?
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