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AusGAF 5/5 - Everything's Amazing and Nobody's Happy, a rental at best


no notification before bill

but also nsw passed a law last year outlawing surcharges on ph's for two reasons

1 its the shops choice to open.

2 it was being massively abused. huge surcharges even on sundays were the norm

i may not send it in but 9%is ridiculous

Rebecca Hambly, who manages La Cita at King Street Wharf, said she had not been told - either by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission or the Restaurant and Catering Association - that her restaurant's 10 per cent surcharge was illegal.
''I've been in restaurants for over 15 years and this is the first I've heard of it,'' Ms Hambly said. ''And as far as I'm aware, our restaurant has never been notified.''

She said the lawmakers had a responsibility to notify businesses of their obligations.

But ACCC chairman Graeme Samuel said: ''This law has been in place for 18 months. We've given out infringement notices. It's too late for them [restaurants] to say they don't know about the changes.''

John Hart, head of the Restaurant and Catering Association, said a Productivity Commission report recommended the rules be reversed because of the strain they placed on small businesses.
''Restaurants are trapped in this law and they are the ones being fined because they are the low-hanging branches. We've sent out more than 20 written pieces of advice [to our members] saying to follow the law.''

In June, the ACCC fined two Sydney restaurants $13,200 each after repeatedly warning them about the illegality of weekend and public holiday surcharges.
Seems like a 3 strike policy or something.


Just saw that thing with Tomic taking his sports car for a spin and getting busted. If some of the things he said were true...

Yeah okay, you can have that one, what a huge twerp.
Why do you tip in Australia?

i went to a stone grill.
the steak was nice. nothing else was. it was price. i still left a couple bucks tip as that was one of the nicest bits of meat iv had in a long time. even if everythings shit, if they fucking nail and i mean 100% perfect, one single thing they will get something extra out of me.
its usually just the change. the tip is more of a im lazy and cant be bothered waiting and that other thing was good, so im ok with you getting a little bit of free money.


Assume it's already been posted or talked about in some fashion, but Australian of the year already has it's big contender!

Ahaha, that's awesome. Deserves to be quoted for a new page.

At first I thought you were talking about the spider, though!

Pumped Up Kicks will be number 1. Even the fantastic Owl Eyes cover made it to 28.

Or the new Skrillex track just for the lulz.

Life moves fast. This time 3 years ago I was starting back at uni part time after dropping out and managing a shitty pizza place for $15 an hour and being toyed around with by the girl I had been chasing for 3 months. I could barely get out of bed in the morning let alone the prospect of doing anything more than spending 7 hours a day getting lost in Wikipedia and wondering where the day had gone. Every day.
Now I have a full time job, future wife, current son, a huge list of bills to pay every month and I actually get shit done around the place which still blows my mind. Back then it took me all week to decide if I wanted to catch up with a mate who lived only 10 minutes away, let alone make a decision that would result in a flow of money.
My best mate who I hadn't heard from in about 6 months is pretty cruisy and had gotten bored and decided to go to the Gold Coast and rack up $4000 worth of debt in the form of music gear so he would have to get off his arse and do something to earn it back. Busked up there for a month and had a great time.
The only real turning point I can think of was instead of thinking about if something was worth it I would take every opportunity that came my way that didn't immediately set off warning bells. Makes life much more interesting.
Awesome advice, quoted for new page. I have somewhat decent amount of cash saved, no house to tie me down (sport) and a heap of leave (not to mention long service coming up in a year or two) yet no massive experiences to test my mettle or actually push my boundaries. Time to start living on the edge.

Yep, I think I'll get a Vita.


but ever so delicious
Rayman origins for pc and no drm, oh yeah. That sounds like a good idea.

Steam sale purchase ;D

It's now going to be 33 on Saturday. I think kritz may die. Shorts are clearly now the only option, I do wanted to wear jeans. Oh well.

I don't mind typing on the iPad keyboard that much anymore, I've gotten some what used to it and can type at a decent pace by using both hands at the same time. Similar to a real keyboard. I guess I wouldnt actually mind a pure touch screen keyboard as long as it was spaced out correctly. iPad is still a little too squished together.
Just completely enchanted by someone who might, might be vaguely interested in return, but who might also merely be merely a wonderful person and what I take for interest is simply an aspect of wonderfulness. And I will never know unless I move.
Gah, I hate this. I've known way to many wonderful people who - when I've decided to see if they were full of wonderfulness or insane to like me - were found to be entirely and utterly wonderful.

Damn then for being awesome.

no notification before bill

but also nsw passed a law last year outlawing surcharges on ph's for two reasons
No. I'll think you find that a company can charge an additional fee on public holidays, however, the prices - including the surcharge - must be present on the menu. The only think illegal is the "*10% surcharge on public holidays" that places used to have.

If they didn't notify you before hand, then yeah, go ahead and report them. If they did, and you just think that a surcharge is illegal then you may be unpleasantly surprised.

Lastly, I wish to inflict this upon you all.
Fresh Blood!

Aus Goon/Gafer reporting in sirs!

Hi everyone :)

Steam ID?
360 Gamertag?
PS3 thingy?
Thoughts on SOAP?
Sexiest Bond: Pierce Brosnan or Sir Sean "The Rock" Connery?
Would you buy a Crackdown 3?
Thoughts on Viva Pinata Party Pinatas?
iOS gamer or Android user?
How do you feel about DRM and always on DRM?
Is Warhammer 40k Space Marine a horrible Gears of War knockoff?
Do you Kooka with Country Cookies?
UGG boots. Do you speak it?
Red Rock Deli chips are the best chips.
Picking up a Vita or have a 3DS?
D&D or Board Games or IRL Role Playing or Furry or Capcom fan?
Sexy: Karen Gillan? Ricki Lee? Missy Higgins?
Have you picked up a copy of the highly acclaimed 3rd album by Enter Shikari called A Flash Flood Of Colour yet? Only $20 at your local JB HiFi or available with FREE postage online!
Join AusGAF real mug with mug club!
Tony Abbott: Best budgie smuggler or just saggy smarmy arsehole?
Jalapeño man?
Interest in alcohol? Scotch and Cider?
Do you plays the Halos or Duties?
Anyone seen this? Mock if old etc.


Nick Nolte said:
3D actually disconnects the eyeball from the lens from the brain, so that whole system doesn’t function. They’re finding out it causes psychotic states. It’s, like, the brain, itself, is creating a hallucinative (sic) agent of 3D. But when something is close, the lens doesn’t change. If something is far, it doesn’t change because you’re looking at a two dimensional plane. They’re going to find out six hours of 3D TV will cause a psychotic affect. Australia is doing the research. I can just tell you that.

A little bit more here
Jesus that list of newbie questions has expanded since I had to answer them.

after taking the day off yesterday brisbane's rain is back again today. Woo more flash flooding!


Australia Day celebrations consisted of drinking room-temperature Toohey's Extra Dry in a freezing cold Australian-themed novelty pub adorned with Made in China plastic Kangaroos sticky-taped up against the wall, being served by a Threadless shirt-wearing British teenager with a faux-Skrillex style haircut and acne.

In the midst of AC/DC and Kylie Minogue songs, they played a Crowded House song (a band whose chief talents originate from NZ) but only because I requested it.

I mentioned I was born in Rockhampton, a town I try my utmost to avoid, and then some 50 year old fuck with a mullet and terrible BO comes up and spends half an hour telling me how great Rockhampton is whilst spraying Bundy Rum tainted saliva directly into my face (note: Rockhampton is not great).

I still had fun


Steam mobile?


They've spoken about comfy couch on BIGGER SCREENS and now THEY'RE GOING THE OTHER WAY THE BASTARDS.

So unaustralian.


but ever so delicious
I think i'm becoming sick, So i might actually not make it to the melbgaf meetup which is really pissing me off.

My body likes to do this sort of shit for some reason just before i'm about to have fun.

Will see how I am on saturday morning but if it seems like i'm still running around with cold symptoms then I won't be turning up. No point giving it out to a few others.

Hopefully these isotopes can do something aside from make me feel a little sick.
Goose or someone else?

Also, are you getting to the stage where you want to run? Or at least your body is getting insistent that you go for one?


I look forward to them quite a bit actually. I realised this when I woke up and it was raining and my first thought was "Fuck, can I run in this weather?"


Steam ID? IngramAU
360 Gamertag? Master Ingram
PS3 thingy? ingram_aus & ingram_us
Twitterer? nope
Thoughts on SOAP? You mean SOPA? Fuck that noise.
Sexiest Bond: Pierce Brosnan or Sir Sean "The Rock" Connery
Would you buy a Crackdown 3? Hell yes, if it's like the first one.
Thoughts on Viva Pinata Party Pinatas? I think I bought it for cheap for achievements back when I thought achievements were cool.
iOS gamer or Android user? Owned an iTouch so iOS
How do you feel about DRM and always on DRM? Pointless
Is Warhammer 40k Space Marine a horrible Gears of War knockoff? Probably cool if you're into painting figurines.
Do you Kooka with Country Cookies? Never had em.
UGG boots. Do you speak it? It's the pair that say bad mother fucker.
Red Rock Deli chips are the best chips. Yes except sometimes they're hard on my mouth :(
Picking up a Vita or have a 3DS? Vita
D&D or Board Games or IRL Role Playing or Furry or Capcom fan? None of that. Come close to buying one of those Lego board games though...
Sexy: Karen Gillan? Ricki Lee? Missy Higgins? Missy Higgins.
Have you picked up a copy of the highly acclaimed 3rd album by Enter Shikari called A Flash Flood Of Colour yet?Only $20 at your local JB HiFi or available with FREE postage online! Never heard of them but I will check it out.
Tony Abbott: Best budgie smuggler or just saggy smarmy arsehole? The second one.
Jalapeño man? Subways are best with them.
Interest in alcohol? Scotch and Cider? Bourbon over scotch. Beer over Cider. But alcohol is alcohol at the end of the day. Just not VB.
Do you plays the Halos or Duties? Yes to both but not too much really. I'm not crazy about them.

That was fun.


I'm a little sad to hear that Father Bob Maguire will be conducting his last churchy thing this weekend. I have a lot of respect for the guy for actually putting himself out there and being straight down the line. Not at all stand-offish or evasive regarding religious commentary and... yeah, it's just a massive shame that he cops such a raw deal.

Also, I love awesome stores. 3.5mm extension cable here is $9 for 10m. Officeworks? $11 for 3m. Cablechick? $10 for 3m.

<3 Selby
Heh, kinda happy all my eggs are in the Valve basket at present, but it is concerning if say, they were taken over for whatever strange reason or went under. Even if it is *currently* unlikely.
Steam are safe as they aren't public and it creates a hugely profitable revenue stream for Valve. They won't budge for at least the next decade or two.

Only ever bought steamworks games from them
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