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AusGAF 7 - We hang out IRL now and be social and shit. (Also, Adrian's Revenge)

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I suppose you'd class PCCG as a good online store? Mega had constant freezing that ended up being the fault of the video card, but PCCG refused to accept that it was at fault even after having the system for themselves to test and he ended up buying a new video card from elsewhere.
I have PCCG, Scorptec and an MSY within about 5 minutes drive of one another where I am. I've dealt with Scorptec heaps, MSY a few times and PCCG once.

PCCG are never bloody open so I just gave up trying to return the $35 worth of wrong cables I bought due to (my fault) buying the wrong ones as I didn't realise from the picture on the website they were the wrong ones.

MSY are a nightmare to return stuff. Had to bring the PC to their store to prove that it wasn't working.

Scorptec will take faulty things back no questions asked if you return it soon enough and explain to them the problem. They'll almost price match a lot, but I'm OK spending more with them. However they did give my wife grief the one time she tried to return a clearly faulty camera after I'd had an RA approved. That was unpleasant.


Yep, experience with individual vendors can vary greatly (chalk another one up for consoles). It's also fun when half your PC comes from one vendor, and the other half comes from the other! Try to convince a shop that your motherboard is faulty but the CPU was from somewhere else and, well, best of luck to you. I always recommend to newer people to buy everything from one store, even if it's possible to save a few bucks shopping around (which I do myself because I like to live on the edge).
Sorry vks, I can't take your musical opinions seriously after you said the Beach Boys were horrible.
But they are terrible. Search my feelings - you know it to be true.

I just read about some engineering students who suspended a VW Beetle from the Golden Gate bridge. That's awesome! It also makes me sad that I never did anything even nearly that cool.
It's also fun when half your PC comes from one vendor, and the other half comes from the other!
Oh yeah. In my younger days, like I'm sure a lot of us, I built entire PCs from parts obtained from shady vendors at 'PC swap markets'. Having to drive to the other side of the city just for faulty RAM changed my mind about trying to save a measly $50 on a whole PC pretty fast.


I guess it varies greatly when buying PC parts. As someone who has built for himself probably 20 PC's I have never had to RMA a part that was broken at no fault of my own (e.g. rushing a build, overclocking and other heat related issues that came about a while after installing the part) and certainly never anything DOA, at least that I can recall.

I also worked for a computer re-seller for a couple of years in my late teens and probably built ~300 computers of various configurations and the DOA parts were less than a handful (I am talking a single digit) and this is taking into consideration that we went through thousands of parts, I guess I am just lucky. Though I will say this, we did receive a number of returns of parts, and a lot of which we could attribute to user error.

Having said all that, I have gone through a bunch of RAM sticks, PSUs, a couple of motherboards and even a CPU and have experienced and fault diagnosed some of the most bizarre and fucked up situations. If you're not very PC literate (and in some cases even if you are), fault diagnosis and fixing can be an utmost pain in the ass at times and makes you just want to turn the bloody thing off (if it even turns on) and go play a console game.

When it comes to building a PC these days, it's very easy as long as you take your time with it (gone are the days of manually setting cpu voltages, multipliers, irqs etc). Do some research, take your time, use an anti-static strap, don't rush or stress, use those anti-static bags to lay your parts on, take your time and again TAKE YOUR TIME (I have broken things because I was in a rush before, try explaining to a re-seller that your motherboard CPU socket's pins were bent when you opened the box lol). But if you're at all not confident get the shop to do it, only costs a few bucks and you can have peace of mind until it breaks next :D

edit: I have to also add an advantage that you 'new' PC builders have. The Internet, there are so many guides, videos and forums for advice that if you do your homework you can build your PC with minimal stress and worry, depending on the person of course ;).


Not to pile on vks (but I have to say this because I remember thinking how crazy it was), but but worst part was that he was legitimately surprised that people actually like the Beach Boys. How do you not know that Pet Sounds is one of the most beloved albums in pop music history?


Guys I need URGENT help.

Just moved to Geraldton. Programmed the tv. We can only get all sbs and abc channels. No 10, 7, 9 at all. Normally this would be ok but choice is important.

Is Apple tv any good?


but ever so delicious
Guys I need URGENT help.

Just moved to Geraldton. Programmed the tv. We can only get all sbs and abc channels. No 10, 7, 9 at all. Normally this would be ok but choice is important.

Is Apple tv any good?


Sounds like the antenna might be busted? I remember that happening to me years ago, I have no idea what I did to fix it though.

Apple TV only plays back shit from iTunes and youtube. It's mostly useless.


Antenna is fine. Reception of abc digital and sbs digital is perfect.

Turns out they only do - gasp - analogue! What the hell?!
The other channels are only analogue? Weird. When's the switch over date there? It's soon everywhere isn't it?

Foxtel would get you everything, and obviously more.

Are you sure you don't just need a booster?
:O :O :O :O

GUYS I JUST SAW SPIDERMAN AND IT WAS THE BEST THING EVER. The webshooters, the setting, the casting, aaah everything was amazing. I can't think of anything sub-par about it, and if there was I forgot about it after seeing Andrew Garfield's bare chest. It was like the sexy icing on top of a delicious nerd cake.

I envy you. Fuck its in my head now you bastard.

Man I've barely looked at GAF in like the past week. What's been going on?

Nothing, Choc is banned.


:O :O :O :O

GUYS I JUST SAW SPIDERMAN AND IT WAS THE BEST THING EVER. The webshooters, the setting, the casting, aaah everything was amazing. I can't think of anything sub-par about it, and if there was I forgot about it after seeing Andrew Garfield's bare chest. It was like the sexy icing on top of a delicious nerd cake.
This suddenly explains an awful lot.



I want a tag give me a tag
yeh i enjoyed it. particularly the part where he had parkinsons and when the shadow guy tripped over and the audience laughed
Oh, I realised one thing that bothered me. I think it was Dr Connors assistant? I couldn't understand his accent at all, and I think he was saying something important :( "something something Peter's father. Something something nursing home".

This suddenly explains an awful lot.

LOL. This is awkward.


:O :O :O :O

GUYS I JUST SAW SPIDERMAN AND IT WAS THE BEST THING EVER. The webshooters, the setting, the casting, aaah everything was amazing. I can't think of anything sub-par about it, and if there was I forgot about it after seeing Andrew Garfield's bare chest. It was like the sexy icing on top of a delicious nerd cake.
New film effect.

You'll think less of it when time passes.:D
I have been meaning to watch Breaking bad properly. I've seen bits and pieces of seasons 1 - 3. Its intriguing, but I can't say if I like it... it doesn't sit right.

Life is abysmal. Breaking Bad Season 4 is pretty damn good. But urgh.

That's no good :(

I am back in Brisbane now if you are still keen for UQ food at some point.


What the fuck, VKS.

Pet Sounds has single-handedly stopped me from committing murder on many, many occasions.

Vooks - making podcasts is hard, thankless and ultimately heartbreaking endeavour. With that being said do you mention how Blast Corps is the best N64 game ever made in it? If so I will listen. In fact better make a podcast talking just about how good Blast Corps was.



We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
Vooks - making podcasts is hard, thankless and ultimately heartbreaking endeavour. With that being said do you mention how Blast Corps is the best N64 game ever made in it? If so I will listen. In fact better make a podcast talking just about how good Blast Corps was.


I don't think I mention Blast Corps specifically... but I said all Rare games on the Nintendo 64 are pretty much the best things ever.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Blast Corps was my first N64 game. Never beat Oyster Harbour. Loved it though.


Breaking Bad is the best television show currently airing. It is also my favourite television show, and in my opinion, the second best television show ever made behind The Wire. (I like to have distinctions between what I consider the "Best" of something and what I consider my "favourite" of something)

It's one of those amazing shows that actually gets better the more seasons into it you get. And it's such a great mix of black comedy, action and suspense. It's just, tonally, such an encapsulating and engaging show.

I've nothing but the highest expectations for Season 5, and I expect them to deliver.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I've had fights to the death that "best == favourite"


Little Big Planet PSP, finished.

Partial list of games I wish I never played and want to burn in a ceremony of contempt:

- Little Big Planet PSP.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I forwarded international speed test results to TPG as requested and was told that they should be expected to be notably slower than local/national tests because of the longer route... which would generally make sense, sure, but the difference is about 20%, and I have international speed test results from March that are perfectly aligned with my sync speed.

Come on, son.
Breaking Bad is the best television show currently airing. It is also my favourite television show, and in my opinion, the second best television show ever made behind The Wire. (I like to have distinctions between what I consider the "Best" of something and what I consider my "favourite" of something)

It's one of those amazing shows that actually gets better the more seasons into it you get. And it's such a great mix of black comedy, action and suspense. It's just, tonally, such an encapsulating and engaging show.

I've nothing but the highest expectations for Season 5, and I expect them to deliver.

Breaking bad is pretty damn good. High hopes for the last season. Pretty impressed they are ending it on a high note, and not dragging it out.


Has anyone ever given up on a game because you thought it wasn't great only to go back to it much later and start enjoying it?

Because that's what I'm feeling with Borderlands lately. I liked the idea of Borderlands but felt that it was just a bit boring when it came out in 2009. I put 17 hours into the game and had put it aside, never to touch it again. On the weekend I had a craving to play it due to watching someone stream it during the week and have been really enjoying the game a lot more than I initially did. I'm not saying that I think the game is now fantastic but my opinion of the game has changed from "Boring game/More like Borederlands hur hur" to something along the lines of "Enjoyable shooting game to kill some time". Perhaps it's because I'm only playing it in short bursts that I'm enjoying it more, maybe it's the class I'm using or the weapons I have found, I really can't pinpoint why I'm suddenly liking this game I once put into the 'Rubbish' category in my Steam library.

What class are you playing? So hyped for Borderlands 2. This trailer came out yesterday and while it's not as good as the Wub Wub one, it's still pretty fantastic.


I have to admit I'm a little curious now about Sleeping Dogs. Will likely wait for it be released first and get impressions to see if it's all it's cracked up to be.
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