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AusGAF 7 - We hang out IRL now and be social and shit. (Also, Adrian's Revenge)

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Goddamnit, MQ doesn't release official academic transcripts AT ALL for ANY REASON during the processing time between exams and semester 2 - and that's on the 16th, when clerkship apps have to be in by the 13th. Hoping the companies will take a letter from MQ saying so + my unofficial transcript...

Card Boy

Can you get CD2 for $10?

Don't Ebay Auctions always double in price in the last 10 seconds anyway?

I wouldn't go so far as to say double plus it also depends on the item. Its at $7.25 with postage at the moment hence why i said 10bucks to give myself some leeway.

There is a CD2 for 10bucks but i have to ask the seller about the disc condition. It just says Acceptable on the page.


Guess i will avoid Crackdown 1 and get number 2?

I was watching some reviews and from what i gathered:

* the games have no story? Literally barebones nothing. Is the story from CD2 the same as 1?
* Its the same city with updated graphics?
* Afew new toys to play with?

Does CD2 do anything worse than CD1? I'm watching an Ebay auction that is going to end in under 2hrs.

Don't do this. The first game is much better.
I seem to recall the reviews at the time saying #2 was rushed and took a few steps back.

The interesting question for me is why we automatically assume the later games in a series are by default better? Especially when the opposite is often true for film.


The interesting question for me is why we automatically assume the later games in a series are by default better? Especially when the opposite is often true for film.
It's a lot easier to recognise a good story on paper than fun game mechanics, so it's a lot easier to get a film right the first time.

Game development involving large teams is a complex process and there are of steps along the way where a mistake is recognised, but nothing can be done about it if you're going to stick to schedule. So a feature gets cut, or the framerate suffers, or some jank stays in, or whatever else. If the same team gets the financial opportunity for a sequel, they have learnt a whole lot of technical lessons from the first time that generally results in the follow up being technically better. Note that Crackdown 2 was made by a different team.

If a film gets the financial opportunity for a sequel, maybe the story isn't written yet, and suddenly there's a deadline to pull a compelling narrative around an eventuality that the original story wasn't designed for.
Not sure I'd totally buy that, at least as the reason, although I think iteration definitely is a part of it. Films have similarly large numbers of people working on them, and a good film is as as much of a miracle as a good game. Content is frequently cut from stories and revisited in sequels with films too.

I'd say it's as much down to gamers tendencies to go for the flashiest graphics (and sound, engines, etc), which are usually improved in games. There are few sequels which look worse than the games that came before them.

With film you would usually suggest someone start with the first in a series while gamers seem more likely to suggest the newest one. I just think it's interesting.


I'd say it's as much down to gamers tendencies to go for the flashiest graphics (and sound, engines, etc), which are usually improved in games. There are few sequels which look worse than the games that came before them.
I don't buy that one either. There are plenty of game sequels that look no better than their predecessors and yet play a lot better due to mechanical refinements. When you're talking about predecessors that go back to past generations, it's usually not just the visuals that are worse, but the UI, the framerate, perhaps mechanical "problems" that have since been solved and standardised.

I wasn't meaning to argue that a lot of people work on a game, therefore <my argument>. What I meant was, mechanical problems are harder to recognise on paper than script problems. Also, mechanical improvements are easier to put in a series of new levels and call it a new game, than script improvements can be put on new sets and be called a new movie. Other problems can affect both film and games, but game mechanics are really core to a videogame, and a script is core to a movie. You can tell the same story over and over in videogame sequels and no one gives a fuck.
Most of Ruffian worked on Crackdown. It is basically the first game but with Zombies at night time for grinding out your stats, unlike the first game where I never got full stats in driving :(

Plus Crackdown 2 was really rushed as Microsoft gave them really shitty terms to keep the IP alive.

They are both cool, play the first before the second.
I wasn't meaning to argue that a lot of people work on a game, therefore <my argument>. What I meant was, mechanical problems are harder to recognise on paper than script problems.
Yeah, fair enough. I think we're both saying that gamers probably feel that improvement often comes from iteration thus making later games more desirable.

Except with Crackdown 2. And Dragon Age 2.


Goddamnit, MQ doesn't release official academic transcripts AT ALL for ANY REASON during the processing time between exams and semester 2 - and that's on the 16th, when clerkship apps have to be in by the 13th. Hoping the companies will take a letter from MQ saying so + my unofficial transcript...
Just upload the most recent official one that you have for the apps, or the unofficial email one I guess. By the time you get an interview, you'll have your actual transcript with you. Marks are just used for initial screening/culling, they're not that important.


I haven't looked over my marks in ages... they're all terrible lol

Maybe I should attach this to all my applications



So if anyone's up for some internet board games, we're giving Discworld another run tonight.

How to play: Join the mumble.

We'll shoot you the link to the virtual board from there. We're starting play within the next half hour.


Wtf? Just as I was changing pages on GAF I noticed the banner ad on top had a picture of a bogan and it said 'bugger off we're full' on one side and something about banning burqas on the other and I've been hitting refresh for ages trying to see what I was about with no luck. Did I just imagine it?
I fucking hope not. If it is I'm taking myself off it asap.

If you don't, your relatives decide right? Because I've made it clear I'd prefer my organs get donated unless they have any problems (which they shouldn't, unless it gets messy like it did in that thread I guess).


Wtf? Just as I was changing pages on GAF I noticed the banner ad on top had a picture of a bogan and it said 'bugger off we're full' on one side and something about banning burqas on the other and I've been hitting refresh for ages trying to see what I was about with no luck. Did I just imagine it?

Must have been hallucinating a supermarket car park
Yessssssss one of my mates is going to pay my way to go see TDKR at the IMAX in Melbourne next Thursday. Means driving up and back in the one night but will be totally worth it! Wish I could fly up to Sydney for it but alas it clashes with some silly even on the Saturday.

Indie Game The Movie is pretty good. Blow and Team Meat are awesome and I appreciate their games much more now. Fez is still off my radar though.

Legend of Grimrock is $7.50 at GOG today! DRM free! George Broussard approved!

Organ Donation isn't a for profit business here right?
Not legally...

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I'm not sure how I felt about Indie Game: The Movie. I really liked all the Team Meat stuff, but the Phil Fish story felt kind of -- uh -- cropped and refocused to fit a very specific narrative. I really, really, really, really, really, really love the design of Braid, but I feellike Jon Blow is a little more interesting when he's talking inside baseball. I don't learn anything about him or his process from the doco.

But yeah, the Team Meat section was by far my favourite part. I really enjoyed Danielle McMillen's perspective on everything.
Fuck you Imgur, I gotta work tomorrow :(

I'm not sure how I felt about Indie Game: The Movie. I really liked all the Team Meat stuff, but the Phil Fish story felt kind of -- uh -- cropped and refocused to fit a very specific narrative. I really, really, really, really, really, really love the design of Braid, but I feellike Jon Blow is a little more interesting when he's talking inside baseball. I don't learn anything about him or his process from the doco.

But yeah, the Team Meat section was by far my favourite part. I really enjoyed Danielle McMillen's perspective on everything.

Probably the issue was that Braid was already done and dusted so Blow had kind of moved on in his thinking towards future projects and wasn't as emotionally invested as he would have been during the final days of Braid. I still really enjoyed his discussions and he came across as a great guy to talk about game design with, even if he didn't want to work in a bigger team with you.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Yeah, going into there was such a bad idea :( messed me up pretty bad last night. Organ Donation isn't a for profit business here right?

I'm fairly certain it isn't, but I won't say for sure. I think organ donation in Australia is government funded and regulated. We only have one organ donor registration database.

Our rules are pretty strict on organ donation too. Even if you sign up to the database, the authority for organ donation after death must be given by a family member. The database acts as a reference tool. Regardless of the choices you've made your family has the final word, no contest.

So if you do want to be an organ donor, don't just sign up to the database. Make sure your family and friends know too, as they'll be the ones making the call.


Seems like the same list as what I read a few days ago.

Anyways most of the indie bundles seem pretty bad, just games that add to steam games list that will never be played. The good one is day 5, only for Audiosurf, Gemini Rue and Ys.

Yep if that list is true my wallet is safe. Seriously only 1 game I would buy.


Can't stop thinking about Prometheus.

It's spectacular, a bit dumb, intense and yet a bit plodding. I'm not sure if it's amazing or contrived garbage. Uncertain if it's a body of work that will be understood within the scope of a continued series of films or whether all the information is there as a singular narrative and will reward the patient viewer.

I knew very little about the film going in and didn't care where it fit in the Alien mythos.

If I'm still thinking about it, maybe that means it's a creative success if it's still worming it's way through my brain. It could also mean that it's completely stupid if I'm having to fill in the holes myself.

Time will tell (maybe), and perhaps that was what Scott wanted.


Bought a replacement iPad. Got it in black so it feels 'newier' than my forever-lost white iPad 2.

Several weeks ago, on the realisation that I read shitloads of comics on the Comixology app, I considered getting a retina-iPad to make the most of the comics reading experience. I still probably wouldn't have bought it had my other one been stolen.

I'll go through the 'tidy up the whole house and get everything in its right place before opening your new retail therapy toy' ritual later tonight.

Negative gearing is a middle class welfare measure designed to keep property prices artificially high and spur speculation in the property market.

There are a lot of Baby Boomers out there with inadequate or non-existent savings/superannuation for retirement, which will mean a tremendous burden on the welfare system when it comes time for them to retire - something that the expected tax base will not be able to handle. The result, under normal circumstances, would be to massively restrict pension eligibility and benefits to all but the most needy and create a huge problem with elderly poverty.

Now, many of the boomers have no money, but they do have assets in the form of property. If a government were to promote growth in the price of what assets these people do have, it will mean that they can draw upon these assets in retirement and ease the burden on the taxpayer.

By allowing you to claim negative returns from leveraged property investments as deductions on your income tax, the government essentially removes the risk and subsidises your losses, but also lets you keep any profit you might make on the capital appreciation of the property without reference to losses incurred over the life of the investment.

In any other market, an asset that was purchased on credit for $50K that was later sold for $60K, generated revenues in that time of $10K but incurred interest and maintenance costs of $30K would be considered a stinker that lost you ~$10K. In a market with negative gearing, however, that same bad investment made you $10K richer. Provided your income tax bill is high enough (i.e. you are rich enough), it doesn't matter if that investment lost $100K over its life, you are still $10K richer (OK, ~$7.5K after tax) because the taxpayer absorbed your losses.

This basically encourages speculative behaviour, which drives up prices, because it allows buyers purchase not on the basis of utility, but on the expectation that prices will rise. What's worse is that to fully take advantage of it, you want to maximise your debts to do so, meaning that not only are you deliberately making bad investments, you're making bad investments that you cannot afford and all underwritten by the taxpayer.

The reason the government allows this to continue is that they expect that it will cost less in the long term to subsidise these terrible investments than to support the investors financially in retirement. It is basically a scheme where the rich and middle class are paid their retirement benefits today in the form of tax credits so that the government doesn't have to shell out actual cash to them tomorrow.

The consequences are an inflated property market and an electorate/government that has a vested interest in keeping prices high. Hence the glacial pace of land releases for development in a country with one of the lowest population densities in the world, hence the doom and gloom that happens at every lull in the property market, hence a generation of people who will never be able to afford to own their own home.

Negative gearing is almost the exact opposite of a capitalistic or free market policy. It is welfare for the rich and middle class and it is a terrible policy that unfairly shapes our economy.



So i think I had some kind of dream about AusGAF... and swimming in the ocean... like, clutching onto a pontoon or something. Man, I've been having a lot more dreams than normal lately.
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