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AusGAF 5/5 - Everything's Amazing and Nobody's Happy, a rental at best

The house behind ours has a blackberry vine growing over our side of the fence. Not too worried about it as the little guy loves blackberries so it saves us a little bit of money every now and then.

Two in the bush and such.

I like berries.
Ended up pulling the trigger. Barely had the time to play games lately, still have a bunch unopened, but hey maybe soon I'll get to play it!
Haven't opened either of them :/

I see India consider themselves umpires today.

The decision goes with the spirit of a similar one the other night so 1:1. He didn't change his line and would have been in. He should get a warning for it though, maybe a docking of his match fee because it isn't in the spirit of the game, even though it looked very much to be reactive rather than on purpose.


I want a tag give me a tag
I'm on a train to parramatta. What are my odds of being mugged?

We just stopped in redfurn.. Why does that name ring a bell?

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Dark Souls is one of the most imaginative, memorable, surprising and constantly engaging games I have played in years. Easily the best game or 2011 and a contender for best of the generation.

This coming from someone who STILL can't get into Demon's Souls for some reason.


I want a tag give me a tag
What are you doing in Sydney my man?

You'll be alright at 4:30pm on a Sunday arvo.

Short notice work trip! Headibg bacl to melb tuesday$ bit annoying too, had a friend staying for a week from adelaide which was nice, now she's just gonnna sit around bored as she's broke lol.


Dark Souls is one of the most imaginative, memorable, surprising and constantly engaging games I have played in years. Easily the best game or 2011 and a contender for best of the generation.

This coming from someone who STILL can't get into Demon's Souls for some reason.

I was just going to post "Which should I get - Demon Souls or Dark Souls."

Guess I'll get Dark.
Did they fix the English in Dark Souls yet? It was pretty hilarious beating a "boss" and seeing the words YOU DEFEATED appear on the screen.

At one point yesterday, the AC made the house so cold I went and wore a jumper until I remembered it was 40 degrees outside.

lol, I've done this so many times. Derp.

Candidate dumping is the best thing about the buildup to this election


Ugh. UGH. This is so stupid. Its a swingers club. Who cares? Its hardly something morally questionable that would turn voters off. If anything it shows him as a regular person, something we need more of in politics.
Ugh. UGH. This is so stupid. Its a swingers club. Who cares? Its hardly something morally questionable that would turn voters off. If anything it shows him as a regular person, something we need more of in politics.

Is swinging really that prevalent? I don't really care too much about it but it really isn't something I would ever do.

Less questionable than going to a strip club I agree, although I have no problem with a politician going there either.


Ugh. UGH. This is so stupid. Its a swingers club. Who cares? Its hardly something morally questionable that would turn voters off. If anything it shows him as a regular person, something we need more of in politics.

If anything, I am repelled by the obnoxious implausibility of his explanation.


I was just going to post "Which should I get - Demon Souls or Dark Souls."

Guess I'll get Dark.
As a fan of both games I'd say get both. Demon's Souls is actually the easier of the two and allows more choice in which bosses to fight. So I'd say try that game first, it's the one everyone initially fell in love with.
They moved April supanova from Brisbane to the gold coast =/ great.

Is swinging really that prevalent? I don't really care too much about it but it really isn't something I would ever do.

Less questionable than going to a strip club I agree, although I have no problem with a politician going there either.

I agree.

I've never come across swingers, though I guess I'm not really of that age yet. Not really interested in it but I don't care if other people do. I guess there must be some portion of the population that does though, or he wouldn't have resigned =/ Or I guess the LNP doesn't want anything threatening the election... still absolute crap though.


campbell newman is QLDs version of Tony Abbott

going to put QLD back 50 years, easily. And it can hardly afford that. It's already very behind the times in terms of progressive Government as my mate who lives up there can atest.

AB isn't a good choice either really, but compared to Newman, she is.


Everyone who played Demon's Souls first probably got fooled by Dark Soul's opening boss and just died horribly to him lol.
Yeah I got fooled. Then I tried fighting him a few times until I realised there was an open gate to the side lol.

I need to get back into it. Been playing only portable games recently.


Didn't really like Dark Souls. Some big boss thing kept killing me in the tower level or whatever. Just found it really hard to get in to with the shitty frame rate and clunky controls. Looked cool though.


but ever so delicious
Calculation home loans which don't exist is fun and interesting. I think I like the idea of paying say $70 (or even $43) more a month in a loan while having 50k or 30k in a savings account to just back me up.

Dumping everything into it to bring down the monthly payments doesn't seem like the way I would like to do things.

I'm still thinking about that holiday as well. I might take one next month around my birthday, Head up to some island and sit in a bungalo doing abso-fucking-lutely nothing for 3 days. Try and finish stupid Song of food books and get a funky tan.


but ever so delicious
You have like 90 days holidays built up. Take off atleast 2 weeks.

Only 60 days man!

1 week is enough for now, Then I will take another week off in a month or two. Repeat the cycle. Gotta make sure I have 1 or 2 weeks available for when I goto Skorea and steal all the cute girls.


i know the Indians are incessently crapping on they get the raw end of the stick from the ICC Umpires in Australia but after today i have no doubt they are right

Hussey sticks his hand out to stop a run out and gets away with it.

Brett lee clearly gets in tendulkars way in the middle of the way the batsman run and the umpires say out

farcical to say the least. India has every right to be furious today



- The shooting is fine. Enemies take too many bullets. That is to say, enemies take too many headshots. You know how many headshots they take? More than one!
- Video game shotgun makes a return! I don't know why they bother putting in Video Game Shotguns into video games, it's a whole lot of work for modellers and programmers to make something so fundamentally useless.
- There are so many doors in this game! You know how in most games, doors that you go through to progress have green lights and doors that you can't go through have red lights? In this game, there is no visual difference at all! Some doors you can go through, some you can't. You only know which ones are which by walking into them.
- Some doors require a QTE to open. This QTE takes about five seconds of frantically mashing the "F" key while your in-game character struggles to move a door made out of plywood and nails. In one instance, there were two of these doors in a row, on a crowded, civilian train. How do the civilians get through these fucking doors if a super soldier has to put the entirety of his strength into a sliding door?
- At one point you get a minigun and you shoot at a big drop ship. This sequence goes on for ten minutes. Why, after nine minutes of continuous fire and defeat, did this drop ship stick around? What did it hope to accomplish? I am a single man on top of a train shooting a minigun. If you can not kill me in nine minutes, and in fact, you are on fire, why are you sticking around? Do you feel as if the damage to your pride will outweigh being alive? Well it doesn't matter now because your 10 minutes are up and you just crashed into a 40 story tall building killing thousands of innocent people! Good job.
- The voice acting isn't very good.
- An friend of mine was on a hospital bed table having a seizure. I was prompted by the nurse to hold him back so she could inject him with epipen or something. I waited about five minutes for him to die, but I guess that wasn't good enough as I still managed to press the "F" button just in time for him to not die.
- The boss battles are worse than Deus Ex 3. They're certainly not harder than Deus Ex 3, because in this game you can slow down time and regenerate health while doing so. But that doesn't stop the boss baddies from taking every single bullet in my gun. This was apparently a feature of the boss battle, as there were little robots flying around during the boss battle with guns strapped to their arms. They didn't use the guns, no. They were there so you could ask them nicely to drop the gun on the ground for you to pick up. I am not kidding. That is their entire programmed purpose. In this universe, little flying robots will deliver guns to your feet. Again, I am not joking. It was like a pizza delivery service, but for ammunition and murder. This was an intentionally designed thing in this game because of how much ammo the bosses took to kill. The robots weren't even my allies! They weren't sent from my allies. They were just there. They are now my favourite part of the game, in retrospect.
- You can see your legs when you look down.
- The field of view isn't good at all.
- Instead of having one giant tutorial at the start of the game, when a new mechanic is introduced you are awkwardly and inexplicably transported into Vector Graphics Land to perform "tests". It's a mix between Portal 2 (without the humour, or quality) and Assassin's Creed (Without the Nolan North). When you finish the tutorial, you are immediately transported back to where you were in the mission.
- I have never been so self-aware at how dumb silent protagonists are than when I am playing this game.
- The dystopian cyberpunk neofuturism buzzword dickerpenis is good although you never get a chance to really experience it, because the entirety of the game so far has been inside office buildings shooting identical soldiers in the noggin (multiple times, as mentioned previously; headshots are about as effective as a 1 to 10 star rating system)

The game isn't very good. It is better than Singularity, which is one of the worst video games of whatever year it came out in. It it worse than The Darkness 2, which has to sting considering the company who made Syndicate made the previous Darkness game.

5/5 stars - kritz.net
i know the Indians are incessently crapping on they get the raw end of the stick from the ICC Umpires in Australia but after today i have no doubt they are right

Hussey sticks his hand out to stop a run out and gets away with it.

Brett lee clearly gets in tendulkars way in the middle of the way the batsman run and the umpires say out

farcical to say the least. India has every right to be furious today

Nope, Choc rage again.

The DHussey incident is certainly lineball, up to the umpires to decide what to do. This series though, they have swayed towards the batsmen in these kinds of incidents. In the end he did NOT change the line he was running and he stuck his hand out exactly where it would have hit him in the side. Had he not stuck his hand out he would not have been run out. The decision could go either way though and no-one should feel ripped off regardless of the decision.

Brett Lee had no idea where the batsman was and did not change his position. Tendulkar DID change his run, if he stayed on target he would have barely brushed Lee, for some unknown (and stupid) reason he started running IN towards the pitch and then tried to go back out around Lee. If he stayed on his original bearing Lee wouldn't have come into the equation. I initially thought the same but all the replays show that Lee was not at fault. In any case we would have been caught short even if Lee wasn't there.


They should change the rules so that the area batsmen need to run must remain clear and you just cannot stop there like Lee did

if Lee was running for the ball fair enough but once he realises i aint getting it lets watch, he must attempt to get out of the way. That would be a great rule

and the huss thing is NO WHERE NEAR line ball. He should have been out and made an example of as to how cheats never prosper. Because that was cheating.


They should change the rules so that the area batsmen need to run must remain clear and you just cannot stop there like Lee did

if Lee was running for the ball fair enough but once he realises i aint getting it lets watch, he must attempt to get out of the way. That would be a great rule


Brett Lee was initially running for the ball but he knew he couldn't get it so he stopped. Like a normal human being he doesn't have eyes in the back of his head and couldn't see where the batsman was, so moving either direction he could have potentially got in the way of the runner. He did the logical thing by settling in and standing still.


Pretty much agree with hamchan about the Lee thing. The bowler shouldn't try and dodge out of the way across the path of the batsmen, and is not legally allowed to run on the middle of the pitch. So he did what he should, and stood still. The Hussey one is more dicey, but I'd rather not make a mountain out of a mole hill.
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