You funny.Has Mike offered to take a pay cut?
You funny.Came back from 'After Earth'. Why did I go in the first place?
Americans won't buy stuff that is too different.
Happy Birthday!Qualifying on my birthday.
Racist. I bet you cheer for China in gymnastics too.That's not the cynic in you, anonymous commentator. That's the fucking bullshit-spewing mouth-breathing vomit-infested bigoted piece of shit you are revealing itself to the world.
Happy Birthday!
Yeah, ever since buying it I have been looking at ways to replace.... saw someone link this yesterday which I thought was a good idea.
I loved SR3. I think I may be the only one.
Trust me guys, ignoring people is the best. Just the best.
Last night's game had an average 1.52 million viewers on SBS nationally. Fox Sports: 549,000. Over 2 million across the two networks. Huge.
Plus the online viewers, that's great, now fuck off and die foxtel.
New game in the same vein as Candy Box. A Dark Room.
Trust me guys, ignoring people is the best. Just the best.
The real Australia, and the reason Tony Abbott will be Prime Minister by the end of September.
Shadow attorney-general George Brandis said the opposition was concerned about a link between crime and illegal immigration.
Opposition Leader Tony Abbott rejected any suggestion the Coalition was trying to stir up community concerns about asylum seekers.
Got a surprise in the mail this morning...
Can you run for office Jint?That's not the cynic in you, anonymous commentator. That's the fucking bullshit-spewing mouth-breathing vomit-infested bigoted piece of shit you are revealing itself to the world.
Bullshit. Vast expanses, car worship, a quest to visit the Sunshine Coast. All of that is quintessentially Australian. Can't we just have this Avalanche? Let America keep Fallout, Russia can keep Metro and Stalker, and we keep Mad Max."The setting - where it is in the world - has really nothing to do with the Mad Max video game."
Why are any of you surprised by anonymous comments on news sites?
Can you run for office Jint?
Bullshit. Vast expanses, car worship, a quest to visit the Sunshine Coast. All of that is quintessentially Australian. Can't we just have this Avalanche? Let America keep Fallout, Russia can keep Metro and Stalker, and we keep Mad Max.
Chances of PS4, Xbone and Oculus Rift at Pax Aus?
Got a surprise in the mail this morning...
i hope you got a lanyard with that too!
I might be behind the times.
But when did gluten become the worst thing ever?!
Also, only chumps buy shredded parmesan, it tastes so much better when you freshly grate it from a block. Fact.
Wait, is gluten bad for people who aren't intolerant to it now? Huh?
That is some true shit. What kind of lazy fuck can't be bothered spending 10 seconds grating fresh parmesan?
Really puts things into perspective when all we hear from the media and coalition is how bad the current government is. There are a few dubious claims in there but many positive ones as well.
Why the fuck would I have a block of parmesan cheese lying around? I need parmesan like twice a month ffs!That is some true shit. What kind of lazy fuck can't be bothered spending 10 seconds grating fresh parmesan?
New game in the same vein as Candy Box. A Dark Room.
Decent game 6 so far.
Oh that Andrew Bolt's been posting in the comments section again!
The Coalition's immigration & refugee policy it two steps removed from the brown paper bag test. Well, unless you're rich that is.Yep, and did you also see the wonderful policy being proposed by the Coalition to send refugees who commit crimes back to the place they fled?
Even though asylum seekers living in the community on bridging visas are about 45 times less likely to be charged with a crime than members of the general public. According to the Department of Immigration and Citizenship 12,100 asylum seekers have been released into the community since November 2011 on bridging visas and no more than five have ever been charged with a crime.
Fucking dog whistle electioneering cheap shots. Fuck em.
Who eats enough parmasan to justify buying enough to need it grated?
And I think not eating gluten is one of the many things hipsters have adopted. Even though it's not bad for you unless you're a celiac. But they're morons and try too hard.
Parmesan doesnt go off that fast >_< ITs CHEESE FFS!