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AusGAF 5/5 - Everything's Amazing and Nobody's Happy, a rental at best


SNES football games are incomparably hype.

I have never had that much fun with a sports game. And it's not just because my brain was half-formed and my tummy was full of Pasito and killer pythons.


i found a phone on the ferry

didnt have a pin lock so i called 'mum'

told 'mum' wha thappened

person then calld me on another phone, met up at wynyard

phone back

all within 30 mins


Pizza Hut just sent me an email about 2 for $10 Tuesday, replete with a picture of my achilles heel, the pepperoni pizza. Also hungry.


Figured I'd install Unity and see what the deal is. Not sure if I have the motivation to learn how it works at the moment, though.

On the other hand, I've been thinking maybe it's time for Fucking Sweet Fred 3. Fred teams up with his buddy, For Realsies Ron Paul, in an adventure to the iced cream shop.

For Realsies Ron Paul might be my favourite character name yet.


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
Having just been pointed out that there is like 7 big games out this or next week.

Apparently its FFXIII-2, Soul Calbur V, Neverdead, The Darkness 2, Amalur and Resident: Revelations. All of which apart from Resi (which I have already) I don't give two shits about, that's not the point.

This is the 'turning point' of the year, the slow trickle releases have stopped and now its an assult of the wallet and your time. Many see this as a challenge, to play as many as possible, buy as many and they have to have a new game each week. This will go on until probably the first week in December now.

I used to be like that, buy a game, play it for a week - oh well that was nice what's next. Since I've taken the time to slow down purchases I've found I'm enjoying things more.

For example I'm playing Driver, Mass Effect, Mario Kart 7 and Battlefield 3 still. Yes people are still playing old games.

I've coined it the 'Nomad Gamer'. Most of GAF is like this so I'm likely to get shunned.

I wrote about it sort of a year or more ago, but I'm thinking of doing another piece.
Having just been pointed out that there is like 7 big games out this or next week.

Apparently its FFXIII-2, Soul Calbur V, Neverdead, The Darkness 2, Amalur and Resident: Revelations. All of which apart from Resi (which I have already) I don't give two shits about, that's not the point.

This is the 'turning point' of the year, the slow trickle releases have stopped and now its an assult of the wallet and your time. Many see this as a challenge, to play as many as possible, buy as many and they have to have a new game each week. This will go on until probably the first week in December now.

I used to be like that, buy a game, play it for a week - oh well that was nice what's next. Since I've taken the time to slow down purchases I've found I'm enjoying things more.

For example I'm playing Driver, Mass Effect, Mario Kart 7 and Battlefield 3 still. Yes people are still playing old games.

I've coined it the 'Nomad Gamer'. Most of GAF is like this so I'm likely to get shunned.

I wrote about it sort of a year or more ago, but I'm thinking of doing another piece.


Excellent idea I say. You are entirely right in what you are saying there, in fact I was such a person early last year but have since finally realised my mistake and started to slow down about half way into last year. It has been rewarding for my own enjoyment and also for my wallet, realising with some games that 2 weeks after i would have originally jumped on it, some titles turned out to be complete crap or dropped in price by about 70%.

I am currently enjoying some older titles at home mainly SP games on console because i currently have no net.
Hate to point it out but if you guys have been around in the NES days in Australia, you'd have had a Sega Master System.

That's not a fanboy comment, just a statement of how Nintendo was really ahead of the curve on hating Australian gamers.

I grew up with what we called Retro but I have little desire to play really old games anymore. I'd take SMG2 over SMB1 any day (though in my case it would have been fucking Alex Kid since yada yada yada)


Quick, someone at home start up steam and see if you can select Tools from the drop down menu in your Library.

I am a bit worried.

Edit: Let me know if you are opting into the current steam client beta as well, tah.


I was around in the NES days. I wouldn't have had a clue how I was being treated since my video game selection was basically whatever looked good at the video rental store, and maybe a xmas present here and there. I played my neighbours master system every now and then, and that was enough.
I still remember getting home from school the day mum bought an NES (our first video game system) and a copy of Super Mario Bros.

Probably the happiest day of my childhood.


Quick, someone at home start up steam and see if you can select Tools from the drop down menu in your Library.

I am a bit worried.

Edit: Let me know if you are opting into the current steam client beta as well, tah.

NVM, all is swell, turns out it was a beta update issue and it just got patched.


Didn't have a NES sadly.

I started with a Gameboy + Tetris and one of those funky 100 (which really meant 10) in 1 carts. Then I got a SNES, a game doctor and floppy discs lol.

The good ol days!
First console was a Megadrive in 1992-93. When the version 2 was out with a copy of Sonic 2. Got me hooked from then. I owned all the Sonic games for Megadrive at one point, then the idiot in me traded em all in in 1995-96 for an N64 at Game Rush. Got a PSX soon after that. I regretted it so much. Then I got older and started buying my old consoles. In my childhood I owned: Megadrive 2, SNES, PSX, see-thru Gameboys, Gameboy Color, N64, PSX, then got my PC into CD-gaming, then Xbox360.

I now own all above except instead of Megadrive 2, it's a Megadrive 1. And two PS2s. Gamecube and OG Xbox are on my list to grab next. :)

before that I used to buy floppy disc games. i owned a 7-floppy disc motorbike game. took 20 minutes to install and made me so happy. the big 13' floppies too ;D
I never had a Master System, a friend did but I was a computer gamer at the time. My first 'real' console was a NES Deluxe Set (with R.O.B., a grey zapper, and Mario/Duck Hunt on separate cart unlike the later ones which were on the same cart).

I did have some sort of Intellivision thing a few years earlier. Still have my launch-week SNES (with original receipt and box!), Megadrive, original gameboy, Gamecube and current systems.


Pictorial progression of my console gaming (posted this on twitter a few days back funnily enough!)


Not pictured are a c64, couple DS lites and a second psx. Never mind the PCs.
So was just casually chatting about some work around my area. Then some of the older dudes start talking about old games and consoles and stuff. Freaking weird man.

Coincidence or Conspiracy!?


I didn't have a computer until probably year 11:/

I do remember going to Waverly library as a kid to make bookings to play Prince of Persia for an hour or two. Then my parents would come pick me up and take me to the video section to rent Inspector Gadget tapes.


By the way, the best soccer game was and still is International Soccer on the C64.

My first console was an Atari 2600 when I was...6? 7? My entire class came around after school to play. I was always the kid who had all the video games.
So now you know where it all went wrong
Alongside the Nintendo systems, we had a C64 and Amiga and were generally up to date with our PC from the early 90s until around 2000 but outside of Doom, Duke 3D and shedloads of Apogee shareware I did most of my gaming on Nintendo. Played the odd bit of Master System at the houses of lesser friends and family.

On another note, seems like I'll be doing a lot less spending at Amazon UK now that their free postage to Aus thing is over. Was so easy to just pile shit up, but I'll have to show a bit of restraint now. The postage, especially on books, adds up pretty quickly.


Alongside the Nintendo systems, we had a C64 and Amiga and were generally up to date with our PC from the early 90s until around 2000 but outside of Doom, Duke 3D and shedloads of Apogee shareware I did most of my gaming on Nintendo. Played the odd bit of Master System at the houses of lesser friends and family.

On another note, seems like I'll be doing a lot less spending at Amazon UK now that their free postage to Aus thing is over. Was so easy to just pile shit up, but I'll have to show a bit of restraint now. The postage, especially on books, adds up pretty quickly.

Growing up with a C64 and Amiga = growing up correctly. Good work.

And yeah postage of books fucking sucks. Just had to pay for a heap of my comics to get shipped over in time for Supanova, and it eats through cash like crazy.

You guys don't mind paying $40 for a comic right


but ever so delicious
For me it was all mac and nintendo based until i hit some age and built my first 486(?). Well i think it was 90mhz but whatever. I was the kid in year 6 who had every Nintendo magazine. I would bring in the latest just to read while everyone else would read older copies. I probably didn't actually fit in any school books into my bag :D

I would have to check with the old man but I'm sure we had an Apple IIci and there may have been something before that. After that there was the 7200/120mhz beast of wonder and then I moved into the PC space after that. He held onto that machine for like 50 years.

Console space it was a nes, snes, psx, ps2 and now ps3. Folks couldn't afford the N64 so I ended up with a PSX, Best lack of money ever.

Mates around me had an amiga, N64, atari, That machine that was black and had like 1 fucking game on it? It was like a small mame box you see these days. Christ I can't remember the name of it. But one of them had that fella.

Now I hate videogames. Talk about progression!


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.

Excellent idea I say. You are entirely right in what you are saying there, in fact I was such a person early last year but have since finally realised my mistake and started to slow down about half way into last year. It has been rewarding for my own enjoyment and also for my wallet, realising with some games that 2 weeks after i would have originally jumped on it, some titles turned out to be complete crap or dropped in price by about 70%.

I am currently enjoying some older titles at home mainly SP games on console because i currently have no net.

Bravo, same here I'm enjoying cheaper game. Although I'm not buying ANY games until my birthday.

Vook where the heck have you been?

I have been away?
Hate to point it out but if you guys have been around in the NES days in Australia, you'd have had a Sega Master System.

That's not a fanboy comment, just a statement of how Nintendo was really ahead of the curve on hating Australian gamers.

I grew up with what we called Retro but I have little desire to play really old games anymore. I'd take SMG2 over SMB1 any day (though in my case it would have been fucking Alex Kid since yada yada yada)

In hindsight this is really true. I didn't have either, but I knew so many people with Master Systems and maybe two with NES. Weird how that gets forgotten with all the love USA GAF gives to the NES.

Go much Golden Axe and Alex the Kid. Wait, was that Mega Drive or Master System. God they were good console names too weren't they? God bless the old Sega.

I was PC kid until I bought the first Xbox. I played a shit load of consoles games at friends places, but Wolfenstein, Doom and Commander Keen (I didn't mean to list all ID games, they were the first to come to mind) were what I grew up with. Also the 2D Duke Nukem.

Eventually found the amazing-ness of Fallout and Baldurs Gate, but I think it might have been a year or two after they were new.


It's incredibly fucking slow, even when I'm actually logged in. Plus somehow again my single-lecture class has filled up somehow.
Site is unavailable for me lol.

It's always been slow during certain times. I usually just wait until later to enrol to avoid the frustration.

I guess law might be different since they don't add more classes when it's full for certain units, right? That would certainly suck.
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