Googlefu finally found a solution to my wmplayer.exe problems. Fucking
Shit day at work. Feeling very unloved and frustrated that the people of work don't pay any attention to what I do and assume I don't do enough work even though I cover 3 times as much workload as the other admin who recently had casual staff brought in 7 hours a day to help her out! Fuckers. Needed to get down some scotch so bad that I offered to get some KFC drivethu just so I had some cola to mix my gifted bottle of Black Douglas with. Thankfully it seems my body has grown over the last fortnight to hate KFC as I feel like crap now. Diet working! Lost 2 kilograms in 2 weeks.
Edit: Reptile, your (Choc's) Halo disc was returned to me, so can you PM me your address and I'll post it via Aus Post?
Choc, your Halo disc is still with me but will be sent to Reptile (I sent it Wed but it was just returned to me).
PM'd because the twats at Logistics have gone so far downhill after I left. Mark my words, Deakin will be bankrupt before the decade is out, without me.
Woolworths is offloading Dick Smith.
But they were just starting to give us great deals! This sucks. Maybe.
Damn kids, get off my lawn.
Damnit man I had an atari! Didn't really start the love for games until FF7 though. My parents aren't computer people so they never really had much. First PC game we had was NFS:SE. First PC game I got for my birthday was Dark Forces 2. So much win. First PC game I bought with my own money was Curse of Monkey Island.
First console game I bought too was Final Fantasy 7, was Platinum version for $50 sitting next to the newly released 8 for $120 in KMart. I was like, "why the funk and wagnel would I want 8 when I haven't even played 7 !?!"
Engulfed my life after that.
Wonder Boy in Monster World was pretty awesome to me back in the day too though.
Have you picked up a copy of the highly acclaimed 3rd album by Enter Shikari called A Flash Flood Of Colour yet?
Don't really like that kind of stuff. Do they still scream and stuff?
Nah they dropped the hardcore screams after the
first album for the most part for a heavier focus on weaving the electronics into the music.
Mostly just yelling rather than the deeper screams when they were younger. Most Youtube uploads are horrible sound quality, might have to get on that.
also, thrice + bug finding and fixing = goodness.
Illusion of Safety/Artist Ambulance and Beggars/MajorMinor are a hell of a good lineup. Fantastic songwriters and put on an incredible show live. Have matured and gotten better over time even if I didn't like their artistic daliance with Vheissu and Elements.
i found a phone on the ferry
didnt have a pin lock so i called 'mum'
told 'mum' wha thappened
person then calld me on another phone, met up at wynyard
phone back
all within 30 mins
Good man! I hope they were thankful, last time I found someone's wallet they acted like a total cunt when I met up with them to give it back which totally threw me.
I used to be like that, buy a game, play it for a week - oh well that was nice what's next. Since I've taken the time to slow down purchases I've found I'm enjoying things more.
I've coined it the 'Nomad Gamer'. Most of GAF is like this so I'm likely to get shunned.
All part of going from being a kid with no money and pining for all these shiny looking games that you only get to look at but never touch to becoming an adult with adult money and adult wants where you can afford all that stuff and only spend 5 minutes with it since all your fucking time is now taken up with full time work, bills, appointments, family commitments, close relationships, etc.
All a part of growing up.
Eventually the guilt of The BackLog grows large enough to break the spell and break games down into the same value based decision as other products in your life.
We need to have a day where we play Jedi Academy AusGaf.
Dark Forces 2 was soooooooooooooo good! Huge levels with huge force powers and a highly entertaining storyline. Would love a HD remake.
Hate to point it out but if you guys have been around in the NES days in Australia, you'd have had a Sega Master System.
THIS THIS THIS FUCKING THIS. As Clive correctly pointed out, Australian gamers of the era knew that the Master System / MegaDrive were the consoles of choice and only smelly losers owned a NES. The freaking Atari 2600 was more respectable than the NES here. It really was the red headed step child of gaming systems.
But God forbid you tell anyone in America that.
I really think we in Australia had a unique viewpoint of the gaming world, given half our media came from England and half from the US - we got to see two completely independent gaming ecosystems grow during the 80s and slowly merge during the '90s.
But yeah, retro gaming in America JUST means the NES, and I think that's really sad.
I would probably have 500 times my current traffic if I devoted
Blow The Cartridge to NES games, but I don't. Nothing but comics about obscure C64 / Amiga / Master System games!
Do you know there were two comic characters, both called Dennis The Menace, created IN THE SAME WEEK back in the 50s, completely independently of each other, one in the UK and one in the US? That's pretty cool.
Also, yes, Golden Axe did make it to the Master System, and it was only one player, but it was still neat. Plus there was that Master System-exclusive spin off game.
Hell yes. SMS kid all the way. I knew a few people with a NES but my SMS was my main gaming station until the PSOne (with a Gameboy Pocket, Gameboy Colour (PIKACHU PIMPED EDITION), GBA, DSPhat keeping me happy off the TV). Emulators kept me in the loop with SNES when I was in high school. I remember playing GoldenAxe on the Game Gear? Or was that just a beautiful wet dream?
I thought this for the longest time too. I only ever played other peoples master systems, so I never go to see the box art. I think it's because the theme song sounds like it's singing "alex the kidd, alex the kidd!"
Same here, I was a kid! Of course I wanted him to be a kid. Plus Alex Kidd is awkward to say. Our version was better.
i don't want to be a cocktease and i can't go into details
this is more in general discussion
have you ever been thrown such a curve ball at work that it makes you reconsider what you are doing there, and you just stare at the wall all day going 'fuck'
yeah happened to me today
So yeah in general anyone ever had that, and how did you deal?
Most days aren't fun but today was a total, "no one here gives a fuck about the effort I put in and don't even bother to keep track of my progress". If I had a job prospect to go to I would put in my one week resignation tomorrow without a doubt. Will have to step up the job search.
COD! Hook me up with a job man!
lets say you are in a job reporting someone who reports directly to the managing director/ceo of the company
and that person looks after multiple teams, sort of like a general manager but not that job title
and lets say you are in charge of a number of products and have budget and money that you can play with and use as you see fit, and you are judged based on the use of that budget (pretty common you would think......)
now lets say that the person you report to is moved to a special project on the side for a long time and you no longer report to them
then lets say that you report to multiple people on different aspects and have no control over decision making
and those people have no experience in doing your job and will be relying on your advice to make decisions making that level of reporting dumb and stupid
I think a lot of people will relate to this. Layers of management and red tape are quite good at wasting a fuckload of money. Our office has been profitable from day one, which is insane for a startup contract in the first year. Yet we report huge losses as the head office in Melbourne which has nothing to do with us have to offset their insane wages and office rental cost somewhere. They rent out the old Lindsay Fox building and only use about 1/4 of the site/office. Don't understand how some of these fuckwits get into positions of power.

Stay around this time!
Didn't I get told off for saying PC gaming was expensive
It isn't. How much was the PS3 at launch? A solid PC for around $1000 will get you through 5 years before needing upgrades, rather than a full replacement. Don't forget that your PC also plays pretty much console game released before 2005 (plus Wii games!). It will also still let you play your games in the next generation, unlike what happened from Xbox -> 360 and PS2 -> PS3.