Here's an update on my stupid uni game that I am making:
Windows .exe Build
I don't have any kind of hud or tutorial yet. So you'll have to bare with me.
WASD - Movement
LMB - Shoot magic
RMB - Vomit
i - Invert mouse
Shift - melee attack (barely works)
Space - Jump
Shoot enemies to become intoxicated. (This will be refitted into a powerup system)
The more intoxicated you are, the more damage you deal but the slower you move.
The opposite is true for being less intoxicated.
While shitty is intoxicated, he will randomly stumble, hampering player movement.
If Shitty becomes too intoxicated, he will involuntarily start throwing up everywhere. The player will lose movement control, and will have to wait for shitty to compose himself. (this takes way too long and will be quicker next build)
If the player vomits by pressing RMB, they suffer no movement penalty and intoxication decreases much faster.
[HIGH] Entering the cave crashes the game.
[LOW] Enemies will still animate even if dead.
[LOW] Shitty is slightly hovering above ground.
[LOW] Camera will sometimes enter geometry.
[LOW] Turning the camera to face shitty will cause shitty to shoot himself (lol).
[DON'T CARE] Possible to escape map.
Planned additions:
[HIGH] Hold down LMB to power up attacks
[HIGH] Implement booze powerup system
[MED] Tutorial
[LOW] Texture some stuff
[NOPE] Add a horrible screen effect
Let me know what y'all think. Suggestions are helpful, especially ones that would be relatively easy to implement. Or just general comments.