Bahaha. That's an awesome mental image, the whole payback thing. But some shit's weird like that though. A mate's kid, even from the age of three or so, loved the SHIT out of wasabi peas. I still have trouble with them.I guess burning my son's tongue set me back a bit. He had been a real jerk today though. I follow the Neil deGrasse Tyson school of parenting!
They look REALLY nice. I need a casual shoe that's not sneakers for occasionally going out and for work and stuff. I think sneakers in general make me look like some old guy trying to dress young :/I got these REALLLY comfy Reef shoes at their outlet in Torquay for $20, I don't think it was this 'model' but last years. Soooooo comfy and have held up extremely well considering I use them for doing yard work too! Best pair of comfy shoes I have ever had. Still plenty of sole and grippy enough that my uncoordinated arse hasn't fallen over.
I also think I need some REALLY nice shoes. Like, expensive leather dress shoes. And a nice suit too... not that I have any specific occasions for it, but it's just always handy to have a good suit, I guess.
I can vouch for those keyboards being awesome. Shit, I'd almost be tempted to buy a second one at that price, purely so if there's a warranty issue with my current one, I don't have to deal with Logitechshop.Logitech Gaming Keyboard G510 for $65 at DSE

I win.
Edit: And seriously guys, fucking listen to me or something.

I think it may even play better than Sega All-Stars. Seriously.