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AusGAF 5/5 - Everything's Amazing and Nobody's Happy, a rental at best


Job perk?

I really need to complete mario 3d before mario kart comes out.

I was planning to do that, but my order still hasn't arrived. Why the hell did TheHut reintroduce paid international shipments if the shipping time remains unchanged.

I just might make the switch to ozgameshop from now on.


Shouldn't you be in bed?

Or are you up writing a treatise on the epistemological and ontological importance to be derived from the existential musings of Soap McTavish, and the symbolism of his struggle against international power systems. There really is a goldmine to be had from serious contemplation of the importance of videogames, no doubt.


The problem with both websites is the assumption that there is serious discussion to be had about fps games, let alone blockbuster games in general.

More in depth analysis of Sin and Punishment 2 thanks.

Looked like a fairly interesting piece to me despite the slightly annoying pointed comments to the kotaku writer.

What is interesting is your dismissal of serious discussion of an entire genre. Why is that exactly? Because you personally don't see any technical nor artistic merit in the genre as a whole? Or do you just not like them.

I await the smartarse reply, or the personal attack on my intelligence for having a differing opinion to you.

lol nice going Sandler. Following the Eddie Murphy train to shitsville I see.




One of the few times I disagree with John Walker. He took an obvious amount of pleasure going by his writing of the Wot I Think on MW3 and I dismissed it as another elitist PC gamer review. He touches on some good points but throws them away by continually saying it is a bad game because it is not interactive enough for his tastes. We now have a definition for what is and isn't a game? What the hell is Flower or Braid then if MW3 isn't a game? How could a series of puzzles that don't allow any freedom of choice to solve them more of a game than one where you move down oversized corridors with a dozen different ways to take out the opposition that comes at you in a dozen different ways from stopping you moving down said corridor?


everything RPS wrote about MW3 is correct

its popcorn gaming, and its bloody shit game design for the most part.

it will win VGA's and BAFTAs and it fucking shouldn't

also markot, they were not called out. K AU posted a response to RPS article and now RPS responds

this is called, journalism and editorial.


why do people keep giving Mcnamara money

he has not made a good game (noir was good but let me tell you, Rockstar saved that one) since Getaway 2 and that was because he had a lot of people telling him to fuck off at SoHo and it was under Sony

Giving him free reign = bad

Ubisoft recently did an AC survey to see where to go next


The violent conflicts of the Imperial Dynasties of Medieval China
The advent of the mighty British Empire during Victorian England
The culmination of the Pharaoh reign in Ancient Egypt
The invasion of the Americas by the Spanish Conquistadors
The confrontation between the British Colonists and native Americans during the American revolution of the 18th Century
The overthrow of the Tsar Empire by the Communists during the Russian Revolution
The Warlord Battles in Feudal Japan
The rise of Caesar’s Empire in Ancient Rome

Sigh Ubisoft, JUST GIVE US FUCKING DESMOND ALREADY like you were supposed to after AC2 (as the ending of AC2 CLEARLY shows)
The violent conflicts of the Imperial Dynasties of Medieval China
The culmination of the Pharaoh reign in Ancient Egypt
The Warlord Battles in Feudal Japan
I'd be happy with any of those. I think they fit the AC model whereas the others no so much (except for Rome, which was already done).

Sigh Ubisoft, JUST GIVE US FUCKING DESMOND ALREADY like you were supposed to after AC2 (as the ending of AC2 CLEARLY shows)
(Sort of AC:R spoiler)
As does the ending of AC:Revelations
I was planning to do that, but my order still hasn't arrived. Why the hell did TheHut reintroduce paid international shipments if the shipping time remains unchanged.

I just might make the switch to ozgameshop from now on.

I almost ordered it from overseas, but hoped that we'd get a good local price. So glad I waited. Also target have Mario kart for $49 in this weeks catalogue.


i think keeping AC in ancient times possibly is a misstep

grow some balls and try something like World War 1, it could be amazing (it could also go to real shit) BUT think about it

French resistence, World War

You play as the white mouse!
i think keeping AC in ancient times possibly is a misstep

grow some balls and try something like World War 1, it could be amazing (it could also go to real shit) BUT think about it
I don't see how creeping around stabbing people would work when everyone has guns and bayonets. It's alright when only a few do, as with Constantinople (or 16th century Japan, which is where I personally hope it goes next, especially considering the bombs introduced in AC:R), but when the majority have them I don't think it fits.


There's only two of us in our office.. I should plan an xmas party of starcraft2 gaming

0_o you play SC2! i need to find some more resources on how to get better in SC2. I also would love to know what people are doing when they're smashing out 150APM. that's more than one a second.

Dead Man

I don't see how creeping around stabbing people would work when everyone has guns and bayonets. It's alright when only a few do, as with Constantinople (or 16th century Japan, which is where I personally hope it goes next, especially considering the bombs introduced in AC:R), but when the majority have them I don't think it fits.

bayonets are just knives, and why do you have to be stabbing everyone? Bombs, silenced guns, poison gases, all could be fun.


and yes the end of AC:R seriously
its fucking desmond time. its so fucking obvious he fucking says I KNOW WHAT WE NEED TO DO. ubisoft, you cannot go back from that, it would not make sense. sure, finish Desmond and make a new AC series, but dont fuck this one up
Good morning AusGAF!

Just thought i would let you guys know that Threadless has a sale on for only today, everything $10 or something like that.



Chances of Mario Kart breaking street date?

shooting in broad daylight at Barkly st shopping centre.....

oh hey but melbourne is the most liveable city in the world >_<

"The 37-year-old man was shot outside a gym and then stumbled across the Barkly Square shopping centre car park off Sydney Road where he collapsed near a vehicle at about 4.30pm, police say."

Damn, is that Doherty's Gym? I've been there a couple of times this year. Scary stuff.


Shouldn't you be in bed?

Or are you up writing a treatise on the epistemological and ontological importance to be derived from the existential musings of Soap McTavish, and the symbolism of his struggle against international power systems. There really is a goldmine to be had from serious contemplation of the importance of videogames, no doubt.

Listen, Vince. You can disagree with people, but you don't need to be a fucking jackass about it.

Finally lined up an intern position for next year, at what was one of my top preferences. STOKED.

Nice, what industry?


I thought it was a good back and forth. I think Brendan was the right person to defend MW3, because he's a smart writer who genuinely does love the game.

I really liked both pieces, and I think this is how people should argue on the internet!

The last piece by RPS could have done with out the condescending tone towards the other reporter. But if you must discuss stuff through editorials, it's not badly done.

I get what he means about un-game, by his description though. The idea that games tell a movie is great, or should look like a movie is even good.

But who would want to play as the guy who died on the beach at D-Day? I'd rather play as the guy who cleared the beach and went on to free Holland, and beyond.

You don't play the game to be the nameless supporting cast that doesn't do any of the cool shit, is his gist, i think.
You don't play the game to be the nameless supporting cast that doesn't do any of the cool shit, is his gist, i think.
Though if it's exciting to play and tells an interesting story, does it matter if you're the space marine saving the universe or the guy making a morning trip to get the daily newspaper?


Though if it's exciting to play and tells an interesting story, does it matter if you're the space marine saving the universe or the guy making a morning trip to get the daily newspaper?

Yes, because you bought MW3 to not watch a movie, or read a book, but to go around doing cool shit and blowing shit up and fucking up others.

I don't have a problem with games have long cutscenes or plent of story elements, i really enjoy it. But i still want to be a major player in that story, not left in an unmarked grave.
Yes, because you bought MW3 to not watch a movie, or read a book, but to go around doing cool shit and blowing shit up and fucking up others.
Exactly. I don't care if I'm a dual-shotgun-wielding president skydiving from Air Force One blowing up every al-Qaeda soldier in sight or a grunt dug in with a tank coming my way. If it's engaging and exciting, who cares about the scope?


thats the whole appeal though!

The idea of dynasty era china though does sound genuinely interesting.

yes it does but this is why people are getting shit fucking bored with this generation

its the same old shit every year. AC DOES NOT haev to be a stabby stabby game. it does NOT rely on stabby stabby for its unvierse @ all.

You could even have an AC in space, its that wide ranging.


yes it does but this is why people are getting shit fucking bored with this generation

its the same old shit every year. AC DOES NOT haev to be a stabby stabby game. it does NOT rely on stabby stabby for its unvierse @ all.

You could even have an AC in space, its that wide ranging.

You could, but thats not what THAT particular franchise is about. Not now anyway, to take it to something that wasn't historical would basically cause them to have to re-invent the entire franchise... and then the question is, why go up against Mass Effect?


Got 3 comics done last night, feelsgoodman.gif and feelsgoodman600dpi.tif

Says more about the marriage than the game itself. If you have an addictive personality you have to temper it. If you enjoy the game more than your partner then obviously something is wrong in that relationship. If it wasn't WoW it would have been something else. Everything in moderation, sometimes even moderation.
Yeah you definitely have a point. It's the person, not the product. Which is why I'm open to the idea of people getting treated for the addictive personality. I used to be a fan of this man who was addicted to making comics. Then he got addicted to drugs. Then he got addicted to women. Then he got addicted to God. He just had an addictive personality.

VGCats WAS indeed good. The Wii comics were brilliant with Potatomoto starving the hardcore Potatos. I think he just got distracted and his efforts got lazy.
Yeah I don't get the GAF hate for VG Cats. The guy doesn't hit his mark all the time, but who does? The Pokémon comics he did were fantastic.

PS. Only comic I ever really got into and read and enjoyed was The Far Side. Or is that a cartoon? Anyway, who cares? It was better than everything.
Far Side was awesome. I think people don't realise what a ground breaking comic it was. It came in a time when newspaper comics were incredibly sterile and added a lot of subversive life to the place.

i still read all of them, CAD, PA, MT. Them and funnywebcomic are the only ones i read anymore.
I like you.

Yeah, sarah was her real nam, comic name is seraphim. And apparently thats what hurt them the most in continuing the business side. She used to run the whole back ground show. Shipping and taking orders
Hope she gets better. I will have a run through the last dozen or so pages tonight to get a feel for it again.

In the less webcomic centred world, it was a big relief to find that Tintin, Asterix and (especially) Calvin and Hobbes get better the older you get, and a big disappointment to find that The Far Side and Dilbert get worse (The Far Side holds up alright actually, but looking back on it, Dilbert is really not fantastic).
Dilbert never grabbed me but it was a great early example of an artist finding a niche and not worrying about their comic appealing to a wide audience.

And Tintiin and Calvin & Hobbes are perfect.


While technically true, if you got rid of that what would you end up with? Splinter Cell?

are we that uncreative that we can't think of a way to have AC without stabby? geez :)

also giri, play the end of AC:R and you will understand why going back to another time is now a big load of shit


Reading the logo thread in Off Topic, it reminded me that I always really like the caricature shield designs of the AFL teams in the 80's and 90's compared to their more realistic, less cartoony styles they have nowadays. But when I went to find pictures, I can't find any pics of them!

Help me Aus-GAF!



... hmm, why are there two packages?! oh wait...

TheHut delivered my music CDs in five days from shipping (a best for them) yet it's been seventeen days since they shipped Mario and it still hasn't arrived.




... hmm, why are there two packages?! oh wait...

TheHut delivered my music CDs in five days from shipping (a best for them) yet it's been seventeen days since they shipped Mario and it still hasn't arrived.


sounds shady to me.
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