Vook got 1000+ upvotes on reddit. How's the frontpage?
I don't understand how to read reddit. It always just looks like a mess to me. Vook got 1000+ upvotes on reddit. How's the frontpage?
Yeah, but it was definitely worse last night.the humidity in sydney tonight is insane Vook got 1000+ upvotes on reddit. How's the frontpage?
Even if you don't like Blade Runner, just visually it should be easy to see why people love it and how it is a classic in just aesthetic alone - even
For me it is a combination of things. None of which is really the story. The score is brilliant, the cinematography and panoramas in particular are amazing. I am a sucker for modern noir so that is always a draw too. It is not a fast paced film, or one that reaches out and sucks you in, that's for sure, and quite often I like slower paced films. The world they are in is amazing to me as well, such a detailed thing, crafted beautifully.
It is just an outstanding experience to sit through for me.
I also studied Blade Runner in high school. Since then I've watched it 10 times maybe. Amazing movie. The book we had to compare it to was Frankenstein. It was decent but I don't think I even finished it. I wasn't a book person back then. I am now though, 9 books read this month.
At the moment, I'm working my way through H.P. Lovecraft's works and am finding it very interesting and different from what I'd normally read. The imagery in some of them is absolutely incredible, to the brink of excess on occasion, but many of the horrors in his later stories are mentioned as "indescribable" or "unspeakable", for good reason of course. If you or anyone else is a big reader, it's well worth a look. Not all his stories are good (especially early on), but at least they're short. If you have a Kindle or e-reader, some lovely lady has compiled all his stories into a download for them, for FREE (it's in the public domain).
What's making these stories even more enjoyable is the H.P. Lovecraft Literary Podcast. They go through each story in order, recount and discuss it in very interesting and often humourous ways, all summed up in 30 minutes. Even if the story was bad, you're bound to enjoy the podcast about it. Highly recommended.
I don't understand how to read reddit. It always just looks like a mess to me.
Mean Girls was more interesting.
Studying Gattaca killed any interest in that movie for me, which sucks because I remember originally enjoying it.
Image quality was the least of the problems I had with the film, it wasn't even a factor. The Final Cut would need some drastic changes to make the film enjoyable and engaging for me.
These were the pitfalls of the film that drag everything else down with it for me. If other people are able to look past these problems and enjoy the rest of it, that's something I can completely understand.
I went second hand bookstore diving the other day and got, like, 5 books for $18.
The next day I went to Kinokuniya and got 5 books for $75 :|
Books are awesome. I took an unplanned, extended sabbatical from them and since returning have started to lose interest in keeping up with watching tv shows, films and such; I'm finding books thoroughly engrossing again.
At the moment, I'm working my way through H.P. Lovecraft's works and am finding it very interesting and different from what I'd normally read. The imagery in some of them is absolutely incredible, to the brink of excess on occasion, but many of the horrors in his later stories are mentioned as "indescribable" or "unspeakable", for good reason of course. If you or anyone else is a big reader, it's well worth a look. Not all his stories are good (especially early on), but at least they're short. If you have a Kindle or e-reader, some lovely lady has compiled all his stories into a download for them and a PDF for everyone else, for FREE (it's in the public domain).
What's making these stories even more enjoyable is the H.P. Lovecraft Literary Podcast. They go through each story in order, recount and discuss it in very interesting and often humourous ways, all summed up in 30 minutes. Even if the story was bad, you're bound to enjoy the podcast about it. Highly recommended.
I love how expensive all the japanese manga are there :/The next day I went to Kinokuniya and got 5 books for $75 :|
There are things like voice overs and other scenes/endings that are in some cuts and not others which change the whole tone.
People aren't looking past pitfalls, there are none. (I say this as one who isn't even fanatical about it in the slightest really). You should really give it one more go one day with the proper version.
I bought a 3 volume collected works of his a few years ago, still working my way through it, but I love them so much. It is a bit funny with all the 'unspeakables' but he has some great stories too. I'll check out that podcast for sure.
Edit: It is so good to see works enter the public domain, it will not be happening much in the future.
Oooooh, thanks for this. I was planning to go through H.P. Lovecraft eventually so his organized works are extremely useful to me. Adding it to my Kindle right now.
I went second hand bookstore diving the other day and got, like, 5 books for $18.
The next day I went to Kinokuniya and got 5 books for $75 :|
Floating in karma.
Sadly it's not a link to my site.. now that would be pretty awesome.
My cat is acting like a diva tonight, she knows she's famous.
Week 4 Day 1 run out in the pouring rain. 5 min warmup, 4 min run, 2 min walk, 6 min run, 3 min walk, 4 min run, 2 min walk, 5 min cooldown. Kill me if I chicken out of it. I'm off.
Mega, there's also this.
Lovecraft is awesome. Also, you forgot "squamous"At the moment, I'm working my way through H.P. Lovecraft's works and am finding it very interesting and different from what I'd normally read. The imagery in some of them is absolutely incredible, to the brink of excess on occasion, but many of the horrors in his later stories are mentioned as "indescribable" or "unspeakable" ...
Awesome, keep at it - it's an great program. I did it a while back and from being an absolute arse of a runner now I'm doing 7-8km 4-5 times a week and still building up.Week 4 Day 1 run out in the pouring rain. 5 min warmup, 4 min run, 2 min walk, 6 min run, 3 min walk, 4 min run, 2 min walk, 5 min cooldown. Kill me if I chicken out of it. I'm off.
Yeah, that's a better one. Everything is client based. I might try remake mine in Javascript. I just did out in php cos I know php better than Javascript. Mine seems much slower because you don't see everything updating.
Though it must be said, I got boss way more often in mine. I've gotten dicks the fiver times I've tried that one
Didn't I get told off for saying PC gaming was expensive
Also, on Blade Runner... I didn't like it. I don't understand all the love for it.
Have you seen Drive? You've almost exactly described that as well. I loved both BTW, and on reflection, mostly for the same reasons, I think.For me it is a combination of things. None of which is really the story. The score is brilliant, the cinematography and panoramas in particular are amazing. I am a sucker for modern noir so that is always a draw too. It is not a fast paced film, or one that reaches out and sucks you in, that's for sure, and quite often I like slower paced films. The world they are in is amazing to me as well, such a detailed thing, crafted beautifully.
AusGAF?It takes a while to get it. Most of it is bad jokes and circlejerks.
Signs, dude. SIGNS.If we're ever attacked by zombies that are vulnerable to pressurised water, we know who to call.
Could be described that way but is much better. Although as you go to less popular subreddits there's less joke accounts and a greater sense of community.AusGAF?
That was so awesome. So much Astor love for them making that possibleAlso, re: BR Final Cut. I saw it in 4K at the Astor in Melbourne. U jelly?
I was referring to the bad jokes and circlejerks. Duh.Could be described that way but is much better. Although as you go to less popular subreddits there's less joke accounts and a greater sense of community.
I kind of prefer it loading images in full-size.
$('#images').prepend("<li><a href='" + id + "'><img src='" + id + "s.png' height='200' width='200' /></a></li>");
$('#images').prepend("<li><a href='" + id + "'><img src='" + id + "s.png' height='200' width='200' /></a></li>");
Gaz, Brendan Brewer should have his own twitter account.
I'm pretty sure @brendanbrewer is available. @SevenOutOfTen is already taken by the looks of it.
First follower! Can I ask just how much earlier than me asking about him the other day was the account actually created?Today's magic word is "karma"
In other news, Brendan Brewer now has his own Twitter, I haven't asked him where he stands on Karen Gillen / Ricki Lee / Missy Higgins yet though.
In other news, Brendan Brewer now has his own Twitter, I haven't asked him where he stands on Karen Gillen / Ricki Lee / Missy Higgins yet though.
I think you're about the fifteenth now! I figure it's only fair I'm the first, given I basically kicked this whole thing off
(at least, I'm totes taking credit for it)