I don't think she's THAT shallow but who the hell knows with 17 year olds? And if it all turns to shit I gotta work with her every week.
Heh, it's my young girl stereotype, which probably isn't too far off the mark. To me, they're usually melodramatic and therefore dangerous to get tangled up, especially in a work environment.
The first time I was interested in a girl at work and in blew up in my face was many years ago. I was 22 and I believe she was around that age too. An English backpacker who was working temporarily near where I was on my floor. I was flirting with her, all pretty harmless and discovered she had a boyfriend, so I backed off. I was still friendly with her of course, just as I am to anyone else, no different. I started getting attitude from her out of nowhere, so I threw some back, nothing nasty or anything. Next thing I was called up to HR as she decided to file sexual harassment against me! I walked away from it easily, since it was all bullshit to begin with.
I told my work colleagues (we were a very close-knit team) what had happened and she wasn't a popular girl after that. They knew I'm not that type of person and so they wouldn't stand for the stunt she just pulled. She was made very uncomfortable because of this and ended up leaving.
This situation could've easily gone the other way if I didn't work with such great people who knew me well.
The second and last time I was interested in a girl at work, I mentioned that I thought she was alright to someone else. That person went straight to her and informed her I liked her. I then get told by a good friend at work that she had a chat with him (since she knew we were friends), said that she knew I liked her and that if I even spoke to her, she would report me. If that's not totally neurotic, I don't know what is. I hadn't said much of anything to this girl prior, besides "good morning" and "happy birthday" when that time of year rolled around and there was cake. She was another young one, about 20 or 21.
I'm generally a friendly guy, but it's situations like the above that have made me pull my head in and be very bloody careful.
Workplace relationships or flings are a bad idea and young girls are retarded.
im no science man but im not sure thats how that works.
When I was younger, I'd be interested in older girls around 30-35. I still quite like girls around that age, but just turned 30 myself. Make sense?