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AusGAF 6 - Ricki Lee is awful. Everything else about Australia is AMAZING [Free hugs]

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I really only bitch about religion when someone is annoying me with it or religion is stooping me from doing something reasonable. Main problem in religion is all the splinter groups that control the flow of information and wealth.

Fuck I love Geelong. Sniff.


Stage 9 done. One stage to go.


well sorry if i came off that way. No it's not acceptable punishment, but it's also not acceptable to insult some one for believing in something if it brings no harm to you (which as you've pointed out in this case it DOES bring harm to him, so i am fine with that).

"There is no God" is not, actually, an insult. In the same way that if you tell me "There is a God" I don't feel insulted. "You're a fucking idiot if you believe there is a God", though... now that's an insult.


I really only bitch about religion when someone is annoying me with it or religion is stooping me from doing something reasonable. Main problem in religion is all the splinter groups that control the flow of information and wealth.

Fuck I love Geelong. Sniff.
You're here? And you didn't tell me?



So, all done! Here's the complete kit:


OK, not really, but here's the real deal in his two standing modes. I did the second with his extended computer interface and blade...

It's a great set. I'll do some pics of the other kits later, as promised, but I need a break to enjoy the rest of the Tex Murphy wrap party (1 hour to go on Kickstarter, guys... go pledge!)


I'd like to read it but I'm worried that it will just depress me. Is it good?
Fun fact: one of my friends is an extra in the film.

Book is good. I bought the film, but figured (like you) that it would depress me. Haven't found a good time to watch it yet.

derpderpderpderpderpderpderp said:
Catholic mass attendees will hear a statement from the Archbishop of Sydney, Cardinal George Pell, and bishops Julian Porteous, Terry Brady and Peter Comensoli.

"Instead of removing discrimination and injustice, (same-sex marriage) will cause them,'' it reads.


Damn GWS are gonna be scary in about 3 years. Already playing so physical and they're all like 19. Jon Patton is freaking enormous.


My friend just marked this paper from a year 5 student :|


Shan, I recommend Norweigan Wood wholeheartedly. But yeah... it'll depress you. Exam season wasn't the best time to start reading it.


Yeah GC got the same. Only difference between the two is GWS has an opportunity to snag 6 more uncontracted players from other clubs this year as well (both could do it the season before they started, no idea why GWS get to do it again this year).
Hey I started using this program called Duolingo and I've got a couple of invites if anyone is interested in learning German/Spanish/French. (I'll need to email them to you).

salazar said:
Catholic mass attendees will hear a statement from the Archbishop of Sydney, Cardinal George Pell, and bishops Julian Porteous, Terry Brady and Peter Comensoli.

"Instead of removing discrimination and injustice, (same-sex marriage) will cause them,'' it reads.

=/ Oh yeah? and how does he figure that exactly?

My friend just marked this paper from a year 5 student :|


That's hilarious. I guess in the end it [I]sort of[/I] has an anti drug theme... um... maybe.

Dead Man


A Hobart father who allowed his underage daughter to have sex with her boyfriend at home has been charged under a law designed to stop adults soliciting children.

In what is believed to be an Australian first, the 59-year-old father of two has pleaded guilty to permitting a person under 17 to have sex on a premises.

The Supreme Court in Hobart heard the single dad let his 14-year-old daughter regularly have sex with her 26-year-old boyfriend in the family home because she threatened to run away.

The father's lawyer said it was a choice between his daughter having sex in a safe environment or going elsewhere.

The charge is normally used on adults who have solicited children.

The prosecution said it was unaware of any precedent anywhere in Australia for its use on a parent who has allowed an underage sexual relationship in the family home.

The case against the father has been adjourned until next week.

The boyfriend has been jailed for having sex with a person under 17.

What say you, AusGAF? I am approving of jailing the boyfriend, 14 and 26 is too much. But jailing the dad in this situation seems wrong to me (if a jail sentence is imposed).


Norwegian Wood is great.

I read it while listening to Radiohead. Few years later the movie was released and Jonny Greenwood wrote the soundtrack!


My friend just marked this paper from a year 5 student :|


Shan, I recommend Norweigan Wood wholeheartedly. But yeah... it'll depress you. Exam season wasn't the best time to start reading it.[/QUOTE]

Story made me laugh. I hope the story is like that because the kid knows primary school tasks are kinda rubbish so might as well just fool around and not because the kid is actually mental.
I guess I'll have to check the novel out then! From the reviews it seems to deal with death a lot... hm..


What say you, AusGAF? I am approving of jailing the boyfriend, 14 and 26 is too much. But jailing the dad in this situation seems wrong to me (if a jail sentence is imposed).

Hm... I feel like I don't have enough information. Based on the story there, I agree with you, especially since the law was designed for adults who have solicited children. I don't know if it may have been something he could have prevented though.

EDIT: Someone made a google chome extension to add a 'like' button to neogaf.
Father did the wrong thing. Should have gone to councillors and the cops before the second last resort of letting it happen in his home.

Why do people need to sexy time? Can't they just enjoy each others company for another 3 years?


Jint read Wind up Bird Chronicle!

Been meaning to read Norwegian Wood for the longest time. Haven't seen the movie, but bought the soundtrack for Jonny!


I think we can all agree that imprisoning someone over their beliefs is never okay, the jerks who feel the need to make threads/ posts about how dumb all religious people are are painfully annoying, and holycheck did not read properly before posting

I know it's not evidence of "all", but when things like this happen:

Catholic mass attendees will hear a statement from the Archbishop of Sydney, Cardinal George Pell, and bishops Julian Porteous, Terry Brady and Peter Comensoli.

"Instead of removing discrimination and injustice, (same-sex marriage) will cause them,'' it reads.

... it's difficult not to come to the conclusion that there are at least a lot of dumb religious people. It's unfortunate that they also seem to be the prominent ones.



What say you, AusGAF? I am approving of jailing the boyfriend, 14 and 26 is too much. But jailing the dad in this situation seems wrong to me (if a jail sentence is imposed).

Sounds like he was in an impossible situation. 14/26 is way too wrong (my immediate suspicion is that the 26yo was either mentally retarded, or a rockspider, or both) but if he informed the police then his daughter would no doubt run away too assuming her threats were true.

I dont think the law is flexible enough to deal with reality in this case.

But the 26yo should be castrated.

Bonus edit:

I had a great cider last night. Aspall Draught.


Jint read Wind up Bird Chronicle!

Been meaning to read Norwegian Wood for the longest time. Haven't seen the movie, but bought the soundtrack for Jonny!

Need a break for a bit, gonna read some non-fiction then maybe some fantasy then something serious again.

Reading is a joy.
Need a break for a bit, gonna read some non-fiction then maybe some fantasy then something serious again.

Reading is a joy.

If you're looking for some good non-fiction reading, Hiroshima-Nagasaki and Nothing to envy are excellent.

I know it's not evidence of "all", but when things like this happen:

... it's difficult not to come to the conclusion that there are at least a lot of dumb religious people. It's unfortunate that they also seem to be the prominent ones.

There are a lot of dumb people in general :p And that's simply the hateful ramblings of a bigot trying to hide behind a book, someone who sadly is fairly prominent.


There are a lot of dumb people in general :p And that's simply the hateful ramblings of a bigot trying to hide behind a book, someone who sadly is fairly prominent.

Of course there are lots of dumb people. But most atheists dont have a uniform agenda. Certain conservative religious types have a particular agenda that is focussed on a particular set of texts and dogma. An idiot without an agenda is harmless. An idiot with an agenda and millions of followers is a threat to various things including equality, civility, human rights and often peace.

edit: and before my comment is deliberately misconstrued by anyone else, such an agenda can equally include fervent nationalism as much as fundamentalist religion.


Still the most depressing book I have read was Nineteen Eighty Four. Incredibly demoralising, and I find it difficult to conceive of a way that such a society could be deconstructed. I think the key to it lies in the warring regions between the three states. A truly fucked up world.

As for uplifting stories, I struggle to think of anything Ive read that offers as much optimism aside from Foundation. It's not literary fiction, but its encouraging to think that humanity in future could be shaped by agents who want peace and prosperity instead of war and control.
I don't want to argue with you Vince (I'm not sure we're even in disagreement), I'd just like it if everyone was nicer in general.

Something not depressing, Shan. :p

I read Nothing to Envy last year, but have been meaning to grab Hiroshima-Nagasaki...

Non-depressing non fiction? Hm... I don't think I've read much -_-

Hiroshima-Nagasaki is insanely detailed. Everything that could possibly be related is in there. Chapters on the history and science of the atom, and everyone surrounding it? check. Chapter on Dresden and Tokyo? Check. I'm still working my way through it.


If you are looking for something a bit lighter, these were brilliant, at least in my humble opinion :)

I second The Code Book wholeheartedly. Amazingly well written, and it's kind of like a detective story in the way its told in pieces. The bits on the Enigma codebreaking were fantastic.

I don't want to argue with you Vince (I'm not sure we're even in disagreement), I'd just like it if everyone was nicer in general.

No, we're not arguing. But I must admit I find it mildly irritating when the concerns of secularists and atheists are dismissed as 'rocking the boat' so to speak, when the balance of inequality is what is the core problem. I agree that it would be nice if everyone could get along, but when bigotry holds a privileged position in many societies, it's expected that people who don't like the status quo should be frustrated by the inanity they have to deal with. One thing that particularly grates is those who use terms like 'militant atheism' or who call Dawkins something along those lines. Meanwhile bigots like Pell et al are afforded all sorts of undeserved respect, which they take advantage of by lobbying for the suppression of basic human rights or coverups of child abuse.

So yes, that is a short version of what seems to be my boggle.


This week, priests are going to use their pulpit to rail against same-sex marriage and the protection of the sanctity of traditional marriage, at least partially protected by the thoughtshield of religion.

Check out Peter Jensen's opinion article on same-sex marriage, too. It is, as you might expect, stupidity, utter stupidity. He goes straight ahead and compares 'marriage equality' to bigamy, pedophilia and incest. He exposes his own ignorance on the reality of human rights when he says that use of its language in the argument for gay marriage 'cheapens the discourse' of 'genuine' human rights issues. What? I don't understand. What's wrong with this man?

The education of my children would be different. Same-sex marriage is symbolic of social acceptance of gay sex as a moral good. Most people still believe the physical make-up of humans points in another direction. But they would not be able to prevent their children being taught that consenting sex between any two persons is a matter of moral and physical indifference.

If someone can explain what this means I would be glad, because I think this is a weasel-worded nonsense sentence that means essentially nothing.
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