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AusGAF 6 - Ricki Lee is awful. Everything else about Australia is AMAZING [Free hugs]

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I guess burning my son's tongue set me back a bit. He had been a real jerk today though. I follow the Neil deGrasse Tyson school of parenting!
Bahaha. That's an awesome mental image, the whole payback thing. But some shit's weird like that though. A mate's kid, even from the age of three or so, loved the SHIT out of wasabi peas. I still have trouble with them.

I got these REALLLY comfy Reef shoes at their outlet in Torquay for $20, I don't think it was this 'model' but last years. Soooooo comfy and have held up extremely well considering I use them for doing yard work too! Best pair of comfy shoes I have ever had. Still plenty of sole and grippy enough that my uncoordinated arse hasn't fallen over.
They look REALLY nice. I need a casual shoe that's not sneakers for occasionally going out and for work and stuff. I think sneakers in general make me look like some old guy trying to dress young :/
I also think I need some REALLY nice shoes. Like, expensive leather dress shoes. And a nice suit too... not that I have any specific occasions for it, but it's just always handy to have a good suit, I guess.

Logitech Gaming Keyboard G510 for $65 at DSE
I can vouch for those keyboards being awesome. Shit, I'd almost be tempted to buy a second one at that price, purely so if there's a warranty issue with my current one, I don't have to deal with Logitechshop.


I win.

Edit: And seriously guys, fucking listen to me or something.

I think it may even play better than Sega All-Stars. Seriously.
Eh, just watch a couple of games and see if you end up wanting someone to win.

Don't let anyone tell you who to go for. Especially middonay

But the thing is I always end up barracking for whoever is losing. I don't want my team to be a loser team!

I just depressed myself again by watching that Syrian aftermath footage in OT. SERIOUS BADNESS WARNING.
Don't be sad, Korra is out soon!!!
So my family just got our visa approved - we will be moving to Perth for the next four years! I guess that will make me an honorary member of AusGaf. Any tips on moving to Australia from the U.S. (we come from Texas)?
Oh sweet :D Welcome!
Perth is nice, really lovely beaches there. Cottesloe beach has good fish and chips/ ice cream places, but city beach is less crowded with better surf. Just be aware that shops don't open at all on sundays though, and the buses don't run on time. That's pretty much all I remember about living there. If you have any specific questions I'm sure me or everyone else can answer them for ya.
Rep has a place in his heart for Albrechtsen. Strict, ideologically-contemptible blonde in her late middle age. Rawr.
No rep no... and you too sal! She wrote that ridiculous, poorly researched qantas article, and I can never forgive her for that.
Still though, Australian is good for higher education and world news section, also laughing at all the conservative letters to the editor. Oh man *wipes tear from eye*.


So my family just got our visa approved - we will be moving to Perth for the next four years! I guess that will make me an honorary member of AusGaf. Any tips on moving to Australia from the U.S. (we come from Texas)?

congratulations..... you picked just about the most boring city in Australia to live in ^_^

perthians usually classify themselves depending on which side of the Swan river they live in.

South of the river >>>>>> North of the river (but then again I was a southie)

Girrawheen, Balga, Mirabooka or Koondoola are usually known as dodgy areas.....but in general crime isn't too bad.
Can anyone else see Shaneus's double post?

Shan, you gotta believe me. I have no feelings for right-wing ladies.

Not even Elsa Schneider. Not even.

I don't believe you :p

congratulations..... you picked just about the most boring city in Australia to live in ^_^

perthians usually classify themselves depending on which side of the Swan river they live in.

South of the river >>>>>> North of the river (but then again I was a southie)

Girrawheen, Balga, Mirabooka or Koondoola are usually known as dodgy areas.....but in general crime isn't too bad.

There were suburbs south of the river?!?

Perth is definitely the snootiest of Australian cities. But then I lived around Claremont :p


Can anyone else see Shaneus's double post?

Yeah, it's there. But I hit the last of the last page (even us 100p/p-ers) so I figured it warranted a double post. Not gonna let that kittyhug gif go unnoticed.

And besides... what better way to start a new page than with a kittyhug?
Yeah, it's there. But I hit the last of the last page (even us 100p/p-ers) so I figured it warranted a double post. Not gonna let that kittyhug gif go unnoticed.

And besides... what better way to start a new page than with a kittyhug?

I concur, and a great way to end the night as well!
-w- I want a kitty now.

EDIT: Oh no Neverender :( How did they get in? Gotta make sure they can't again..
Can someone with a Vita please do me a huge favour? We think my housemate's Vita has been stolen from our house, along with the charger. And she has a random figure 8 cable in her room that she thinks of from the charger, and that they just took the Vita+brick end of the cable. So if someone could post a good quality picture of both ends and possibly the cable if it has any text on it? Thanks heaps :/

Yeah so it was stolen, along with a bunch of 360 games. No forced entry. Fuck. They just walked into my house and took some small stuff. I'm sure they'll be back for the bigger stuff.


Ah fuck, Neverender. Not sure what a lack of forced entry implies (previous tenants with keys?) but that has to fucking hurt, dude :(

Given the library of 360 games I have that I rarely play, if you ever get things back in order I'd be happy to donate.
Pretty sure it was the neighbors who did it, they must have a key from before I moved in. I feel really bad for my housemate, she only moved in a week ago and it was her Vita. Bleh, fucking junkies.
I am soothing my own misery by finishing up Season 1 of Veronica Mars.

I have Season 3, but not Season 2.

Q: Do I carry on to Season 3, or should I wait until I grab Season 2 ?

Um, if you haven't watched the show before I would wait and watch season 2 before 3. Season 3 deviates a bit from season 1 and 2 in that it doesn't have an overarching mystery but rather a series of multi-episode spanning arches; some people didn't like that, I didn't mind it. Also, it's worth keeping in mind that the general consensus is that the quality goes down over the course of the shows run. Basically, don't expect the brilliance of season 1 to continue throughout. There are touches of it in the other 2 seasons but they aren't as satisfying imo.


but ever so delicious
Picked up Darksiders 2 and Sleeping Dogs from GMG. Included the $5 trade in from that shitty game too.

Cost around $70. Not too bad.
Yeah Shaneus I refuse to wear sneakers outside of exercising, just looks creepy. Really creepy.

Pretty sure it was the neighbors who did it, they must have a key from before I moved in. I feel really bad for my housemate, she only moved in a week ago and it was her Vita. Bleh, fucking junkies.
That sucks mate, i had a similar breakin during the middle of the day, stole my 50 inch plasma and a laptop, one of my housemates didnt lock the backdoor. Thankfully it was all covered by insurance and they never came back. Definitely get the locks changed as soon as possible.
Found out who won Eurovision before I even got out of bed. God damnit. This is the third year in a row I've found out before it aired here. You'd think I would learn to stay away from the Internet.
This is interesting.



Excuse: "You can't just, take bible verses out of context man, it just, you just can't do that man. It's all about the context of not being gay man. It's wrong in context man."
Me: "Fuck off and die, seriously. Come one, man."


Picked up Darksiders 2 and Sleeping Dogs from GMG. Included the $5 trade in from that shitty game too.

Cost around $70. Not too bad.

Showed my gf trailers for both Darksiders 2 and Sleeping Dogs and she was sold. So 4 games ordered from GMG for $150, bargain :D.

Meanwhile at Aussie retail, that would have cost us $320...


Yeah Shaneus I refuse to wear sneakers outside of exercising, just looks creepy. Really creepy.
My regular laceups are either Onitsukas or Chucks so I guess it's not that bad, but something a bit more "mature" (I guess) can never be that bad. I might suss out those ones today at some stage. Even at full retail, providing they're not too exxy. Was it a while back you got them from Torquay? Wondering if it's worth my while making the drive or not... WAIT, THERES A BOTTLE OPENER ON THE BOTTOM?!? HOLY FUCKING SHITBALLS.

Also, bacon shirt is GO. Fits fine, thankfully :) Now all I need is another one that says "Body by Bacon".

Edit: Holy shit, you can trade in that Disciples freebie as well! $31 for Sleeping Dogs. Win.

So are you supposed to politely take the shoe off to open a bottle, or just lift your foot up to your butt and be all like whatevs?
Usually you are sitting down so you just put your foot up on your knee, off with the top! Or even just bend down.


Welp, I was going to say at least he took it out on meaningless consumer items, but he apparently threw her about too.
Holy shit, he had one of his kids in his arms while beating the shit out of his stuff? What a fuckwit.


On the note of people stealing shit, I've always wondered how well the iPhone's GPS and locating software work. Like, there's some little app that will find where your iPhone is if it gets lost or stolen.

I wonder how effective that can be at locating thieves or the lost phone. It probably doesn't work the moment the thing's hard-powered off. But how many people would know to do that with a stolen phone?
On the note of people stealing shit, I've always wondered how well the iPhone's GPS and locating software work. Like, there's some little app that will find where your iPhone is if it gets lost or stolen.

I wonder how effective that can be at locating thieves or the lost phone. It probably doesn't work the moment the thing's hard-powered off. But how many people would know to do that with a stolen phone?
You mean like Find My iPhone? Isn't it included with every GPS-enabled iOS device?


Speaking of politics and languages, I now have a choice of doing politics, international relations, Korean or Japanese as my majors for this arts degree I've been putting off forna couple of years now. :-/

I don't know how useful the first two majors are. Learning three languages at a time might be hard though.
Speaking of politics and languages, I now have a choice of doing politics, international relations, Korean or Japanese as my majors for this arts degree I've been putting off forna couple of years now. :-/

I don't know how useful the first two majors are. Learning three languages at a time might be hard though.

International relations is fun and pretty interesting. You get a lot of history in there, and a fairly good grounding about the world today. Its usefulness kinda depends on the career you want, and your other majors I guess :p I'm doing some int relations courses towards my Asian studies major. Which other languages are you learning? I'd say it really depends on how decent your other languages are. I wouldn't start two languages at once, but otherwise it shouldn't be an issue. Japanese and Korean are both awesome (starting them both at once might be difficult though, since they are really similar).

And with that gif, you've moved up a few spots in my book.




I am interested in all of the above.
I dunno, you could probably stay in uni and do all of them if you really wanted to. Aren't you doing like economics and accounting as well? That's a lot of different crap to keep track of!

And yeah, multiple languages is probably bad idea.


Smart thing would be to side with China, since America can be trusted not to attack us.

In the meantime, train up a crocodile and spider defence force in the event the Chinese military gets any naughty ideas.
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