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AusGAF 7 - We hang out IRL now and be social and shit. (Also, Adrian's Revenge)

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Hartnell is awesome. Love his flubtastic lines. Especially the time he said "whatever your name is" to one of the characters. I'm sure he truly forgot in that moment.

Also, after using Jelly Bean for only 10 minutes, having it run at 60fps is ultra-sweet. So nice and smooth. The keyboard doesn't pop up symbols after you hit space any more which is annoying when trying to end sentences or insert commas etc.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Rez, How did your job application at Apple go?
unsuccessful, after a group interview, a phone interview, an interview with the department manager and finally an interview with the store manager, which all spanned almost a month and a half in total.


but ever so delicious
unsuccessful, after a group interview, a phone interview, an interview with the department manager and finally an interview with the store manager, which all spanned almost a month and a half in total.

Bloody hell, that's one long interview process.

Sorry that you didn't get it. Maybe next time :D


Hell yeah. Also when they had that shitty arcade game as the final round haha.
They had that sweet top down perspective rally game! What was that game??

bodyboarder said:
And the three monkeys.
I don't think I ever understood how that worked lol.

unsuccessful, after a group interview, a phone interview, an interview with the department manager and finally an interview with the store manager, which all spanned almost a month and a half in total.
whoa, intense! For a retail job?


When I was at Mana Bar trivia this week (and we won, woo), De Blob 2 was there and I ended up enthusing about it so much that my teammate who works at Firemint revealed that the guy the desk over from him used to work at Blue Tongue.
So if he remembered how I wouldn't shut up about it, I probably made one devs day at least.

Also I live in such a Doctor Who filled bubble that I find it hard to imagine people not recognising the First Doctor.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
on the plus side, I nailed the major Algorithms and Data Structures unit for the course, the Technical Documentation for SE unit, the Computer Architecture unit and one of the major Math units last semester. :)
They had that sweet top down perspective rally game! What was that game??

I don't think I ever understood how that worked lol.

whoa, intense! For a retail job?
retail work, essentially, yeah. Certainly paid like retail work.


Just thought I'd pop in to say hi.

Not sure how long I'll be able to stick around, it seems my graphics card is on the way out and I'm not in a position to replace it. Once that's toast, that'll be the end of the road for me.
Welcome back Danoss. You were quiet over the Twitters in the past month too! Anyone in Sydney got some old PC bits they could maybe part with? I've got most of one I would likely be able to donate but if any Sydneysiders can that might be better.

Also, reptile are you getting (or did you get) those glasses?

Almost feel sorry for GMG with their sale fading into obscurity due to the Steam sale. They're selling similar stuff at the same prices too.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
You people with unlimited download plans make me sick.

If it's any consolation:

I forwarded international speed test results to TPG as requested and was told that they should be expected to be notably slower than local/national tests because of the longer route... which would generally make sense, sure, but the difference is about 20%, and I have international speed test results from March that are perfectly aligned with my sync speed [of 6~7Mbit].

Come on, son.

That said, I had a quick chat with an EveryNet rep and the company should have a 400-500GB Zone2/3 ADSL2+ plan at the $74.95 price point soon. Just about anything is better than the 1-3Mbps I'm getting now.

In a bona fide "salt in the wound" scenario, the "Greenfields" estates annexed to my current suburb of residence (as in, "there are houses next to our old Community Hall") have an NBN Ready for Service date of November 2012, yet the town proper, being old (i.e. above-ground power), is "Brownfields" and so won't see any construction for a while yet. I wonder... if a town is surrounded by NBN-ready estates that are under the same council... why not just finish the job?


Chris Judd pulled someone's arm out of its socket? D:

well, thats different to eye gouging I guess....

I'm sure there is going to be news reports about martial arts bullshit because of his last defense of using pressure points.


Welcome back Danoss. You were quiet over the Twitters in the past month too! Anyone in Sydney got some old PC bits they could maybe part with? I've got most of one I would likely be able to donate but if any Sydneysiders can that might be better.

Thanks man, I'm wondering if it's a heat issue. It seems fine when doing normal tasks, but if I game on it, I can get intermittent frame drops to 6-7fps and then it will randomly right itself back to normal. Tonight, I was gaming on one monitor and having the tv tuner display on another and it showed those weirdly garbled/noisy macroblocks that you usually see when something is going wrong with the GPU.

It's an HD5870 which idles at 60°C and is at about 85-87°C under load. The drivers also crash every so often, whether this is par for the course with ATI or is associated with the problems I'm experiencing, I have no idea.

If there's a fix, that'd be great, because playing some games helps to pass the time whilst my resumes continue to go ignored. If I lost the ability to play, let alone edit photos, root around on the internet, watch videos from the PC since it's hooked up to my TV, as well as doing productive things, I honestly don't know what I'd do with myself.

Edit: As it seems, jumping back in a game, the problems are getting worse. 3D models breaking with enormous spikes coming out of game objects and characters models. The crap in the image below is starting to turn up everywhere. I think this card will live out the next couple of days if I'm lucky.



does your chipset have integrated graphics?

if you're not playing games....you can survive on it >_>

edit: looks like it does....


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Thanks man, I'm wondering if it's a heat issue. It seems fine when doing normal tasks, but if I game on it, I can get intermittent frame drops to 6-7fps and then it will randomly right itself back to normal. Tonight, I was gaming on one monitor and having the tv tuner display on another and it showed those weirdly garbled/noisy macroblocks that you usually see when something is going wrong with the GPU.

It's an HD5870 which idles at 60°C and is at about 85-87°C under load. The drivers also crash every so often, whether this is par for the course with ATI or is associated with the problems I'm experiencing, I have no idea.

If there's a fix, that'd be great, because playing some games helps to pass the time whilst my resumes continue to go ignored. If I lost the ability to play, let alone edit photos, root around on the internet, watch videos from the PC since it's hooked up to my TV, as well as doing productive things, I honestly don't know what I'd do with myself.

Edit: As it seems, jumping back in a game, the problems are getting worse. 3D models breaking with enormous spikes coming out of game objects and characters models. The crap in the image below is starting to turn up everywhere. I think this card will live out the next couple of days if I'm lucky.


Your GPU is buggered. Unless you've been voluntarily overclocking, artefacts within Windows are a death knell.

I had a similar situation play out with my 2900XT: first artefacts were just in certain games; then they were elsewhere; then they were rapidly overtaking the Windows GUI; then my card refused to send a signal.


does your chipset have integrated graphics?

It's the older i7, not Sandy Bridge, it has no such thing to my knowledge. Even if it did, it'd choke on the games I want to play.

Your GPU is buggered..

Yeah, I know it's toast. It seems that the framerate drops were a warning and they've been happening for a while, so it has been a long time coming. They became more frequent before those artifacts started appearing. First and last ATI card I'll be buying that's for sure, it has been nothing but trouble since the start.

Soon it will be back to nothing but reading books for entertainment it seems.


was watching the Interview again..... perhaps the best Australian film of the 90's. (tied with Proof imo)

One of the strange quirks of the film was this notion that the defense attorney didn't want to sit in during the interrogation because she could be subpoenaed as a potential witness for the police...

is this really true of Victorian law?

would be alot different to the scenes in American entertainment where the lawyer basically holds his hand to the police and says "talk to it"


G'day Danoss, nice to see you back, but yeah, I feel sorry for the graphics card.

I'm strongly hoping Game of Thrones will ship sometime early this week as per the prediction so we'll be good for a games day on the 22nd...


Alright, about to go on a two week work trip across Ireland without my MacBook. This will be a PB.

First trip I did laptopless was the Netherlands, where I learnt just how universal an iPad can be.

My worst trip for taking too much tech clutter was probably last year's trip to Utah and Wyoming, again for work, which comprised:

Nikon D60
Nikon D90
3 lenses (18-55mm; 10-24mm; 50mm standard)
iPod nano

This trip, I'm taking my work laptop, which means little to zero GAF and social media (I only use facebook for sharing photos and ignore my entire feed).

Tomorrow's trip to Ireland will be:

Work laptop (garbage HP piece of shit)
Nikon D60 (about completely fucked since I dropped it off the side of Angkor Wat in Cambodia - the batteries need to be held in with electric tape)
Nikon D7000
3 lenses (18-105mm; 10-24mm; 50mm standard)
Fujifilm X100 (oh my god my favourite camera so good)
3DS (for spamming coins and Streetpass hits - I won't be playing it)
Work BlackBerry
All associated chargers.

The D60 won't be used. It's there as a backup as this is a once-in-a-lifetime trip to an out of the way part of Ireland I'll probably never revisit. The Fujifilm is my 'going out' camera for taking photos of beer. The iPhone will float around my bag as my UK sim will cost a zillion bucks a minute in the Republic of Ireland. I'll let work pick up the bill for my internet browsing on the BlackBerry (incidentally the worst thing ever invented in the history of terrible things).


but ever so delicious
I have a video card here if Danoss wants it. It won't end up playing all your games, probably none of them ha, but it will let you surf the net for high quality pornography, which is all that really matters.

It's a 5450, Mostly designed for a HTPC I believe. It gets 8 FPS in crysis warhead, that's pretty baller.


Buying a physical copy from EB would support Gaz. I think he'd prefer you bought his book or even made him a Milo, though.

I bought Quantum Conundrum today and have been paying it for an hour or so. Its quite fun.

Oh man a Milo would be so good right now.

The complete non-reaction to Quantum Conundrum by the gaming press has been, shall we say, a conumdrum. I guess I thought a new Kim Swift game would have been a bigger deal?

Speaking of books (Did someone say BOOKS? Yes I think someone said BOOKS) I'm considering doing a kickstarter for the next one. People who have contributed to Kickstarters - what's your tipping point to get you to go in for one?
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