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AusGAF 6 - Ricki Lee is awful. Everything else about Australia is AMAZING [Free hugs]

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There was a guy on a bus I was on a few months ago, showing YouTube videos to a mate of his using the iPhone speakers. He then went in to his music library and played a number of tracks.

I just don't get these people =\

Everybody now knows what to do at MelbGAF, right?


Everybody now knows what to do at MelbGAF, right?



Hey, Futurama's back tomorrow!

I forgot that this was happening:o Awesome to the max!

Cool story: I've never listened to metallica, but I had a pair of metallica converse that I wore to uni. Every now and then, a random person in a tut would notice and go "metallica fan eh? rad!", and I would respond "errr no, my mum bought me these cos she thought the lightning streaks were cool".....and that's how I made friends at uni!! well, 3 of them anyway lol.


Gosh, I remember why I don't usually post in here. Moves so quick.

Fuck it's chilly in Brisbane this morning.
You people up there have no right to complain. Bloody freezing the whole day here. So windy!

Yeah I can see it.

Dongmakgol was the best of the films we saw, I think, but they were all decent. The man from nowhere was good too, but we didnt do that in the class.

I've been meaning to watch a bittersweet life, anyone know If that's good?
Is that the remote village war movie one? I haven't looked into Korean cinema much since the end of high school when I was prepping myself for Monash (only uni in the state that offered Korean). I didn't end up going there, so my interest in it fell off, but I should get back into it. Back then, if I asked a certain classmate, they'd recommend the films I mentioned, and if I asked another, they'd lend me things like My Sassy Girl, Windstruck and My Tutor Friend. I'm sure there's lots of movies in between those two extremes I'd enjoy if I had the time. (Blu-ray backlog is massive. :\ )

A bittersweet life is probably my favourite korean movie ever

I liked The Yellow Sea too (it was directed by the guy who did the Chaser)
Ooo, I remember that coming out around the time of my birthday last year. I was planning to watch it on the cheap at Nova, but ended up watching Midnight in Paris with an old co-worker instead. :\ I'll have to add both to my list, as well as the Chaser. I feel like I have to have the right frame of mind when watching movies like that.
I forgot that this was happening:eek: Awesome to the max!

Cool story: I've never listened to metallica, but I had a pair of metallica converse that I wore to uni. Every now and then, a random person in a tut would notice and go "metallica fan eh? rad!", and I would respond "errr no, my mum bought me these cos she thought the lightning streaks were cool".....and that's how I made friends at uni!! well, 3 of them anyway lol.

What. Go and listen to master of puppets right now. Now.
I feel like the thread is moving particularly fast today.

Is that the remote village war movie one? I haven't looked into Korean cinema much since the end of high school when I was prepping myself for Monash (only uni in the state that offered Korean). I didn't end up going there, so my interest in it fell off, but I should get back into it. Back then, if I asked a certain classmate, they'd recommend the films I mentioned, and if I asked another, they'd lend me things like My Sassy Girl, Windstruck and My Tutor Friend. I'm sure there's lots of movies in between those two extremes I'd enjoy if I had the time. (Blu-ray backlog is massive. :\ )

Yeah that's the one :D You were thinking about doing Korean then? I should probably watch more Korean cinema, I must be the only chick in my Korean class that doesn't watch an insane amount of dramas.

What. Go and listen to master of puppets right now. Now.

Oh I do like that.


Fine. Just irritating that people feel comfortable talking shit and pushing it as if their opinion is fact. I have no issues with someone disagreeing with me as long as they are openminded enough to believe that they might not know every detail imaginable about something.

Also if it is a Win7 tablet wouldn't it have another set of apps for Win7 platform stuff? If you are booting into Android then maybe you would get quite a few false negatives trying to run apps and might have to Google around for a forum of people somewhere trying to do the same thing. 99% of stuff runs perfect on the Touchpad, which I am assuming is vastly inferior tech-wise to your WinPad. Might just need something to rejigger it.
Um, just reading that Carmack thread (not even the whole thing, just the first 10-20 posts) I really, honestly do not get the pure hate some people are showing. One or two get it right but everyone just seems to be paying out. Dude's a certified genioos.

Opinion noted.

And the Win7/Android thing, I've put ICS on there but it says "Platform not supported: AMD_Brazos" (because it's the Brazos ICS build). You might be right though, probably just needs some tweaking to the image so it's detected as something else (or had a specific module or some shit to utilise the GPU). I expect (hope) some tablet-specific Windows games come out soon, because majority are fiddly as shit. Even World of Goo which I messed around with on the train home.


It killed me not being able to really talk about the mounds of crap she went through at uni, but it wasn't my info to give. ("Chip on her shoulder" fucking bullshit)
Who said chip on her what what?

Edit: And way, way too fucking fast. I can't follow half the convos that are going on (look how many times I've posted a question about being updated re: topic of the minute) and reptile's posts about bargains? Ehhh, forget about it!

Speaking of which, Myst is ultra cheap on GOG right now. Get into it, everyone. I haven't played it before, though, so it could well be a giant turd.

Edit: Thanks, shan. Cheers!

I just dive into whatever is being discussed when I read the thread. But yeah, seems to move pretty fast these days, more AusGAFers? Or am I just getting old?
Man, whatever boat you're in, I'm sitting next to you in the aisle seat. I can't keep up either :(

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
In the first year of my games degree, I learned quickly to stay quiet in the face of male-heavy classrooms. I was never welcome; one guy said that this was a degree for hardcore gamers, and that I didn’t belong here, obviously being a player of the Sims or Farmville. In one of my very first classes, a guy raised his hand and said to the female tutor: “Hey, can we get a guy teaching this class?” I was always last choice for group projects, because nobody ever assumed a girl could know anything about games. Things got thornier when I tried to protest their stupid opinions of women’s abilities to play, develop, or analyse games. My gender was always used against me to shoot me down. “Nobody else has a problem,” they would respond. “Is it that time of month?” “You’re overreacting.” “You have an opinion, that’s so cute. Now get back in the kitchen.” From even more obnoxious classmates: “God, you’re a crazy bitch.”

I don't see why she'd lie about any of this, but it's so bizarre. I've never seen anything like this. Nothing even close to this.
I knew a few guys doing a computer design course at Deakin (I know) that would make similar remarks. Never got to see if they would say it to a girls face though. Not sure if a few of them could handle the eye contact actually. Most of them were fun guys though! I got the impression that they just played WoW all day.

Who said chip on her what what?

Edit: And way, way too fucking fast. I can't follow half the convos that are going on (look how many times I've posted a question about being updated re: topic of the minute) and reptile's posts about bargains? Ehhh, forget about it!.
You also linked to the worst part of The Late Show! Mick Molloy is just as terrible now as he was back then, I always thought he was the dead weight tying them down.
Also because I didn't get to watch The Late Show until Frontline/The Panel due to being a screaming blob in a nappy at the time.

Bargains? Spend $50 get $25 off at The ICONIC which I assume will excite fashionable types like Salazar. Also those SSD's that you love oh so much are on special locally, 120GB - $125, 240GB - $235, 480GB - $475 posted for Sandisk Extreme SSD from Memory City.


flip the sexes and the same occurs in some marketing classes @ uni where female is 98%

YMMV, I asked my girlfriend about this. She is on the cusp of finishing (2 subjects to go) her IT degree (majoring in software development), and she hasn't once encountered something she can comfortably attribute to sexism. It 'may' help that she is one of best students in the faculty (maybe the best?), she is currently sitting on a 7GPA after 26 units, never got less than a 7, she actually gets upset if she is in the low 90's for a unit lol. I am so proud of her :D


I feel like the thread is moving particularly fast today.

Yeah that's the one :D You were thinking about doing Korean then? I should probably watch more Korean cinema, I must be the only chick in my Korean class that doesn't watch an insane amount of dramas.
My previous post is 5 or 6 pages back now.. And yeah I was. I had told myself that I'd try and do an Asian language at uni, since it was further away from English than European languages. I figured the guidance and structure of classes would be of better use in that situation. I was tossing up between Japanese and Korean (ruled out Mandarin because the presenter at the Chinese info session said that even if you did all your electives in Chinese, you still wouldn't be competent if you started from scratch) and decided on Korean because the writing system looked less scary. Ended up going to a uni that offered Japanese, but not Korean, so I did that instead. I did it for two semesters and then quit. I probably didn't have the dedication for it, but it seemed to be tailored to all the Chinese students who took it up. I remember one time our teacher put up a map and started pointing at random places and asked students to tell her what they were. Everybody was getting them right, not because they actually knew it in Japanese, but just because they could read the Kanji, haha.

I just dive into whatever is being discussed when I read the thread. But yeah, seems to move pretty fast these days, more AusGAFers? Or am I just getting old?
I come in here to post about AFL sometimes because nobody seems to wanna post in the official thread. :\ Other than that, I lurk sometimes. I've got this thread (or an incarnation of) to thank for getting me into Kooka's. :) Do they sell anything besides (choc-)raspberry at Safeway in Melbourne Metro?
Um, just reading that Carmack thread (not even the whole thing, just the first 10-20 posts) I really, honestly do not get the pure hate some people are showing. One or two get it right but everyone just seems to be paying out. Dude's a certified genioos.

The thing that got me about that thread was that it was about the one negative thing he said. It's just classic GAF at the moment. Everything sucks and the world is about to end in flames.

The interesting part of what he said was the AR glasses stuff. That could either be a game changer or a massive flop. And in the light of that (dodgy looking) Microsoft document it shows more than one person is thinking about this as the future of gaming. Also google i guess


I don't see why she'd lie about any of this, but it's so bizarre. I've never seen anything like this. Nothing even close to this.

The history of humanities teaching at UQ has some anecdotes in it worthy of a misogyny hall of fame/shame.
My previous post is 5 or 6 pages back now.. And yeah I was. I had told myself that I'd try and do an Asian language at uni, since it was further away from English than European languages. I figured the guidance and structure of classes would be of better use in that situation. I was tossing up between Japanese and Korean (ruled out Mandarin because the presenter at the Chinese info session said that even if you did all your electives in Chinese, you still wouldn't be competent if you started from scratch) and decided on Korean because the writing system looked less scary. Ended up going to a uni that offered Japanese, but not Korean, so I did that instead. I did it for two semesters and then quit. I probably didn't have the dedication for it, but it seemed to be tailored to all the Chinese students who took it up. I remember one time our teacher put up a map and started pointing at random places and asked students to tell her what they were. Everybody was getting them right, not because they actually knew it in Japanese, but just because they could read the Kanji, haha.

Yeah, I think a lot of people find that frustrating. They tend to excel faster than non-kanji backround students as well, because they don't have to learn to write again. The Chinese background students probably account for 60% of the class, or they did for my classes, thus why the classes are tailored or toward them I suppose. At my uni Chinese and Korean are divided into speaking and writing classes, and I really wish they'd do that for Japanese as well. We did have one super strict teacher who was really picky about kanji. Chinese stroke order? fail.

What?! I need to change my major to marketing now.

If you go into Korean you'll find the same thing (90/10), though Japanese is more like a 60/40 split (if you're still tossing up which language to learn :p).


And you're not sharing said anecdotes because...?

Because it would be enormously stupid of me.

The main thing, aside from particular instances, is the way that successful male academics who outgrow the pond get buttered up with professorships and chairs at research hubs (anything, anything, please stay) whereas female academics have to leave to get commensurate treatment.


The thing that got me about that thread was that it was about the one negative thing he said. It's just classic GAF at the moment. Everything sucks and the world is about to end in flames.

The interesting part of what he said was the AR glasses stuff. That could either be a game changer or a massive flop. And in the light of that (dodgy looking) Microsoft document it shows more than one person is thinking about this as the future of gaming. Also google i guess
The GB interview was great. I actually felt a little bad for Carmack having to wrap it up because you can see he'd talk about it for hours if he had the chance. And even given my reputation (rightly so, I might add) of having a horrible attention span, I'd listen to all of it.
Made an excellent point, about how you don't *really* need to have super-high res images to convey a 3D world, you need to focus more on a rapid refresh rate.
He's clearly clued-up as fuck. Mucho respect to the dude.

You also linked to the worst part of The Late Show! Mick Molloy is just as terrible now as he was back then, I always thought he was the dead weight tying them down.
Also because I didn't get to watch The Late Show until Frontline/The Panel due to being a screaming blob in a nappy at the time.

Bargains? Spend $50 get $25 off at The ICONIC which I assume will excite fashionable types like Salazar. Also those SSD's that you love oh so much are on special locally, 120GB - $125, 240GB - $235, 480GB - $475 posted for Sandisk Extreme SSD from Memory City.
Fuck, I completely forgot (and fully had the intention of) mentioning the Sandisk Extreme SSD being the one that I have. Can vouch for it being awesome, because it is. And I've heard some slightly suss things about Memory City from a work colleague, but it's no big deal as that particular SSD is only a few bucks more to buy locally at a B&M store. No problem!

Also, worst bit? Tony fucking Martin, dude. And I was talking about the "genioos" bit. Couldn't use that word and link to anything else on there :p


This thread moves super fast when you can't post to it at work.

And Judith Lucy was the worst, the WORST part of The Late Show.

Because she was a girl and girls aren't funny right guys hahahah

Don't ban me


I already said this in ausgaf yesterday steam chat. But how would ausgaf feel if I bought my dad along for the melbgaf meet-up?

He's in his 40s - is a computer geek, plays video games, works in I.T, skateboards etc.

Might get a response from him personally about this on sunday :p


Yeah, I think a lot of people find that frustrating. They tend to excel faster than non-kanji backround students as well, because they don't have to learn to write again. The Chinese background students probably account for 60% of the class, or they did for my classes, thus why the classes are tailored or toward them I suppose. At my uni Chinese and Korean are divided into speaking and writing classes, and I really wish they'd do that for Japanese as well. We did have one super strict teacher who was really picky about kanji. Chinese stroke order? fail.

If you go into Korean you'll find the same thing (90/10), though Japanese is more like a 60/40 split (if you're still tossing up which language to learn :p).
Yeah, I suppose if that's the demographic you're dealing with, then that's the way it should go. At the beginning, I was 'drawing' kanji and was getting laughed at because I had no idea how to do strokes. First semester was alright. Hiragana in one week, sure. Katakana the next, sure. Handful of kanji per week for the rest of semester, alright. Second sem, over a dozen (15-20?) a week?? We took two sems to cover the same textbook another uni did in three, and we barely covered any kanji in the first. It was just an elective for me, and my priorities were elsewhere. I'm surprised I didn't completely fail that subject now that I look back.

On the other end of the spectrum, my sister's doing Japanese in high school at the moment. Three years (two and a half) into it, and she still hasn't completed learning katakana. :lol

What?! I need to change my major to marketing now.
You should have done (Accounting/)Finance at my uni. I remember one of my tutes had about 20 students. Me and another guy, and the rest were girls. Be heaven for you if you're into Asians.


Man, that England v Ukraine match highlights yet another reason FIFA (or whoever) needs to implement a video referee.

True, but a tournament where Russia, Poland and Ukraine all get kicked out in the group stage is a beautiful thing. Only thing missing is Qatar being invited to Euro then kicked out before the groups.


Wait, who is currently ausgaf banned?

markot I didnt know about. Danoss and death jr I did.

Did markot make another joke about germany?


This thread moves super fast when you can't post to it at work.

And Judith Lucy was the worst, the WORST part of The Late Show.

Because she was a girl and girls aren't funny right guys hahahah

Don't ban me
She's the worst part of anything she's in.

We'll never get a Geo Wars 3 or PGR5 but tripe like that still gets pushed out. I hope it's as well received (football pun HIYOOO) as BMX XXX.


I agree with #1 but #2 is obviously wrong because Jane Kennedy was cool.
Yeah I was deliberately being facetious :) Jane was tops. Judith's deadpan, overly downbeat delivery made me feel like I was in some university beat poetry recital and God help me I hate those people.
Was offside in the build up. Swings and roundabouts.
I didn't spot the offside (and neither did the British commentators) but many of the players thought it was a Ukraine goal. Ultimately wouldn't have made any difference to the group results, but even so...
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