also rofl Big Bang is replacing Excess Baggage
Toad added for scale
But they love each other soooo much.Ruining a perfect peanut butter on toast with vegemite.
Damn! That's bigger than the US one! What do you get in it?
TOrdered one thing from Milsims. It arrived quickly, but I'm two suburbs over.
The elderflower and lime part of this Kopparberg tastes like cordial. Not bad, mind, just a bit 'fake'.
Might be better over ice as recommended on the bottle. Should've picked up Shaneus' suggestion.
Tactical Espionage Action Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty HD
Tactical Espionage Action Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence HD
Tactical Espionage Action Metal Gear Solid5Peace Walker HD
Tactical Espionage Action Metal Gear Solid HD Collection Steelbook
Tactical Espionage Action Metal Gear Solid T-Shirt
250 Page Premium art book showcasing the artwork of Yoji Shinkawa
Additional content not licensed or endorsed by SCEE (not sure what that is)
I'm not opening it today though. Going away on holidays for 2 weeks, then work trip for 2 months and thus won't be able to open it until early May. By which time I might get a regular version and leave this sealed. We'll see.
Tactical Espionage Action!
I just watched some fucking weird-ass anime
Weirder than usual? What's the name?
Also why doesn't the peanut butter say NUTS AHHHHHH!why does it say nuts on the vege
your kid allergic to nuts rep?
Sixteen men were booted off a cruise liner into the hands of central Queensland police after an overnight brawl at sea.
About 2000 passengers on P&O's Pacific Dawn were on the second-last night of a week-long Pacific cruise when a disturbance broke out in the early hours of today, police say.
It is believed the brawlers were aged in their 20s or 30s and some had been arguing over a female passenger.
Read more:
Hm. I think I'll give it a crack. Although if you're buying a poor man's cider, surely a tenner isn't that much to drop for something a bit nicer?three oaks is my go to poor mans cider. 6 pack of cans for 12 bucks. for when you want to maintain your dignity and not drink goon
Australia won but did not deserve to
I also coincidently just flicked through Tower Heist and decided against watching in full. ARCHER FRIDAYS! Also new Big Bang. Don't hate.[IMG]
ResiEvil Raccoon City on [URL=""]PC for $36[/URL] bomba pre-order from the hit masters Slant Six!
Gears of War 3 for [URL=""]$27[/URL]
[b]Once Upon A Monster for [URL=""]$30[/URL] (paging Shaneus for babysitting nights)[/b]
House of the Dead Overkill Move for [URL=""]PS3 for $30[/URL]
Ghost Trick on DS for [URL=""]$29[/URL][/QUOTE]
(While I'm ever-so-briefly on Australian JJJ-esque music, [url=]this[/url] popped into my head. If you don't know it already, I think you'd totally dig it. Used to be a staple at the pool hall with mates a few years back, along with [url=]this[/url] and [url=]this[/url] from [url=]this-a-one[/url]. Good times :) )
[quote="Omi, post: 35010513"]All of those in that range are too sweet for my taste, good for a change I guess, but not anything you could drink regularly.
I settled for Bulmers Pear Cider and it was pretty good as per usual. Always over ice.[/QUOTE]
Is Bulmer's Pear as heavy and strong as the apple? I was a fan of Bulmer's/Magner's but they tended to feel like more of a wintery cider.
Now that Ange has gone off for her endless summer
do you no longer work on crazy russian games?
Oh, I don't like them. I just remembered they had a song called "Thank You" and I wanted to thank reptile for his post. So nyer or something.The Whitlams are FANFUCKINTASTIC
GRR Martin is a such a bastard. He killed........................... other words, finished ADwD. If you thought ASoS was amazing, think again. The last few chapters were mind blowing.
Who reads books these days? Wait for the movie. Screw the TV series, I aint got all that time. Waiting for McBay or McG to cut all the crap and give me 90 perfect minutes.
How many splosions can you get out of medieval fantasy!
How many splosions can you get out of medieval fantasy!