Yeah the lack of rights based political discourse is a one that a lot of academics have observed and commented on. It's weird.
Who gives a fuck about rights, its all about GOSSIP.
Manu's game, despite that little kid Danny Green setting 3 point records.
After game 1 right the start of the finals, with the 2-3-2 format, I've been saying Miami only needed to win one of the games in SA and the championship is theirs. I'm largely unchanged on that opinion. Spurs roster is older and might not have enough gas in the tank for 6 or 7 games but then again Wade and Bosh have been disappointing.
I don't have a horse in this race - a win for either team is a good story. A Spurs win means a nice ending for their big three before they retire (despite today's effort, Manu's time is up); A Heat win means LBJ can chase a triple although with Wade on the decline, I don't think the Heat's roster will be as formidable next season. 3 losses from 4 appearances at the Finals must really sting for LeBron
This back and forth of blowouts hasn't made for the best series, but games 6 and 7 (yes, seven) will be epic
Arksy you wouldn't happen to know anything about IP law would you
Australia need to work on their aim, either that or see what kind of stuff they're feeding Iraq's goalkeeper. Either way, good job team.
Yeah I did Australian IP law as an elective. It was fairly basic though. Anything I could help you with?
Another decent game, a game 7 would be interesting. Also it's much appreciated you guys spoiler tagging the results on my behalf.
Just looking under s31 of the Copyright Act and I can't see that resale, gifting or non-commercial lending are covered as exclusive rights for copyright holders, so even if games are only licences I can't see that Microsoft has any bearing for what it's doing, at least in Aussie jurisdiction. Any thoughts?
Yeah, I get that, but as far as I can tell, the exclusive rights don't actually cover resale/non-commercial lending/gifting (Computer programs are literary works under both s47AB and some Apple Computers case from the 90s iirc). I guess theoretically it could be found under a class of exclusive rights? But I can't really read it into reproduction, publishing, performance or adaptation.
I meant Computer Edge v Apple which is an Aussie case. I mean, not that it matters since the Act got amended.
Hmmm... you might be right regarding the existence of additional rights created by contract, but then does that mean they're still part of copyright? And can original copyright holders really be able to enforce restrictions on or to third parties? Hmmm.
BERNBAUM YOU AWESOMEFar Cry 2 is bloody great.
FUCK YOU BERNBAUM YOU SUCKGame 6 loss for the Spurs would be worth it just for the a surly post-game Greg Popovich.
Hey guys, guys. We qualified for a world cup.
So even if games are licences (and they probably are) I don't know if Microsoft (or hell any digital distribution service) can actually legally prevent resale/borrowing/lending (technologically is another matter). Hmm. Gonna have to chase this.
No shit. If we were allowed to get hype in here we would have.
The fact that they're a license is not really controversial. A license just means something that falls out of traditional established propriety rights. The problem is that we're using a really out of date piece of legislation the world has basically moved on.
The law simply breaks down sooner or later. Take a freedom of contract view. I buy a game that I agreed to never onsell. Fine. What happens if I sell it to a third party? What happens if I sell the disc to a bona fide purchaser for value without notice? The law says they take free of any encumbrances.
That would seem logical. It's almost certainly a case of a policy presumably designed for US application being just slapped into Australian jursidiction and hoping nobody catches that it doesn't actually work, legally speaking.
THE manufacturing future of Holden will be decided in two months after it issued an ultimatum to factory workers to take a pay cut or risk shutdown.
The 1700 workers at the car assembly line in Elizabeth, South Australia and 300 at the engine plant in Port Melbourne will be asked to consider a wage cut of up to $200 per week - or not have a job beyond 2016 because Holden would be forced to shut its factories, coincidentally at the same time as Ford.
"If we don't accomplish [pay cuts in August] it is highly likely we will not make cars in this country," said Holden chairman and managing director Mike Devereux.
"We have to reduce the cost to make each car, which is too high in this country. If we keep losing money making cars, we won't be able to make cars here any more. The cost base is too high, it is unsustainable, it has to be reduced."
The fair dinkem truth or a typical corporate bait and switch? I'm more likely to believe the latter.
Has Mike offered to take a pay cut?
When asked why senior executives would not also take a pay cut, Devereux said half of Holden's salaried workers had not received a pay rise in the past three years and were paid average wages for their respective roles.
"On average our [salaried] workers, myself included, and every executive on my team makes below average for every position that we have in our company," said Devereux. "We have been addressing executive wages for years."
Don't try too hard guys. Mentioning your pay hasn't risen but remains stable while asking others to reduce theirs by up to $10,400 per year is a dick move, to put it lightly.
Always the case with the law. The market moves to damn fast for it to catch up. Legislators will probably reform it when they see that it's not working. As annoying as it may be given my own view, services like iTunes and Steam do work quite well. It will be interesting to see the developments in the European Union.
I honestly think if you were to defeat any used game or first sale type doctrine it would be for reasons outside the Copyright Act. Whether it was using property law or consumer law or other such legislation.
Where did you get poptart from?
Ugh. Fuck you, Avalanche :/
Hey guys, guys. We qualified for a world cup.
ACCC is being very cagey at the moment in response to my queries, but they seem to think (like you do, as I recall) it might impact on misrepresentation or unfair contract terms in the ACL.
The fair dinkem truth or a typical corporate bait and switch? I'm more likely to believe the latter.
Don't try too hard guys. Mentioning your pay hasn't risen but remains stable while asking others to reduce theirs by up to $10,400 per year is a dick move, to put it lightly.
Just so it's clear, I'm talking about the Animal Crossing 3DSXL. Does Blockbuster still sell real poptarts for way too much money? I haven't been in one for years.
Anyway I ordered it from Ozgameshop. I'm going away at the end of the week, so if it doesn't arrive by then, well, I don't want to think about it.
Qualifying on my birthday. What better present could I ask for? Oh wait I don't care about Soccer. Nevermind.
Nah seriously, nice work boys.
Picked up Power Grid and Elder Sign yesterday. Pumped to try them out.
No shit. If we were allowed to get hype in here we would have.
Nice pick ups, I am still yet to play Power Grid after buying it weeks ago.
Soccer durrrrrrrr
Brumbies beat Britain and Ireland combined in the Rugby.
Try and do that dumberoos.
The components of Power Grid just look great. Excellent production value (except for the paper money).
Duurrrrrrrrr, we beat iraq 1-0, a soccer powerhouse that hasnt been torn apart by war. DURRRRRRRRRRR.