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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)

PAX schedule looks decent, though I've got no idea what I will miss due to enforcer assignments.

Also watched World War Z, pretty good and am glad the trailers didn't give away much, kept the suspense. Easily better than some of the other recent releases like Hangover 3, FnF6 and After Earth.

AusGAF, my PSN friends list is barren after 360 dominated my attention throughout this gen. I'm jumping to PS3/4 prime and I need some more Aussies to play online with. Please ignore my shameless desperation and add me.


Added. What games do you play online on PS3?

Annoying as fuck that PAX is out in the middle of nowhere though :/

Given that you live in a similar place, I don't see the problem.

So it's sex you're after, then?

Chimp, never evolve.

fFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFfffffffffffff I'll be at my anniversary dinner sorry dude :(

Ooh anniversary...congratulations in advance.


So, this was posted on another forum I go to:

Funnily enough... Choc used to be a regular there, so I don't know if it was posted deliberately because of the fact or not.


Kudos to Microsoft for at least listening.

I'm still disappointed.

Since seeing the light of PC gaming, Microsoft's few exclusives just aren't worth the price of entry. Same can be said for the PS4 but I think that's going to be the better package.

Hell, Microsoft's digital content system may have even suited me better. I prefer buying PC games via Steam (I'll always have that account) and I've invested tonnes into iOS software and iTunes media. I've bought games for Steam keys and thrown away the disc because why waste space?

Why am I disappointed? Because I wanted to watch it fail, and eat popcorn whilst watching it fail because watching things break and successful arrogant people fail fills me with joy. No other reason than that.

Now the fun has been spoiled and we get just another console.
So Funky Barn is okay, not as good as a Facebook game. Just lacks so many features it should have that free shit on Facebook puts it to shame.

Also no pause? Fucking stupid.

Also HOLY FUCK the WiiU Gamepad runs out of battery in like 3 hours?!?

Given that you live in a similar place, I don't see the problem.
lol I meant out at the Racecourse suburb rather than near shops/train station/hotels in CBD. I got all excited thinking it was at the Exhibition centre for some random reason.

So, this was posted on another forum I go to:

Funnily enough... Choc used to be a regular there, so I don't know if it was posted deliberately because of the fact or not.
So true. Those things always used to get fucked up so easy when we used to buy like 8 litres a week back in uni.

Since seeing the light of PC gaming, Microsoft's few exclusives just aren't worth the price of entry. Same can be said for the PS4 but I think that's going to be the better package.
The joy is anything that isn't 1st party will end up on PC eventually anyway!


Speaking of which, Ive always wanted to buy one. Anyone have any recommendations? There are a crapload on ebay for cheap, but figured I'd buy a nice one that will last.

Buy one that is snug yet holds a lot of volume. Although any will do really.
Wow indeed. Click 'Tabletop' to see why I'm glad I saved my money.

While I would have liked to meet many people from here, the event itself has nothing that interests me.

I do find the guys doing the 'Beyond Dungeons & Dragons' presentation rather entertaining, though unless they've changed or added to it, I have already seen it. If anyone here hasn't and there's no conflict with anything else, check it out for sure.

Without cods who will tell us which beers are good and which ones taste like piss?

I know ;.; I'm pretty sure it was cods who introduced me to dirty granny cider at the meetup last year. That man has good drinking opinions.

Speaking of, now that the schedules are out should we start trying to figure out the best time and place for a meet up?


I like pale ale drinks, turns out. But yo I'll take any beer you throw at me and will probably like it.

No quality control, woo


I like roleplaying games outside the very mainstream ones known by even those who have never played. I like boardgames outside the big ones that have been established for years. To me what's on offer is akin to having Halo 3, Call of Duty 4, GTA IV and the like as drawcards in the video games area; yes they're popular and are mainstays, but there are newer things out there as well as alternatives from the mainstream that are worth a look. Maybe I'm an odd duck, maybe I'm asking too much.

Fucking hipsters =P
Kritz, try out Feral Hop Hog and Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. Both should be available at good stores. If you like US pales, you'll like these. If not, try Spitfire or Black Sheep (UK style pales).

Death, beer is good, you just have to find the right one (took me a few years of occasional trying to find figure out what I liked)...

... and there's no such thing in the middle east, Africa and Portugal/Spain (OK, there's a few in Spain but you really have to look hard, ).

Omi will do a good job of filling in for beer recommendations, I have faith. If you go to somewhere like Penny Blue, Seth will sort you out (and give you samples if it's on tap; Beer DeLuxe do as well actually).
PAX Schedule dates are in US format, theatre is spelled RE at least, and there's a Dropbear Theatre but no Bunyip Theatre. Weird... Also would prefer midnight listed over 12am. But I'm not even going so why do I even care?

What would be a great addition is the option to tick each session you want you attend and have the full details (location, where to line up, etc) added into Google Calendar or similar. I guess the app may already do that though...

The Foul

PAX Schedule dates are in US format, theatre is spelled RE not ER, and there's a Dropbear Theatre but no Bunyip Theatre Weird... Also would prefer midnight listed ?over 12am. But I'm not even going so why do I even care?

What would be a great addition is the option to tick each session you want you attend and have the full details (location, where to line up, etc) added into Google Calendar or similar. I guess the app may already do that though...

Yeah the guidebook app does that.

Stoked about Giant Bomb at Paxaus. Also keen for that Friday night screening of the old 90's show The Zone, I used to get up early every saturday for that shit when it was on. All in all pretty stoked with the schedule and whats on offer, cheers to Yug and the paxaus team for this whole soiree.
dont worry i have a handy guide to help you

all beer tastes bad
dont drink any

I knew there was something off about you

I like pale ale drinks, turns out. But yo I'll take any beer you throw at me and will probably like it.

No quality control, woo

Kritz, try out Feral Hop Hog and Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. Both should be available at good stores. If you like US pales, you'll like these. If not, try Spitfire or Black Sheep (UK style pales).



I know Kozicki, Farrelly and Gilroy and they're not inhuman monsters so I'm going to chalk that up to a really, really shitty panel description
All you could have hoped for and more?
Just like anything that hyped, it couldn't possibly live up to said hype. It was, however, damned good. If you've had St Bernadus Abt 12 you've had something close enough (swap the cherry taste out for cocoa/chocolate and it's virtually the same).

Not at all disappointed with what I drank (it was expensive and not on the menu--19 pages!--at this bar in Seville, but I saw a few bottles in a fridge), it was delicious.
I know Kozicki, Farrelly and Gilroy and they're not inhuman monsters so I'm going to chalk that up to a really, really shitty panel description

The wording is fine if they structured it better so it didn't read as any and referred to 'someone taking any' instead.

Obviously they mean people taking Devils Advocate stances but not everyone will read it that way due to how things have been the last year or so.

Also Gabe lashes out when conversations get a little too deep for his understanding, which is always painful to see (doesn't excuse his attitude though).


Fuck :(
(is it basically identical to the PC one?)
Gameplay wise it's a perfect port. Holy crap SO GOOD. Visually it's like "what if there was a PS2 version that came out in 2006?" but please bear in mind I'm playing on an iPad Mini. But MAN ALIVE is this an amazing conversion. Can't recommend it enough.

It sure beats my old solution for playing it on the couch, which was "Fire up the PC version in the other room, and then use my iPad to remote into my PC and then use an app on my iPhone to control the mouse remotely and then watch my router explode".

"Flower-pot Hats: Why They're Gaming's Next TF2 Hats"
GENIUS. I'll be doing sketches on the back of Subway wrappers all during the talk.

Okay, berks, who's going to what
Hooo boy. Well, I really wish the schedule was available a month ago when I started planning my trip. For some reason I thought that the show ended around 6 each day and so planned other stuff with friends and family down there. It looks like most of the stuff I’d be interested in seeing is at night! And even worse I figured the show would be pretty much over by Sunday so I made plans for Sunday afternoon. I guess I’m more used to things like Supanova that wrap up at 6-ish on Friday and Saturday, it’s quiet on Sunday and I’m on my merry way out shortly after.

But that being said...

Ron Gilbert or Halfbrick would be great to go to at first, but going to Halfbrick pretty much means there’s no way in hell I’d be able to get into the Penny Arcade Q+A. I guess I just want to know about Strip Search stuff anyway. The first round of the Omegathon would be neat. I’m going to have to cancel some plans to be at the Giant Bomb panel of course. On Saturday I definitely want to see the PA Making A Strip panel, the Homebrew one, the Gamer Entitlement one sounds interesting, and on Sunday I’m gutted to be missing the retro game trivia thing.


FYI - Actual tournament details, exhibitor details, and still some further TBA panels will continue to be updated over the next few weeks.

There’s still time to add my “Why every game would be better if it was more like Rainbow Islands” talk
That I never submitted because it’s a terrible idea

I can’t remember if I submitted my “REVO fighting game tournament” idea, where it’s like the EVO fighting game tournament but instead everyone just plays International Karate +, Way of the Exploding Fist and Clayfighter 63 ⅓ for an hour before throwing Nintendo 64 controllers at each other in disgust.
It’s also a terrible idea

The table top tournament listings aren't on the website yet. The mobile app has some, but not all... we've been working hard with other board gaming communities to finalise stuff. To give you an idea, here is the latest listing of table top comps and events within the MASSIVE table top area at PAX.

Oh, and this doesn't include the Magic the Gathering specific stuff either.

Hope this adds some value to the event for you ;)
Just wanna say, even though I’m really not into table top gaming at all
It requires having friends

Holy shit the art in Funky Barn looks like Gaz's! Did you get contracted to Tantalus for the art? I swear it reminds me of your work!
Thanks! But nope I had nothing to do with it. It’s nice to hear you think my stuff is good enough for box art though :)

There will be ausgaf beers.
THANK FUCK. Have we shored up a time yet?

Kudos to Microsoft for at least listening.

I'm still disappointed.
Yeah likewise. I wasn’t interested at all but at least it was a different approach. You guys know how much I am all for the removal of as many middlemen in between developers and players, and a machine that would remove the GameStop middlemen? HELL YES. But now it’s just another machine.


Speaking of which, Ive always wanted to buy one. Anyone have any recommendations? There are a crapload on ebay for cheap, but figured I'd buy a nice one that will last.


Stoked about Giant Bomb at Paxaus. Also keen for that Friday night screening of the old 90's show The Zone, I used to get up early every saturday for that shit when it was on. All in all pretty stoked with the schedule and whats on offer, cheers to Yug and the paxaus team for this whole soiree.

Agreed, and GUTTED to be missing the Zone thing I had no idea about until reading this post! AAAAGH. Damn it. Super Guile was the best character, and I’ll never forget how awkward it was when Catriona Rowntree was on the show that one time and looked like a rabbit that’s just landed in a pot of stew.


Australia is racist. Im like the only real ethnic minority on this board!

Asians dont count. Australia is in Asia! Thats like calling an Eskimo an ethnic minority in ESKIMOLAND.


Hey AusGAF, recommend some packaged snacks that I can get my work's social club that are actually good for you?

Get some sultanas and unsalted nuts. But don't combine them.

Oh WOW at the PAX schedule!

... though it could be way better-presented. It's not at all clear from the layout how long things are and what they overlap...

Not many panels that I am keen on, except maybe Giant Bomb, but I've seen them twice at PAX East. Already made my mind up a few months ago that I'm not going, but can I sell my 3 day pass?

EDIT: WTF at the opening clash. The keynote being delivered by an industry legend is up against Australia's best gaming studio. Most people will want to go to both!!!

That's called crowd control.
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