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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)


So qhere's AusGAF at the moment? Pax or bar? I have someone to meet at around 8 at the concert so I might hang here for an hour more. If peeps are still around I'd be up for a quick dicking.


but ever so delicious
So qhere's AusGAF at the moment? Pax or bar? I have someone to meet at around 8 at the concert so I might hang here for an hour more. If peeps are still around I'd be up for a quick dicking.

We are all on the train waiting to leave. No idea where we are going. I know trunk was suggested and we might be there at some stage, food first.
Man plating all the retro games is awesome. I got to play Zool again :3

Man I didn't see anyone in two days. I sad, I'm actively looking for people and can't find any


One minute from train leaving.

While I abandon for the 4th time now someone outside of AusGAF who I'd been planning to AT LEAST say hi to.

Also I threw money at people for dinner so that #auspaxmystery has been solved.


Man plating all the retro games is awesome. I got to play Zool again :3

Man I didn't see anyone in two days. I sad, I'm actively looking for people and can't find any

Never found the ausgaf table? It was basically out base of operations for a while there


Hey jintor text my number (I sent it to you on facebook) because I need to do something with your in PAX tomorrow.


Man plating all the retro games is awesome. I got to play Zool again :3

Man I didn't see anyone in two days. I sad, I'm actively looking for people and can't find any
You may well have inadvertently seen me playing (and kinda beasting too, IMO) Tempest 2K on the Jag at around... 5ish? 6ish? Was about 100,000 off the "top score" but I have a feeling I was one of the people who had a single session on there the longest.
That's probably the biggest thing that will have be coming back tomorrow.

PS. This totally happened (yesterday):

Means I can bypass the qualifying rounds and go straight into the state finals :D No idea how many are in there, but it means I'll get my own entry in the IFPA (International Flipper Pinball Association) database because I'll have some kind of championship points.

What was it like?
I went to queue at 4 and it was already full :/ was bummed
I spoke to teekun about it and it sounded pathetic. Go Ninty Australia!
You may well have inadvertently seen me playing (and kinda beasting too, IMO) Tempest 2K on the Jag at around... 5ish? 6ish? Was about 100,000 off the "top score" but I have a feeling I was one of the people who had a single session on there the longest.
That's probably the biggest thing that will have be coming back tomorrow.

PS. This totally happened (yesterday):
Means I can bypass the qualifying rounds and go straight into the state finals :D No idea how many are in there, but it means I'll get my own entry in the IFPA (International Flipper Pinball Association) database because I'll have some kind of championship points.
Ah, now it's all clear. The other days I was wondering what qualified you in being able to declare other people as nerds. It seems you may almost be over qualified, in fact.

Also, congratulations on winning that piece of paper. Good on you.
You may well have inadvertently seen me playing (and kinda beasting too, IMO) Tempest 2K on the Jag at around... 5ish? 6ish?
There was a few times I thought I saw you but I doubted my knowledge of your face. Ah well.

Never found the ausgaf table? It was basically out base of operations for a while there

I didn't. I walked around a few times looking for familiar faces but nobody stuck out to me. I was with a bearded Finn from Adventure Time and a storm trooper in a white dress if you saw them potentially lol


There was a few times I thought I saw you but I doubted my knowledge of your face. Ah well.
I have red hair, that's usually the most obvious thing. But now I have my photo in this thread I should be pretty easy to recognise, except in that photo there aren't the swarms of "geek girls" vying for my attention as that guy who scored a certificate by playing pinball okay.


I wish I could have gone, I ended up not being able to go. :(
I would have liked to have met you guys for once, I've been on here long enough. Next Melbourne meet up I'll try to be there.

Also, I should join the steam GAF community while I'm thinking of it. LFG: AUSGAF INVITE PLZ KTHX. My steam name is Metal Mills

Dead Man

Saw this on facebook, thought of you guys:


Obviously not a perfect correlation between nerd and game conventions, but I don't give a shit. You are all having fun and I am freezing at home and working on the weekend.
Well that was awesome. Thanks for the great day guys :D My feet are quite sore.
Made the animal crossing queue by about 10 people ;_; phew.
Bailing out early because I gotta get back to Glen Waverely and prepare for whatever craziness I might get up to tonight!

Shanshan: Tell your BF that I had a great time meeting him. I was going give him a formal goodbye but I couldn't find him. Hopefully we can meet up again in the future! (although I assume he already reads GAF hehehe)
He says to buy super street fighter on steam for a rematch.


Wasn't too bad! Video of the dev team answering questions people had asked auspax. We all got free tortimer toys!

Where were you in the theatre? I was about 2/3 back and had to seriously strain to be able to see the subtitles. And holy shit did that marketing guy totally explain Nintendo's poor representation in Australia. The dude had all the personality and engagement of a fucking bank manager.

Pretty good day overall tho. Got into the draw a comic panel in the morning just on a whim and it was really good fun. The concert tonight was ace as well, although from the sounds of the bored teenagers behind me, I got the impression that younger Australians have zero knowledge of NES music and found the Minibosses to just be annoying noise. I was in heaven tho.

I saw a bunch of you guys playing board games but had to run off with a friend of mine before I got a chance to say hello. Hopefully will run into more tomorrow if I go


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I'll be shortly leaving the wargaming party. Where you cunts at?


The most fun I had today was playing Basic d&d. HOLY CRAP THAT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!

Tomorrow I'm just gonna go in, buy some merch, and then hightail it. My legs can't take it any more :)


Posting on GAF while I'm partying at a nightclub. Have a glass of Jim Bean cola next to me. That is all.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Are you guys still there?


I'll be shortly leaving the wargaming party. Where you cunts at?

Got turned away at the door. Damn Rsvps. So did gamespot, though, so I'm in good company.
Ended up at some other party with an open bar, but at that point it was so late it was the most I could do to grab a bulmers and hightail it outta there.


Just had an interesting conversation about religion and kingdom hearts with this girl at the club just then.
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