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AusGAF 5/5 - Everything's Amazing and Nobody's Happy, a rental at best


Why not move your PC into your lounge room? Cut out the need for a laptop. I use my Galaxy S2 for youtube/gaf/browsing away from the PC. Hell, I streamed the entire Double Fine Kickstarter video today over the Optus 3G here in the country and it ran fine for the whole 30 minutes.

Also I wish I could go to Aphex Twin :(
Enter Shikari are in the country too and I won't be able to get to Melbourne for their show :(
PC IS in the lounge room. But faces the wrong way. And it's so, so convenient to have a laptop just resting on the arm of the couch.

But maybe this is a sign that I shouldn't really need anything while sitting there short of my phone, anyway. But a Windows-based tablet I can set up Usenet downloading on or something *would* be kinda handy...

Appreciate the tips, guys. I think, long story short, I'm not gonna stress if I can't get it fixed and don't find a dirt-cheap replacement. Might do me good to desktop it for a while.

Times like these I wonder why I don't own a torch. Or candles.

Lots of sirens heading away from the hospital. Car crash must have taken out a power pole
Isn't there an LED on the S2?

Seems a pretty popular card, bound to be someone in here interested. Otherwise put an ad up on gumtree and knock $50 off what you paid.

New Archer was awesome. "Don't judge me. FOOD."
Always love Jack McBrayer. If you get the chance, look for his interviews on Conan. Always make for entertaining stuff considering he was an intern on the show (and there's actually a blooper or two where you can see it's him dressed up as a book or something).

Just watched Hugo. Movie is not the movie depicted in trailers. Instead, it's a love letter to early film making and, I suppose, film making in general.
Scorsese, yes? I might have to check it out if you think it's decent.

Dead Man

Lol at Ritter

You don't . . . have one of these, do you Jack ?

What an amazing cunt.

Ritter and Cutter(?) both are pretty good slimeballs in that film. Didn't watch it tonight, but thinking about it, it does have some great moments, it is just full of rubbish the rest of the time.


I finished watching it an hour ago:eek: The power of time difference!

Live action Death Note is ok actually. Iron chef announcer dude is in it! Doesn't appear to be on in Queensland though.


Oh wait, it is on...err I don't know what I'm on about...
Feels hotter now than when I went to bed. Got up and turned the air con on again. 26 outside, feels about 30 in here

Fuck you northerly wind. Give me some respite. :(


just read the rules around the leadership ballot

if its 51-51 then the names are put into a hat and whoever gets picked, wins

Sorry that just sums up this entire farcical situation all in one. THIS IS TO CHOOSE THE PRIME MINISTER

out of a hat

for fuck sake. Yes i know it won't be 51 all but the fact that rule is in place is unbelivable.


out of a hat

Haha, really? There are much better options available. Why not Bob Hawke it and whoever skulls a beer the fastest wins? Or get the man himself to skull a beer that has a coin at the bottom, when he finishes the beer, he spits out the coin, one of them calls it to see if they win.




but ever so delicious
But maybe this is a sign that I shouldn't really need anything while sitting there short of my phone, anyway. But a Windows-based tablet I can set up Usenet downloading on or something *would* be kinda handy...
You can already do that with mobile devices, if u want to control, view and add downloads to sab.

And picking the pm out of a hat is fair dinkum aussie thing to do. How isn't it?
Guy 1: shit, what if it's a tie vote?
Guy 2: I guess we have to re vote. That's a fair amount of effort though.
Guy 1: yea, no one can be arsed. How about we just pull it out of a hat.
Guy 2: fuck it. That sounds fair and exciting.

I'm sure that's how the idea got there.


How would a revote help? Provided there's only two challengers, the only thing that would change the vote is if somebody thought "Well, I'd rather have the person I don't want with certainty than to put it down to a 50/50 chance I get who I actually want."

Any other option to get an immediate result, like giving preference to the current PM, is going to give an unfair advantage to one side or the other. Trying to convince somebody to change their vote is going to take too much time. The coin flip on a tie is the only thing which makes sense to me if you want a result in a timely manner.


GAF isn't working on my phone anymore, it won't let me log in. Or rather it does't seem to keep my account information, I log in fine but when it redirects me back to wherever I was I'm not logged in :T

Yesterday was awesome, spent the whole day socialising and drinking with friends new and old.
Unfortunately of the two cutest girls I met one was taken and the other was a lesbian

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I felt totally detached from Hugo. It's like, at every turn I could see what it was trying to do, but I was never standing just off frame in the picture with them, I was always looking through the window into the scene.
I felt totally detached from Hugo. It's like, at every turn I could see what it was trying to do, but I was never standing just off frame in the picture with them, I was always looking through the window into the scene.

I really need to get off my arse and see that film - because literally everything I hear is that it's amazing.

That, and I do like me some Scorsese.


I felt totally detached from Hugo. It's like, at every turn I could see what it was trying to do, but I was never standing just off frame in the picture with them, I was always looking through the window into the scene.

Did you forget to use the 3d glasses??


Hey board game AusGAF! Since only myself and one friend were available on board game day yesterday, we took the opportunity and played a new 2-player game yesterday that we both found very fun, so Omi, this might be a good one for you and the Mrs. It's called 1st and Goal and it's a board game version of American Football. Like most board games, you don't have to find the real life version interesting at all to have a good time. I won't go into a review of it, that's what the BoardGameGeek link is for, but I definitely recommend it for those looking for a good 2-player game.


(Pics ruthlessly stolen from BoardGameGeek)

The first half of the game I chose to defend and kicked off to my friend. We were both driving up and down the field missing 1st downs here and there, with not a whole lot happening in the way of threat to each-others in-goal. Eventually I had a massive drive to get inside his 15 and then... turnover! He then took the ball and worked a massive drive all the way back up to my end of the field and got within my 10 and... turnover! Lady luck seemed to be against both of us that day.

I took the ball from my end and worked it all the way up to his end and eventually scored a touchdown. My turn to kick off again to him. Within 2 tackles, still inside his 20, he turned the ball over again and I ran it in to score once more. I kicked off again and he made a few first downs before my defense held strong and he had to punt, it was an ordinary punt and my team made a substantial kick return. It was nearing the end of the first half and with another touchdown in my sights, I started burning the clock. I drove hard up the field and scored again with not much time for him to form much of any retaliation. The score was now 21-0 in my favour.

We had lunch and returned to the game for what was a very short half, though no less exciting. Early on, my friend pushed hard and scored. With a decent lead I spent most of my offensive turn burning the clock away, with my friend looking on without much he can do about it. I took some risks like running it on the 4th down and doing a special teams fake and being caught out both times. Whilst those risks didn't pay off, I wasn't punished by him for them as my defense was quite strong indeed.

With the clock ticking down and the end of the game fast approaching, my FB made a breakaway run for 54 yards up the field, close to his red-zone. A few 1st downs later and I was in again with only seconds on the clock. My friend was left with 1 offensive card in his hand left to play, I knew what it was since I held it in my hand last turn. With nothing to lose he took his chance at a hail mary and... he failed. The game ended with me winning 28-7.

I had an absolute blast playing this game. When turnovers and penalties happen, it's hilarious and awesome. Breakaway runs are another thing, they can be good or bad. My biggest breakaway run was 54 yards and the smallest was 1 yard. My friend had a breakaway run when he needed it most, and my defense crushed him for an 8 yard loss.

We played with standard teams out of the box that are equal, but there are expansion teams with wildly varying stats that introduce a lot of variety and interesting match-ups. Whilst I may not have written the above in the most exciting manner, I can assure you we were both having a great time at the game table, the laughing and joking at the catastrophic failures and triumphant passes and runs.

Now, I don't really like American Football, but I LOVE this game. I used to watch it as a kid and play Madden, so I understand the basic rules and things teams do and I can't think of a single thing this game hasn't thought of. It's easy to pick up and play, you don't need to know the rules of the real game to play as you'll easily pick it up as you play. It is so simple and elegant and well done that I recommend it highly for those seeking a great 2-player game. There really is a lot of fun to be found in a small box here.

Dead Man

Overnight low of 28.1 = Fuck

Stuck at work all night with no airconditioning, then at home today with no airconditioning = Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. Fuck.
I felt totally detached from Hugo. It's like, at every turn I could see what it was trying to do, but I was never standing just off frame in the picture with them, I was always looking through the window into the scene.

I can see why some wouldn't like it. The movie switches gears /very/ dramatically in the second half, and almost becomes a dramatised documentary. It's no secret that Scorsese is a big fan of cinema and the preservation of such; it seems quite personal in the second half but because it was done with such passion it sucked me in. The first half seems like standard kids fare with a generic 'kid lives in odd circumstances and outsmarts nearby adults' plot but I suppose the groundwork is needed for you to care about the second half.

Multi quote on secondapps is non existent so, yes Shaneus, it's by Scorsese.


At one point yesterday, the AC made the house so cold I went and wore a jumper until I remembered it was 40 degrees outside.
Isn't there an LED on the S2?

Always love Jack McBrayer. If you get the chance, look for his interviews on Conan. Always make for entertaining stuff considering he was an intern on the show (and there's actually a blooper or two where you can see it's him dressed up as a book or something).

Scorsese, yes? I might have to check it out if you think it's decent.
There is indeed. Downloaded an app to make it run non-stop so we could see until the power came back on. Would be nice to set up a battery powered night light for the little guy to go to sleep though at least.

Not a fan of McBrayer usually, most of his stuff on Conan was well written and performed, same with the Archer outing. Other than that he is usually the weakest link.

Scorsese does as Scorsese is. All his stuff is great just because of his attention to detail and great camera work.

Overnight low of 28.1 = Fuck

Stuck at work all night with no airconditioning, then at home today with no airconditioning = Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. Fuck.
Didn't get below 25 until 6am, and then went straight back up over 30 just after 9am. Considering the last few weeks felt like it was almost winter and I even lit the heater pilot light I am pretty pissed off. Too yucky to do anything, what a waste of a weekend. Cool change meant to hit tonight but won't be much rain unfortunately.

Dead Man

At one point yesterday, the AC made the house so cold I went and wore a jumper until I remembered it was 40 degrees outside.
Man, there goes your invite to my giant party with all the girls and booze...
Didn't get below 25 until 6am, and then went straight back up over 30 just after 9am. Considering the last few weeks felt like it was almost winter and I even lit the heater pilot light I am pretty pissed off. Too yucky to do anything, what a waste of a weekend. Cool change meant to hit tonight but won't be much rain unfortunately.

It's like the climate is trolling us :(
This Ricky Nixon thing is boggling of the mind.
Even going BEYOND the sex/drug scandal, his current partner met him days after the news broke.
"At first I didn't want a bar of him but he chased and chased and chased me,I was like, 'Get away from me', but he wooed and sent me flowers to my work."
This is a 27 year old getting hit on by a 48 in the news for taking drugs and having sex with a 17 year old WHILE having a wife and kids. Not to mention the fact she is pretty hot and he looks like a middle aged Chunk from the Goonies (who ironically looks nothing like his younger self). Around the same time he was done for driving without a licence with the possibility of jail time.
Not long after that he loses his shit over her having a friendship with an ex-pies player.
Then they get engaged around Christmas and yesterday he tossed all her shit out of his house in a drunken rage which is now being corrected as him helping sort out clothes to be donated to the Salvos? wtf? Oh and he was caught driving last month twice with a suspended licence.

This shit is just so entertaining I can't help but become engrossed in it. How these people manage to not blow themselves up on a daily basis is impressive.

It's like the climate is trolling us :(
We angered the climate gods with our Hollywood movies and horoscopes mocking it, now is the winter of our discontent. Also global warming.

The little guy is parked on the couch in front of a fan with his tongue hanging out. The little ac in the lounge can only do so much with such a humid and hot house.


Hey board game AusGAF! Since only myself and one friend were available on board game day yesterday, we took the opportunity and played a new 2-player game yesterday that we both found very fun, so Omi, this might be a good one for you and the Mrs. It's called 1st and Goal and it's a board game version of American Football. Like most board games, you don't have to find the real life version interesting at all to have a good time. I won't go into a review of it, that's what the BoardGameGeek link is for, but I definitely recommend it for those looking for a good 2-player game.


(Pics ruthlessly stolen from BoardGameGeek.
I only check AusGAF sparingly, but I'm glad I popped in today.
Yes, totally agree on this game.
Two board game sessions ago, one of the guys pulled this game out. The four guys that were there are all mad keen NFL fans, so it went down extra well.
Fantastic game. We played teams of 2 on 2, with each team having an offensive and defensive co-ordinator. +beers+smacktalk = WIN
Couldn't believe it was an Australia production when I first heard about it. Maybe we will finally see some adults genre shows getting made, instead of shows about white people troubles, reality tv and cop/crime derivative crap that plague the Australian TV landscape.

Also apparently there's already a GAF thread!


There is a series of webisodes available to watch on youtube too:



Couldn't believe it was an Australia production when I first heard about it. Maybe we will finally see some adults genre shows getting made, instead of shows about white people troubles, reality tv and cop/crime derivative crap that plague the Australian TV landscape.

Also apparently there's already a GAF thread!


There is a series of webisodes available to watch on youtube too:


This is the most amazing thing ever. Reminds me of Darkplace.

Everyone should go watch Darkplace, also.
Couldn't believe it was an Australia production when I first heard about it. Maybe we will finally see some adults genre shows getting made, instead of shows about white people troubles, reality tv and cop/crime derivative crap that plague the Australian TV landscape.

Also apparently there's already a GAF thread!


There is a series of webisodes available to watch on youtube too:


Oh that's right, it's on tomorrow night! Thanks for reminding me that I need to check that out. Love those guys work.
Couldn't believe it was an Australia production when I first heard about it. Maybe we will finally see some adults genre shows getting made, instead of shows about white people troubles, reality tv and cop/crime derivative crap that plague the Australian TV landscape.

Also apparently there's already a GAF thread!


There is a series of webisodes available to watch on youtube too:


Preview clips are choc full of awesome spoilers. Saw at least one major Australian guest in the drinks one. Explosions one is my favourite.
Considering picking up Dark Souls since it's about $24 delivered at thehut.com right now. Unsure how much of a sucker I am for punishment.

Not a bad idea, while you are at it check out these other bargrins! Highly recommend picking Bulletstorm up for $10 if you like fun shooters.


Zavvi/TheHut sale on again, this time 360 focused (although PS3 prices may be the same)
Some are cheaper at Zavvi, some at TheHut. Both have coupons that float around every now and then. Zavvi can bundle for cheaper postage, extra one pound per game at TheHut I think. I have included an extra pound in all the below prices anyway.

Final Fantasy XIIIIIIII-2 for $31 (TheHut)
Dark Souls for $24 (TheHut)
Bulletstorm for $10 (TheHut)
Resonance of Fate for $16 (TheHut)
Tony Hawk Shred WITH Fully Sick Skateboard Controller for $24 (Zavvi)
Shadows of teh Damned for $18 (Zavvi)
Binary Domain for $38 (Zavvi) FUTURE CULT CLASSIC
Dreamcast Collection (Crazy Taxi, Space Channel, Fishing, Sonic Adv) for $11 (LOGS)


Hey Choc, you fellow February 23rdian.

What would you say about my idea of buying a BlackBerry torch 9810 outright? EBay listings have them at $400 or so from AT&T but unlocked. Read some reviews, played around with its predecessor and just thought you might be aware of potential pitfalls.

If it helps, I won't mention West Brom. :)


Couldn't believe it was an Australia production when I first heard about it. Maybe we will finally see some adults genre shows getting made, instead of shows about white people troubles, reality tv and cop/crime derivative crap that plague the Australian TV landscape.

Also apparently there's already a GAF thread!


There is a series of webisodes available to watch on youtube too:


The Eagle-head guy sounds like a mixture between Micallef and Reynholm from IT Crowd.
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