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AusGAF 5/5 - Everything's Amazing and Nobody's Happy, a rental at best


Colbert's whoring of apple products has gone from "ironic" to fucking shameless....

slammed the Kindle Fire the other day >_>

Are you referring to when he said it'd make a good coaster for his iPad? Not a real slamming if so, it was a proper zinger.


Damnit, I was trying to wind you up with a bit of sarcasm about how old the game is Fritz, but your level-headed reply has just gone and made me feel bad now!

Completely over my head, and I'm supposed to be good at sarcasm and satire! :(

I think it would kill me if someone ever took my kritz.net stuff seriousl- haha oh wait reggie... shit. afk
Woo! Made the monthly benchmarks for the company this month for the first time. I have a feeling the boss will be chuffed with me tomorrow and finally buy a microwave for the office. Reheated leftovers from home. Woo!

To celebrate I am deep into 8 standard drinks of goodness.

What? Fuck you I don' have a drinking problem! I'm a coinasuer!

Click with the button on the scroll wheel. I've just doubled your productivity!

I love that he complains about MK7 doing nothing new, but he gave MW3 a 9.5...
Why? They are completely different games in an entirely different position of their respective series. MW3 is the final game of a trilogy. Should it pull a Mass Effect 2/3 and discard all the shooting aspects for Heavy Rain-esque QTE's? MW3 ratcheted everything up to a much more enjoyable level than MW2 while it seems he was underwhelmed with MK7 and felt it was a retread of games several generations old.

Although the main point is that it was less of a review and more of an opinion piece going by the non-critical language used. He didn't want to like it. People really shouldn't bother with Destructoid.

I dont think anyone cares about a surplus now given the worlds economic precipice >.< Just seems to be the people in Parliament...
They promised to do what Labor hadn't done for quite a while and it must be something they hold dear to their heart. Whether they win or loss the next election they will still be trying to push the idea of a Labor surplus.

True, but we're a long way off that. They're trying to get back into surplus ASAP at the expense of all else purely for political reasons, not because it's a good idea.

I just find it preposterous that he gives MW3 a 9.5 and MK7 a 5. He even said in the MW3 review that it's mostly the same game, then when the same thing happens for MK7 he shits on it.
Different genres, different timespans between games as well as 7 separate Mario Kart games compared to a trilogy of shooters on the same platform. Also he doesn't like Mario Kart in general. It has nothing to do with MW3.

I'm really enjoying Karnivool at the moment.

Gotta love some prog. And Aussie prog too!
You are a good chap! Those fuckers have been talking about recording a new album now for 18 months with an air of "EH, who gives a fuck, lets go for a surf and then have a nice seafood dinner boys! Invite your mums!" which just gives me the shits. What if Goddard was hit by a bus tomorrow? We only have 2 damn albums! Oh the humanity!

Also check out the self-titled Floating Me album which features Jon Stockman from Karnivool. Meant to be a new Dead Letter Circus release soon too. Also go find a copy of the Black Arrows EP by Full Scale. So good.

Every review of MW3 has been the same, 'its the same game, no change to the formula etc'. But it still gets a 9, 10 out of 10. Why?
Because it is still damn awesome? Call of Duty 3 was a lazy retread and deserved shit scores but it STILL got an 82 on Metacritic so I can understand being annoyed about that (also no PC version? wtf but thanks!) but MW3 is a really well put together campaign. I prefer on replay to COD4 even though the first run experience of COD4 was breath taking at the time because those set pieces were rare in a shooter set in the modern day. I actually think MW3 was much less focused on the set pieces, the holdout on the bridge in France and the quiet moments weren't as powerful because it had already been done. Thankfully most of the game is spent on the move but not in the sloppy, irritating way that some of the levels in MW2 denigrated to. That fucking Rio level was horrible with enemies popping out behind you everywhere, no fun.

Abbott is just doing his job as an opposition leader. Of course he's contrarian as fuck. If the public are listening to him more than the government, the fault doesn't just lie with him.
I don't want a no man I want a man with some alternate policies to the current government that make more sense and make me think he would lead this country better than the current administration. All I see from him is incessant bitching. Why can't we all get along and try and help each other out?

Saying the media's reporting makes no sense is like saying the 1,000+ Spider-Man comics don't make sense when read together. It's just all made up bullshit who cares.
But Spiderman is only trying to save one city while the media is supposed to help save the entire world from misinformation! In one canon everyone knows that Spiderman will save the day but we need the media to tell us what the hell is real and what isn't.

Modern Warfare 3 is a Modern Warfare game, I don't know what people were expecting from it...
Can be applied to pretty much any sequel

Final Fantasy X-2
Bravely Default: Flying Fairy
Kingdom Hearts: 365/2 Days
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together

All real games published or being published by Square Enix.
Final Fantasy Type-0
Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift
Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy
Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII
Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII

They really are impressive

So who's getting MK7? I'm still on the fence. But I need a new 3DS game so I can actually use it again.
Do you want to play more Mario Kart? If so then you should buy it. If you are on the fence and have other stuff to play why not wait a month or two for a price drop.

MW3 might have been a 9/10 game. It sounds like it was buggy, but you expect that from a COD game. It sounds like the SP was rubbish... but you don't really buy that game for it's SP, do you? So, as long as the MP was up to scratch...
In the 10 hours I played the SP on PC I never encountered a bug and it ran like butter and looked fantastic. Was really fun and once I clear a bit of the backlog of games that are drawing my attention I can definitely see myself playing it rather than moving onto the lower echelon of my backlog.

Next you'll be saying Crash Team Racing was better.

My wife thinks Crash Team Racing was better
IT WAS AND IS BETTER. Everyone should grab it on the PSN and see how great it still is. All the Crash games are free for PSN+ members. Spent many hours racing against my family.

Halfway through my week of being a bachelor. To my shock the house is relatively clean and the cats haven't spontaneously combusted. *knocks on wood*
Make the most of it dude! No pants, no coasters, no washing plates just use the same damn one all week. Also porn at full volume just so the neighbours know you are flying solo for the week.

No, I'm like you, don't have a 3DS and not interested in MK7. I just like a good argument.
When I first started reading GAF I thought you must be a troll or someone just very hurtful but I quickly realised you just like to see a good back and forth conversation even if it meant taking the opposite position to what you believe to draw out some discussion of benefit that everyone will take something from, which is the best benefit given to us from the internet age. What I mean to say is I like it when you post.

skyrim... xbox?
I didn't know they were still porting games to last generation's systems.
I'm here 'til thursday.
LOL I enjoyed that.

Microsoft sold 960,000 last gen systems last week in the US alone =\

I want Xbox 720 already!
With those kinds of numbers I bet Microsoft are hoping that their spies don't uncover any Sony plans to reveal the PS4 any time soon. Don't forget that the Kinect added another 5 years to the lifespan of the 360!

I don't see the problem with that paragraph. He says that the game now has gliding and underwater portions, but the core gameplay is still essentially the same in these areas.

I don't see the problem with the review in general either. He addresses points other than the series becoming stale throughout the review. In the last paragraph he directly says that it is only half the issue. Perhaps he could have focused more on the slowness and mundanity of the game rather than the staleness though.

Also, I think it is unfair to compare it to his MW3 review. They are different genres with different expectations. MW is also a relatively new series compared to MK. Perhaps in a few years time he'll be saying the same things about MW.
That was a very well reasoned, neutral post. I am agreeable about this. Do you have a twitter or somewhere you post things at a good rate?

But seriously, hopefully it doesn't lead to a lazy Intel not trying to push as hard because they have no real competition and end up with a giant monopoly.
lol :(

The best reviewers are the ones that take the emotions the game makes them feel and can pinpoint what made them feel a certain way, while still describing any features that a reader might find important. In this review, it's obviously that he didn't like the core game, so instantly every feature is described in a negative light. This shows the poor critical thinking abilities that Jim Sterling has become known for, in his articles as much as his reviews.

The complete lack of any sense of speed, combined with the rubberbanding, made it a chore.
I agree with the first point, a review should be a critical breakdown of how a game achieves it's goals and what makes it worthwhile to buy for the consumer. I don't want an opinion disguised as a review, put that shit out in the open with a proper opinion piece or a Wot I Think like RPS so you don't beat around the bush.

And the second point is what I felt with the GBA edition of Mario Kart (4?).

I think they went the wrong direction with Bots. They just needed to polish Trucks up a bit and it would have been awesome.
They sent Bots out to die didn't they? I really enjoyed both but barely anyone I knew had even heard of them.

Whats a good graphics card for under $200AUD and what website do people reccomend for getting the best deals from? Ever since my 8800GTX died I have not been doing any PC gaming and I have not stayed up to date with information regarding graphics cards. for a long time.
Probably too slow but my 460GTX runs everything fantastic. Arkham City on highest settings DX9 and no problems with RAGE or Saint's Row 3. Ran The Witcher 2 on Ultra settings with Uber off.

Another good choice is the 560Ti, had my eye on the MSI Twin Frozr 2. Try MSY as they are really cheap and great customer service.

Honestly...I got the game for $2.50, and I think it's awful.
Yeah I didn't like it. It felt like a free flash game on Newgrounds. Even enjoyed the meh Braid more than it.

Wonderful, Comedy Central fixed the exploit that was letting me watch Daily Show/Colbert from here through a firefox hack.

Arrgh, I fucking hate region-locking. It's the worst thing.
There are other places to get your fix that update with each new episode.

It'd be funnier if he suddenly switched to android >_>
But that wouldn't suit his character!
Awesome! Humble Introversion bundle now includes Dungeons of Dredmore! Which I also wanted to pick up after the TotalBiscuit play!

Shit! I left the New Vegas pre-order DLC in my cart during the sale and forgot to buy it! Now it is back to full price! Poop!

Great news for Frozen Synapse. Made a nice profit and now they can make a logical iPad edition! Nice to see quality indies do well.

dude..... why don't they have giant beer in Oz?


Reptile bought a nice tv and could only afford a plastic deck chair to sit on. :(
I contemplated replacing the TV today since Dick Smith had a deal that worked out to around $470 for a 720p 50 inch LG but I couldn't justify it. TV is still going even though it isn't full HD, doesn't have fancy USB ability and only one of the 3 HDMI ports can be used at the same time. Plus my co-worker who had her TV stolen/taken wouldn't give me $250 for mine because it isn't a Panasonic.

Also my swivel chair is one that would have been fancy back in 2001. Leather arms, light blue fabric for the middle. Rescued from going to the dump while doing Porterage for the uni last year. Smells great!

Anything that isn't a streaming solution is kinda shitty for a daily show such as The Daily Show.
To be honest I agree. I was downloading Conan for the first 2 weeks and then just got lazy of the process and haven't gone back since aside from the Radiohead show. I need it on at like 8pm these days though.


Anything that isn't a streaming solution is kinda shitty for a daily show such as The Daily Show.

Think I'm finally confirmed on being burned on Skyrim, or at least need a break for a while.

I use Hulu+ for TDS/Colbert but PlayOn is a good alternative too and simpler to setup for Australian use.


To be honest I agree. I was downloading Conan for the first 2 weeks and then just got lazy of the process and haven't gone back since aside from the Radiohead show. I need it on at like 8pm these days though.
You want Conan eps? I have arseloads, though admittedly there's a hole for a few weeks where I just stopped giving a shit (and there were no hot guests on) and I've been on and off since. Let me know if you want me to hook you up when you're down here.
Watching Neil deGrasse Tyson + Stephen Colbert discussing space and society for 80 minutes. So good. Out of character!

You want Conan eps? I have arseloads, though admittedly there's a hole for a few weeks where I just stopped giving a shit (and there were no hot guests on) and I've been on and off since. Let me know if you want me to hook you up when you're down here.
I don't have time for them any more which is unfortunately. I enjoyed them but it was just so long and time consuming.

What the? I thought that was just a crazy angle! Is that really a 2 litre can? WHERE CAN I BUY
Right here at Dan Murphys! $20. Totally worth it.
I don't usually go for beer out of a can, but the big 2L is kinda tempting. No Dan Murphys near here though and their site doesn't wanna give me delivery costs at the moment.
I don't usually go for beer out of a can, but the big 2L is kinda tempting. No Dan Murphys near here though and their site doesn't wanna give me delivery costs at the moment.
Your local big brand alcohol seller might have them as they are coming into fashion just like those Heineken mini kegs.

Also 3 litres is too damn big, would go warm and lose it's pop too quickly.


When I first started reading GAF I thought you must be a troll or someone just very hurtful but I quickly realised you just like to see a good back and forth conversation even if it meant taking the opposite position to what you believe to draw out some discussion of benefit that everyone will take something from, which is the best benefit given to us from the internet age. What I mean to say is I like it when you post.
Aww shucks. Yeah, whether I agree with someone or not, if they lack empathy for the "other side", their argument, or at least their delivery, is going to be flawed in some way. Someone using a flawed argument for a position I agree with is ultimately only harming that position. I know arguing both sides makes both sides think I'm a cunt, but there you go. That'll teach them for having a side in the first place.

They sent Bots out to die didn't they? I really enjoyed both but barely anyone I knew had even heard of them.
Yep, didn't get an Australian release.


I watched this the other day. Tyson is so infectuous. I'm slowly getting through back issues of his podcast which is pretty good despite having an annoying co host.

If you like Tyson, you might enjoy Krauss http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ImvlS8PLIo . He gets more technical, but I think in a fairly approachable way. Also, someone has been uploading full episodes of Brian Greene's Fabric of the Cosmos as it airs. It's a bit overproduced if you're used to mostly watching TED videos, but it makes a lot of complex concepts a bit easier to understand if you're a visual person: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8eZqQUdWURs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy9gXKwRpXc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rp3_cPRQSh0
Thanks for the links Fred. I fucking love education. Shoulders of giants indeed. Could never imagine the base knowledge of people only 100 years from now. Blows my mind.

Also can't believe I never came across this Tyson & Colbert interview before. Really great.
Don't feel too bad, it only came out this week. It got so popular it crashed the Hayden Planetarium site, so someone rehosted it on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXh9RQCvxmg

Yeah that is the source I am watching. So it happened last year but only just came out, I feel better now. Up to the QA stuff now around 50 minutes in and it is a bit eh. The previous 50 minutes though were godly. Get some better damn questions kids! Colbert showing you all up!


Neil Degrasse Tyson is a god amongst men.

Batman Arkham City is still really fucking fun, especially now that someone posted a tweak so that I stop crashing every two hours.
Your local big brand alcohol seller might have them as they are coming into fashion just like those Heineken mini kegs.

Also 3 litres is too damn big, would go warm and lose it's pop too quickly.

The Heineken mini kegs are neat, just take up to much room in the fridge for everyday use.

Will have to give the Asahi a go.
No Stranger Wraith HD update for PC version for 3 months? Fuck you JAW. You screw up the Oddboxx release and then decide to hold off on the update patch? Good luck with your new release, you will need it after all this screwing around.

If anyone had to do a new gen Cosmos, I'm glad they got him.
I'm really looking forward to it especially going by the discussions on their opinions of the original series.

I like Asahi. At least, I think I do...
Wines Direct have slabs for $30 every now and then in the Herald Sun, only a crappy selection this week though. Should be Asahi (hopefully not Corona again) next week.


That was a very well reasoned, neutral post. I am agreeable about this. Do you have a twitter or somewhere you post things at a good rate?
I am too lazy to do such things. You're already following me on Twitter, but I haven't used it in over a year. Perhaps I'll get around to unfollowing a bunch of people and attempt it again one day, but I typically have nothing interesting to say anyway.
Neil Degrasse Tyson is a god amongst men.

Batman Arkham City is still really fucking fun, especially now that someone posted a tweak so that I stop crashing every two hours.
It really is, and makes me want a Catwoman game. Or a Cat/Bat(wo)man game with half the game spent as Catwoman rather than 15 minutes.


So I saw Tintin today and it was awesome. If you like fun action adventures like Indiana Jones or Uncharted then you must watch this movie.


So Tintin just stops to shoot a bunch of dudes every 15 minutes?
Just like how Indiana Jones stops and shoots whole armies of guys while absorbing clips of bullets, yes.

Anyways, Uncharted wishes it could be as good as Tintin, but if you do like the Uncharted vibe then you'll like Tintin.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I think they went the wrong direction with Bots. They just needed to polish Trucks up a bit and it would have been awesome.

A lot of people feel that way and I can dig it. I prefer Truck over Bots. But I still got a crazy amount of fun out of Bots, and it still pushed me to maximise score to S rank every track and cup. Even with the quirky, stupid mini game integration there was similar balance and control of score that Truck had, and the same level of race mastery required to S rank. To accomplish that even with the whole mini game style tricks, I thought was quite impressive.

But yeah, there's nothing else in the market that offers what Truck/Bots offer; a racer focused on mastery of the entire track, the act of racing itself, as opposed to just coming first. Its a formula rooted in arcade gameplay that is quite unlike majority other racing games, and I love it.

That's really the basis for a lot of the love I've gotten out of the Wii; a resurgence in quality, arcade style games. Punch-Out!! is another good example.
I am too lazy to do such things. You're already following me on Twitter, but I haven't used it in over a year. Perhaps I'll get around to unfollowing a bunch of people and attempt it again one day, but I typically have nothing interesting to say anyway.
Just post up inane ramblings and replies to people, like I do.

I feel like this has been said before, but Vinny Caravella?
On closer inspection he could be the result of my mothers hypothetical dalliance with an Italian. I'm all aussie though. Well, not really, my dad is from NZ but they both live over here. So that counts.

That hour and a bit with Colbert/Tyson was amazing.
Very enjoyable. Wish Colbert was out of character more often as he was great to keep Tyson going.

But yeah, there's nothing else in the market that offers what Truck/Bots offer; a racer focused on mastery of the entire track, the act of racing itself, as opposed to just coming first. Its a formula rooted in arcade gameplay that is quite unlike majority other racing games, and I love it.
Still pull it out every now and then when my mates are around just because it recreates that feeling of trying to master the track in MK64 when we were at uni. Great fun.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Still pull it out every now and then when my mates are around just because it recreates that feeling of trying to master the track in MK64 when we were at uni. Great fun.

That is exactly it! Excite Truck arrived in the mail the day I was heading over to a mate's house, and I took my Wii with me so we could try it out, and we spent the entire night doing exactly that, and even agreed that it reminded us of swapping the controller back and forth during the Mario Kart 64 days.


have you guys seen dragons after the skyrim patch

they fly backwards lol

You played it chocobo?

Game is amazing, it is the first game in a LONG time where I genuinely don't want to turn it off. I haven't had that feeling of pure enjoyment playing a game in a long time.

Edit: And I have hurt my back this morning somehow and sitting here in agony at my desk at work. :S

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I appreciate Skyrim, but the level scaling gear/spells/enemies/rewards are still a major bummer. It's damn near ruined the game for me.


You played it chocobo?

Game is amazing, it is the first game in a LONG time where I genuinely don't want to turn it off. I haven't had that feeling of pure enjoyment playing a game in a long time.

Edit: And I have hurt my back this morning somehow and sitting here in agony at my desk at work. :S

Looks like you better go home and play Skyrim.

My brother bought it on 360, but I'm just gonna wait for the inevitable 25% off for the Steam Christmas sale so I can play it on PC.
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