It's funny how much more respect* I have for the concept of evolution / darwinism after doing some study via my AI course on Artificial Genetics. Watcing some really neat videos from a computer scientist I don't remember the name of where he made software to generate AI, which would evolve over time to complete abitrary goals, and the AIs which completed those goals were selected to be mutated upon in order to attempt, by pseudo-random procedural heuristics, to do the goal better than the previous lot.
When the goal was to, say, move the furthest distance in half a minute, the resulting output after millions of generations were AI creations that resembled various insects and creatures found in the real world. Snake-like slithering creatures, pushing limb creatures that resembled turtles. It was all really interesting.
And, of course, the one example where the AI simply generated a really, really, really tall cube and pushed itself over, thus becoming the winner by completing the condition of, "getting really far really fast". Showing that a computer always gives you what you tell it to do, regardless of what result you expected.
ohn hey here's the video
* by 'respect' I don't mean 'belief'. I mean, well, admire / understand or something.