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AusGAF 5/5 - Everything's Amazing and Nobody's Happy, a rental at best


Of course Katich has burnt his bridges, but that's because cricket australia and the selectors are a bunch of fuckwits, captain included.

I remember reading about Ian Chappell complaining about the ACB in his day, and how it was run by Bradman et al who were stubborn and difficult to deal with. Coming full circle, it's now the Chappells et al (greg, mostly) who are the stick in the mud, ruining perfectly good careers because they have their minds set on a purely random selection policy.


No, you're right. Usenet is completely safe and has never resulted in anyone getting done for copyright, EVER.

How are we all so dum!

Got any reports of Usenet users being busted for copyright? I sure don't.

I know NewzBin went to court over it and ended up shutting down, but that was due to mounting legal costs to defend themselves. No users were prosecuted or even warned as a result by authorities.


Townsend, Cowan, Rogers would all be worth a look ahead of Warner. Cowan being the pick of the bunch, the other two being in form and younger. But there is also Katich who made a century yesterday and is better than Warner.

Chris Rogers is 34 years old. He's not younger than anyone.

Wade Townsend has a first class average of 30. He's averaging 34 so far this season.

Are you just picking names out of a hat at this point? Wade Townsend? Holy crap.


Of course Katich has burnt his bridges, but that's because cricket australia and the selectors are a bunch of fuckwits, captain included.

I remember reading about Ian Chappell complaining about the ACB in his day, and how it was run by Bradman et al who were stubborn and difficult to deal with. Coming full circle, it's now the Chappells et al (greg, mostly) who are the stick in the mud, ruining perfectly good careers because they have their minds set on a purely random selection policy.

I don't disagree about the ACB being ... obstructive to the game development at the moment. And i also think that Clarke laid a lot of the bad blood between the two him self. But Katich is not blameless. He's run his mouth several times after the issue was dead and burried, and everyone concurred he was not to blame.

I get more worried that several points of the Argus review are still not even on their way to being implemented. In particular, the strength and conditioning that the young fast bowlers should be subjected too. Ryan Harris and Doug bollinger aren't that old, and both are missing significant amounts of playing time over bad injury management.

Never mind the fact that several of the cricket teams medical staff lied to... i think it was ponting, that his finger wasn't broken in India, just fractured, which triggered a horror 12 month run for him as he never got time to properly treat it...
Reptile, PM me your mailing address so I can get your game out.

I thought that was the whole point of the Saints Row games?
The story is actually pretty good in SR3, it understands that it is unimportant though thankfully. Really enjoyed the story missions I did last night after about 20 hours of diversions.

Oh shit, Driver San Francisco for $25, Red Faction Armageddon for $17. Actually tempted to rebuy for my Master Race platform!

...but I won't, money is tight. But if you haven't played them you should get right on it!
Going to pickup Driver on 360 for some reason. Not sure why. Cheevos too. RF Armageddon will be a $10 pickup eventually.

Jay and Silent Bob Get Old tickets are on sale now at ticketek.com.au just in case anyone cares.
Frick. I get like 5 emails a day from stinky Ticketek and this was the one time I didn't read the headline before hitting DELETE THAT FUCKER. Hopefully they aren't priced too silly.

I think I'm going to spend the morning listening to Disney songs and assassinating people in Skyrim.
You heard the Brian Wilson Disney album? Quite good.

Like quite a few of these things, a lot of the peripheral cases will be lazy/bad parenting with the parents looking for an excuse for their failings.

There are some core people though, who are genuinely addicted to the game, but they tend to be people would be addicted to ANYTHING, it just so happens that in these specific cases its' computer games.

There are a few aus-gaffers with kids i believe, and most of them seem to do right by their kids & gaming.
Basically a lot of factors attribute to this kind of behaviour. If your kid feels the need to spend 10 hours a day playing games all the time, regardless of if it is a new release they were excited about then you aren't offering them a varied enough amount of options in their lives. You would hope that you could come up with at least 3 different things that a child would want to go out and do. An addictive personality can be used to a parent's advantage as well.

Well, if your child is a nutter then I can see video games just exacerbating his mental issues. It all depends on the person. I used to play 40+ hours of video games a week when I went to school and I still got decent enough marks to get into a good high school, then get into what I wanted in uni ><.
I played 40 hours of FFX in one go. FF7 would have had several 20 hour stints as well. A lot of days I wouldn't even touch a game though.

Paying for piracy seems counter-productive.
Direct downloads don't cost anything. No idea how to use UseNet to be honest.

so i ordered zelda from EBgames au website

it arrived friday, not thursday the release date despite ticking 'release date delivery' on the order

now i emailed them and explained to them what release date delivery means etc etc and don't have that on order forms if you can't meet it.

I also explained that possibly if someone is in NSW and you are in QLD, that you should ship 2 days before release (when possible stock wise) due to the transit times....

so i get this response...

Unfortunately we cannot guarantee shipping timeframes because Australia Post do not provide us with a guaranteed timeframe.

Actually australia post do give time frames and their time frame is NOT 1 day from QLD to NSW non express.......

it continues

Hopefully in future we can have the option modified to set better customer expectation.

How about don't put release date delivery as an option if you can't guarantee it?! I'm not sure what the fuck else that could mean. Release date delivery. Ie on your desk, release date.

If amazon can do it... or at least GET what the FUCK that mean, why can't eb.

Set the bar low. Number 1 rule in Business; under promise and over deliver.
So basically if you had of ordered from LOGS you would have had the game in the same timespan as well as got it a lot cheaper. At least OGS don't promise shit they can't deliver on.


One of those guys had an average of 27 last season. The change we need!

Rogers has probably been a bit unlucky in his career. He got a go in Tests because of an injury and may have had a chance to play post Hayden, but Phil Hughes came in and just had two huge seasons in the Shield (not that Rogers didn't, but Hughes was 10 years younger). So he got picked to go to South Africa, then they went the Watson path.


but ever so delicious
Mother fucking driving instructor. He double booked himself within the past 24hrs and now i can't do my driving test. My license expires in the 2nd week of december so i'm pretty much fucked.

That stupid old fucking idiot.


Chris Rogers is 34 years old. He's not younger than anyone.

Wade Townsend has a first class average of 30. He's averaging 34 so far this season.

Are you just picking names out of a hat at this point? Wade Townsend? Holy crap.

Oh goody, you didn't pick on Cowan this time.

Who, as per your original question, is the best in form opener in domestic first class cricket in the past couple of seasons.

One of those guys had an average of 27 last season. The change we need!

Versus someone who has played a handful of shield games and is only known for slogging.

Another good batsman they could/should have considered in recent years is Cosgrove. But obviously he doesnt fit the CA template. But looking at his stats, he deserves a crack at it more than warner.


Since AusGAF is brimming with parents now, I thought a few might be interested in this: http://smh.drive.com.au/motor-news/new-push-for-baby-seat-fix-20111125-1nxuq.html

Fuck our outdated top tether bullshit. I have some friends who imported an Isofix seat and it's just ridiculous how easy they are to install and so annoying that they are technically illegal. When the government did the last child seat review, when they increased the maximum child seat age, they had the nerve to mention in the same breath to make sure the seats are properly fitted because most child deaths are caused my improperly fitted seats, despite keeping the easiest to fit seats that the rest of the world uses illegal! Pricks.




Versus someone who has played a handful of shield games and is only known for slogging.
A handful at an average of 60 is pretty good. Better than the whole of last season spent in the 30s. He really does seem to have some form. He's "known" for slogging because he's in the Australian hit and giggle team, but there has to be some crossover in skill here. I would much rather a grafter since our test team completely lacks staying power at the moment, but there isn't really an obviously in form one at the moment, so I'll take what I can get.


Well put Choc. When the wife texted me the headline image I posted this morning and details about the story I kinda surprised her by going 'well, that's not a bad idea to be honest' :)

I've seen marriages break up and careers go down the tubes because of World of Fucking Warcraft.


A handful at an average of 60 is pretty good. Better than the whole of last season spent in the 30s. He really does seem to have some form. He's "known" for slogging because he's in the Australian hit and giggle team, but there has to be some crossover in skill here. I would much rather a grafter since our test team completely lacks staying power at the moment, but there isn't really an obviously in form one at the moment, so I'll take what I can get.

He has never shown much technique in his innings or style. He has shown amazing hand eye co-ordination. And thats the cross over. He has amazing hand eye co-ordination, which is a great place to start from.

But didn't he struggle for several years to even make the NSW Shield team? I think he's struggled to maintain a regular place anyway. Someone else may be able to clear that up, because i can't find much in terms of those stats.


I disagree here. Mainstream media does a shitty job of talking about games. And that Tele story was a prime example. Laura wrote about this whole kerfuffle two years ago.

This is indeed true they do a shit job, but i don't think todays article was that bad. But the reaction has been the same as when the media get it oh so wrong

the point is if we fly off the handle every time gaming is mentioned. We will never be listened to.

Whereas if you pick your battles, you get more attention. Look at various Lobby groups. They always pick their battles.


I also disagree, Choc. Merely because News Ltd always writes inflammatory clickbait headlines doesn't mean they should be allowed to get away with it in this instance, especially when it's their headline story on the masthead.

Indeed, from what I've seen the story actually being a pretty good piece of journalism is really overshadowed by the bullshit heading.


I also disagree, Choc. Merely because News Ltd always writes inflammatory clickbait headlines doesn't mean they should be allowed to get away with it in this instance, especially when it's their headline story on the masthead.

Indeed, from what I've seen the story actually being a pretty good piece of journalism is really overshadowed by the bullshit heading.

yes the headline is a disgrace but the actual article is good

the point is

fly off at headline, but content is moderate. Gamers need to start picking their battles, else the media will just be like ITS WHINGING GAMERS AGAIN.

You can't disagree that when the media mention alcoholic addiction that people who drink alcohol aka ALL OF US don't go mental at the author.

whereas gamers do. Who seems the more mature in that case? Alcohol drinkers....


This is indeed true they do a shit job, but i don't think todays article was that bad. But the reaction has been the same as when the media get it oh so wrong

the point is if we fly off the handle every time gaming is mentioned. We will never be listened to.

Whereas if you pick your battles, you get more attention. Look at various Lobby groups. They always pick their battles.

Yeah dude, I said in the message I just sent you as well, I think you have a point. The story itself isn't all that bad, despite the fact it substitutes anecdotal evidence for real concrete evidence.

The headline though... Oh gawd! The headline!


Serrels did a good piece this morning too.

Day one of living by myself has been OK. My attempts to get more drawing done were thoroughly ruined by tech support calls trying to get ringtones working. Apple, your ringtone system fucking sucks.


yes the headline is a disgrace but the actual article is good

the point is

fly off at headline, but content is moderate. Gamers need to start picking their battles, else the media will just be like ITS WHINGING GAMERS AGAIN.

You can't disagree that when the media mention alcoholic addiction that people who drink alcohol aka ALL OF US don't go mental at the author.

whereas gamers do. Who seems the more mature in that case? Alcohol drinkers....

I think the answer here is to focus on the real issue of the headline being an inflammatory piece of shit. It's still picking your battles, but in the more specific sense. The fact that a nationally-run newspaper runs an inflammatory headline that paints an entire community in a negative light is still a big issue, even if the content is light. In that case the correct response is to say yeah, great piece of written journalism, why did you headline it with that shit.

Basically, when we're arguing about perception, that headline is a powerful statement no matter what the actual article contains.


Serrels did a good piece this morning too.

Day one of living by myself has been OK. My attempts to get more drawing done were thoroughly ruined by tech support calls trying to get ringtones working. Apple, your ringtone system fucking sucks.

living by yourself wat?

the journalist who wrote the article should go and punch the sub editor and headline writer in the balls


Adam Gilchrist's first class average was pretty shithouse when he first started..... just saying >_>
Old first class records are hard to find on Cricinfo, but wikipedia says this:

"The 1997–98 season ended with Gilchrist top of the dismissals chart for the fourth season in a row with an improved batting average of 47.66,[35] despite playing in only six of the ten qualifying Shield matches due to his becoming a regular member of the national limited overs team."

A little better than shithouse.


living by yourself wat?
The wife is taking the week off to visit relatives down south, which is why I was in Bankstown all weekend. I don't have enough holidays at the new job to take time off too so I'm up here for the week and then will rejoin her next weekend.

All the frequent flyer points from my Krome days have paid off rather well to accommodate this :)

My plan is to stay in, make comics and play video games. Oh wait that's what I do anyway.


The wife is taking the week off to visit relatives down south, which is why I was in Bankstown all weekend. I don't have enough holidays at the new job to take time off too so I'm up here for the week and then will rejoin her next weekend.

All the frequent flyer points from my Krome days have paid off rather well to accommodate this :)

My plan is to stay in, make comics and play video games. Oh wait that's what I do anyway.

Livin the dream.


The wife is taking the week off to visit relatives down south, which is why I was in Bankstown all weekend. I don't have enough holidays at the new job to take time off too so I'm up here for the week and then will rejoin her next weekend.

All the frequent flyer points from my Krome days have paid off rather well to accommodate this :)

My plan is to stay in, make comics and play video games. Oh wait that's what I do anyway.

You are living the life. This is the only time you can experience Skyrim the way it was meant to be experienced... through the eyes of a high school student with bugger all to do.


Yeah the last thing I want to look at right now is bloody Skyrim :)

The other thing is, I want to use this week to get at least a week ahead on my comics and also catch up on the million little tasks I have been pushing off until I have more time. Like a forward to a friend's book, or a new Gamasutra article or organise Supanova stuff. So there is actually very little time I can spend playing video games anyway :)

Still, at least it's a week without "women talking about their emotions" shows on the TV! Nothing but Simpsons and Absolute Radio '90s.


Old first class records are hard to find on Cricinfo, but wikipedia says this:

"The 1997–98 season ended with Gilchrist top of the dismissals chart for the fourth season in a row with an improved batting average of 47.66,[35] despite playing in only six of the ten qualifying Shield matches due to his becoming a regular member of the national limited overs team."

A little better than shithouse.

you missed the part where he couldn't get a game for NSW and was getting booed for awhile because he stole Zoherer's job?


A handful at an average of 60 is pretty good. Better than the whole of last season spent in the 30s. He really does seem to have some form. He's "known" for slogging because he's in the Australian hit and giggle team, but there has to be some crossover in skill here. I would much rather a grafter since our test team completely lacks staying power at the moment, but there isn't really an obviously in form one at the moment, so I'll take what I can get.

I'll say it again - if the current side lacks staying power, why not put in someone who has shown they can bat through tough spells? Cowan fits that bill. Warner is a pinch hitter.


you missed the part where he couldn't get a game for NSW and was getting booed for awhile because he stole Zoherer's job?
No, I didn't miss that, but I did miss the part where you said "when he first started". When he was picked, he was in good form, unlike some other suggestions being made in this thread.


I'll say it again - if the current side lacks staying power, why not put in someone who has shown they can bat through tough spells? Cowan fits that bill. Warner is a pinch hitter.

Warner shows more technique than what you are giving him credit for and certainly ALOT more than Hughes.

Cowan, while decent, isn't quite up to test standard imo, rather have him playing for Tasmania :p


How 1 story can be interpreted in different states differently

Same story (the oen about addiction), different headlines

This is the news limited headlines nationwide for THAT story

NSW Daily Telegraph - Video Game Kids Going Crazy

QLD Courier Mail - Real life violence sparked by WOW

Perth - Real Life Violence Sparked by Wow

Melbourne - Violence sparked by WOW

Adelaide - Teens hooked on the internet

I'd say that adelaide is the smartest of the lot!

Pick which one had the front page headline, thats right, NSW.


I'll say it again - if the current side lacks staying power, why not put in someone who has shown they can bat through tough spells? Cowan fits that bill.
Batting through tough spells implies he can make runs once he gets through the other side. His average of 34 last season says he usually doesn't.


Warner shows more technique than what you are giving him credit for and certainly ALOT more than Hughes.

Cowan, while decent, isn't quite up to test standard imo, rather have him playing for Tasmania :p

Hughes certainly hasnt done much, I agree. But Warner hasnt shown that he is suited to the long game, and you dont or shouldnt give untested players a test berth straight up. Sure, play him in ODIs, but not tests. Not yet, and not until he has shown himself in shield cricket.

Batting through tough spells implies he can make runs once he gets through the other side. His average of 34 last season says he usually doesn't.

Didnt see the shield final I take it? Or the recent Aus A tour match versus the very team they are playing later this week?

smh if you think 55 is a performance worthy of test selection.


Hughes certainly hasnt done much, I agree. But Warner hasnt shown that he is suited to the long game, and you dont or shouldnt give untested players a test berth straight up. Sure, play him in ODIs, but not tests. Not yet, and not until he has shown himself in shield cricket.

Didnt see the shield final I take it? Or the recent Aus A tour match versus the very team they are playing later this week?

smh if you think 55 is a performance worthy of test selection.

I dunno, Warner's average in first class matches so far indicates that he may well have the potential to do well in the longer form. I would rather give a guy that is mid-20s a go than someone bordering 30.


I dunno, Warner's average in first class matches so far indicates that he may well have the potential to do well in the longer form. I would rather give a guy that is mid-20s a go than someone bordering 30.

They probably have warner signed on to be the next captain already.

Don't pick *this* guy based on a handful of performances, pick *this other guy* based on two performances.

Don't be dense. A shield final is a tense game over a drawn out period, unlike fake cricket. And cowan, again, has far more experience. Warner will do sweet fuck all with the bat this series, however many he plays.

And playing him before he is ready will just turn out another phil hughes situation - young player with potential, too much pressure and no way to deliver once experienced test bowlers figure hm out in short time. Which in hughes' case has led to five years of selection uncertainty and he still hasnt convinced anyone.
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