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AusGAF 7 - We hang out IRL now and be social and shit. (Also, Adrian's Revenge)

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Shaneus, unless you missed it from my post, if you are playing Walking Dead with a controller you cannot invert your y axis (unless they have patched it since I played it).

If this is a deal breaker for you, beware.
Do I look like a cunt to you? There's no way in hell I'd use an inverted axis.

Actually, I can never remember whether I do or not. I'm pretty sure I just leave it as default for whatever game I'm playing and adjust accordingly.


I never liked the K&D one... it's just that the original is such an awesome fucking party track that I know all the words to, it just sounds weird to hear such a downtempo one. Not to say it's shit, it isn't. Just not my cup o' Russian Caravan, if you know what I mean.

Wow, someone else who drinks Russian Caravan? What is this? Everyone at my work that drinks tea thinks that the Blue Label crap from Bushels is good. Russian Caravan ftw.

Also, what is wrong with you people? Inverting controls? Never invert controls, it never works out well. I also heard it's for noobs.
Fired up Dear Esther the other week, handed the wife the mouse, told her to look up, she moved the mouse towards her.

Married the right person.


All old-school gamers invert the Y axis, only new wave gamers think pushing forward is a legit way of looking up.

Pulling back on a surfboard/skateboard/snowboard always tilts up, so I cannot fathom how pushing forward to lift is natural to anyone but each to their own. What natural examples of pushing forward to go up are there? I can think of plenty of pulling back to lift examples.


Pulling back on a surfboard/skateboard/snowboard always tilts up, so I cannot fathom how pushing forward to lift is natural to anyone but each to their own. What natural examples of pushing forward to go up are there? I can think of plenty of pulling back to lift examples.

The counter argument is that people think that the on screen cursor is just the mouse pointer. Which I can understand, but not implement.


Pulling back on a surfboard/skateboard/snowboard always tilts up, so I cannot fathom how pushing forward to lift is natural to anyone but each to their own. What natural examples of pushing forward to go up are there? I can think of plenty of pulling back to lift examples.
Mouse cursor.


The counter argument is that people think that the on screen cursor is just the mouse pointer. Which I can understand, but not implement.
I also think maybe inverted people think of it as looking by moving your head, whereas non-inverts are looking with their eyes. It's probably mainly just cross-hair = mouse cursor though.


I think for me it was probably the mouse cursor thing.

I haven't played any flight sims in a while, but I think I used to invert in them...
All old-school gamers invert the Y axis, only new wave gamers think pushing forward is a legit way of looking up.
I've been playing FPS games since the first one that ever offered mouselook, and I've never inverted.

Then again, I much preferred keyboard control to mouselook in Marathon anyway (using the arrow keys to move and Z and X to strafe left and right respectively).


I've been playing FPS games since the first one that ever offered mouselook,

What game was that?

I think people who invert in FPS conceptualise themselves as the protagonist in the game and move the characters head accordingly, whereas non-inverters conceptualise themselves as the tip of the gun and move the tip of the gun instead.
Pulling back on a surfboard/skateboard/snowboard always tilts up, so I cannot fathom how pushing forward to lift is natural to anyone but each to their own. What natural examples of pushing forward to go up are there? I can think of plenty of pulling back to lift examples.

I'm playing as the character, not the camera!

If that's the reason you invert the Y axis, do you invert the X as well?


I'm playing as the character, not the camera!

If that's the reason you invert the Y axis, do you invert the X as well?

No, cause turning left you would tilt board/head left, back left looks up left. I guess I see the controls (Y / X) as ways to tilt your head, from the neck, rather than ways to move your eyes. I relate it to flight, surfing, I guess. Motion, like in a boat if I wanted to cut left and up a wave I would tilt the controls back/left to ascend the wave that way (forward left would be a nosedive).

Basically I see my neck/head as the thumbstick, and a mouse simulates that when I use one. I can see how people use mouse as a pointer or thumbstick as their eyes. Just different ways of immersing ourselves.


All old-school gamers invert the Y axis, only new wave gamers think pushing forward is a legit way of looking up.

I have been gaming since the Atari 2600, I assume that puts me in the "old-school" category and I hate inverted, never use it unless I have to except for flight sims.


PAX East 2013 3 day pass got this morning! Time to start planning my US trip in March. Think it's going to go Washington DC, Orlando (Disneyworld with my niece and nephew!!), Boston and Vegas.

This is a good time to start hyping up the inevitable AusGaf meetup at PAX Aus in July next year too.



Maybe I should have specified old school PC gamers, I think you'll find the vast majority of them use inverted.


My first gaming experiences on a PC was on an 8086.
My first own PC was a 286 with 1MB of RAM, which I upgraded to 4MB and put a Soundblaster 8bit in and have been PC gaming ever since.

Some people, maybe a lot, just don't like it.


haha, it just never felt right to me, in a flying machine it does but feels very unnatural to me inverted for an FPS

Look straight up to the ceiling/sky right now. What way did your neck/head tilt? Or did you just use your eyes?

Edit: bad example, I guess it could be seen as pulling back or pushing forward on Y axis, depending on how you see controls.......


Sorry jambo.

How's this then, on saturday I was going to download Tokyo Jungle but my CC details had expired on my PSN account and I couldn't be arsed updating them but I was really in the mood for some gaming. I thought I'd flip through the backlog and I came across Red Dead Redemption for PS3 - unplayed. I have bought it when it came out and never played it then forgot about.

Needless to say I spent every waking minute of saturday and sunday playing it, fuck it's amazing. Can't believe I had it sitting there so long and it's so damn good.


Do you think someone's muscle memory can be changed by a simple revelation?

No, I'm just providing examples of how I see it. And why I find non inverted perplexing when people say they are playing the character. I always think of the controls as head movement in FPS and this was the best example I could come up with to flesh out my perspective.


Sorry jambo.

I don't actually care, I was just celebrating the fact that we can say cunt again =P Plus I understand that people like different controller styles, but I don't get this back and forth thing of "more people did it," "no, most people didn't" and then pointing out old games and what their defaults were.

How's this then, on saturday I was going to download Tokyo Jungle but my CC details had expired on my PSN account and I couldn't be arsed updating them but I was really in the mood for some gaming. I thought I'd flip through the backlog and I came across Red Dead Redemption for PS3 - unplayed. I have bought it when it came out and never played it then forgot about.

Needless to say I spent every waking minute of saturday and sunday playing it, fuck it's amazing. Can't believe I had it sitting there so long and it's so damn good.

I still have a copy of RDR that I got super cheap from an online store, I think maybe OzGameShop. I've only ever played about 30 minutes of it, I should get around it fixing that. I would've played it if it had've come out on PC, but alas =[


I want a tag give me a tag
I'm playing as the character, not the camera!

If that's the reason you invert the Y axis, do you invert the X as well?

some one once told me to think of it as if you look up, you tilt your head back.

edit: quote post do work for a hwile come back and you're old news


Also Jambo you might want to edit that

It's all good, we can say cunt again.

I still have a copy of RDR that I got super cheap from an online store, I think maybe OzGameShop. I've only ever played about 30 minutes of it, I should get around it fixing that. I would've played it if it had've come out on PC, but alas =[

Shit son, get onto that asap! It's awesome! Chasing people down and lassoing them and then leaving them on the train tracks, so many memorable moments..
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