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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)




I need the NBN. Not "want". Not "would be nice." Not "would like the upgrade to my existing broadband." Neeeeeeeeeed, because I only have mobile broadband as an option for internet access.

Having said that as a way of justification, I now utter one of the few phrases I dread... "I fully support markot's previous statement."

Ugh, will I ever feel clean ever again?


JS Joust? YES!!!!!!!!
Dude, I can't believe you fucking missed that Antichamber has an area there. It's going to be such a mindfuck, I can't wait.

On another note, totally thought of a new costume that won't be a complete bitch to organise. Not exactly unique, but should provide a bit of fun :)


Part of me almost wishes I was travelling from out of state to PAX so I had an excuse to get a hotel. Getting from the SE suburbs to the showgrounds every morning, and back home at night is going to be a pain in the ass.


I want a tag give me a tag
Part of me almost wishes I was travelling from out of state to PAX so I had an excuse to get a hotel. Getting from the SE suburbs to the showgrounds every morning, and back home at night is going to be a pain in the ass.

lafs grandma!


Part of me almost wishes I was travelling from out of state to PAX so I had an excuse to get a hotel. Getting from the SE suburbs to the showgrounds every morning, and back home at night is going to be a pain in the ass.
Yeah similar deal for me going all the way from geelong to melbourne showgrounds. I'm going ask if I can crash at a ausgaffers place on friday night or thursday, because I've already got Saturday covered because of a friends 19th lol.


Yeah I've just bought myself a nice thick jacket
and having a nice thick layer of body fat helps ho ho ho
but I have a feeling I'll still be freezing going to and from the show. I think the body heat of 20,000 people will keep it toasty warm during the day though.

But now you got me thinking I'll still need more. More!! My poor suitcase :(

Games I want to check out at PAX

That Android shoot 'em up that's been posted here a few times, that looks sick as hell
Ninja Pizza Girl
Maybe Killer Instinct
Whatever new thing Halfbrick have to show
And Rlan in the Banana Costume

Any other suggestions?


New TY The Tasmanian Tiger game on Windows 8 devices July 24, BE THERE BITCHES, Y'ALL KNOW IT'S GONNA BRING IT
I haven't pre-ordered a PS4 despite really wanting one at launch (just never pulled my finger out).

If I want to pre-order one now with the best chance of actually getting on one release day (whenever that is), what's my best bet (online vs bricks and mortar, particular retail chain, etc.)?


but ever so delicious
Part of me almost wishes I was travelling from out of state to PAX so I had an excuse to get a hotel. Getting from the SE suburbs to the showgrounds every morning, and back home at night is going to be a pain in the ass.

Don't you float around fountain gate? Cause i'm from around there as well and i'm just staying in a hotel for PAX.

Makes life easier, gives me more time for drinks at night and to just chill around the city if need be. Gets me out of the house as well!


Don't you float around fountain gate? Cause i'm from around there as well and i'm just staying in a hotel for PAX.

Nah, I'm WAY closer than that. I'm only just out past Malvern. It's not far, but anytime I have to travel by public transport from one side of the CBD to another it's a bitch. May find myself dishing out for some expensive cab rides depending on how late the festivities go.


but ever so delicious
With Jeff not coming down to PAX now, I guess we can move up the korean bbq to around 7:30PM instead of 8:30PM.

Will update things as the day(s) progress.


I keep forgetting to check the schedule. I still don't know what I'm going to actually do at PAX, just that I'm going. I should make use of that iOS app.


Games I want to check out at PAX

That Android shoot 'em up that's been posted here a few times, that looks sick as hell

We'll be right next to Binary Mill and Half Brick at the Horize / Frag Labs booth :D Come by and say hello! Bring others for some co-op :)
Isn't Chapel St where all the footballers hang out and beat people up?
I can't keep track of all these streets!
Here we just have one street and one road and we still get around okay!
I just like dumplings okay!

I also like scotch.


We'll be right next to Binary Mill and Half Brick at the Horize / Frag Labs booth :D Come by and say hello! Bring others for some co-op :)
Will do! And I'll add Binary Mill to my list of must-stops. Everyone I've spoken to from there has been super nice and I really loved Mini Motor Racing.


We'll be right next to Binary Mill and Half Brick at the Horize / Frag Labs booth :D Come by and say hello! Bring others for some co-op :)
Oh shit, I didn't think anyone was going to be there! If I get over PAX, I'm just gonna hang with you dudes all weekend ;)

I keep forgetting to check the schedule. I still don't know what I'm going to actually do at PAX, just that I'm going. I should make use of that iOS app.
Pretty much the same. There's a few "stalls" or whatever, but only a small number of presentations I want to see (I think a sound production one, Ron Gilbert) but that's it... no idea what I'll do with the rest of my time.
Oh shit, I didn't think anyone was going to be there! If I get over PAX, I'm just gonna hang with you dudes all weekend ;)

Pretty much the same. There's a few "stalls" or whatever, but only a small number of presentations I want to see (I think a sound production one, Ron Gilbert) but that's it... no idea what I'll do with the rest of my time.

Well, if I can be a shill for a moment, you should totes come down to the trivia event on the Saturday night!

But I'm sorta with you on that - not quite sure what I fully want to see or do. There's definitely a few games I want to play as well as a few presentations I want to catch, but I suppose the rest of my time will be taken up by socializing and stuff.


Oh shit, I didn't think anyone was going to be there! If I get over PAX, I'm just gonna hang with you dudes all weekend ;)

We definitely were not going to be there, until yesterday when things changed! Horize & Frag Labs are local laptop makers (about an hours drive from where I live) and they offered to showcase the game at their booth on their new range of laptops. Super generous offer and we leapt at the chance :D

Coincidentally (I swear, we really had no idea at the time) we just purchased a Horize laptop a little over a month ago for use as our portable demo machine and performance benchmark. We make sure the integrated GPU can run the game smooth on lower settings and the dedicated GPU can run the game on maximum settings 1080p 60.

If you're not running at 60fps it's not a true arcade experience!
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