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AusGAF 5/5 - Everything's Amazing and Nobody's Happy, a rental at best


are we that uncreative that we can't think of a way to have AC without stabby? geez :)

also giri, play the end of AC:R and you will understand why going back to another time is now a big load of shit

The problem is all of the previous games have run with the story of training Desmond up by having him re-live the memories, so you can't have him do all this training and then use a completely different gameplay style to kill people.
are we that uncreative that we can't think of a way to have AC without stabby? geez :)
AC as it is now is pretty stale, and I'd be open to new ideas. I think Splinter Cell: Conviction, Arkham Asylum, and even Deus Ex: Human Revolution all have done stealth (and in the case of the former two, action/predatory stealth like AC is) better since AC was released. AC also steals a lot from Prince of Persia.

Some combination of those coupled with AC could work really well, if Ubisoft had the balls to try it. So I guess not.


The problem is all of the previous games have run with the story of training Desmond up by having him re-live the memories, so you can't have him do all this training and then use a completely different gameplay style to kill people.

stabby stabby desmond would be fine imo

it closes out this series of AC

stabby stabby some other old era so they can milk another 3 games is not


stabby stabby desmond would be fine imo

it closes out this series of AC

stabby stabby some other old era so they can milk another 3 games is not

It's like saying halo with out master chief would be great. It was ok, but it wasn't great, i wanted to be Chief again, and again, and again.

Sure, it could get a little stale, but thats what i wanted when i played halo!


i get this feeling AC will be the next shenmue and never get an adequate ending

it would be disgusting for that to happen to be honest. Ubisoft could have done it by now and closed it out properly (not killing the franchise because they could 'reboot' it so to speak) but instead they want to milk it for all its worth.

If people stop buying AC, they will stop making the games and never finish the story
AC has long said everything will come to a head in 2012, and Ubisoft themselves have said they're going to do everything they can to finish off Desmond's story which occurs in 2012, in 2012.
If they really do finish up Desmond in 2012 I wonder how they'll continue the series?

It seems like to big of a series to kill of next year.


One of the lead devs said that they want to conclude it all before the real Dec 2012 passes, so they're going to at least finish off the Desmond stuff next year.


I've been trying to parse why I prefer Batman's stealth to Assassin's. I think it's primarily because of two things: the fear and personality of the thugs you're stalking in Batman, which brings you far more into the world especially compared to Creed, and the relative power of thugs with guns. In 'sassins you always know that if you fail you can just murder everybody and get away; that's really not an option in Batman.

Of course, Assassin's Creed is deliberately a different kind of Stealth game than Batman, so maybe these musings are pointless.

How was Conviction? I didn't take note of anything other than mark and track.
I enjoyed Conviction, but I came to it without any other Splinter Cell baggage, as the first one annoyed the hell out of me enough to prevent me from playing the series until then.

I'd say it was similar to Arkham Asylum's stealth sections, though not as well done.


"The 37-year-old man was shot outside a gym and then stumbled across the Barkly Square shopping centre car park off Sydney Road where he collapsed near a vehicle at about 4.30pm, police say."

Damn, is that Doherty's Gym? I've been there a couple of times this year. Scary stuff.
Strangest thing is, the dude's first name is the first name of my youngest nephew. Surname? The name of my eldest nephew. Can't be a good omen.

got my payslip lastnight. no pay in my account yet. if i eat today or not rests on this! so hungry:(
Don't worry, you'll still get your 360 :)


Looked like a fairly interesting piece to me despite the slightly annoying pointed comments to the kotaku writer.

What is interesting is your dismissal of serious discussion of an entire genre. Why is that exactly? Because you personally don't see any technical nor artistic merit in the genre as a whole? Or do you just not like them.

I await the smartarse reply, or the personal attack on my intelligence for having a differing opinion to you.

There is no serious discussion to be had over call of duty. Its shallow, albeit enjoyable trash.

Nice pre emptive attack btw. I wasn't insulting anyones opinion, but jintor and fredescu demonstrated quite adeptly their inability to read. I guess that's a consequence of taking disposable media seriously.


Strangest thing is, the dude's first name is the first name of my youngest nephew. Surname? The name of my eldest nephew. Can't be a good omen.
And yet everyday there are hundreds? thousands? of people murdered who's names have nothing in common with your nephews.


Shouldn't you be in bed?

Or are you up writing a treatise on the epistemological and ontological importance to be derived from the existential musings of Soap McTavish, and the symbolism of his struggle against international power systems. There really is a goldmine to be had from serious contemplation of the importance of videogames, no doubt.

What is this if not a curt, sarcastic dismissal of an opinion that neccessarily implies insult as to the person who held the opinion? And what is the post you simply just posted that is in and of itself an insult towards both of us? "Inability to read" is one of the most bullshit things you can tell anybody.

I disagree with the premise that there is no discussion to be had over Call of Duty. Systems themselves carry messages of design that are relevant talking points for discussion, which is what RPS and Kotaku are talking about in a relatively civil fashion. Even getting beyond that to the admittedly largely shallow window-dressing of place, personalities, and events, there is still discussion to be had about things that occur in the game. Why the nuke sequence in CoD4, the callousness and pragmatism of your fellow teammates, the chilling, quiet monotone of the AC-10 bomber? Why No Russian, or the cartoonish evil of Makarov in later games, and why did this change? You mock me by putting together words considered pretentious in a largely overbearing manner, but I am not claiming that these games are, let's say, "High Art". Merely that there is meaning there, and that there is something to look at and discuss.


There is no serious discussion to be had over call of duty. Its shallow, albeit enjoyable trash.

Why not? Because you say so? The discussion is an interesting one as it raises the question as to whether the COD games are actually 'games'. That is a discussion worth having IMO.

Nice pre emptive attack btw. I wasn't insulting anyones opinion, but jintor and fredescu demonstrated quite adeptly their inability to read. I guess that's a consequence of taking disposable media seriously.

Heh, not insulting anyones opinion, while, insulting their opinion. Amazing!


the thing is

Call of Duty 4 was amazing for many reasons and like Ryan Davis said on the Bombcast, IW are too scared with COD now and are playing it safe. and hey when a gigantic bonus relies on sales why not... (bad attitude i know)

Patrick got it right when he said they are to scared to have a quiet moment in MW3. It is balls out insane the entire time

The death of the soldier in COD4 is still one of my best gaming moments. Because it was so unexpected.

Call of Duty 4 was and still is the best COD game so far. With MW now being so big its 'to big to fail' so to speak and Activision shares rely on it so much, they will continue to play it safe.

COD before COD 4 was big but nothing what it is now. Now its to big to change, unfortunately.


CoD 4 was awesome, but CoD and CoD 2 win, especially with the Soviet missions, running around Stalingrad with nothing but a clip of bullets.

And dat CoD 2 multiplayer!



Yeah I know Spyro isn't COD, but I distinctly remember having this exact conversation while working on the Spyro games. Certain powers that be wanted to make every moment more exciting than the last, and trying to explain that you don't notice the exciting bits unless you have some quiet bits was a real task.

In the end we ended up with a very heavily scripted game that the player had as much influence on as a passenger on a roller coaster ride that only went down because down was the exciting bit apparently.

I feel for the IW team. Those guys must be under a huge amount of pressure to keep the goose laying increasingly large golden eggs.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I haven't played much CoD, but the first thing that comes to mind with this is the ambush in HL2: EP2. Hot damn.

Stop making me think about how good HL is, it makes waiting harder.


I just hope the next HL stops the cockteasing and starts answering some questions as opposed to raising new ones.


Goddamn I want some more Half Life

One of the things that always amazes me is that they somehow built a personal narrative for HL2 to be a sequel to almost entirely out of whole cloth. Half Life's story was really in the overworld, being primarily the story of Black Mesa as a whole and not of individuals therein. Yet somehow HL2, a game which shares no actual physical setting with HL and indeed no real characters at all aside from Gordon, manages to look and feel like a sequel to a story that - in a sense - never really existed.


Valve are just the fucking masters.

I know it sucks that we have to wait so long for another Half-Life, but just think of when that first teaser trailer for HL3 drops...

It's going to be glorious.



My XBL account got hacked, and it's showing FIFA2012 (which i've never played, never will, long live PES!) as the last game i've played, and who ever did it spent all my MS Points buying expansion packs for it.

Seems to be a hang over from when the EA forums got hacked, the people who did that are using the account information from there to access XBL accounts.

I can't think why I've got an EA account, but it's entirely possible 10 years ago i did sign up for one for some game or other.
everything RPS wrote about MW3 is correct

its popcorn gaming, and its bloody shit game design for the most part.

also markot, they were not called out. K AU posted a response to RPS article and now RPS responds

this is called, journalism and editorial.
The original Wot I Think was a troll article using the article to discuss the idea of an un-game. He gave his opinion on a genre rather than the game he had written in the title.

Also the game design was great, what was wrong with it?

The back and forth with Kotaku was very good. Aside from the air of superiority and pointed tone he used in the second RPS article, but that is just part of his charm.

Going back and playing the whole IW COD series MW2 is the odd one out, MW3 fits in fine with COD4 and is even less annoying without the continually spawning enemies.

why do people keep giving Mcnamara money

Sigh Ubisoft, JUST GIVE US FUCKING DESMOND ALREADY like you were supposed to after AC2 (as the ending of AC2 CLEARLY shows)
I was really shocked too. No idea why anyone would want to work with him after his string of mediocre games that have costs hundreds their jobs over the years.

Also Ubi don't have an ending for AC. The developers shuffle around and the existence of the last 2 games shows that they don't mind what ending is eventually settled on. Reminds me of Alan Moore and Watchmen. Go with the flow and eventually a conclusion will materialise that works brilliantly at the right time.

Yes, because you bought MW3 to not watch a movie, or read a book, but to go around doing cool shit and blowing shit up and fucking up others.

I don't have a problem with games have long cutscenes or plent of story elements, i really enjoy it. But i still want to be a major player in that story, not left in an unmarked grave.
Homefront reference? That was a really medicore COD clone. Thankfully there haven't been too many games trying to ape it. I agree that the appeal of COD is playing a fun FPS through an awesome sequence of events. The levels are open enough and you don't get penalised for wandering behind in MW3 unlike BF3 where you if you wander away for 5 seconds it cuts you out.

Exactly. I don't care if I'm a dual-shotgun-wielding president skydiving from Air Force One blowing up every al-Qaeda soldier in sight or a grunt dug in with a tank coming my way. If it's engaging and exciting, who cares about the scope?
It has to be groundbreaking or it isn't important at all apparently. Or indie or include some kind of puzzle or old mechanic that hasn't been used much lately.

Call of Duty 4 was and still is the best COD game so far. With MW now being so big its 'to big to fail' so to speak and Activision shares rely on it so much, they will continue to play it safe.
I thought they had been pretty controversial with the whole No Russian scene and the, obviously toned down and minimised, family dying in France. Now that the MW trilogy is complete I'm not sure what direction they will go but a big part of the enjoyment for me in MW3 was the big on going battle and the inclusion of Delta company was really well done. Shame they killed so many people off. I thought killing
Soap was a controversial decision, especially since we didn't get to play as him this time.

I just hope the next HL stops the cockteasing and starts answering some questions as opposed to raising new ones.
Starting to think they won't make another Half Life. Been a long time between drinks now. Also I thought Gabe admitted they were making it up as they went and will purposely make things vague so the whole universe of Half Life doesn't get weighed down too much with bendy logic.

Awesome. My xbox live account got fifa hacked :(
If only you were a gaming journalist, you would have your account handed back today. Microsoft really have been cunts.

Also might be time to try and change my XBL email address
My XBL account got hacked, and it's showing FIFA2012 (which i've never played, never will, long live PES!) as the last game i've played, and who ever did it spent all my MS Points buying expansion packs for it.

Seems to be a hang over from when the EA forums got hacked, the people who did that are using the account information from there to access XBL accounts.

I can't think why I've got an EA account, but it's entirely possible 10 years ago i did sign up for one for some game or other.

Oh thanks. Well that definitely sucks.


My XBL account got hacked, and it's showing FIFA2012 (which i've never played, never will, long live PES!) as the last game i've played, and who ever did it spent all my MS Points buying expansion packs for it.

Seems to be a hang over from when the EA forums got hacked, the people who did that are using the account information from there to access XBL accounts.

I can't think why I've got an EA account,
but it's entirely possible 10 years ago i did sign up for one for some game or other.

if you've ever played a EA game on Live, you have one



I thought they had been pretty controversial with the whole No Russian scene and the, obviously toned down and minimised, family dying in France. Now that the MW trilogy is complete I'm not sure what direction they will go but a big part of the enjoyment for me in MW3 was the big on going battle and the inclusion of Delta company was really well done. Shame they killed so many people off. I thought killing
was a controversial decision, especially since we didn't get to play as him this time.

um that spoiler is not spoilered enough. You can tell who gets killed from it rep :(

also, i have ZERO DOUBT WHATSOEVER that IW namely Zampella et al did not show No Russian to Activision and especially the management until it was to late to pull it out of the game.

They would not have wanted that in the game, at all. Remember, COD 4 was big enough for Zampella (and being contractors as well) to get full creative reign basically. Therefore i doubt Activision even saw a design doc on MW2 before the game itself (obviously before shipping but to late to pull the most controversial level out)
um that spoiler is not spoilered enough. You can tell who gets killed from it rep :(

also, i have ZERO DOUBT WHATSOEVER that IW namely Zampella et al did not show No Russian to Activision and especially the management until it was to late to pull it out of the game.

They would not have wanted that in the game, at all. Remember, COD 4 was big enough for Zampella (and being contractors as well) to get full creative reign basically. Therefore i doubt Activision even saw a design doc on MW2 before the game itself (obviously before shipping but to late to pull the most controversial level out)
Changed. I was tempted to not spoiler it at all since people seem to think that the SP of a COD game doesn't matter.

I thought that MW2 was forced onto IW as they had planned on doing a futuristic game after COD4, after all COD2 was not meant to be a WWII game either. To be honest MW2 feels much more like IW had little control over it, doesn't have the same spark as MW1 or MW3.


I get paid montly! The last few days are always the worst.

Got my pay tho! Had a pie for lunch.

Shaneus I cbs going to the pm featurr! Would you like cash or digital moneys!

A pie?

You bought a pie before paying me back?


Just buy me something in the Steam Christmas sale
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