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AusGAF 6 - Ricki Lee is awful. Everything else about Australia is AMAZING [Free hugs]

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I would only be confident about arguing, say, 2-3 years max at present. I don't really know about at the beginning of this console generation though, since the conditions would have been different. Maybe a little longer for the PS3 given that it cost a thousand bucks (second job lolololol) but difficult to be certain without further information. Practically speaking courts would be conservative on the issue of reasonable expectations since any court declaration would set precedent and all...


I'm not sure if my Wii will last as long as my other nintendo consoles.....it gets pretty damn hot!!!

but its still chugging along after 4 years so fingers crossed.

Learnt my lesson after OG playstation 1 and tend to not buy a new console until the kinks are fixed.
After (slopishly) playing around with databases tonight I wish I could go back to 18 year old reptilescorpio and punch that pussy motherfucker right in the face and tell him to stop being such a pansy and just enrol in that IT degree rather than take Accounting because you don't want people to make fun of you.


I'm confident I know more physics than my 18yo self, even though its been a good 8 years since rigorous study of it. My one regret is not doing shitloads more advanced maths, starting early.
I don't think much has changed since 18 really, though it was only two years ago. I still have no idea what I want to do with myself =/ I don't think "I want to speak three languages!" is much of a career goal. I guess I've still got at least 2 or 3 years to think about it.

This week could be cool, or the worst of my life. I'll need to wait and see a bit.

Good luck. This coming week seems like its going to be hectic for everyone.


I don't think much has changed since 18 really, though it was only two years ago. I still have no idea what I want to do with myself =/ I don't think "I want to speak three languages!" is much of a career goal. I guess I've still got at least 2 or 3 years to think about it.

I didnt find a job I liked for 6 years after uni.

My 18 year old self would be amused that I am a pinko lefty, and would probably try to shoot me :)

I nearly joined the liberal party thing on campus at utas on my first society day. It was a 5 minute dalliance with evil, probably a reactionary consideration based on seeing a socialist alliance stand nearby.


I guess I kinda regret not studying harder during high school and during first few years of uni.

Luckily things have turned out alright, except most of my peers are like a couple years ahead of me career-wise and/or have have an extra degree. But oh well, I can live with that.


My 18-year-old self would have been relieved about the whole ADHD thing. Probably would have liked to know about it a lot sooner than he did, too. Would've saved a bit of heartache, but there ya go!


I want a tag give me a tag
I want a turtle as a pet, have no idea where to get them from, how much they are etc, having trouble googling.

any one know anything? / have any experience?


I wanted a turtle once too! But I think you need like a license or something. Also they can like crawl out of their bowl! D: Maybe, I don't know.


I want a turtle as a pet, have no idea where to get them from, how much they are etc, having trouble googling.

any one know anything? / have any experience?

How about trying to call a reptile park? There is one in Alice Springs, which wont help you much, but they may have contacts in vic they could advise on.

Dead Man

Short neck turtle plus gear - $520 http://www.petpages.com.au/classified/568951

I know nothing, but gis says short neck turtles are pretty cute:



I want a tag give me a tag
cheers guys. yeah i've just been thinking about what pet toget, as i really need a pet :( but i cant get a dog or cat. so a turtle seems good as i can still play with him unlike fish.

will do some calling around this week! will look to buy the tank and things first in the lead up to buying the turtle :D


Locked in for the BrisGAF meetup on the 2nd.

Also on a Game Design note, I've started up a Tumblr blog as a place that I can talk yang about game design and some of the stuff I've learned over the past two years, plus it's a place where my Sega Hardon can get some relief.

On that, I wrote this one up yesterday: Design Prattle: Whoever Designed Alex Kidd in Miracle World Hates You And Everyone You Love




What a dick.
Locked in for the BrisGAF meetup on the 2nd.

Also on a Game Design note, I've started up a Tumblr blog as a place that I can talk yang about game design and some of the stuff I've learned over the past two years, plus it's a place where my Sega Hardon can get some relief.

On that, I wrote this one up yesterday: Design Prattle: Whoever Designed Alex Kidd in Miracle World Hates You And Everyone You Love




What a dick.

This is one of my favourite games of all time. After playing it so much i reached the point where i could easily win it every time without losing a life or using any items (including swimming through the ridiculous spikes in the last castle). I've even done speed runs of the game not far off the WR.

I still enjoyed the write up and despite loving the game i do recognise its flaws. I look forward to reading more of these.
cheers guys. yeah i've just been thinking about what pet toget, as i really need a pet :( but i cant get a dog or cat.
Why not a rat? They live in a tank/cage usually but can come out and are willing to play. They're pretty cute!

rats can be kinda smelly, but otherwise this is a top idea!
If they're anything like mice, males would smell more but be more active, and females smell much less but are less active.
Iguanas are awesome pets. Nothing beats the shock on someone's face when they see you chillin with that huge lizard.

It'd be so cool to have a pet lizard. I know my brother was really keen on getting a salamander, but they're illegal here in qld :(
Why not a rat? They live in a tank/cage usually but can come out and are willing to play. They're pretty cute!
rats can be kinda smelly, but otherwise this is a top idea!
Other suggestions: rabbit, ferret.
Locked in for the BrisGAF meetup on the 2nd.

Also on a Game Design note, I've started up a Tumblr blog as a place that I can talk yang about game design and some of the stuff I've learned over the past two years, plus it's a place where my Sega Hardon can get some relief.

On that, I wrote this one up yesterday: Design Prattle: Whoever Designed Alex Kidd in Miracle World Hates You And Everyone You Love




What a dick.

Man I miss good Sega. Distinct from the current Sega that seems to pump out turd after turd.

I still kind of wish Microsoft bought Sega to make the Xbox. Obviously they would have ripped their heart out but in my fantasy world I have an awesome Sega IPs and Halo etc all together one console with world peace only moments away.

Brave is on 64% after 14 reviews omg. Could this actually be the worst Pixar film, actually worse than Cars!?

It looks really boring. Like every other medieval children's movie. Oh look she shoots and arrow through another arrow! That was original in the 70s Disney Robin Hood.


I want a tag give me a tag
Why not a rat? They live in a tank/cage usually but can come out and are willing to play. They're pretty cute!

If they're anything like mice, males would smell more but be more active, and females smell much less but are less active.

rats / mice creep me out. I wouldn't be able to love it :(


Hey Fred, Virgin rang me this morning to talk about phone upgrades, haha. Creepy.

Anyway, a new Galaxy S3 is on its way to my house now. Wheeeeee.
rats / mice creep me out. I wouldn't be able to love it :(
Wild rats are definitely high on the creepometer. Domesticated ones are less so, at least in my opinion:

Played The Witcher for a few hours yesterday after finishing the main game of Stacking. The previous week I managed 30 minutes of gaming according to Raptr, so this was a nice change.

The Age and SMH ditching broadsheets, cutting 1900 jobs, erecting pay walls. Wooo print media!
Saw that this morning. Not a good sign. I always enjoyed reading the massive broadsheets on the rare occasion I bought a paper.

Lion Nathan has (or will shortly) acquired 100% of Little Creatures (and White Rabbit). Don't think this is a good thing (except for the shareholders which look to make out quite well).
I agree broadsheets are just painful.

Within the next few years everywhere will go behind a paywall. Websites are destroying circulation which means print ads are worth less and online ads are already worth fuck all.

The websites should never have been free in the first place. People are used to getting this for free now and the companies are going to take a massive hit until people get used to having to pay for news again.

The way the NY Times does it is good. You can read all you want but after you've gone to a certain number of pages a day you have to pay. So you still get the homepage and breaking news, but for other stuff (like columnists) you get pulled in by the quality of stuff they have and then actually want to pay to see more. I think it works pretty well.


SMH getting a paywall

SMH won't be a broadsheet. Broadsheets are mega painful but i know a LOT of people who buy the SMH purely because it is a broadsheet. That's what differentiates them from the tele.

nice knowing you fairfax


Oh man. Has everyone read the Justin McElroy thread?


i find it hillarious that he is defending his journalism on twitter

for fuck sake, man the fuck up, and admit you didn't check sources like a proper journalist is supposed to do

I say proper journalist because fuck all even in the mainstream do these days
I think I have an inherent disliking of indy devs who are treated as messiahs, given stage and screen time over and over, as if they have very important things to say, when they've only ever produced one piece of work. Fish got so much attention for years prior to releasing Fez. Similarly Jonathan Blow is put on a pedestal (though at least has a stronger history than Fish).

There's so many great indy devs out out there making really interesting stuff who don't get a lick of attention as much as these guys. And that sucks.

What devs? I never know how to go about finding indie-centric games (aside from tigsource and ludum dare stuff).
i find it hillarious that he is defending his journalism on twitter

for fuck sake, man the fuck up, and admit you didn't check sources like a proper journalist is supposed to do

I say proper journalist because fuck all even in the mainstream do these days

Main issue was lashing out at GAF et al just because he felt slighted by another journalist posting a tweet (not even directed at McElroy!) on their own account. The ACTUAL journalist who posted the rumor even came into the GAF thread and explained why the news story was posted and made complete sense and everyone simmered down until the idiot McElroy kept lashing out. Even Klepek acknowledged the reasoning for posting the rumor in the GAF thread. At that point it just became embarrassing for The Verge and the fact that would employ someone who acts so unprofessionally.

I would have been shocked if I didn't already know about his Nier review which basically wiped out any reason to take him seriously as a 'journalist'. He is a gamer. A fan of games. To call him a journalist would be insulting to others in the profession who take their job seriously and try to do the right thing.
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