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AusGAF 5/5 - Everything's Amazing and Nobody's Happy, a rental at best


hussey was on 17 and made 54

if india lose by ~30 they will be furious. I am VERY surprised they didn't just walk off the field as is their modus operandi with this stuff

- The shooting is fine. Enemies take too many bullets. That is to say, enemies take too many headshots. You know how many headshots they take? More than one!
- Video game shotgun makes a return! I don't know why they bother putting in Video Game Shotguns into video games, it's a whole lot of work for modellers and programmers to make something so fundamentally useless.
- There are so many doors in this game! You know how in most games, doors that you go through to progress have green lights and doors that you can't go through have red lights? In this game, there is no visual difference at all! Some doors you can go through, some you can't. You only know which ones are which by walking into them.
- Some doors require a QTE to open. This QTE takes about five seconds of frantically mashing the "F" key while your in-game character struggles to move a door made out of plywood and nails. In one instance, there were two of these doors in a row, on a crowded, civilian train. How do the civilians get through these fucking doors if a super soldier has to put the entirety of his strength into a sliding door?
- At one point you get a minigun and you shoot at a big drop ship. This sequence goes on for ten minutes. Why, after nine minutes of continuous fire and defeat, did this drop ship stick around? What did it hope to accomplish? I am a single man on top of a train shooting a minigun. If you can not kill me in nine minutes, and in fact, you are on fire, why are you sticking around? Do you feel as if the damage to your pride will outweigh being alive? Well it doesn't matter now because your 10 minutes are up and you just crashed into a 40 story tall building killing thousands of innocent people! Good job.
- The voice acting isn't very good.
- An friend of mine was on a hospital bed table having a seizure. I was prompted by the nurse to hold him back so she could inject him with epipen or something. I waited about five minutes for him to die, but I guess that wasn't good enough as I still managed to press the "F" button just in time for him to not die.
- The boss battles are worse than Deus Ex 3. They're certainly not harder than Deus Ex 3, because in this game you can slow down time and regenerate health while doing so. But that doesn't stop the boss baddies from taking every single bullet in my gun. This was apparently a feature of the boss battle, as there were little robots flying around during the boss battle with guns strapped to their arms. They didn't use the guns, no. They were there so you could ask them nicely to drop the gun on the ground for you to pick up. I am not kidding. That is their entire programmed purpose. In this universe, little flying robots will deliver guns to your feet. Again, I am not joking. It was like a pizza delivery service, but for ammunition and murder. This was an intentionally designed thing in this game because of how much ammo the bosses took to kill. The robots weren't even my allies! They weren't sent from my allies. They were just there. They are now my favourite part of the game, in retrospect.
- You can see your legs when you look down.
- The field of view isn't good at all.
- Instead of having one giant tutorial at the start of the game, when a new mechanic is introduced you are awkwardly and inexplicably transported into Vector Graphics Land to perform "tests". It's a mix between Portal 2 (without the humour, or quality) and Assassin's Creed (Without the Nolan North). When you finish the tutorial, you are immediately transported back to where you were in the mission.
- I have never been so self-aware at how dumb silent protagonists are than when I am playing this game.
- The dystopian cyberpunk neofuturism buzzword dickerpenis is good although you never get a chance to really experience it, because the entirety of the game so far has been inside office buildings shooting identical soldiers in the noggin (multiple times, as mentioned previously; headshots are about as effective as a 1 to 10 star rating system)

The game isn't very good. It is better than Singularity, which is one of the worst video games of whatever year it came out in. It it worse than The Darkness 2, which has to sting considering the company who made Syndicate made the previous Darkness game.

5/5 stars - kritz.net
From what I've read Syndicate is all about the four player co-op campaign; have you had a chance to play much of that yet Kritz?


From what I've read Syndicate is all about the four player co-op campaign

Big wicket, Kohli gone. Best player gone.

hussey was on 17 and made 54

if india lose by ~30 they will be furious. I am VERY surprised they didn't just walk off the field as is their modus operandi with this stuff

Read this Choc.

Law 33, which deals with handling the ball, says: "(a) Either batsman is out Handled the ball if he wilfully touches the ball while in play with a hand or hands not holding the bat unless he does so with the consent of a fielder. (b) Either batsman is out under this Law if, while the ball is in play, and without the consent of a fielder, he uses his hand or hands not holding the bat to return the ball to any fielder."

There is a provision, an escape clause in Law 33, though: "Notwithstanding 1(a) above, a batsman will not be out under this Law if he handles the ball to avoid injury."

Law 37, which deals with obstruction, says: "Either batsman is out Obstructing the field if he wilfully obstructs or distracts the fielding side by word or action. Furthermore, it shall be regarded as obstruction if while the ball is in play either batsman wilfully, and without the consent of a fielder, strikes the ball with his bat or person, other than a hand not holding the bat, after the ball has been touched by a fielder. This shall apply whether or not there is any disadvantage to the fielding side."

In all likelihood, based on the evidence so far, Hussey was deemed to be avoiding injury. If the umpires interpreted it that way, the right decision was taken, but it will be interesting to learn how they and the teams viewed it. That the law is open to interpretation confuses things further.

Also PM me your address already!


Hopefully the real xcom game is popular and forces EA of stupidity to get some smarts and make a propa syndicate game. I TOLD EVERYONE IN THE UNIVERSE IT WOULD SUCK!
Hopefully the real xcom game is popular and forces EA of stupidity to get some smarts and make a propa syndicate game. I TOLD EVERYONE IN THE UNIVERSE IT WOULD SUCK!
I played the Syndicate demo (4 player co-op) and was seriously impressed. I never played Syndicate Wars but I played the shit out of the original Syndicate and loved that too.
I played the Syndicate demo (4 player co-op) and was seriously impressed. I never played Syndicate Wars but I played the shit out of the original Syndicate and loved that too.

Hey Kritz! Darkness 2 had 4 player co-op too didn't it?
Anyone played any of the Darkness 2 co-op/MP stuff? Only done a single run of the (pretty awesome fun) SP.


Hopefully the real xcom game is popular and forces EA of stupidity to get some smarts and make a propa syndicate game. I TOLD EVERYONE IN THE UNIVERSE IT WOULD SUCK!

As far as a post-CoD4 shooter goes, it's not terrible. It's pretty alright, really. It's just kind of... How many first person shooters do people need before they get bored of what shooters currently are, before you can call him a man?

I am sorry for that terrible, terrible thing I just said.


EDIT: No, I didn't, Reptile. I'd be up for some coop throughout the week if you or someone else wanna go at it. I hear it isn't that great. I love things that aren't great!


I only check AusGAF sparingly, but I'm glad I popped in today.
Yes, totally agree on this game.
Two board game sessions ago, one of the guys pulled this game out. The four guys that were there are all mad keen NFL fans, so it went down extra well.
Fantastic game. We played teams of 2 on 2, with each team having an offensive and defensive co-ordinator. +beers+smacktalk = WIN

Awesome! I'm glad someone else is into it, I was beginning to think I was the only one intrigued by or enamoured with it.

I went in to Unlimited Hobbies at Blacktown to pick it up and the owner mentioned they started a test 8 man round robin league that would be finished soon. He said to email him if I want to be in the next one, which is a 16 man division league they plan to set up if the 8 man league is a success. I'm totally gonna do that, plus I get to meet some new board gaming people.

One of the guys there created a rule for using a d20 for punting and the fair catch/return. The reason is that some of the expansion teams punts are far too brutal. I played with teams in the Midwest Division expansion today and one of the teams in it is capable of pulling off an 80 yard punt if you don't use the d20 rule, hardly fair when some other teams punts are absolutely miserable in comparison. Be sure to check out the latest version of that optional rule on a BoardGameGeek player aid here.

When I was at the store, I thought "what they hey" and bought the game along with all the expansion teams. So many crazy match-ups to try out.



I thought I'd include some pics of my own this time.


well reptile that makes cricketers soft to be honest. A few bruises from flying balls is part and parcel of the game, just ask those who face Brett Lee.

In football if a guy slams the ball at the goal at 100k's an hour and you put your hand out in front of your body to stop it hitting you, its hand fucking ball and you are sent off.

if you leave the hand next to the body and it hits, its allowed. Defending your body directly on the body should be allowed, not what hussey did
Vaguely related: anyone who hasn't grabbed the Blood Bowl game off Steam in the last few sales is terrible.
I played the demo and didn't like it. Reviews around release didn't look great so I never bought it. I do like the universe though, Space Marine was great.

In football if a guy slams the ball at the goal at 100k's an hour and you put your hand out in front of your body to stop it hitting you, its hand fucking ball and you are sent off.
They are playing Cricket. Not Football.
If you don't like the rules then don't watch it.


Point is that they should be able to take a hit. They take hits like that at 160km/hr from bowlers

it wouldnt have been going 160k's an hour

yes they are playing cricket but its stupid rules breaking the game.

Cricket in terms of admin is even more of a basketcase than FIFA and THAT is saying something
Point is that they should be able to take a hit. They take hits like that at 160km/hr from bowlers
He was running at full pace in the other direction. He turned because he was making his ground and saw the ball rushing at him. He stuck his hand out in front of his body on reaction. The rules protect such a thing. He wasn't trying to save his wicket, his body reacted as it does to danger.

Cricket and Soccer are two very different games and there is no point trying to draw conclusions using rules from each of them. Apples and Oranges.


Point is that they should be able to take a hit. They take hits like that at 160km/hr from bowlers

it wouldnt have been going 160k's an hour

yes they are playing cricket but its stupid rules breaking the game.

Cricket in terms of admin is even more of a basketcase than FIFA and THAT is saying something

Are you sure?

I am fairly sure I could throw a ball faster than I could bowl one. ;)


I've taken a beamer in the head when I used to play cricket as a batsman. Then I was made into a wicket keeper later on too. I understand why Dussey would try to shield himself from a full power thrown cricket ball because that thing hurts like hell.


I've taken a beamer in the head when I used to play cricket as a batsman. Then I was made into a wicket keeper later on too. I understand why Dussey would try to shield himself from a full power thrown cricket ball because that thing hurts like hell.

I have taken a full blooded strike at goal in the head ... playing hockey. That also hurts like hell.


You're not allowed to elbow in soccer. The player responsible should have been sent off.

All kinds of pushing, holding, and general obstruction with arms are rampant in indoor football and futsal.

I swear, about 70% of fouls are for some shit someone did with his arms.


They moved April supanova from Brisbane to the gold coast =/
Its going to be interesting seeing how many people don't realize the April show is in GC and turn up at the RNA instead. Hopefully not too many!

Please everyone in BrisGAF come to the GC show and visit my booth with awesome comics to buy and hi fives to enjoy

Also, I went to Movie World today. They didn't have the Batman ride :/
India done like chicken dinner. By a LONG way.

All kinds of pushing, holding, and general obstruction with arms are rampant in indoor football and futsal.

I swear, about 70% of fouls are for some shit someone did with his arms.

Nah the rampant flopping. Can't watch 5 minutes of Soccer without seeing a flop.

I got the joke Danoss and you are correct, apples & oranges
Luther is distracting. Someone
is killing people and wearing a mask. Killers with masks petrify me.

I had a problem with clowns giving me nightmares after reading Funhouse by Dean Koontz in primary school. Eventually I broke the debilitation it had on my mind after hanging out around a clown for a while to the point where I knew him more as who he was outside of his profession so whenever I think of a clown now I think of the family they are supporting or the efforts they go to every day to make people happy.

Maybe you could do a similar thing? Hang out with a gimp or something.


Hang out with a gimp or something.

Does posting here count ?

lol said:
Casino Canberra explored the option of relocating to Canberra Airport as a way to gain poker machine licences, a senior employee has revealed.

The admission was made after Casino Canberra used a budget submission to the ACT government to again request 200 poker machines at its Civic premises.
The gambling venue has been fighting for the right to introduce machines since opening in 1992, but has failed to crack the ACT's community-based gaming model which restricts pokies to clubs.

Casino Canberra marketing director Peter Cursley told the Sunday Canberra Times that the plight became so desperate a move to the Canberra Airport, and away from ACT control, was investigated about 10 years ago.

Read more: http://www.canberratimes.com.au/act...h-unearthed-20120225-1tvc8.html#ixzz1nU9ky61O


Anyone know what time we will know that Rudd is our new leader?

Sounds more and more likely that Rudd is going to get stomped on, which might show this whole episode as an attempt of vanity. My respect for Rudd is going ever further down.

Vote is at 10am btw.


Sounds more and more likely that Rudd is going to get stomped on, which might show this whole episode as an attempt of vanity. My respect for Rudd is going ever further down.

Vote is at 10am btw.

I thought many people were keeping quite about supporting either, and there have been people coming out and supporting Rudd?

I thought it was looking good for him last week, what changed?


I thought many people were keeping quite about supporting either, and there have been people coming out and supporting Rudd?

I thought it was looking good for him last week, what changed?

It looked good because his daughter and wife were doing the media rounds :lol

Been a few in support, but the vast majority of the back bench types are largely supporting Gillard if the current trend is to be believed, also a lot of current cabinet ministers saying they will refuse to work with Rudd as well.

We shall see.


It looked good because his daughter and wife were doing the media rounds :lol

Been a few in support, but the vast majority of the back bench types are largely supporting Gillard if the current trend is to be believed, also a lot of current cabinet ministers saying they will refuse to work with Rudd as well.

We shall see.

If Rudd gets in I would think he'd change the cabinet considerably anyway?


The grief my own sentence above gave me in terms of English tenses reminded me again how little I know about my own language in a technical sense. Presumably everyone else gets by blindly too, though it is odd how little emphasis is placed on grammar education in school English classes.

I don't know the different past tenses and what they're for. It bothers me.
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