Missed one.
Another great one. This and The Springfield Files probably round out my top five. Though specific rankings don't really mean much when they're all that good.
Wow, looking badarse too.
Indeed. Probably the best Simpsons episode ever.Missed one.
Add El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Jomer (Johnny Cash) and you have an almost perfect list of great episode with guest stars playing characters not themselves (mostly).Also;
Spinal Tap - The Otto Show
JEJ - Treehouse of Horrors
Barry White - Whacking Day
Michael Jackson - Stark Raving Dad
James Woods - Homer Vs Apu
Add El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Jomer (Johnny Cash) and you have an almost perfect list of great episode with guest stars playing characters not themselves (mostly).
I need to buy seasons 1, 2 and 3. I don't think I've watched any episodes from that period since 10 stopped airing them and made season 4 the start of their re-run loop back when it was 6pm simpsons everyday.
Also, rpa is back. Who likes rpa? I do!
I need to buy seasons 1, 2 and 3. I don't think I've watched any episodes from that period since 10 stopped airing them and made season 4 the start of their re-run loop back when it was 6pm simpsons everyday.
I love the first two seasons, the evolution of the show is amazing. From a very rough sketch show background to a proper series.
I need to buy seasons 1, 2 and 3. I don't think I've watched any episodes from that period since 10 stopped airing them and made season 4 the start of their re-run loop back when it was 6pm simpsons everyday.
Scorpio and Beer Baron are the two best episodes of anything everoh and lisas doll was great too.
scorpio count?
also best use of celebs as themselves in gabbo.
There's a very good reason why those seasons aren't in the loop, you'll find out soon enough.
There are plenty of amazing episodes in the first three seasons.
ABC video link.
Holy shit at some of the stuff polis and others are saying there. Fucking disgraceful.
Yeah, I've seen them all at some point in my life, but haven't re-watched them in a loooooong time. It will be interesting to watch them again now. I think at the time I first saw them, I wasn't quite at the stage where I fully "got" simpsons - I was really just watching because it was a cartoon.Yeah, I hadn't seen many of the first couple in years. In fact, I'd pretty much forgotten a few season one episodes existed! I have 1-5 at the moment, plan on going up to 10 (and probably would have by now) but I avoid buying them to leave it open as an easy birthday/Christmas gift so my parents/siblings can't complain at me about being hard to buy for.
Ghost Recon Coco Boobs.ALSO. I want to deck the person who authorised that new Hitman trailer because it is fucking terrible.
I don't browse reddit often, but sometimes you really come across some gems. (Local gems, even)
Then again, Danoss can't be talking about quality because even that list you've got there is conservative.
The new Hitman trailer is terrible.
Yar. Eroticising violence against perfunctorily disempowered women does so very little for me. Women being shown to "revert" to passive and terrified aspects is obnoxious even in capably written gothic fiction of a certain vintage.
In a game trailer ? No. Fuck you.
Also Spotify has turned out to be awesome.
Premium member?
Yar. Eroticising violence against perfunctorily disempowered women does so very little for me. Women being shown to "revert" to passive and terrified aspects is obnoxious even in capably written gothic fiction of a certain vintage.
Yar. Eroticising violence against perfunctorily disempowered women does so very little for me. Women being shown to "revert" to passive and terrified aspects is obnoxious even in capably written gothic fiction of a certain vintage.
In a game trailer ? No. Fuck you.
Mainly I was annoyed that they had this baddass uniform and were fucking terrible at actually trying to kill him. Like seriously. They rock up with high powered weapons and just stand out the front. Getting killed like fish in a barrel.
Was just fucking stupid. Made no sense.
is anyone here watching Mad Men this season?
Kristen Bell is in House of Lies which I hear isn't a good show but it has Kristen Bell so I will watch it now.