It still can be a social experience. It's just you need to find what works for you. If you'd rather talk about them than play them, then maybe that's what works better for you anyway.
Honestly man, I've tried. There's the odd occasion where I have a blast, but unfortunately, those became so rare that I stopped looking. I've given genres I dislike and am terrible at a second and third chance, I've tried new things altogether, nothing has worked. Talking about games isn't interesting or fun, not when the medium itself isn't much of a draw. None of what I'm saying is from lack of trying. It's not a snap judgment or rash decision. Video games are no longer for me.
I've spent more money than I care to count on video games and in the end, it has all been for naught. Pen and paper RPGs and board games have brought me more joy in total recently than video games have in the last decade. To me that speaks volumes.
You've all seen my recent board game purchases, which I look forward to playing all of them soon. My RPG collection is a different story altogether, game systems, source books, supplements and adventures. I have more than you see here in PDF form, mostly adventures for the games you see. I could not add another thing to these shelves and have enough social gaming fun to last me the rest of my life (the CoC adventure "Masks of Nyarlathotep" would be a year or so in itself). I thought I'd share, even though for most of you, this isn't your thing at all.
Also, one of these things is not like the other.