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AusGAF 6 - Ricki Lee is awful. Everything else about Australia is AMAZING [Free hugs]

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I would be happy for next gen consoles (well, developers mainly but you know what I mean) to target 60FPS and 720p rather than sacrifice FPS for higher resolution
Lots of people complaining that the show "the shire" is going to ruin sutherland shire's image and make it look sleazy. lol, a bit late for that eh.
I dunno.

720P in 2013/14 sounds pretty disappointing to me, even if it was at 60fps.

Most of the stuff isn't even 720p at a solid 30fps this generation yet. Hell, Ridge Racer 6 on PS3 is the best example of what I want. Even something like Mass Effect feels so much better with a higher frame rate.
Saved one of these from the wrath of female train commuters this morning.


Who knew people could be so scared of something that harmless looking.

One of those was living in my hair when I was going to my girlfriend's 19th party from the train to Collins St. I freaked out when I realised it was there and my friends didn't tell me. I felt bad after.

Why is everyone getting jury duty but me?


I'm not!


For anyone wanting to play Dota 2, four of us have been playing from around 7PM the past few nights.

Feel free to come into Steam chat and join in.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Last time I resubbed I had to go to EB and get a card to mail away from them, I couldn't sign up on the spot so I assume it is the same with the website now too. It is just one of those pull off postcards.

I ended up biting the $10 bullet (I assumed EB no longer sold subs at all, but an extra 80-odd cents a month is nothing), though it doesn't show up under "Active Subscriptions" -- probably because I closed the window after the PayPal payment processed, instead of clicking the redirect link. I've sent off an e-mail.


Wow @ the Mass Effect 3 ending uproar.

Got to be up there with the love/hate drama over MGS4, Skyward Sword and Heavy Rain.

Probably even worse since everyone seems to hate it and Amazon didnt offer refunds for the other 3.
Wow @ the Mass Effect 3 ending uproar.

Got to be up there with the love/hate drama over MGS4, Skyward Sword and Heavy Rain.

Probably even worse since everyone seems to hate it and Amazon didnt offer refunds for the other 3[/B.

Implying they are offering refunds because gamers didn't like the ending? Fuck gamers. It's nobody's fault. Gamers are such fucking sooks, seriously. Boo fucking hoo the ending sucked in your opinion. Doesn't mean you deserve refunds. You paid for it, it's a creative work. Suck it up.


Implying they are offering refunds because gamers didn't like the ending? Fuck gamers. It's nobody's fault. Gamers are such fucking sooks, seriously. Boo fucking hoo the ending sucked in your opinion. Doesn't mean you deserve refunds. You paid for it, it's a creative work. Suck it up.

No one asked Amazon to refund the game. They chose to do it of their own volition. If you're just reading the sensationalist "entitled gamers" articles floating around on gaming websites such as IGN you are missing a lot of the argument. Most of the posters on GAF (lookin' at you hamchan) have been really measured in their criticism after the initial shock.

So no, I dispute the fact that "gamers" are sooks. Because you're lumping me in that category. I feel I have a right to complain about something that was shitty, especially after the PR campaign that went before (which I won't go into here because of potential spoilers).

EDIT: As a side-note I've never seen GAF agree so much on something, haha.


Seriously amazon is doing refunds?

Policy to refund for pretty much anything. Amazon is lax on refunds

Implying they are offering refunds because gamers didn't like the ending? Fuck gamers. It's nobody's fault. Gamers are such fucking sooks, seriously. Boo fucking hoo the ending sucked in your opinion. Doesn't mean you deserve refunds. You paid for it, it's a creative work. Suck it up.

Dude. The ending fucking sucks.

I don't want a refund or anything but seriously that ending fucking sucked


Seriously amazon is doing refunds?

According to the thread in gaming, yes. Dunno why or how widespread.

Implying they are offering refunds because gamers didn't like the ending? Fuck gamers. It's nobody's fault. Gamers are such fucking sooks, seriously. Boo fucking hoo the ending sucked in your opinion. Doesn't mean you deserve refunds. You paid for it, it's a creative work. Suck it up.

This. It's a gamble you take with any form of entertainment. Buy a shit book, find out later you dont like it. Tough. Buy a bad CD? Deal with it. See a shit film at the cinema? Either walk out and lose your money or stay and get some amusement out of how bad it is (eg The Core and exploding pigeon chaos).

Same deal with a game? Don't like it? Sell it, trade it, incinerate it, or in some case return it for a refund. But just because you dont like it doesnt mean you should automatically deserve refunds.

Be angry at the reviewers who gave it 10/10 though.


Is the ending really that bad? Please don't spoil, I plan to play 2 and 3 soon.

From what I've read people have been getting pretty different stories and endings.


Stories, yes.
Endings, no.

Jambo, shut your ears and eyes and play them games

I don't have much time atm.

I'm either up at the gf's, at work or playing Skyrim and Minecraft.

Plus I just got that LEGO Tower Bridge set so I've been building that as well.



IRC: KritzM__: Got told by my tutor, in regards to my cel-shading knockoff, that "if everything looks as bad as that on an artistic level at least it will look intentional"
IRC: KritzM__: So that's cool
Choc: LOL
IRC: KritzM__: He doesn't like me
Choc: y
IRC: KritzM__: Because I never moisten him


[15:35:04] <KritzM__> Got told by my tutor, in regards to my cel-shading knockoff, that "if everything looks as bad as that on an artistic level at least it will look intentional"
[15:35:23] <KritzM__> So that's cool
[15:35:32] <Steam> 07Choc: LOL
[15:35:39] <KritzM__> He doesn't like me
[15:35:52] <Steam> 07Choc: y
[15:36:27] <KritzM__> Because I never moisten him

EDIT: foiled!
So my Touchpad refuses to go online. Keeps bringing up 'no internet connection' while it is still seeing my router perfectly fine. Sometimes the router drops out to 'not in range' randomly even though I am 50cm away and every other device connects fine.

Seriously amazon is doing refunds?
Origin too apparently. Could be bullplop though.

Be angry at the reviewers who gave it 10/10 though.
That would be like getting angry at monkeys for flinging their poop at you with a shit eating grin.



The NDA specifically mentions you can't mention the ending

thats why the reviews DIDNT MENTION THE ENDING

hence, it was not reviewed, based on the ending.

just saying, thats why reviewers didnt shit all over, the ending

edit: if someone leaked the NDA onto the net, it would explain a lot of the reviews

The NDA specifically mentions you can't mention the ending

thats why the reviews DIDNT MENTION THE ENDING

hence, it was not reviewed, based on the ending.

just saying, thats why reviewers didnt shit all over, the ending

edit: if someone leaked the NDA onto the net, it would explain a lot of the reviews

What was stopping them dropping a point then?


well the media actually is not supposed to be talking about the ending

the point
past where you attack the illusive mans base is banned from media discussion

last weeks bombcast shat on that tho haha :)

but yes defending it outside reviews is a bit stupid. Reptile, people always want justification why a ponit was dropped, like public people

if you cant tell them why, can you drop the point? this is the problem games media has


the NDAs they have is a publication date, not content.


So my Touchpad refuses to go online. Keeps bringing up 'no internet connection' while it is still seeing my router perfectly fine. Sometimes the router drops out to 'not in range' randomly even though I am 50cm away and every other device connects fine.
Reboot yer router. I've had nasty network issues resolved by removing (and reconnecting, duh) the power plug to one of my switches.


well the media actually is not supposed to be talking about the ending

the point
past where you attack the illusive mans base is banned from media discussion

last weeks bombcast shat on that tho haha :)

but yes defending it outside reviews is a bit stupid. Reptile, people always want justification why a ponit was dropped, like public people

if you cant tell them why, can you drop the point? this is the problem games media has


the NDAs they have is a publication date, not content.

How can they stop them talking about it once the game is out?


How can they stop them talking about it once the game is out?

well, the nda's have no expiry date, so technically they never expire, but its never enforced obviously.

but, if you read down the line, they are not supposed to.

fred: it doesnt say 'reviews before x date' it says 'reviews'

so in the REVIEW of the game, you cannot mention endings.

PA's article is not a review. EA still may consider it a breach, but unlikely to follow up on it.


fred: it doesnt say 'reviews before x date' it says 'reviews'

so in the REVIEW of the game, you cannot mention endings.
Someone who buys a game off the shelf didn't sign an NDA, so they can mention whatever they want. Any review published after the game is out could be based on a retail game, so surely those can all mention the ending.
Publishers will still get pissy though Fred and blacklist them.

Reptile, people always want justification why a ponit was dropped, like public people

if you cant tell them why, can you drop the point? this is the problem games media has


the NDAs they have is a publication date, not content.
I agree it is stupid to have these NDA's as they exist only to stop bad publicity which is a stupid thing to force on the media which is meant to be neutral. Means every review isn't a review. It is bent to be an advertisement.

Also reviewers withhold information from gamers all the time, publishers ask them to do it! Why would withholding why you gave Mass Effect 3 a 9 instead of a 10 be a big deal when you are also withholding the fact that your PS3 readers get a shit version of Skyrim that turns into a slideshow once you hit 40 hours?

Reboot yer router. I've had nasty network issues resolved by removing (and reconnecting, duh) the power plug to one of my switches.
That did the trick. Again. Had to do it yesterday too. Hope it isn't going to be a 6 hourly thing, every other device is fine.


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
Nintendo America does the same, you can only talk about this game up until this point. Kid Icarus Uprising reviews from US sources all have 'We'll update this review when we can talk about the game more'.

If it happened to me, I wouldn't review the game from a publisher.


Someone who buys a game off the shelf didn't sign an NDA, so they can mention whatever they want. Any review published after the game is out could be based on a retail game, so surely those can all mention the ending.

yeah but you wont get retail code early ever again :)
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