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AusGAF 5/5 - Everything's Amazing and Nobody's Happy, a rental at best


EVERYONE and i mean EVERYONE who has some level of interest in politics needs to see the iron lady (it's a brilliant film as well and Streep deserves an oscar for it)

the parallels to what is going on in Aus right now is phenomonal

Introduction of VAT In UK = Carbon Tax

Thatcher getting rolled = Rudd/Gillard

Thatcher being the nations darling and voted in = Rudd

Electorate fast turning on Thatcher = Rudd 2008/09
Ugh Wilkie is the worst. "I'm gonna drop support for the government because they couldn't get my gambling policy through, so now I'm gonna support the people who prevented it from getting through in the first place."


Ugh Wilkie is the worst. "I'm gonna drop support for the government because they couldn't get my gambling policy through, so now I'm gonna support the people who prevented it from getting through in the first place."

You mean Tony Abbott?

Cant see wilkie ever supporting him
EVERYONE and i mean EVERYONE who has some level of interest in politics needs to see the iron lady (it's a brilliant film as well and Streep deserves an oscar for it)

the parallels to what is going on in Aus right now is phenomonal

Introduction of VAT In UK = Carbon Tax

Thatcher getting rolled = Rudd/Gillard

Thatcher being the nations darling and voted in = Rudd

Electorate fast turning on Thatcher = Rudd 2008/09

Also that movie was Oscar bait and didn't deserve to win anything.

Ugh Wilkie is the worst. "I'm gonna drop support for the government because they couldn't get my gambling policy through, so now I'm gonna support the people who prevented it from getting through in the first place."
He is just trying to keep his job. Labor made him look bad so he will do whatever it takes to get through the next election.


Wilkie is from a labor seat

so safe labor usually that the Libs don't field a candidate

Part of the deal for Government was Labor won't run against him next time


I've been waiting for the next election since previous one turned to shits. So I can vote for the sex party and my independant again.



Think they'll renegade on it?

I think the Libs will put a candidate there for one next time and try and take him out.

Also, they would be incredibly dumb to renege on it. Whether they do or not depends on if Gillard or Rudd take Labor to the next election.

If Rudd, no.

If Gillard, most likely. He will campaign on a platform of being fucked over by Gillard.

He will win the next election in the electorate. He is doing exactly what his electorate wants.


Came out today and said there will be a challenge to Gillard from Rudd within 2 weeks

and that he backs Rudd

Another leadership spill prediction. Cause we haven't had enough of those yet. Maybe this week will be the week News Ltd will stop chasing its own tail with this crap. But I doubt it.


Another leadership spill prediction. Cause we haven't had enough of those yet. Maybe this week will be the week News Ltd will stop chasing its own tail with this crap. But I doubt it.

Fairfax printed this

and Wilkie did say it.

I agree re: news limited, but this seems a lot more serious and numerous Labor MPs have public said Gillard should go such as Cheeseman from Victoria
ABC news is confirming there will be a leadership challenge and that it's all out in the open. Likely to happen next week. I would usually say it was a News Ltd beat up, but that doesn't appear to be the case. At least we can finally get this shit over and done with and move the fuck on.
Fairfax printed this

and Wilkie did say it.

I agree re: news limited, but this seems a lot more serious and numerous Labor MPs have public said Gillard should go such as Cheeseman from Victoria

LOL Cheeseman. What a buffoon. I wonder how many dicks he has to suck to suck to keep his seat.


This leadership stuff goes around and around but no-one has any idea until it happens. If Gillard is more likely to to win than Rudd she will stick around, otherwise it will take some fancy manoeuvring to get Rudd back into a position where he could win the next election.


but ever so delicious
The whole party might hate Rudd but they need him if they want to win the next election. I expect Gillard to be gone.

I don't think they will win with Rudd.

If they do, Then the Australian public really is fucking dumb. It's a lose lose situation for us all.


The whole party might hate Rudd but they need him if they want to win the next election. I expect Gillard to be gone.

exactly. And when Cheeseman says the electorate has already made up their mind on gillard no matter what she does, he is right

This is the scenario Labor has

1. Keep gillard and be obliterated
2. Swallow some pride, reinstall rudd and (according to polls) instantly become the preferred PM again over Abbott.

If Rudd takes over i expect an election pretty quick depending on initial newspolls. Only Rudd can stop us from the scenario of Abbott being PM, thats how bad Australian political situation is.


Cool for him. He isn't part of labor.


But he has a key part of the minority Government and apparently Rudd has confided in him. Wilkie publicly supporting Rudd eliminates many of the ALP's doubts that the cross benchers will fold to Abbott if they roll Gillard

I can't see Oakeshott and Windsor going to Abbott even if Rudd comes back. They don't like him.

Reinstalling Rudd eliminates a lot of Tony Abbotts arsenal.

1. No more Juliar slurs

2. He actually has said he respects Rudd and says he should never have been dumped. So that could bite him.

3. Rudd may change the Carbon Pricing Scheme or delay it like the ETS was (its entirely possible to delay it, and Abbott would pass that in a flash)

We shall see.


I don't think they will win with Rudd.

If they do, Then the Australian public really is fucking dumb. It's a lose lose situation for us all.

The opinion polls have always had Rudd as the preferred leader over both Gillard and Abbott. I think he'll win quite handily.
I don't think they will win with Rudd.

If they do, Then the Australian public really is fucking dumb. It's a lose lose situation for us all.

I don't think they will either. I think they maintain more credibility if they keep Gillard then if they don't.
If somehow he does get reinstated -which I don't think there is a chance of that happening at all anyway- (but if he does feel free to quote this and mock me), Labor will officially be dead to me.

The opinion polls have always had Rudd as the preferred leader over both Gillard and Abbott. I think he'll win quite handily.

Those polls don't mean particularly much. Rudd will have learned nothing and we'll be back to hating him in no time. Besides, those polls always swing toward what we don't have.


I don't think they will either. I think they maintain more credibility if they keep Gillard then if they don't.

Abbott will be able to very plausibly caterwaul about the complete rabble of nervous uncertainty that Labor voters will be supporting.

I will be one of those voters, come what may. But even a numpty of Abbott's dimensions can make that angle work.
Throw smartphone suggestions at me.
Samsung Galaxy S2. Perfect choice.

This is the scenario Labor has

2. Swallow some pride, reinstall rudd and (according to polls) instantly become the preferred PM again over Abbott.
Then everyone will be screaming from the hills about Labor flipfloping PM's all the time! Hard enough now listening to people bitch about not electing our PM, let alone if Labor do it AGAIN! You give the Australian public too much credit Choc.

Reinstalling Rudd eliminates a lot of Tony Abbotts arsenal.

1. No more Juliar slurs

2. He actually has said he respects Rudd and says he should never have been dumped. So that could bite him.
1. I'm sure the 15 or so writers for the Coalition can come up with a pun for Labor swapping PM's twice pretty easily.

2. He will go straight onto saying Rudd was kicked out of office and isn't fit to be PM, do you think the Australian public remembers what happened a week ago? They only care what is being bleated over the airwaves Choc.


Peter Fitzsimons declares Jason Clare to be future ALP leader


Meantime, one to watch in the ALP is the Home Affairs Minister, Jason Clare.

He was superb on his feet, skewering Tony Abbott for his endless scare campaigns. Here is a quick burst, edited for space: ''In June last year, the Leader of the Opposition said that the carbon price would be 'the death of the coal industry'. [And yet] according to the Bureau of Statistics, in the year to September, spending on coal exploration has jumped 167 per cent. But it gets better than that. One in six members of the opposition have bought shares in coal or resource companies since we announced the carbon price … It gets better than that, [as revealed when] Senator [Arthur] Sinodinos, the new senator for NSW, lodged his statement of registrable interests. Senator Sinodinos is an impressive man. He was John Howard's policy brain, his right-hand man. He came out of Treasury; he understands government; he also understands the private sector. But … a month after the Leader of the Opposition told the country that this would be the death of the coal industry, Senator Sinodinos became the boss of a coal company. While the brawn of the Liberal Party is running around the country saying, 'This is going to kill the coal industry,' you have the brains of the Liberal Party becoming the boss of a coal company. It just goes to show what a bunch of hypocrites the Liberal Party really is. The people of Australia expect their government and their opposition to have plans for the future. They expect more than just a stop sign in a suit.''

Entire Coalition argument shredded in 5 minutes flat. If only Gillard was this smart


I think people are underestimating the potential blowback of another PM dumping. It will make it incredibly easy for the Libs to show what a shambles the Labor Party is. And fair enough, I think, despite what you're saying reptile. I don't think it's unreasonable of people to be annoyed that a party is treating the Prime Ministership as a game of musical chairs.

Plus, as dodgy and incorrect as the Rudd backstabbing was, they still had their reasons. No one wanted to work with him and the public had started to turn against him.


I think reinstalling a PM rather than elevating say Bill Shorten will help that legend, but you are right.

MAny people think Rudd was done over, and wouldn't react poorly if Rudd came back


Throw smartphone suggestions at me.

As above, a Samsung Galaxy S2, Google Galaxy Nexus or iPhone 4S depending on what you prefer.

I've been running on a Google Nexus S and have had a mixed experience. There has been a horrendous bug that has lasted for over 18 months without a fix. To me, that's pretty appalling service and poor attention to detail, especially on a phone that is supposed to demonstrate how wonderful Android in its unaltered state is. I had to install Cyanogen to minimise the impact of this bug, but this has introduced its own set of problems (instability, apps that used to function no longer do) and it still hasn't been worth the hassle.

Whilst I like Android and where it's going, I don't think it's quite there yet, nor am I sure how long it will take the to get there. Bear in mind I haven't seen or used Ice Cream Sandwich yet.

As a previous iPhone 3G user, I think I may grab an iPhone 4S next paycheck as the frequent freezing, lockups and app incompatibilities have become too much on my current phone. I've already got a bunch of apps that I previously bought waiting and ready to use, so there won't be much additional expense there. I might ask everyone in this thread for some iPhone game (and maybe some app) suggestions once I do that in a week and a bit.

Don't let this dissuade you from giving Android a look in, my case is possibly one of very few. I just thought I'd take this small opportunity to vent. Android is definitely worth a look and Google are doing some very cool things. If Apple are flogging ideas from them, they're definitely doing something right.

Edit: Lightning cracking down right near my house. It's pretty fierce at the moment. The sound of the rain is lovely and soothing though.

Wade for PM!

I think people are underestimating the potential blowback of another PM dumping. It will make it incredibly easy for the Libs to show what a shambles the Labor Party is. And fair enough, I think, despite what you're saying reptile. I don't think it's unreasonable of people to be annoyed that a party is treating the Prime Ministership as a game of musical chairs.
That was exactly what I was saying. Most people I know would think of Labor as a joke if they go back to Rudd.


What is your bug that you have?

Whenever 3G is enabled, the search button will randomly activate, popping up the search tool, either browser search or voice search, depending on what I'm doing at the time. It happens so regularly, it renders 3G unusable. I had to install Cyanogen to assign 'no function' to the search button so it wouldn't bring up any prompt. The button still randomly activates which stopps the back, menu or home buttons from functioning until the search button releases.

Google is well aware of this problem as there have been many threads made about it and Google engineers/PR have responded in them. The last time I saw them attempt a fix, it had to be abandoned as it stopped 3G working altogether. I believe this bug made the news on many tech sites, it was quite prolific.


Can't help but think Labor are screwed either way; returning Rudd to the leadership is merely the desperate measure that their desperate predicament calls for - not sure how well they can expect to sell the 'sorry, we know we shafted him last time...but we were wrong' line. Shorten's not ready yet, nor are the voting public ready for him. Labor are currently a rabble, no two ways about it.

I think even less of the other mob's capabilities, and Abbott in particular. So ultimately, we're all screwed.
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