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AusGAF 7 - We hang out IRL now and be social and shit. (Also, Adrian's Revenge)

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Man that sucks about Liverpool. They've always done such good work. I hope someone picks them up. Poor guys. Also poor wipEout.

Also how have I ignored fall of cybertron for so long? I mean metroplex? Bruticus? It's like full moon raided my dreams. Actually my dreams would have had Omega Supreme not metroplex, but still I am immediately hyped
Talent will be broken up, but fine. BigBig seemed to have scattered okay. Sucks about the Bizarre staffers who ended up at Sony Liverpool :/

Do you think anyone migh buy the license to make Wipeout? Square Enix?

Nope. Sony will hang onto it until the middle of next generation and reboot it in a more modern style, something more along the lines of Forza but futuristic.

Otherwise why the fuck would they can PS4 Wipeout that they had already spent 12 months on? Rather than dump the studio they would have put it up for sale after going in and saying that 10 people a week are going to be "relocated" until finally they sell the remains and the IP they don't want. Sony have a habit of sitting on quality IP though if you look at the CUBIC FUCKTON of awesome games the Psygnosis made before they got bought to survive.




Its worth reading the grcade thread on the studio closure. Seems like a few more people in the know there, and they broke the story.

In other news, I always loved the WO series. Ive never been good at FZero, and GX kicks my arse. Some reason, WO has clicked with me, and Pulse was especially excellent too.

Just think; no more colony wars, g police, wipeout ....

Fuck sake sony.
If they were working on next gen titles I'd say MS or Nintendo would take a looksie. No point in letting talent go to waste.
You'd think it'd gave to be Microsoft. Nintendo already has their futuristic racer game with F-zero. It'd be a great play on Microsoft's behalf, especialy considering their dwindling first party studios. Which is probably why they won't even consider it.


Just saw the interview of Abbott with Leigh Sales.

She totally cornered him on every single issue.

he will never ever be on 730 report again unless uhlman is questioning him.

About time a journalist grew a spine and demanded answers from him.

Dead Man

Just saw the interview of Abbott with Leigh Sales.

She totally cornered him on every single issue.

he will never ever be on 730 report again unless uhlman is questioning him.

About time a journalist grew a spine and demanded answers from him.

She made me question my manhood, in the best ways possible. My respect for her has shot through the roof. There had been a few opinion pieces on the ABC site saying Abbott was getting a free run, Barrie Cassidy wrote one, can't remember the other. Seems the honeymoon might be over and political reporters may actually do their job again.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I post less at the moment because uni is in full swing and I'm getting way more hours at work, and now I only have spare time to play games rather than talk about them a ridiculous amount, but this just in: Amnesia was, like, sick.


Just saw the interview of Abbott with Leigh Sales.

She totally cornered him on every single issue.

he will never ever be on 730 report again unless uhlman is questioning him.

About time a journalist grew a spine and demanded answers from him.

Pretty sure that before this interview Abbott hasn't been on 7.30 since the "Don't believe everything I say unless you get it in writing" moment. He is spectacular at avoiding the media and not answering questions. He was on Insiders once this year and I think that's about it for interviews this year aside from press conferences where he doesn't answer questions.


I still can't get over he went on 730 to talk about the BHP statement, yet hadn't read the statement itself.



He didnt need to read it, he knew what it said, probably, "Gillard killed us. She smiles as we die. Carbon tax evil. Abbot ftwww... and then it cut off"


After each time he got challenged on the stupid things he said, he immediately resorted to his slogans. The guy is an intellectual lightweight.


After each time he got challenged on the stupid things he said, he immediately resorted to his slogans. The guy is an intellectual lightweight.

I doubt there is much intellectual rigor to theology... and he wanted to become a priest.

Pretty much sums him up for me >.<



Oh my, some of the comments:

It&#8217;s a strategy of putting &#8220;strong&#8221; women in adversarial episodes with Abbott in order to exploit the &#8220;he has a problem with women&#8221; angle. Abbott was loving it and Leigh looked ridiculous.
The left have become a parody of themselves - They have nothing left!

komrade Leigh came VERY close to losing control of herself I feel.

To varying degrees, this performance has been the norm in our socialist media ever since 1972, and getting steadily worse since then.

Apart from highlighting Sales obvious bias and hysterical behaviour, the interview really bought home the fact the Abbott does not have a problem with women.
Maintaining his cool the way he did during that interview while Sales lost her temper was most impressive.

Make... it... stop...


At this stage, the right in this country is one step away from an anti-fluoride campaign.

They are absolutely nuts if Bolt is their representative mouthpiece.


Oh my, some of the comments:


Make... it... stop...

lol. Yes of course a conspiracy orchestrated by komrade Leigh. It's not like other politicians don't dodge questions, Gillard does it, but Abbott is the worst I've seen. He has sound bite slogans and that's about it.


lol. Yes of course a conspiracy orchestrated by komrade Leigh. It's not like other politicians don't dodge questions, Gillard does it, but Abbott is the worst I've seen. He has sound bite slogans and that's about it.

Every politician does it, that's nothing new. But very few have the gall to go on a tirade against their opponent for ignoring questions immediately after ignoring 5 minutes worth of questions (and being pulled up on it each time).


Maybe Abbott's daughters and the chief of staff he is surreptitiously bouncing can be saved. The man himself must go. Into space/underground/anywhere.


It would be swell if a silent order of Monks invited him to join their exclusive order, hidden away in the mountains of France.

That way he gets what he wants, and we don't get him.
The man himself must go. Into space/underground/anywhere.
They need better photoshop people working on newspapers.

all it needs is the caption "They said I could be anything. So I became a plane."


He's a financial analyst, of course he's looking for the profit maximisation options. He's not out for gamer interests you know.


He's a financial analyst, of course he's looking for the profit maximisation options. He's not out for gamer interests you know.

I know that, he has only ever been a mouthpiece for the industry.

That still doesn't excuse him from being called an idiot for making stupid statements.

Or is that part and parcel of what financial analysts are good at doing? ie intellectual lightweights like theology students?


Giving anybody anything for free, and then them beginning to expect it for free, is pretty much the definition of entitlement from a profit-minded seller's perspective. I mean entitlement in the non-pejorative sense here.


Giving anybody anything for free, and then them beginning to expect it for free, is pretty much the definition of entitlement from a profit-minded seller's perspective. I mean entitlement in the non-pejorative sense here.

But theyre not giving it for free in many cases. Lots of games are already subscription based or run on subscription services like XBox Live. The cost of the game also includes the full cost of development, and presumably (assuming the finance departments are doing their job) a proportion of that pays for the online function.

Add to that the fact the vast majority of (console) online games are run via p2p, PC games are often run on ISP hosted servers, not all games are ever connected to play online, and there are already cost-recouping exercises in place with online passes, it makes me begin to wonder who exactly is the 'entitled' one. And in this instance, I do mean in the pejorative sense.


I would hazard a guess that from Pachter's perspective those consumer costs don't matter for a number of reasons.

1) The 'worth' of cost-of-game sales remains nebulous in the minds of consumers and, if the market is ready to support additional charges on online functionality, then profit-minded corporations would be fools not to exploit it [in the short-term, anyway].

2) Most additional costs, with the exception of subscription fees and online passes, don't flow to the publisher but rather to additional third parties (Microsoft, ISPs, etc) that aren't publishers.

I mean, everything he's saying makes complete sense from a corporate perspective. Corporate society has always been and will always be a war between what companies desire to charge for and what consumers are willing to bear. You're right in that I think F2P is probably a more likely future than charging for multiplayer; I don't really think the market would support that.

Please don't take this as a defence of corporate culture; simply given the unequal power relationships and the refusal/inability of consumers to utilise their only real form of power, aggregate buying trends, this kind of thing is a natural conclusion.


there are community blu rays wat


/edit oh blu ray community isn't actually available yet

I really need to get a blu ray drive my computer
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