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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)


I hope the world cup gets cancelled. But I bet omi doesnt care about the poor brazillian or the Qatari prince who is being force to pay for his outlandish tom foolery.

Also is it me or is BD tanking like a tank in the swamps of kursk in ww2?

Like hardly any tv series are on it, wheres seinfeld and such?! And the section is always tiny winy, and its mainly just movies and documentaries...

I dont know if there are swamps in kursk but lets just say there is.


The annoying thing about markot is that occasionally he'll stop babbling and say something kind of worthwhile and then immediately go back to spewing utter nonsense out of every orifice


The more I read Mike's 'apology' the more problems I find with it.

I'm roundly being told that I'm being over-sensitive, however. It's not that I want to attack the guy on twitter or anything, I just think he's misinformed and evidently doesn't care about it.
I spent way too much time playing A Dark Room the last time you bastards posted it. I mustn't click the link again. I MUSTN'T.
Plus I never had enough leather. Or furs. Or something. Whatever it was I didn't have enough and it shat me off.

I've just realised PS4 and X1 (I've moved past Xbone, ah who am I kidding it's still pretty funny) will come out like just after I get back from the States. I had planned on being pretty much broke by then. Why can't Sony and Microsoft alter their plans to let me spend $1000+ on videogames when I can afford it?
Rumored dates for PS4 release are 1 Nov(US) and 13 Nov(EU).




I spent way too much time playing A Dark Room the last time you bastards posted it. I mustn't click the link again. I MUSTN'T.
Plus I never had enough leather. Or furs. Or something. Whatever it was I didn't have enough and it shat me off.

You just have to manage your villagers a bit better, juggling them between different professions to better work with your available supplies.


The more I read Mike's 'apology' the more problems I find with it.

I'm roundly being told that I'm being over-sensitive, however. It's not that I want to attack the guy on twitter or anything, I just think he's misinformed and evidently doesn't care about it.

When it was just "men have penises, women have vaginas" I could sympathise with the guy from all the shit he was receiving. At that point any anger directed to him was a complete overreaction in my mind. After it went further then that is when the problems arose.

There is a difference between ignorance and willful ignorance, and it is important. I admit I had been very ignorant in regards to transgender people, many years ago now. What was a man clearly dressed as a woman walked into JB, where I worked at the time, and I thought it was rather humourous. I used the descriptor "it" and was told how horrible it was by a work colleague, whom is gay. He wasn't mean, because he knows I'm not a bad person, but he let me know that it's not nice and that "it" should be referred to as "she" or "her". After that, I learned and somewhat understand this more, why my words were hurtful and what it's like to be on the receiving end of them.

I'm not giving myself a massive pat on the back here, I should have known better and behaved like I would around anyone else without even thinking. My thoughts are that having your ignorance pointed out to you is an opportunity to learn and to better yourself, if you choose not to, then you're a bigger arsehole than when you did or said whatever it was that demonstrated your ignorance in the first place. Essentially, you can be forgiven your ignorance, we're not all blessed with knowledge in all areas, but if you choose to continue down that path after being informed otherwise, you're on your own.
The more I read Mike's 'apology' the more problems I find with it.

I'm roundly being told that I'm being over-sensitive, however. It's not that I want to attack the guy on twitter or anything, I just think he's misinformed and evidently doesn't care about it.
He doesn't care really, that is the issue.
I know he isn't meaning to be a cunt but he is being a cunt.
It's like old people, some of them don't think they are being nasty when they call people 'chink', 'nigger' or 'dipshit' but it hurts people just the same.

A Dark Room might well be in my top 10 games ever. Amazing work for a text based adventure, RPG, builder... thing.

I agree Choc!

Rumored dates for PS4 release are 1 Nov(US) and 13 Nov(EU).
Getting out first, even by a few days, will only lead to more people jumping on board at launch.

Gotta get that front seat to the next gen train! Choo CHOO!

I spent way too much time playing A Dark Room the last time you bastards posted it. I mustn't click the link again. I MUSTN'T.
Plus I never had enough leather. Or furs. Or something. Whatever it was I didn't have enough and it shat me off.
Once you max out your village size it becomes super easy.


I've really been thinking it over this past semester and it really is at the end of the day nothing about what the offender intended, although obviously it's a mitigating factor, and everything about what the person who has been insulted interpreted it as. Now there is a weird zone where it swings into people just looking to be offended but really, in reality, that's pretty rare and for the most part "Hyper-sensitivity" or whatever is an argument trotted out by people looking to say "Well I can say what I want!" but who in most cases would never take being challenged on, well, anything.
I think you should be able to discuss intent in some form separately while acknowledging identifying intent doesn't/shouldn't/won't diminish offence taken in any way. I like to know if the offender is a total pos cunt or is highly ignorant.

But agree that focusing discussion solely on intent is not conducive to progress.
Rumored dates for PS4 release are 1 Nov(US) and 13 Nov(EU).



Surely this is just retailers guessing, as always? Presumably if Sony have finally decided when the PS4 is launching they'd be telling everybody rather than just a single retailer in Germany (later copied by a Dutch retailer). The Sun in the UK is reporting Nov 21. Some guy who works at a Sony store in Wellington, NZ reckons it's Dec 5. Having been around the block a few times, the one universal truth with release dates seems to be that retailers haven't got the faintest clue, irrespective of what their web site says :)
How about that local sports team?

Don't want to talk about it. Feels like
Port in 07, team that everyone has written off and finds quite strange to be in the finals. Of course, Port were too young rather than too old like Spurs but the resulting feeling is the same. Quiet pride that they made it this far but internal disappointment in myself for ignoring the factors that led to the loss.

Basketball. Link here with a great quote from Pop at the end which is telling for how I feel about 2014.


I know nothing about trading cards but I played a few hours of Fairy Solitaire of my own volition. Honestly, it's hard these days to find mindless games like that that aren't trying to shove a million micro transactions down your throat.
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