Seriously, c'mon man, this attitude is going to get you no where. If you're not even trying, you shouldn't complain. Go for that JB job, you've done it before so you have some experience. Might be tough at first, but hey, having a job is pretty rad!
Sure, it's from lack of trying. Instead of multi-quoting the crap out of my posts, you could have read them more thoroughly. You might have seen where I've been applying for jobs and not getting them, not even getting a call or email about them. Or perhaps you would have seen where I mentioned that I'm restricted by my bad back, which limits the physical activity I can do including standing up all day. Yes that's an arsehole response, but to suggest I'm not trying is pretty aggravating .
Working at JB involves standing up all day, which I can't do. I had my motorcycle accident whilst working at JB and was working under a nice manager when it happened. He allowed me to have a rest and sit down when I needed to so I could keep up the pace. When he left and the new manager came, the 2IC under him made my life hell. Back hurting? Tough it out pussy. I went through absolute agony with him bossing me around. I would have to rest as I felt my back was going to snap in half, he'd come and have a go, telling me to hop back to it, go stand on the empty floor with no customers, there's work to be done.
I actually had to use sick days under him my back got so bad. If he answered the phone when I called in, I'd get the 3rd degree about it like it was my fault. I'd fucking love not to have a ruined back. My knee got damaged in the same accident which stopped me playing tennis, which I loved doing. It kept me fit and kept the weight down. Not anymore, I've put on weight which has put even more pressure on my back. But nah, fuck you Danoss, you're not trying enough.
I have also applied for a number of JB jobs (amongst others) anyway, just to see if I can actually get an interview. Nope. So yeah, chin up Danoss, all that trying you've done doesn't count.
Put yourself in my shoes. Come and visit and see my Gran who can't do shit for herself, can't remember a thing and makes life difficult for those around her because of it. Like Groundhog Day? Now you get to live it. Because my Gran can't remember stuff, you get to have the same conversation, repeatedly, sometimes three times
in a row. My friends are fucktards, so no support there. My family are cunts, so no support there. Deal with it on your own. Now find a job, even though you've been trying, applying for 2 months and nothing has come of it, not one thing, keep your head up, you're not being positive enough living your shitty life.
What kind of work would you like to be doing? If you could do anything at all?
As it stands right now, I would be horrible at it, but I thought working in photography would be great. Yes it's all terribly lame, everyone have a good laugh. There's not heaps of money in it, but I would be happy.
I looked into the TAFE course just to give me some opportunity to use studio equipment I can't afford, learn new techniques and refine my skills to give me a chance. The cut-off date was before I stopped being a carer for my Aunty when she had to go to a nursing home, so that failed. I also needed a portfolio to apply for the course. I lost all my pictures in a hardware failure, so no chance there, and couldn't go far with a terminally ill Aunty to try and build it back up again. That course only comes around once a year, so I can try applying again in six months. But if they don't like my portfolio then that idea can be thrown out the window.
Outside of that, I have no idea. I never knew what I wanted to do with myself, but I fell into insurance and I was good at that, but that turned to shit with redundancy, becoming a broker and then my manager there being terrible, so I quit to go work retail in Games Wizards for more money.
I was great at that job and was promoted within 2 weeks of starting there. Games Wizards ended up closing that shop within months of me starting. Then I got a job with JB and was amazing at that job. Everyone knew it, I was sent around to stores to fix things up or get new stores ready by the regional manager. Then that was essentially taken away from me. Everything has spiraled downwards ever since.
I'm fucking lost on what to do. I've tried every avenue I can think of and nothing is working.
Danoss, also I do have to somewhat agree with your reluctance to jobs you know will break you.
Thanks, I'm glad someone can see that. I'm not in a good way right now, I'm frustrated, severely depressed and alone. I have no one to go to or talk to about shit and it makes life fucking unbearable. If I put myself in a shit job that I hate, that'll be the last straw.